Re: [racket-users] Racket for Kids in 2017

2017-05-28 Thread ylluminate
Some really good thoughts there.  I think key is to have some initial 
structured content to give him a springboard and then allow him to build out 
from there.  

LOL, yes, I agree wrt keeping web programmer (specifically JS) influences away 
to avoid brain rot! :D  Even though my older son started with JS, he was able 
to have some serious balance to his understanding with my CS background which 
ultimately helped him to really go down the proper paths and to see things as 
they really are.  Worlds of help (and yeah, the 80's methodology of hack it 
until you crack it really helps).  One reason I throw Unix systems at them 
initially so that they can start learning that the shell is a useful thing... :)

On Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 2:06:55 AM UTC-4, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> Have you looked at HtDP?  I'm guessing it's still too "old" for any 10yo 
> (you might have to wait until 12, at least), but worth a look, so you 
> have some sense when to introduce it later.
> One option is to make this constructionist self-directed, with a 
> helper.  Specifically, find out something he wants to start making or 
> doing first, and have older brother give him pointers on how to get 
> started.  For example, if he wants to start playing with graphics, older 
> brother can show him how to minimally operate DrRacket, an example of 
> graphics, how to modify it, and where's some documentation for doing 
> other things with graphics.  Then brother is available occasionally for 
> questions and tips (say, he wants to draw a car, and this car has 2 
> wheels, and brother might show him how do abstract that into a 
> `draw-wheel` procedure, even though the kid has probably not yet been 
> exposed to any algebra (he doesn't have to understand variables, to 
> start modifying an example, and incidentally starting to learn some 
> algebra without being explicitly told about it).  And lots of unattended 
> time to figure things out and play on his own.
> Similar with animations, music, games.
> Maybe get a friend or two of the same age also learning this way, so 
> they can learn from and inspire each other, work on things together, 
> etc.  But be careful that all of them stay encouraged, and you don't get 
> a situation like one of them getting a head start and consequently 
> feeling like they're "good at this", and the other feeling like they're 
> "bad at this", which are self-fulfilling perceptions.
> There are also language platforms specifically designed for young 
> children.  But don't discount the potential of throwing a young child at 
> a computer with only non-child software on it, and let them figure out 
> how to do what they want, much on their own.  That's how the early-1980s 
> home computer kids got started, and that worked out pretty well.  Just 
> keep nudging towards increasing technical sophistication, as the child 
> is ready.  (And keep child away from modern Web programmer talk as long 
> as possible, to avoid rotting brain during a crucial formative period. :)

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Re: [racket-users] Racket for Kids in 2017

2017-05-28 Thread ylluminate
Matthias, thanks for that. So essentially the scripted components are available 
in different focuses (e.g., HoC, Algebra, Reactive, Data Science, & Physics) 

Correct?  Are these to be used in a stepwise fashion moving from HoC to Algebra 
to Reactive, etc? 

It seems that after these are completed, you then recommend the "After 
Bootstrap" links.

On Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 4:28:33 PM UTC-4, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> On May 28, 2017, at 1:23 AM, ylluminate <> wrote:
> I have a older teen who's been programming for the last several years and is 
> remarkably talented.  His younger brother is now wanting to get going (10).
> My older son started with JS, learned how to hate it, and moved on to Ruby 
> (specifically Opal has a special place in his heart as far as isomorphic dev 
> goes).  From there he's worked with a number of other languages, including 
> Racket.  The nice thing about JS at the time was that he used Codecademy with 
> their rapid turn around repl + visual results.  After a good bit of 
> discussion, it really seems that Racket mostly matches this need and provides 
> an even superior foothold for one just starting.
> Initially I really thought that "Realm of Racket" would be an ideal 
> springboard for him, but some reviews have made me think otherwise.
> Does anyone have a solid recommendation for starting kids off with Racket in 
> 2017?  Are there any kid-centric courses?
> You should check into It is the middle school part of 
> our outreach project. It comes with a scripted curriculum that introduces 
> video programming via very simple Racket. See for the IDE. The 
> curriculum is a simplification and adaptation of How to Design Programs 
> (HtDP) for kids in the 10-14 age range. You can also use DrRacket and its 
> Beginning Student Language (BSL) if you wish to work off-line. If a package 
> fails to meet the advertised standard, holler and we will fix it. (We 
> occasionally diverge here.) [FWIW, this form of coding is isomorphic to the 
> math kids learn at the same grade level. We dont tell them in case they don’t 
> like math. So even if your teenager does not go on to become the next 
> Facebook creator with his Racket skills, he will have learned and re-inforced 
> a much more valuable skill.]
> The second step could be Bootstrap II (but that’s in a different language) or 
> HtDP or both, sequenced in this order. 
> Realm of Racket is NOT intended for plain beginners. It says so in the 
> Preface. We really tried hard to clarify that we assume some basic 
> programming knowledge, such as HtDP or something else (not necessarily 
> Racket). I don’t know which reviews you found but I sure hope they 
> acknowledge that we already say it’s not intended for 10-year olds. 
> — Matthias

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[racket-users] DYLD, [0x1] Library missing (macOS 10.12)

2016-10-29 Thread ylluminate
Anyone see this on the snapshot builds yet when you try to execute DrRacket?

Process:   DrRacket [47564]
Path:  /Volumes/VOLUME/*/
Version: (
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:??? [1]
Responsible:   DrRacket [47564]
User ID:   501

Date/Time: 2016-10-29 03:45:47.090 -0400
OS Version:Mac OS X 10.12 (16A323)
Report Version:12
Anonymous UUID:C922F17F-2738-E434-EFFD-92FD7558E87E

Time Awake Since Boot: 38 seconds

System Integrity Protection: disabled

Crashed Thread:0

Exception Type:EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes:   0x, 0x

Termination Reason:DYLD, [0x1] Library missing

Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Dyld Error Message:
  Library not loaded: 
  Referenced from: /Volumes/VOLUME/*/
  Reason: image not found

Binary Images:
   0x10af3b000 -0x10af43ff7 +org.racket-lang.DrRacket ( - <89A5AB8A-5352-3D66-94F2-A5A902B0137F> 
   0x10e96c000 -0x10e9a91c7  dyld (421.1) 

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[racket-users] DrRacket et al not starting in Sierra (10.12)?

2016-10-17 Thread ylluminate
I'm able to start DrRacket up just fine in 10.12 via the shell (e.g., 
`/Applications/Racket\ v6.6/`), but double clicking 
the app just won't start.

Anyone else see this or know of a work around for this issue?

Same is true for all of the other apps in the `Racket v6.6` folder...

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