[Radiant] active link

2008-07-04 Thread Vladimir Beran
li r:if_ancestor_or_selfclass=active/r:if_ancestor_or_self
  a href=r:url /
 r:title /

If anybody visit web the content of first children of root site will
appear. But URL is root one something like www.web.com and no LI element
mentioned above use class active. I need the first child of root site
use this class (as the URL was like www.web.com/slug-of-first-child),

thank you
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[Radiant] Re: Settings Extension for easy access to configuration

2008-07-04 Thread Ben Morrow
Alex Wayne wrote:
 I whipped up a quick extension today that some might find useful.  I
 searched around a little and didn't come with any solutions that I was
 happy with, form a functional or aesthetic standpoint.

I was wondering if something like this was possible.

It looks great, Alex.  I'll definitely be using this.
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Re: [Radiant] Settings Extension for easy access to configuration

2008-07-04 Thread Chris Parrish

Alex Wayne wrote:

I whipped up a quick extension today that some might find useful.  I
searched around a little and didn't come with any solutions that I was
happy with, form a functional or aesthetic standpoint.

Nice work.

It adds a Settings tab that provides a nice looking interface to
configuration settings.  You can easily rebrand your admin with a title
and subtitle, set default page parts and publishing status, all with the
settings that Radiant supports already.

If you're an extension developer and you want to store some settings in
the Radiant::Config model, those settings will show up on this tab

One caution, here.  The SnS extension does use Radiant::Config so this 
should give you access to those settings.  However, the extension has 
it's own interface: StylesNScripts::Config which also offers validations 
(makes sure you don't use invalid path names for your css files, say).  
This won't cause any problems if you're careful about how you set things 
but I could see an extension having even more going on (like needing to 
spawn other methods when setting a value).

I guess my point here is to know what you're setting and how that 
application/extension will handle your twiddling.

This is a general solution for any configuration settings, but most
sites probably won't need it, since many of this is set it and forget
it.  However, one thing I would like to integrated in radiant core
somewhere is a more specific preference pane.  A page designed to set
all the config options with a more specific and UI, rather than just a
list of variables.

Is that something you think belongs in Radiant core or not?

I've brought this point up as something I think core needs.  And I think 
it is something that I think John is planning to release in the near 
term.  So I'm with you 100%

Where I'd approach it differently is in two areas:

   * I think Radiant needs a place to store settings (both for its own
 settings and for extension settings).  This way the content lives
 in one area of the admin panel and settings are located
 elsewhere.  For example, today, content goes in tabs and many of
 Radiant's settings have their own UI space (users, and extensions)

   * Just like extensions let you add tabs, Radiant should let you plug
 into the settings area.  That way extension developers can write
 their own validations, create their ideal UI and also keep users
 away from the actual db storage.

But of course, that's a much bigger task and really belongs as a core thing.


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Re: [Radiant] Event organizing extension for Radiant

2008-07-04 Thread aslak hellesoy
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 9:32 PM, Tim Gossett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sounds promising. How are you handling the processing of fees?

We'll be processing fees manually. I'm only planning to add simple
auditing so we can keep track of who has paid. We don't have time to
make a lot of fancypants features, our conference will open
registration in August. It would be great if someone else added
support for ActiveMerchant though.


 Tim Gossett
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