[rdiff-backup-users] Force a regression of rdiff-backup archive

2009-06-09 Thread Dominic Raferd
I have a problem that a repository which 3 days ago occupied 26G has 
mushroomed to 44G. The reason is that one night the backup seems to have 
gone badly wrong, thinking the source data was missing, then the next 
night it was all okay again - so it generated lots of diffs for files 
that had gone and then I guess they all got stored in the clear again 
because they had reappeared as 'new' files. I know that these days 18G 
is not such a big deal but it happens to be a problem for me with my 
present media.

What I would like to do is remove these last few days of backups but 
without losing my earlier backups (which are valuable). The logical 
thing seems to be to force a regression of the backup (twice, say, to 
get back to the state before the first problem occurred), but there does 
not seem to be any way to force this to happen?

Can anyone suggest anything?


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] What dirs can be excluded on a full linux image?

2009-06-25 Thread Dominic Raferd

bart wrote:

What directories can be excluded when doing a full linux backup image which 
could be restored and run on a new blank disk?
A more appropriate package for this purpose is mondo - 
http://www.mondorescue.org - if it supports your distro.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] still the problem to backup linux system to windows

2009-06-26 Thread Dominic Raferd

Wei, Xiaohai wrote:

I want to backup a whole linux system to windows for restoring the 
system from windows to linux later.

I successfully installed native rdiff-backup on windows xp and it can 
backup linux data to windows folder.
But it seems failed if there is symlink in the linux system. Error 
information attached at the end.

I want to know:
1. I want to backup all the information of the linux system to windows 
and so i can restore the OS(not only data) to linux later. I think the 
information includes user/group/permission etc. At first i want to use 
rsync to do so but found rsync can not do it. and I found that 
rdiff-backup will use meta-data to keep such information, so I assume 
it can do so. correct me if I am wrong.

2. If i can get what I need with rdiff-backup, what should I do?

Thanks, James
I don't believe rdiff-backup is able to do this on its own; rdiff-backup 
suits a situation in which you want to backup data (not whole system) 
and to do so repeatedly (e.g. day after day), and be able to recover 
data from earlier backups as well as from the latest one. Even if 
rdiff-backup can backup your whole system it cannot easily restore it. 
To restore a system you need to be able to boot up in a temporary OS, do 
the partitioning and formatting of the (new) system disk etc etc (and 
then copy all the system files and data), rdiff-backup is not designed 
to do this.

If you want to backup a whole linux system for easy restoring, then I 
suggest you look at a package designed for this purpose. I use mondo 
http://www.mondorescue.org - and it doesn't need Windows. You can create 
a backup on a flash drive, take this to a different machine, boot it and 
restore your old system to the new hardware. It offers differential 
backups, but not the 'history' magic that is rdiff-backup's special trick.

I suggest you use both: mondo to backup your system (excluding your own 
data files, because these may be too big for a flash disk), and then 
rdiff-backup [over a network to another machine] for your data files. 
mondo only needs to be run occasionally, rdiff-backup you should run 
frequently (e.g. as daily cron job). When disaster strikes, use mondo to 
recover your system and then rdiff-backup to recover your data. And of 
course if you need the data from one week or one month or even one year 
ago, rdiff-backup will oblige.



rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] still the problem to backup linux system to windows

2009-06-26 Thread Dominic Raferd

Wei, Xiaohai wrote:

Dominic, thanks for your reply.

I have a solution to recover from disaster which can restore the 
system to factory default. After that, I want to restore the system to 
latest or earlier version. I can achieve it in linux - linux way. I 
can back up the whole system to a Linux host and then restore later. 
It works. But came to Windows, problems happened.

As the linux system I am working for is a mobile device, and users 
need to backup the device to a host machine, which usually is a 
windows machine. So I am seeking a solution to backup the linux system 
to windows.

If there are only data files, it is relatively easy, there are many 
solutions for it. but I want to design the feature similar with 
Apple's Time Machine. I want to restore the system to earlier state, 
not only the data, but also application/application config etc.

So I need to backup/restore the whole Linux system files to/from 
Windows system.

