[Radiant] Strange p and br / rendering in views

2009-10-14 Thread qutic development

Hi Folks,

hope you can help me with a strange issue I have with radiant 0.8.1

I am using the share_layouts extension to render a standard crud mvc  
(not admin) for an extension I am writing.

But the following code is rendered with extra p and br html tags!

% form_for :visitor, :url = visitors_path do |f| -%
td%= f.label( :login) %/td
td%= f.text_field(:login) %

Every new line in this form is rendered with an extra br / and lines  
with only a line-feet (for better code reading) are rendered as a p  

Can´t find the code where this happens :-|

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Re: [Radiant] Strange p and br / rendering in views

2009-10-14 Thread qutic development

Good idea, but does nor change the behaviour.

Also strange is that the value of a text_area is rendered with extra  
br /.

On 14.10.2009, at 17:29, Mohit Sindhwani wrote:

Do you want to try to see if terminating it with -% works better?

% some_code -%


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Re: [Radiant] Strange p and br / rendering in views (solved)

2009-10-14 Thread qutic development

Thanks a lot Mohit! You saved my day! That is it!

Now all is rendered like it should be ;-)

On 14.10.2009, at 18:20, Mohit Sindhwani wrote:

You could wrap the offending bit in notextile

Radiant mailing list
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Re: [Radiant] Mailer extension not working, but doesn't give much clues why not

2009-10-15 Thread qutic development
Do you send the mail directly with the Ubuntu machine? Is postfix or  
whatever you use running?

If you try to deliver the mail not over the Ubuntu machine, you need  
to specify an account (to prevent an open relay...):

ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
  :address= my.mailserver.com,
  :domain = example.com,
  :port   = 25,
  :authentication = :plain, # or whatever you need
  :user_name  = my.usern...@example.com,
  :password   = abcdefg


On 15.10.2009, at 14:36, Simon Rönnqvist wrote:


I've been spending half night and half day trying to figure out why  
my mailer extension isn't working properly. When I hosted the site  
at a Dreamhost PS (using passenger) everything worked just fine. Now  
when hosting on a Ubuntu Hardy server running Ruby Enterprise  
Edition + passenger it just redirects from the form at http://xhtml.fi/contact 
 to http://xhtml.fi/pages/12/mail#mailer, no mail is being sent and  
the production.log says:

Processing MailController#create (for at 2009-10-15  
15:06:39) [POST]
 Session ID:  

 Parameters: {page_id=12, action=create,  
mailer={message=Test message, name=Simon, email=si...@iki.fi 
}, controller=mail}

Sent mail to i...@xhtml.fi
Completed in 0.19994 (5 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00032 (0%) | DB:  
0.00402 (2%) | 200 OK [http://xhtml.fi/pages/12/mail]

I've tried different smtp-settings in environment.rb primarily:
   ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
 :address = smtp.MY-HOSTING-COMPANY
...at Dreamhost it worked without that setting deafulting to  
localhost I guess.
You are free to test at http://xhtml.fi/contact and compare to how  
it works at http://old.xhtml.fi/contact when hosted at Dreamhost.

Might there be some gem that I'm missing? Otherwise I don't know  
what I might be missing, since I'm using Radiant 0.7.1 checked out  
right from the repo (with Rails in vendor). I'm using these  

 archive enkoder_tags multi_sitetextile_filter
 archive_page_order  mailer   page_attachments
 drag_order  markdown_filter  textile_editor
(Multi site is this version, that hides other sites than their own  
from normal users. http://github.com/sniemela/radiant-multi-site-extension 
 ) Anyways... all of this works on Dreamhost. One funny thing though  
is that sometime the http://xhtml.fi/pages/12/mail#mailer page  
throws in some content from another of my multi_site sites.

And here's a list of the gems that I've got installed at the new  

actionmailer (2.3.4, 2.3.3, 2.3.2)
actionpack (2.3.4, 2.3.3, 2.3.2)
activerecord (2.3.4, 2.3.3, 2.3.2)
activeresource (2.3.4, 2.3.3, 2.3.2)
activesupport (2.3.4, 2.3.3, 2.3.2)
fastthread (1.0.7)
mysql (2.7)
passenger (2.2.5)
postgres (
rack (1.0.0)
radiant (0.8.1, 0.8.0, 0.7.1)
rails (2.3.4, 2.3.3, 2.3.2)
rake (0.8.7, 0.8.4)
RedCloth (4.2.2, 4.1.9)
rmagick (2.11.0, 2.10.0)
rspec (1.2.9, 1.2.8, 1.2.6)
rspec-rails (, 1.2.6)
rubygems-update (1.3.5)
sqlite3-ruby (1.2.5, 1.2.4)

Just let me know if you want me to provide any more info, since I'm  
pretty clueless and don't really know what hints could be useful.  
Any help is very much appreciated!

 cheers, Simon
PS. I tried using just the mail-function in php and that didn't get  
the mail delivered either (that is without using any other smtp- 

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Radiant mailing list
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Re: [Radiant] Is the RedCloth extensions known not to work with 0.8.1?

