I can think of an item offhand that would be a "tactile three-dimensional 
form", though I certainly agree that the phrasing is problematic at best.  A 
recent musical recording by the band The Flaming Lips was issued as .mp3 files 
stored on a USB drive embedded in a seven-pound edible gummy skull.  Yes, it's 
a fringe item, but total flexibility in regards to the representation of 
resources and their various manifestations seems to be a large part of the goal 
of RDA, at least in spirit.  It seems wise to future-proof a metadata standard 
by being as format-agnostic as possible, in my mind anyway.  On the other hand, 
how many gummy skulls is anyone likely to catalog?  

A. P. Laubheimer

On Sunday, November 13, 2011 at 8:03 PM, J. McRee Elrod wrote:

> Sunday afternoon I was at a delightful concert of 18th century French
> music. During one legato movement, I admit my mind wondered (as it
> sometimes does) to what the RDA media content term "tactile
> three-dimensional form" might apply. A baton? The only answer which
> has been suggested to me (offlist) is a dildo. (The more provocative
> messages I receive are offlist.)
> There has never been one of those for SLC to catalogue, but if there
> were, wouldn't "model" be a more intuitive term? Single intelligible
> words work better for me than difficult to comprehend, too long for
> display, phrases.
> For display purposes, SLC plans to reduce long phrases to one word,
> e.g., "cartographic". and "form". But "map", "globe", "model", and
> "object" seem better choices to me.
> The same applies to relationship terms, e.g., using "director" for the
> various phrases containing that word. It is obvious from other data
> in the record what has been directed.
> Among RDA terms, second only to those phrases in being objectionable,
> is calling electronic media "computer".
> The calm mood induced by the music did not last long!
> Stewingly yours, Mac
> __ __ J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca (mailto:m...@slc.bc.ca))
> {__ | / Special Libraries Cataloguing HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
> ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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