Looks like it's time for another release of Radiant:


Radiant 0.8.1 Luster sports numerous enhancements to extensions, most notably:
Rails metal and Cucumber features are supported; the Rails configuration is
accessible; inter-extension dependencies can be declared before activation.
This release also includes support for IBM DB2 and corrects some bugs with
the admin interface and caching system.


Radiant is a no-fluff content management system made for designers and
programmers and is ideal for use on small teams. It is similar to
Movable Type or Textpattern, but is much more than a blogging engine.

Radiant features:

  * An elegant user interface
  * The ability to arrange pages in a hierarchy
  * Flexible templating with layouts, snippets, page parts, and a
    custom tagging language (Radius: http://radius.rubyforge.org)
  * A dynamic extension system
  * A simple user management/permissions system
  * Support for Markdown and Textile as well as traditional HTML
    (it's easy to create other filters)
  * Operates in two modes: dev and production depending on the URL
  * A caching system which expires pages every 5 minutes
  * Built using Ruby on Rails (which means that extending Radiant is
    as easy as any other Rails application)
  * Licensed under the MIT-License
  * And much more...

There's even a live demo over on the project Web site:



* Move default cache location to tmp. [Sean Cribbs]
* Upgrade Rails and dataset. [Sean Cribbs]
* Updated README and INSTALL. [John Long]
* Don't use Symbol#to_proc in initializer because ActiveSupport hasn't
 loaded yet.
* Fix links to Textile reference in the wake of _why's disappearance.
 [Jason Garber]
* Correct bug when submitting a POST to a cached page. [Sean Cribbs]
* Fix typo in generator for features task. [Jim Gay]
* Page parts may already be marked for destruction, don't explicitly set
 false. [Kunal Shah]
* Merge latest version of Radius [Kunal Shah]
* Helpers for extension_enabled? [Kunal Shah]
* Respond to show methods with xml rendering [Jeremy Stephens]
* Support DB2 [Antonio Cangiano]
* Properly check for existing page parts when creating a new part. [alexmek]
* Use the correct variable name so the extension name is part of the output.
[John Muhl]
* Generate Cucumber support for extensions [Jim Gay]
* Require Cucumber version 0.3.9 or greater in cucumber.rake [Jim Gay]
* Set generated extensions to require 'application_controller' [Jim Gay]
* Add import/export tasks for Radiant::Config [Jim Gay]
* Set Radiant::Config to cache info in the Rails.cache [Jim Gay]
* Markup fixes [Justin Blecher, Alex Wallace]
* Use Rails for time zone handling [Kunal Shah, Josh French]
* Allow extensions to declare dependencies [Josh French]
* Expose Rails configuration to extensions. [Josh French]
* Set template_name for all resourceful action types [Josh French]
* Load Metal from Extensions [Jim Gay]


We've worked hard to make it easy to install Radiant. For starters you
can download it with Ruby Gems:

 % gem install radiant

Once the Radiant gem is installed you have access to the `radiant`
command. The `radiant` command is similar to the `rails` command (if you
are from the Rails world. It's how you generate a new Radiant project
for a website. So `cd` to the directory where you would like your
instance to be installed and type:

 % radiant -d [mysql|postgres|sqlite3|sqlserver|db2] .

Next, edit config/database.yml to taste. Then run the rake bootstrap task:

 % rake production db:bootstrap

And start up the test server:

 % script/server -e production

Finally, hit the /admin/ URL and you should be off to the races. See the
README file in the release for additional details.

If you are interested in other download options, visit the download
page: http://radiantcms.org/download/.


1. Update the Radiant gem:

  % gem update radiant

2. Change the RADIANT_GEM_VERSION constant in config/environment.rb
   to "0.8.1".

3. Restart the server

UPGRADING FROM 0.6.0 - 0.7.1

1. Update the Radiant gem:

  % gem update radiant

2. Backup your database and config/database.yml.

3. Run the radiant command on top of your existing project replace the
  old configuration.

  % radiant path/to/my_project

4. Verify that config/database.yml is correct or restore the backup.

5. Run migrations:

  % rake production db:migrate

6. Restart the server


The upgrade process changed several times since 0.5.x, so listen
up! To upgrade an existing installation, BACKUP YOUR DATABASE, update
the gem, and create a new Radiant project using the instructions above.
Then point Radiant to the right database by editing config/database.yml
and execute the following command in your project directory:

% rake db:migrate

If you have problems during the upgrade, please let us know.


Radiant wouldn't be possible without the help of some fine people. The
following people have made contributions to this release:

John Long       Sean Cribbs       Antonio Cangiano
alexmek         Jeremy Stephens   John Muhl
Alex Wallace    Justin Blecher    Kunal Shah
Jim Gay         Josh French

Thanks guys! If you'd like to hop on the development band wagon head on
over to our dev site (http://dev.radiantcms.org/).


The best place to get support is definitely on the Radiant mailing list.
There's a crowd of people there who have been hanging around for many
moons now. Newbie questions are welcome! To sign up, go to:


The Radiant mailing list is also accessible via Ruby forum:



Sean Cribbs
for the Radiant CMS Dev Team
Radiant mailing list
Post:   Radiant@radiantcms.org
Search: http://radiantcms.org/mailing-list/search/
Site:   http://lists.radiantcms.org/mailman/listinfo/radiant

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