and hopefully no spam.

here is the link

On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 10:39 PM Stephen De Gabrielle <> wrote:

> Racket Discourse!
> Sam announced this on day two of RacketCon so it is public, but I thought
> I’d spread the word as not everyone was able to attend or watch all the
> videos yet.
> It is a bit like google groups in that you have a web interface and a
> mailing list mode.
> A (hopefully) real benefit of using Discourse is categories and tags
> *should* make it easier to find answers, rather than repeating the same
> questions. (I have been saved many times by being able search racket-users,
> but it gets harder over time.)
> It also has a ‘Questions and Help’ category for questions about the Racket
> languages.
> It is a new Discourse server, and the admins have created a site feedback
> category if you have problems, questions or suggestions about the Racket
> Discourse instance:
> Hope to see you there!
> Stephen
> PS signup is easy and you don’t need a google account.
> PPS Discourse is open source and the data can be retrieved.
> PPPS you have to enable ‘mailing list mode’ in your settings
> PPPPS it has dark mode!
> --
> ----

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