Thansk James
I don't know how to do this, I admit, so maybe others can help. But I 
think for rdiff-backup you should try first with remote linux host, 
because this is the best-tested version of rdiff-backup. Then if this 
works you can see if it can work also for rdiff-backup.exe (the windows 
version). This way problems may be easier to diagnose.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] unable to recover from interrupted backup

2009-08-25 Thread Dominic Raferd

Ben Tucker wrote:

I had a machine fail in the midst of backing up a couple weeks ago and
ever since I have been unable to get it to successfully backup.
rdiff-backup --check-destination-dir runs without error, but then
running the actual backup command results in an exception.  I'm
running 1.2.8 stock deb install on Ubuntu jaunty.  The client machine
is also running 1.2.8 (also ubuntu).  These are the only versions of
rdiff-backup with have been used.  I'd greatly appreciate any pointers
on how to resolve this.  Thanks!
Did you get this sorted? It sounds an alarming problem for any of us who 
have important repositories of data going back over a long period; the 
whole thing could get trashed by one failed backup!

I give below a way (posted here by Steven a few weeks ago, all credit to 
him) to force a regression. This might undo the 'bad' backup(s) that you 
have and then allow you to make further backups. I haven't had the need 
to try it but it might help you:


While rdiff-backup is making a backup it creates a new 
current_mirror.$timestamp.data file in the rdiff-backup-data 
destination directory.  Once it's done making the backup, it deletes the 
old current_mirror file.  In other words, while the backup is running 
there are two current_mirror files. In order to undo a backup, you'll 
need to to create a fake current_mirror file with the timestamp of the 
previous backup and run rdiff-backup -v6 --check-destination-dir 
$dest.  rdiff-backup will be fooled into thinking the latest backup 
failed and revert it.

I do not know of a way to regress more than one backup at once, but this 
method should work multiple times.

P.S. A full example in case my description isn't clear:

$ mkdir source

$ echo 1  source/a

$ echo 2  source/b

$ rdiff-backup source dest

$ ls dest
a  b  rdiff-backup-data

$ rm source/a

$ rdiff-backup source dest

$ ls dest
b  rdiff-backup-data

$ ls dest/rdiff-backup-data/mirror*

$ echo PID 99  \

$ rdiff-backup -v6 --check-destination-dir dest
Using rdiff-backup version 1.2.7
... snip ...
Regressing to Fri Jul  3 18:47:33 2009
... snip ...
Regressing file a
... snip ...
Cleaning up

$ ls dest
a  b  rdiff-backup-data

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] A bug in rdiff-backup with changing files

2009-08-25 Thread Dominic Raferd

Josh Nisly wrote:
One of my clients encountered an interesting bug in rdiff-backup - 
under certain conditions, if a file changes while it is being backed 
up, rdiff-backup throws an unhandled exception...
I can't help on the main problem, but as a workaround (and a better 
approach anyway), users should backup from a snapshot - or, in Windows 
terminology, a 'Volume Shadow'. This is the approach I take in my 
TimeDicer script. That way files can't change or be locked during a 
backup. (Note that it might still be possible for files to be in an 
inconsistent state, though if the application manipulating them is 
'volume shadow aware', they shouldn't be.)


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] A bug in rdiff-backup with changing files

2009-08-25 Thread Dominic Raferd

Josh Nisly wrote:
One of my clients encountered an interesting bug in rdiff-backup - 
under certain conditions, if a file changes while it is being backed 
up, rdiff-backup throws an unhandled exception...
I can't help on the main problem, but as a workaround (and a better 
approach anyway), users should backup from a snapshot - or, in Windows 
terminology, a 'Volume Shadow'. This is the approach I take in my 
TimeDicer script. That way files can't change or be locked during a 
backup. (Note that it might still be possible for files to be in an 
inconsistent state, though if the application manipulating them is 
'volume shadow aware', they shouldn't be.)


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] unable to recover from interrupted backup

2009-08-25 Thread Dominic Raferd

Ben Tucker wrote:

I had a machine fail in the midst of backing up a couple weeks ago and
ever since I have been unable to get it to successfully backup.
rdiff-backup --check-destination-dir runs without error, but then
running the actual backup command results in an exception.  I'm
running 1.2.8 stock deb install on Ubuntu jaunty.  The client machine
is also running 1.2.8 (also ubuntu).  These are the only versions of
rdiff-backup with have been used.  I'd greatly appreciate any pointers
on how to resolve this.  Thanks!
Did you get this sorted? It sounds an alarming problem for any of us who 
have important repositories of data going back over a long period; the 
whole thing could get trashed by one failed backup!

