This is the 30K mile Flite from which I removed original and very tattered
cover, and the padding came off with it. I covered the plastic base with
nice, nickel-thick leather.

A few more miles on the skin-covered nylon base. I was telling myself when
I started out this afternoon that, "I would not want to ride this on a
century" -- it's definitely harder than with the ~5 mm of padding that came
on it originally, but -- interesting -- while it can intrude on the sit
bones, the shape is just right, unlike, say, the original Turbo and, oddly
enough, a couple of Flites I've owned, which seem too "rounded" and
therefore intrusive. This has the perfect flat rearmost part.

I had to squirm a bit to get the sit bones comfortable -- and this may be
due to the baggy nylon boxers and khaki shorts I was wearing and our
present high humidity -- but afterward the saddle seemed to "disappear".

Odd: I rode in the aforementioned khaki shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, but
among all the riders out on this our first sunny day after a week of heavy
rain, the only others wearing "street" clothes were those on squeaking
WalMart pseudo mountain bikes. Everyone else, even casual riders on
flat-bar'd hybrids, are wearing lycra shorts and tops.

(I must say that I did wish for a trimmer-fitting top, as I rode into a
headwind with the size L shirt flapping around me. But I'll trade comfort
for aero any day, at least for this sort of 10 out and 10 back ride.)

Just two 10 mile segments (on the Riv to a party this afternoon). More
testing to come.

Certified Resume Writer

Albuquerque, NM

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