Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Is anybody else sticking with Squeezebox solely because of the Radios?

2016-08-26 Thread atrocity

wortgefecht wrote: 
> Honestly, in my opinion, the Radios are my least favourite players.

Same no small part because the one Radio I bought only lasted
a few years before self-destructing.  All my other Logitech hardware
still works.

Since no one could repair the radio, I "replaced" it by connecting an
SB3 to computer speakers.  That gives me stereo, but the sound quality
of the mono radio was much, much better.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SB Radio won't power up, but is ticking?

2015-10-16 Thread atrocity

Bassman wrote: 
> Try that linked thread in the reply above yours, to read more and see
> photos.
> Then, let us know, please.
> The guy I was referred to has quit board repair due to shaking hands.

I looked at everything I could find, but didn't see anyone reporting

If I can ever get off my behind and get down to the shop (it's *just*
inconvenient enough to make me procrastinate) I'll report back.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SB Radio won't power up, but is ticking?

2015-10-09 Thread atrocity

My radio is now just ticking as of yesterday...was listening to a stream

I see several threads involving this issue but I haven't yet seen if
anyone has been able to fix the problem.  I have to run something else
to a shop one of these days and am wondering if there's any point in
bringing the Radio along.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-01 Thread atrocity

505 wrote: 
 Buy a Touch. It's probably the best device you'll own, and the perfect
 solution for playing music. Logitech's decision to not produce them
 anymore doesn't change anything about that.

I just ordered two more.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Automatic swithing from wireless to ethernet

2010-07-15 Thread atrocity

vhs;561645 Wrote: 
 not so - in my case i have the radio in my kitchen and it needs to be
 connected via ethernet (powerline homeplug for simplicity) since the
 wireless reception is erratic due to interference from microwave oven,
 freezer and heaven knows what else. Then, if i want to take it into
 another room where there is a decent wireless signal, i have to either
 use the ethernet or retune to wireless.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio and Best Buy

2009-11-24 Thread atrocity

kmr;488804 Wrote: 
 Exactly.  Fry's is the Wal-Mart of tech stores: ruthlessly profit-driven
 and not interested at all in a pleasant customer experience.  Their
 staff is no more knowledgeable (often less so) than WorstBuy.  Customer
 service is nonexistant.  Some of their stores (in particular the former
 Incredible Universe ones) are dank, dingy holes, although some of their
 newer stores are not quite so ware-housy.

And, whatever you do, *never* buy something that's been returned,
discounted and put back on the shelf.  I got burned on that once, then I
found out why: If you return something that's truly broken and clearly
tell them what's wrong with it, they'll still just box it back up and
put the discount sticker on it while you're standing there watching. 
Their plan is clearly to just keep selling it until it finally goes to
some poor sucker who can't return it for whatever reason.


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