I give below a way (posted here by Steven a few weeks ago) to force a 
regression. This might undo the 'bad' backup(s) that you have and then 
allow you to make further backups. I haven't had the need to try it but 
it might help you:


While rdiff-backup is making a backup it creates a new 
current_mirror.$timestamp.data file in the rdiff-backup-data 
destination directory.  Once it's done making the backup, it deletes the 
old current_mirror file.  In other words, while the backup is running 
there are two current_mirror files. In order to undo a backup, you'll 
need to to create a fake current_mirror file with the timestamp of the 
previous backup and run rdiff-backup -v6 --check-destination-dir 
$dest.  rdiff-backup will be fooled into thinking the latest backup 
failed and revert it.

I do not know of a way to regress more than one backup at once, but this 
method should work multiple times.

P.S. A full example in case my description isn't clear:

$ mkdir source

$ echo 1  source/a

$ echo 2  source/b

$ rdiff-backup source dest

$ ls dest
a  b  rdiff-backup-data

$ rm source/a

$ rdiff-backup source dest

$ ls dest
b  rdiff-backup-data

$ ls dest/rdiff-backup-data/mirror*

$ echo PID 99  \

$ rdiff-backup -v6 --check-destination-dir dest
Using rdiff-backup version 1.2.7
... snip ...
Regressing to Fri Jul  3 18:47:33 2009
... snip ...
Regressing file a
... snip ...
Cleaning up

$ ls dest
a  b  rdiff-backup-data

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Re: Remote encrypted backup with slow connection.

2009-09-22 Thread Dominic Raferd

Piotr Karbowski wrote:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Matthew Miller mat...@mattdm.org wrote:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 01:58:11PM +0200, Piotr Karbowski wrote:

local rdiff-backup dir with remote server but how? If I will use for
example rsync it still need to check whole files for changes (read,
download it) and upload only new. I hope you will understand what I
need and help me.

rsync won't check whole files unless you give the -c flag. Otherwise, it
just compares metadata. I don't know if that's also the case with
rdiff-backup, but I assume so.

So I need to know how rdiff default compares data, if by size and
mod-time, it will not be so painful but still it will download changed
files to generate diff.
Rdiff-backup is designed to be ultra-efficient at this activity. It only 
sends the changes in a file over the wire, not the whole file. To do 
this it uses the librsync library which is effectively the same as 
rsync. You can read more about the technique at 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rsync. rdiff-backup does not use file times 
to determine whether to do backups. It can backup very large files with 
small changes very quickly.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Re: Remote encrypted backup with slow connection.

2009-09-22 Thread Dominic Raferd

Piotr Karbowski wrote:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Dominic Raferd domi...@timedicer.info wrote:

Piotr Karbowski wrote:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Matthew Miller mat...@mattdm.org wrote:


On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 01:58:11PM +0200, Piotr Karbowski wrote:

local rdiff-backup dir with remote server but how? If I will use for
example rsync it still need to check whole files for changes (read,
download it) and upload only new. I hope you will understand what I
need and help me.


rsync won't check whole files unless you give the -c flag. Otherwise, it
just compares metadata. I don't know if that's also the case with
rdiff-backup, but I assume so.

So I need to know how rdiff default compares data, if by size and
mod-time, it will not be so painful but still itefficient  will download changed
files to generate diff.

Rdiff-backup is designed to be ultra-efficient at this activity. It only
sends the changes in a file over the wire, not the whole file. To do this it
uses the librsync library which is effectively the same as rsync. You can
read more about the technique at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rsync.
rdiff-backup does not use file times to determine whether to do backups. It
can backup very large files with small changes very quickly.


You dont understand me, rdiff-backup is efficient, but to make diff it
must read WHOLE file, on remote nfs or sshfs it is SLW and
Sorry I get it now. But I think rdiff-backup and rsync require a 
separate computer at the remote end in order to optimise transfers, so 
if you are just accessing a remote share using sshfs or similar then 
they can still work of course but as you realise they will be slow. I 
guess it is not possible for you to run rdiff-backup (or rsync) at the 
remote end as well?

You could run rdiff-backup locally to create a backup store and then 
mirror this store to the remote share using rcp. Still it will be slow 
because rdiff-backup always stores the latest copy of each file in full 
and so if this changes even slightly then the whole file will must be 
transferred by rcp.

Duplicity http://duplicity.nongnu.org/ might work better for you, 
because it uses forward diffs. Also its archives are secure.

Although not directly relevant I found a page here 
http://www.psc.edu/networking/projects/hpn-ssh/ which provides a patch 
to greatly speed up OpenSSH in some situations.

