More info:

I’m excited to announce that we are planning another Radiant CMS Sprint in December.

== What

A day-long hackfest to help finish some features for the 0.7 release of Radiant CMS. The official goals are—refactoring the admin controllers toward REST, continuing work on the new UI, adding blogging features, improving the extension registry, and writing more documentation.

== When

Saturday, December 13, 2008, 9:00am-6:00pm

== Where

Red Hat
1801 Varsity Dr
Raleigh, NC 27606

== Who

Members of the Radiant dev team and anyone else who wants to attend - hopefully you!

THIS IS NOT A CONFERENCE! The focus is on hacking out a lot of code/ design/documentation in a short amount of time. We encourage anyone who can contribute their code, web design, or writing skills to attend. If you’ll be coding, it would be good to have a working knowledge of Rails, RSpec, and Git — bonus points if you’ve worked on Radiant before, built extensions, or have experience with RESTful controller design and web-services. If you are interested in helping with the design, it would be good to have a working knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image manipulation. If you want to do documentation, we expect you to be able to write clearly and use the Radiant wiki.

After the hackfest a group of us will probably go out to one of the nearby restaurants for some of the local fair.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP on the Raleigh Ruby Brigade's meetup page:

Interested in sponsoring some food, drink, or swag for the attendees? Contact me or Sean Cribbs privately.

John Long
Radiant mailing list

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