Update: Comments are now half working.

In /admin/pages, there's a "comments" column, but when I click to 
"Enable" an article, it generates an application error page. When I 
refresh /admin/pages, the "Enable" button has changed to "0 comments." 
And the "enable_comments" column in database table "pages" was correctly 
set to TRUE.

I then manually set all the "enable_comments" values to TRUE for all my 
blog posts. After refreshing /admin/pages, the "Enable" buttons were all 
replaced by "0 comments."

The comment forms appear correctly. And I was able to post a test 
comment. I saw it. But then it disappeared.

It see the comment in the "comments" table of the database, but the 
"approved_at" and "approved_by" fields are blank.

I have no idea how to approve it because the comments-related admin 
pages (including the "Contents" tab in /admin/pages, which points to 
/admin/comments/unapproved) all generate application errors.

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