Locutus1967 wrote: 
> My SB Radio was up for 4-5 days and I had never seen it last that long,
> but this morning it disconnected from the wifi again...so alas...problem
> not solved.

The use of port forwarding to solve the SB Radio problem did not make
any sense to me, but I am not wireless or networking expert.  If you
read through this thread the interference can be caused by a neighbor
using Wifi6 standard.  I am reasonably confident from my testing and
others observations, the problem is related to Wifi6.  The location of
the radio can be a factor.  Two of my Radios would drop within a day,
but a third in the kitchen did not have a problem.  However, when my
wife relocated the Instapot coooker that was near Radio, the kitchen
radio now occasionally drops from the network.  Now I might be a
believer in the faraday cage type attempts to reduce the strength of
interfering signals.  

Have you tried installing Wlanpoke?  For me, it did not entirely resolve
the problem dropping off the network, but reduce it to once a week.  The
best solution is to bypass the internal wifi with an Ethernet to Wifi

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