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Mozy Online Back-Up Problems

2009-09-22 Thread Dominic Raferd

simsam wrote:

My experience with Mozy was not good. I installed MOZY FREE Backup software on 
my computer as per their instructions. After installation, my computer kept 
freezing and it CRASHED my computer. Thanks god I have one additional backup of 
data. I need storage space, but a more organized approach. Does anybody provide 
with automated backups?
For individual users it looks as if Windows 7 comes with some pretty 
reasonable MS backup software (try googling windows 7 backup); it can do 
scheduled backups to network shares too. Vista also had similar 
capability, but much less flexible. Windows XP's built-in backup is 
pretty useless, but there are many other choices. Rdiff-backup is the 
engine behind TimeDicer, http://www.timedicer.info/, a script 
specifically aimed at Windows XP backups to a Linux machine.

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Re: Remote encrypted backup with slow connection.

2009-09-22 Thread Dominic Raferd

Piotr Karbowski wrote:

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Dominic Raferd domi...@timedicer.info wrote:

Piotr Karbowski wrote:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Dominic Raferd domi...@timedicer.info


Piotr Karbowski wrote:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Matthew Miller mat...@mattdm.org


On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 01:58:11PM +0200, Piotr Karbowski wrote:

local rdiff-backup dir with remote server but how? If I will use for
example rsync it still need to check whole files for changes (read,
download it) and upload only new. I hope you will understand what I
need and help me.


rsync won't check whole files unless you give the -c flag. Otherwise,
just compares metadata. I don't know if that's also the case with
rdiff-backup, but I assume so.

So I need to know how rdiff default compares data, if by size and
mod-time, it will not be so painful but still itefficient  will download
files to generate diff.


Rdiff-backup is designed to be ultra-efficient at this activity. It only
sends the changes in a file over the wire, not the whole file. To do this
uses the librsync library which is effectively the same as rsync. You can
read more about the technique at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rsync.
rdiff-backup does not use file times to determine whether to do backups.
can backup very large files with small changes very quickly.


You dont understand me, rdiff-backup is efficient, but to make diff it
must read WHOLE file, on remote nfs or sshfs it is SLW and

Sorry I get it now. But I think rdiff-backup and rsync require a separate
computer at the remote end in order to optimise transfers, so if you are
just accessing a remote share using sshfs or similar then they can still
work of course but as you realise they will be slow. I guess it is not
possible for you to run rdiff-backup (or rsync) at the remote end as well?

You could run rdiff-backup locally to create a backup store and then mirror
this store to the remote share using rcp. Still it will be slow because
rdiff-backup always stores the latest copy of each file in full and so if
this changes even slightly then the whole file will must be transferred by

Duplicity http://duplicity.nongnu.org/ might work better for you, because it
uses forward diffs. Also its archives are secure.

Although not directly relevant I found a page here
http://www.psc.edu/networking/projects/hpn-ssh/ which provides a patch to
greatly speed up OpenSSH in some situations.

Duplicity is interesing project. What you think about using
rdiff-backup to create local backup, for example in /backups and then
send this /backups to remote server by duplicity? As far as I know
duplicity is encrypted so I DONT need using encfs, dmcrypt or other -
only ssh access is needed (realy I dont need duplicity on remote

I just want be able to send _ENCRYPTED_ backups to remote server where
I have only ssh access (sftp/scp work).
I have not used duplicity myself, I use rdiff-backup. But I am not sure 
you need to run rdiff-backup first, I think duplicity may make its own 
local copies of backup increments so that it can send future increments 
without having to access the earlier increments from the remote share. 
And yes duplicity sends encrypted files so you don't need other encryption.

Because duplicity uses forward diffs you have to keep all backups 
forever, and if there is any corruption of a file you lose all backups 
that occurred *after* the date of this file. Rdiff-backup uses reverse 
diffs so corruption, if it occurs, affects backups *before* the date of 
the corrupted backup. With rdiff-backup you can delete backups before a 
certain date (though in my experience the storage is so efficient it is 
not usually worth bothering), which is not possible with duplicity.

Still it sounds like duplicity would better suit your needs.

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Re: Remote encrypted backup with slow connection.

