On 10 Feb 2009, at 20:51, Tony Davis wrote:

I would like to use a design template that consists of a number of image
files and a few css files in my radiant project.

I am used to regular rails programming and I would add them to the publc/css
directory (and similar for images). How do I add them to radiant ?

You can put stylesheets in public/stylesheets, and images in public/ images, and they will be available to your Radiant site.

If you want to be able to upload new images through the web interface (rather than using ftp, or capistrano deployment), then you would probably want to use an asset management extension. You have a choice:


Try them both out, and see which you prefer.

If you want to be able to edit your CSS files through the web interface, the simplest way is to create a Page in the sitemap, and use the "Stylesheet" layout. Take a look at the styled blog template for an example of how this is done. An alternative is to install the "styles'n'scripts" extension:


I hope that doesn't leave you paralysed by the choices!

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