
ryanm schrieb:
> Has anyone implemented a way to keep 2/4/6 phone lines open by
> booting the user who has been logged on the longest?? Where we
> have 200 modems in a pool the ppl that have been on the longest
> are usually the ppl who are trying to stay on 24/7. We want to
> keep 2-4 phone lines open so a user will never get a busy signal.
> Also does anyone know if it is possible to disconnect users who
> are pinging servers to stay online?? I want to boot users who
> are not doing anything for hours on end trying to stay connected
> or whatever.

It depends on the NAS Box. With Ascend you can do this.
What box do you have?

Karl Gaissmaier          Computing Center,University of Ulm,Germany
Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]          Network Administration
Tel/Fax: ++49 731 50 22499/22471
pgp-key available: http://www.uni-ulm.de/urz/Netzwerk/uuca/keylist.html

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