2009-09-22 Thread Dominic Raferd

Piotr Karbowski wrote:

So best will be using duplicity to make local backup and run rsync to
send new files (diffs) to remote server. and if backup will be TOO big
just mv backup backup_old and start new backup (every 4 weeks for
I think so. There is a duplicity mailing list where you could probably 
get more help: http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/duplicity-talk

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Error

2009-09-23 Thread Dominic Raferd

prateekmoturi wrote:

Hi i am getting the following error messages when i am trying to backup.
I am using the rdiff-backup 1.2.8.
Can anyone please help me to find the solution for the following error...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/rdiff-backup, line 30, in ?
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 304, in 
try: Main(arglist)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 324, in 
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 280, in 
elif action == backup: Backup(rps[0], rps[1])
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 337, in 
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 501, in 
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 920, in 
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/regress.py, line 71, in 
for rf in iterate_meta_rfs(mirror_rp, inc_rpath): ITR(rf.index, rf)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/regress.py, line 197, in 
for raw_rf, metadata_rorp in collated:
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/rorpiter.py, line 100, 
in Collate2Iters
try: relem2 = riter2.next()
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/metadata.py, line 274, 
in iterate
for record in self.iterate_records():
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/metadata.py, line 283, 
in iterate_records
next_pos = self.get_next_pos()
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/metadata.py, line 266, 
in get_next_pos
newbuf = self.fileobj.read(self.blocksize)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/gzip.py, line 225, in read
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/gzip.py, line 273, in _read
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/gzip.py, line 309, in _read_eof
raise IOError, CRC check failed
IOError: CRC check failed
This is what Andrew Ferguson (maintainer of rdiff-backup) wrote in 
response to a similar problem a couple of years ago:

Given this error, and especially since one client is failing and three
are working, I would be suspicious of the failing client's hardware
(probably RAM or hard disk). Are all of your clients backing up to one
server? What is the setup here?

CRC is the Cyclic Redundancy Check and is a way of checking the
integrity of a data stream.

Were there any other messages logged from rdiff-backup? Perhaps in the
rdiff-backup-data/error_log files?

And here is what someone else wrote about this error:

This problem has come up many times on the mailing list, and so far there 
is not a good fix for it... usually it appears when one of the .gz files was 
incomplete.  Try this:

find rdiff-backup-data/ -name '*.gz | while read a; do
   echo -n $a:
   gzip --test $a

This will tell you which files are bad.  In our case, we had a problem 
with the mirror_metadata files.  Search the archive for specifics, but 
basically I copied a good mirror_metadata over the bad mirror_metadata and 
crossed my fingers.  It worked for us, though I do not know the 
implications here.  After doing this surgery, you might try a restore of 
the past few backup dates and make sure it is successful.  Worst case, you 
rm-rf rdiff-backup-data, though you will loose your increments.

HTH, Dominic

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Problem with Detection of Multiple rdiff-backup instances

2009-09-25 Thread Dominic Raferd

Jakob Unterwurzacher wrote:

in bash:

for i in `seq 1 $((RANDOM%100))`; do /bin/true; done

But you should make sure that $RANDOM assumes different values after a
reboot (same for perl's rand(100), which is likely more advanced and
less likely to suffer from that problem).


this can be done by prefixing your 'for' line with:

RANDOM=$(($(date +%s) % 32768))

this seeds the random number generator based on the number of seconds 
since 1/1/70, so is likely to avoid repeats.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Verify times increasing

2009-11-24 Thread Dominic Raferd

listserv.traf...@sloop.net wrote:
 I'm not aware, so if I'm wrong perhaps someone could correct me, but
 I'd like a command to, in essence, do a comprehensive
 --verify-all-files-in-the-archive. [I'm pretty sure such a thing
 doesn't exist, at least I never saw it in the docs.]

 This would apply all deltas to *all* files (back to the oldest copy) 
and compare the stored

 hashes at the time of backup to the rebuilt file. [Note all the
 files, not just those in a particular target date/delta.]

 This wouldn't verify that every file would be correct in every delta
 version, but it would, I think, get as close as one might come to

I think it is an excellent proposal (as in, how come rdiff-backup 
doesn't already offer that?) But development of rdiff-backup seems to 
have gone quiet recently, I guess Andrew has been busy?


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Failover to warm standby and restore

2009-12-21 Thread Dominic Raferd

Jakob Unterwurzacher wrote:

steve.du...@pgcmls.info schrieb:

Dear all,

A friend recommended that I use rdiff-backup to maintain a back up of an 
inconveniently large, reasonably slowly changing file repository.

I would like to keep the back up copy on a warm standby system, so that if the 
primary host fails, I can reconfigure the standby to replace it.

