I’m having a great deal of fun working through The Little Typer. I’ve run into 
a problem that I’m sure has a simple solution, but I don’t know what it is. To 
understand my question, let me first give a simple example.

Here’s a dependent type that’s uninhabited when n is zero:

#lang pie

(claim no-zero-please (-> Nat U))
(define no-zero-please
  (λ (n)
    (rec-Nat n
      (λ (n-1 prev) Trivial))))

(the (no-zero-please 2) sole)
(the (no-zero-please 1) sole)
;;; (no-zero-please 0) is uninhabited

Note the use of rec-Nat, which doesn’t require a motive. What if we use 
ind-Nat, instead? Uh oh:

#lang pie

(claim no-zero-please (-> Nat U))
(define no-zero-please
  (λ (n)
    (ind-Nat n
      ;; this doesn't work:
      (λ (n) U)
      (λ (n-1 prev) Trivial))))

(the (no-zero-please 2) sole)
(the (no-zero-please 1) sole)
;;; (no-zero-please 0) is uninhabited

The problem is that the motive has to have the type (-> Nat U), and U doesn’t 
have type U. The rec-Nat works because no motive is necessary.

This raises the question of whether ind-Nat is strictly more expressive than 
rec-Nat, but in the case of Either, the problem is more severe.

I wanted to try to formulate a type that was uninhabited for n=0 and n=1, and I 
thought I was getting there when I formulated a ternary type and
paired it with a type in a rec-Nat:

#lang pie

(claim discrete-3 U)
(define discrete-3 (Either (Either Trivial Trivial) Trivial))

(claim zogo (-> Nat (Pair discrete-3 U)))
(define zogo
  (λ (n)
    (rec-Nat n
      (the (Pair discrete-3 U) (cons (left (left sole)) Absurd))
      (λ (n-1 prev)
        (ind-Either (car prev)
          ;; oh no! can't type check motive:
          (λ (dc) (Pair discrete-3 U))
          (λ (inner) (ind-Either inner
                       (λ (dc) (Pair discrete-3 U))
                       (λ (dc) (cons (left (right sole)) Absurd))
                       (λ (dc) (cons (right sole) Trivial))))
          (λ (dc) (cons (right sole) Trivial)))))))

The problem is that in this case, AFAICT, there’s no “non-motive” version of 

Am I missing something obvious?

Thanks in advance!


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