I've been playing around with a simple AVL tree that uses the
split/join operations that Adams originally applied to weight-balanced
binary trees[1] and then Blelloch, Ferizovic, and Sun later applied to
other kinds of balanced binary trees.[2] The latter paper concentrates
on how certain operations (union, intersection, difference) are easily
parallelized with an implementation that uses this approach. In their
tests, they saw performance increase linearly up to around 32 cores.

I tried the same thing with futures on racket-cs (since I understand
that it has fewer blocking/synchronized operations than racket-c). On
my 8 core machine, performance is slightly better for a parallel
version of `union` (which is implemented exactly as Blelloch et al.
have it on the second page of their paper) but it's nowhere near a
linear speed-up. The parallel version completes a test in about 80% of
the time that the sequential version does.

The future-visualizer doesn't show any synchronizing or blocking
events (aside from the touches), though I also don't entirely
understand what it does show. What, for example, is indicated by a
thread that has only a very short green horizontal line? Is it just
idle for most of the time?

I'm using futures pretty much the same way that Dominik Pantůček is
using them in his `futures-sort` package, with a parallelism depth
computed from the number of cores available.[3] (Thank you for the
excellent example, by the way, Dominik.)

[1] http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/adams/BB/
[2] https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~guyb/papers/BFS16.pdf
[3] https://github.com/dzoep/futures-sort/blob/master/main.rkt#L338

My own code has:

(define (parallel-union t1 t2 cmp)
  (let loop ([t1 t1] [t2 t2] [depth (inexact->exact (ceiling (log
(processor-count) 2)))])
    (match* (t1 t2)
      [(#f _) t2]
      [(_ #f) t1]
      [(_ (node _ l2 (and (cons k2 _) kv2) r2))
       (define-values (l1 _ r1) (split t1 k2 cmp))
         [(fx<= depth 0)
          (define tl (loop l1 l2 (fx- depth 1)))
          (define tr (loop r1 r2 (fx- depth 1)))
          (join tl kv2 tr)]
          (define tl (future (λ () (loop l1 l2 (fx- depth 1)))))
          (define tr (loop r1 r2 (fx- depth 1)))
          (join (touch tl) kv2 tr)])])))

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