2009-10-18 Thread qutic development

Isn´t there a dot missing?

*(class1). List Item One


On 15.10.2009, at 23:53, Nate Turnage wrote:

*(class1) List Item One

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[Radiant] authentication state and shared_layout question

2009-10-30 Thread qutic development
Hopefully someone can help me with this:

I am developing a visitor extension with signup, login, logout using  
restful_authentication plugin and the shared_layout extension to use  
radiant layout with my own controllers. This works all fine.

Now I need a radiant tag rendering 'login, signup' if the visitor is  
not logged in and 'logout' if the visitor is logged in.

The problem is that I do not have access to the session in the tag  
helper... For normal radiant pages I use this in my visitor_extension.rb

def activate
   Page.class_eval do
 attr_accessor :visitor_logged_in
   SiteController.class_eval do
 include AuthenticatedSystem # for visitor authentication
 after_filter :store_location # for 'redirect_back_or_default'  
 def show_page
   ...some code before
   @page.visitor_logged_in = visitor_logged_in?
   ...some code after

Now I can access page.visitor_logged_in in the tag helper - but not  
for my own controllers.

Is there a way to get the session data in the tag helper? If not: how  
can I add this to the shared_layout extension?

I am using no cache ;-) And don´t want to use JavaScript!

Thanks a lot
Radiant mailing list
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Re: [Radiant] authentication state and shared_layout question (solved)

2009-10-30 Thread qutic development
Maybe some is interested in the solution of my problem:

I am using a cattr_accessor (class) instead of a attr_accessor  
(instance) - that´s it ;-)

Radiant mailing list
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Re: [Radiant] Radiant performance

2010-01-04 Thread qutic development
You might check out Rack::Bug to get an idea why the rendering time is  
that high:


Best regards

On 04.01.2010, at 09:06, Christian Aust wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've set up my new website http://software-consultant.net/ using  
 Radiant 0.8.1 and a bunch of extensions. In particular, I use

 * Archive
 * Feed-Reader
 * Markdown
 * Blog
 * Nested layouts
 * Paperclipped attachments
 * Reorder
 * Tags
 * Thinking-Sphinx search
 * Navigation tags
 * Sitemap
 * Filesystem Import/Export

 For production, the site is running on a dual-core AMD server, 6GB  
 RAM with a hardware RAID-1 under 64bit Ubuntu 8.0.4 LTS - pretty  
 decent hosting for what is basically a low-profile site. However, it  
 takes Apache2/Passenger several seconds (~2 seconds, sometimes up to  
 3) to fully render a page, and from the rails logs I assume that  
 it's not Apache being responsible for the delay. From the current log:

 Processing SiteController#show_page (for at  
 2010-01-04 08:58:57) [GET]
  Parameters: {action=show_page, url=[projekte, redesign- 
 webdynpro-java], controller=site}
 Completed in 1792ms (DB: 40) | 200 

 My layout consists of a master template, a page template for most  
 of the stuff and a project template inside page for URLs like  
 the one mentioned above. No recursion involved. I've got ~50 pages  
 and 8 snippets.

 I suspect feedreader to connect to the RSS source for every request,  
 which I will look into next. Removing the feedreader snippet from  
 the layout doesn't show much improvement though, so what's taking  
 Radiant so long?

 I've got other rails applications on the very same setup that act  
 quickly, so I guess it's not a general problem with my installation.  
 Any comments? Your help is appreciated very much. Kind regards,

 Radiant mailing list
 Post:   Radiant@radiantcms.org
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 Site:   http://lists.radiantcms.org/mailman/listinfo/radiant

Radiant mailing list
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Re: [Radiant] Configuring the admin panel

2010-01-25 Thread qutic development
'https' is always configured in apache (or nginx, etc). To make  
radiant work with ssl you can use this extension:


On 24.01.2010, at 22:11, Paul Fox wrote:

 I need the admin console to be accessible from anywhere via https on
 port 443 (to protect passwords). Is this something configured in the  
 passenger module, or in radiant? How do I configure this?

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Re: [Radiant] Configuring the admin panel

2010-01-25 Thread qutic development
On 25.01.2010, at 15:58, Paul Fox wrote:

 I don't have write access to the apache config,
 and the admin doesn't know anything about rails,

The admin do not need to know anything about rails. It is all standard  
apache ssl config stuff.

 so I really need to be able
 to hand him a working config the first time around.

You find useful apache/passenger config extensions (like: RailsEnv  
production) in the passenger docs:

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