[racket-users] Drracket crashing on startup

2017-07-05 Thread Alasdair McAndrew
This morning, when I attempted to start Drracket from a terminal (I'm using 
Archlinux, 64 bit, with the most recently upgraded versions of Racket and 
Drracket), I obtained this error:

SIGSEGV MAPERR si_code 1 fault on addr 0xe8042caa
[2]26140 abort (core dumped)  drracket

A bit of web searching reveals that this error is not unknown, but I can't find 
the solution.  What I believe I can do is to log out and back in again, but 
that's a pain.

Does anybody here know how I can overcome this error other than restarting my 
login session?  Thanks!

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[racket-users] DrRacket crashing, preserved syntax properties, and (exn-message #t) ?

2016-04-23 Thread Alex Knauth

I'm trying out the new feature for marking syntax properties to be preserved 
when compiled.

It runs perfectly well on the command line, but it crashes DrRacket.

If I turn off background expansion, it doesn't crash immediately, but it does 
crash when I run it or click check-syntax. So then I tried running the macro 
stepper on the file. At some point in the middle of the steps, a DrRacket 
internal Error window came up with this message:

exn-message: contract violation
  expected: exn?
  given: #t
add-error method in step-display%
update* method in macro-stepper-widget%

Does this mean anything?

Alex Knauth

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[racket-users] DrRacket crashing?

2015-08-21 Thread Alexander D. Knauth
I have no idea what's been happening, but in the past half hour or so DrRacket 
has crashed on me (I think) 6 times.
I don't know if this will help but here is what was in the error window that my 
computer gave me:

Process: DrRacket [20469]
Identifier:  org.racket-lang.DrRacket
Version: 6.2.900.10 (6.2.900.10)
Code Type:   X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [165]
Responsible: DrRacket [20469]
User ID: 502

Date/Time:   2015-08-21 20:00:33.149 -0400
OS Version:  Mac OS X 10.9.5 (13F1096)
Report Version:  11
Anonymous UUID:  8ABEA743-D90C-CA8D-137C-2A4F0679E863

Sleep/Wake UUID: 09B771D9-37AF-4A41-A852-C8AC90205883

Crashed Thread:  7

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0008

VM Regions Near 0x8:
__TEXT 00010211e000-000102126000 [   32K] r-x/rwx 
SM=COW  /Applications/Racket/*/DrRacket.app/Contents/MacOS/DrRacket

Thread 0:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  0x7fff9039da1a mach_msg_trap + 10
1   libsystem_kernel.dylib  0x7fff9039cd18 mach_msg + 64
2   com.apple.CoreGraphics  0x7fff8e73a74b 
_CGSSynchronizeWindowBackingStore + 97
3   com.apple.CoreGraphics  0x7fff8e6bc24c _CGSLockWindow + 3765
4   com.apple.CoreGraphics  0x7fff8e6bb15f CGSDeviceLock + 240
5   libRIP.A.dylib  0x7fff8daf3487 ripd_Lock + 43
6   libRIP.A.dylib  0x7fff8daf3027 RIPLayerBltShape + 
7   libRIP.A.dylib  0x7fff8daf1468 ripc_Render + 304
8   libRIP.A.dylib  0x7fff8daed3b9 ripc_DrawRects + 399
9   com.apple.CoreGraphics  0x7fff8e6b7afa CGContextFillRects + 
10  com.apple.AppKit0x7fff94b52d46 
NSRectFillUsingOperation + 299
11  com.apple.AppKit0x7fff94c0f0bd 
NSDrawWindowBackground + 253
12  com.apple.AppKit0x7fff94b31d04 -[NSThemeFrame 
drawWindowBackgroundRect:] + 129
13  com.apple.AppKit0x7fff94b315d0 -[NSFrameView 
drawThemeContentFill:inView:] + 293
14  com.apple.AppKit0x7fff94c0e715 -[NSFrameView 
drawRect:] + 1124
15  com.apple.AppKit0x7fff94c0e28a -[NSThemeFrame 
drawRect:] + 302
16  com.apple.AppKit0x7fff94b2d0b1 -[NSView 
_drawRect:clip:] + 3846
17  com.apple.AppKit0x7fff94b2a03c -[NSView 
 + 3199
18  com.apple.AppKit0x7fff94b28eb1 -[NSThemeFrame 
 + 314
19  com.apple.AppKit0x7fff94b25e9f -[NSView 
_displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:] + 2828
20  com.apple.AppKit0x7fff94b052da -[NSView 
displayIfNeeded] + 1680
21  Racket  0x00010249ef5c ffi_call_unix64 + 76
22  Racket  0x00010249f82d ffi_call + 973
23  Racket  0x00010248b460 ffi_do_call + 2192
24  Racket  0x00010248abac 
ffi_do_call_after_stack_check + 268
25  ??? 0x0001035eb959 0 + 4351506777
26  Racket  0x000102191d20 scheme_do_eval + 
27  Racket  0x00010219286c 
_scheme_apply_multi_from_native + 364
28  ??? 0x00010357f01e 0 + 4351062046
29  ??? 0x00010358123d 0 + 4351070781
30  ??? 0x00010358123d 0 + 4351070781
31  Racket  0x000102191d20 scheme_do_eval + 
32  Racket  0x0001021c87ff 
scheme_finish_apply_for_prompt + 639
33  Racket  0x0001021c8b80 
scheme_apply_for_prompt + 112
34  Racket  0x0001021b8e94 call_with_prompt + 
35  ??? 0x0001035741d5 0 + 4351017429
36  Racket  0x000102191d20 scheme_do_eval + 
37  Racket  0x0001021c87ff 
scheme_finish_apply_for_prompt + 639
38  Racket  0x0001021c8b80 
scheme_apply_for_prompt + 112
39  Racket  0x0001021b8e94 call_with_prompt + 
40  ??? 0x0001035741d5 0 + 4351017429
41  ??? 0x0001035816eb 0 + 4351071979
42  Racket  0x000102191d20 scheme_do_eval + 
43  Racket