Hello all,

First of all, Spritely's website has finally launched:


If you're wondering what on earth I've been doing, and where all my work
is going, this is a good explaination as any.  There's also a video you
can see on that page that I gave for a presentation for ActivityPub
Conference 2020:


Also, here's a fun easter egg:


But of course, the main thing of interest to most racketeers is Spritely
Goblins, the ocap'y actor model'y distributed transactional programming
library thingy I've been building in Racket.  The most recent release
(v0.7) has added the beginings of distributed programming support:


However it isn't as easy to use as it could be.  More will be coming in
v0.8, which is when I can start recommending people start building
programs on top of it (and when I think we'll switch from alpha to

There is much more to say about Spritely Goblins, and I will be also
giving a talk at RacketCon about it, much more focused on the code side
than my APConf talk was.  (I'm still trying to restructure it based on
feedback!  Getting close!)  So more then.

 - Chris

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