[Radiant] Re: undefined method `match' - when testing extension features with cucumber and webrat

2011-02-09 Thread nico
I needed to use rack 1.1 or greater, so I patched part of the process
method in module ActionController::Integration::Session like so:

set_cookie_header_prepared = @headers['Set-Cookie'].is_a?(String) ?
  @headers['Set-Cookie'] :

(set_cookie_header_prepared || ).split(\n).each do |cookie|   #
Patched to be compatible with rack  1.0.1 !!
  name, value = cookie.match(/^([^=]*)=([^;]*);/)[1,2]
  @cookies[name] = value

Now my test work fine!

On 22 Dez. 2010, 01:58, Enrico Teotti enrico.teo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Stan,
 today when I was running my cuke features on a Rails app I had exactly
 the same problem you had.

 undefined method `match' for #Array:0x10a770a78 (NoMethodError)

 This was a fresh install, the same features were running fine on my
 office workstation.

 These are the gems of my Rails (2.3.4) app:


 And after two hours of hammering my head, and right before deciding to
 stop working in IT and open a bar on a lonely beach on a remote
 island... I found out that the error was caused by:

 rack (1.2.1)

 rolling it back to rack 1.0 (and even 1.0.1) solved the problem for me.

 It's not a Radiant related problem, but I really hope by posting my
 solution I'll save some time to the future generation (I hope nobody)
 who might incur in this cryptic problem,


 Enrico Teotti
 IT consultant, accessible web sites and web applications
 currently working @http://www.redant.com.au
 Sydney, NSW, Australia
 mobile (AU) +00610416748450


[Radiant] Navigation question

2011-02-09 Thread alan
Forgive me if this seems a bit simplistic I am new to Radiant

this is what I have on the main page

  table class=parsha_main border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2
td style=vertical-align: top; text-align: center;
  a href=bereshit-genesis-1-16-8/bereshit-crafts
  img src=/images/parsha/craft.png style=width: 120px;
height: 120px; //a
td style=vertical-align: top; text-align: center;
  a href=bereshit-genesis-1-16-8/bereshit-worksheet
  img src=/images/parsha/worksheet.png style=width: 120px;
height: 120px; //a
td style=vertical-align: top; text-align: center;
  a href=bereshit-genesis-1-16-8/bereshit-puzzle
  img src=/images/parsha/puzzle.png style=width: 120px;
height: 120px; //a
td style=vertical-align: top; text-align: center;
  a href=bereshit-genesis-1-16-8/bereshit-hebrew-vocabulary
  img src=/images/parsha/vocabulary.png style=width:
120px; height: 120px; //a
td style=vertical-align: top; text-align: center;
  a href=bereshit-genesis-1-16-8/bereshit-quiz
  img src=/images/parsha/quiz.png style=width: 120px;
height: 120px; //a
td style=vertical-align: top; text-align: center;
  a href=bereshit-genesis-1-16-8/bereshit-haftara
  img src=/images/parsha/haftarah.png style=width: 120px;
height: 120px; //a
td style=vertical-align: top; text-align: center;
  a href=bereshit-genesis-1-16-8/bereshit-hebrew-1st-aliyah
  img src=/images/parsha/parsha_in_hebrew.png style=width:
120px; height: 120px; //a

When I put the table on sub pages the links do not work - they seem to
just append to the url that they are coming from

[Radiant] Navigation problems

2011-02-09 Thread alan
New to Radiant - I checked out the documentation but I am still having
problems linking pages.

Here is the Hierarchy:

 - Book

Re: [Radiant] Navigation question

2011-02-09 Thread William Ross
On 10 Feb 2011, at 02:37, a...@akhlah.com wrote:

 Forgive me if this seems a bit simplistic I am new to Radiant
 this is what I have on the main page
  table class=parsha_main border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2
td style=vertical-align: top; text-align: center;
  a href=bereshit-genesis-1-16-8/bereshit-hebrew-1st-aliyah
  img src=/images/parsha/parsha_in_hebrew.png style=width:
 120px; height: 120px; //a
 When I put the table on sub pages the links do not work - they seem to
 just append to the url that they are coming from

This is just how html linking works: A destination in the form /somewhere is 
absolute - that is, relative to the root of your site - but a link in the form 
somewhere with no initial slash is relative to the address of the page on 
which it sits. If you move it to a subpage it will point to a descendant of 
that page. In this case all you need to do is put a / at the beginning of each 

In rails apps relative links can be slightly troublesome anyway: our routing 
means that /page and /page/ will both render correctly, but the web browser 
sees one as a file and one as a subfolder and links from them differently. 
/links tend to work best.



ps. more at 