Update on the project to host an archive of the Racket Slack: I have been
directed to some privacy issues with the current proof-of-concept. Until 
issues are resolved, I have made the repository private and taken down the 

If you have a copy of the archive files or site, I must ask that you refrain
from using them publicly until those impacted have a chance to decide what 

If you wish to participate in the discussion, please join the Racket Slack 
and use the channel #slack-archive. You can also reach out privately to me 
Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, as we have become the organizers behind the archive. So
that I remain accountable and transparent, I would prefer any private
communication with me to include Sam.

The crux of the issue is data privacy: What data is in the archive? What 
are we
doing with private data? How are we using data from the archive? How are we
going to explain that to people? What will opt-in/opt-out look like? &c. 
details in Slack.

[1] https://racket.slack.com/
[2] https://racket-slack.herokuapp.com/

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