[Radiant] Why isn't Radiant CMS more popular?

2015-05-26 Thread jacob decosta
I am relatively new to Ruby on Rails, and CMS.  Radiant seems like it has so 
much potential?  What are its weaknesses.  I would just like an honest 
evaluation of the product, before I put hours into developement?  Sorry, if 
this has been asked before.  


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[Radiant] reset your admin password: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Could not find table 'users'

2015-05-26 Thread tyon
Hi all!

I need to reset my admin password, but I'm getting the following error:

utyon@utyon:~/dentalcarehb$ script/console production
 NOTE: Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. It will be 
 removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem.source_index called from /home/utyon/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/
 Loading production environment (Rails 2.3.18)
 NOTE: Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. It will be 
 removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem.source_index called from /home/utyon/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/
 active_support/inflector.rb:3:in `top (required)': iconv will be 
 deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead.
  user = User.find_by_login('admin')
 ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Could not find table 'users'
 `block in table_structure'
 from /home/utyon/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/activerecord-2.3.18/
 from /home/utyon/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/activerecord-2.3.18/
 lib/active_record/base.rb:1318:in `column_names'
 `block in all_attributes_exists?'
 from /home/utyon/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/activerecord-2.3.18/
 lib/active_record/base.rb:2029:in `each'
 from /home/utyon/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/activerecord-2.3.18/
 lib/active_record/base.rb:1876:in `method_missing'
 from (irb):1
 from /home/utyon/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p551/bin/irb:12:in `main'

 I'd appreciate any advise.



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[Radiant] radiantcms and config.ru

2015-05-26 Thread Евгений Дементьев
any can help run passenger 5?

 There should be a 
If it's not there, Passenger will not detect the app as a Ruby app.

 see more


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