I understand that modifying the back up files will invalidate the rdiff 

Is there a sane way of keeping the snapshots valid that does not involve 
maintaining a second back-up copy?

I think you will need LVM snapshots for this.

When the standby goes hot, create a read/write snapshot of the backup,
make that snapshot available to the clients.

When the primary host comes back up, are there any extraordinary considerations 
for updating its repository ?

You will have to push the changes in the snapshot somehow to the primary
(rsync -au ?).

Then you can destroy the snapshot and do business as usual.

Very neat tip from Jakob, and makes me glad I use LVM! Depending on 
circumstances it might even be possible to make this an automatic 
failover solution, which would be even neater.

The physical volumes in the LVM volume group must be in LVM2 metadata 
format to create a read/write snapshot ('vgdisplay' will tell you). 
[LVM2 (try 'lvm version') uses LVM2 format by default, I think, but you 
can use 'pvcreate' with '-M2' switch to ensure it does. You can convert 
an existing LVM1 vg with 'vgconvert -M2'.]

Allocate plenty of space for the snapshot - if it runs out of space you 
lose it entirely. Although a short-lived snapshot is likely to require 
little space compared with the original logical volume (it is 
effectively a diff of it I guess), the only absolutely safe size is the 
same as the original logical volume.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] locking the rdiff-backup destination

2009-12-24 Thread Dominic Raferd

Jakob Unterwurzacher wrote:
I guess you will have to use a wrapper script for your rsync job and 
your rdiff-backup job that does the locking (and obeys the lock).

If you start both jobs at the same machine, it's easy:
Put this at the start of each script - it will then exit when another 
instance is running.



exec 200 /tmp/lockfileXYZ
flock -n 200 || echo 'Could not get lock!'  exit 1

Nice tip! An alternative which doesn't require flock or a temporary lock 
file is (again for a bash script):


[ -n `ps h -C rdiff-backup` ]  echo `basename $0` aborting - 
rdiff-backup is running  exit 1



rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup on USB distro

2010-01-06 Thread Dominic Raferd
Sorry I don't know of any at the moment. I use Devil-Linux 
(http://www.devil-linux.org/), and have requested that rdiff-backup be 

Let me know whether you find an alternative. If no other USB-stick 
distros support it then that alone is a good reason to add rdiff-backup 
to Devil-Linux.


Renato E. Silva wrote:

Hi all,

I was wondering, is there any distribution that is bootable from an USB 
stick and has rdiff-backup for use? I'm trying to mount a backup server 
but my boss would like me to check if there's a simple distribution so 
we could run from an USB stick. I've been looking around on DSL, Puppy 
and even FreeNAS but no luck though.

I appreciate any help or directions.

Renato E. Silva

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Unable to backup due to remote system closing connection

2010-01-24 Thread Dominic Raferd

Hi Alex

There is a long thread about this issue at 
http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3618. But the problem 
in the end seemed to be (in this case) that the user had generated the 
authorized_keys file with nano and had not switched off hard wrapping, 
so that when the file was saved nano broke up the line.

If you are using nano prior to version 2.1.11, use the -w switch on the 
command line:

nano -wc /mnt/backup/.ssh/authorized_keys

If you have the latest and greatest nano, you can use soft-wrapping 
which is *much* nicer:

nano -$c /mnt/backup/.ssh/authorized_keys

If you are using a different editor, have a look for the same problem 
i.e. what you intend as a single line is being saved as multiple lines


Alex Pounds wrote:

I'm trying to set up backups from one machine (alan) to a backup host
(gertie) using rdiff-backup. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get it
working. I'm sure I'm making a mistake somewhere, but reading the
documentation and experimentation hasn't got me any closer. Hopefully
someone on the mailing list will be able to help...

On the backup server, gertie, I created a user 'rdiffbackup'. From

rdiffbackup:x:118:1001:Automated backups:/mnt/backup:/bin/false

In /mnt/backup/.ssh/authorized_keys, I have a line like this (with no

command=/usr/bin/rdiff-backup -v9
--server,no-X11-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa abde[long
ssh key]abcde r...@alan

On alan, I run the following command to perform the backup, and get the
following output: 

alan ~$ sudo rdiff-backup --print-statistics
--exclude-globbing-filelist /root/bin/excludes.txt /
Connection closed by
Fatal Error: Truncated header string (problem probably originated

Couldn't start up the remote connection by executing

ssh -C rdiffbac...@gertie rdiff-backup --server

Remember that, under the default settings, rdiff-backup must be
installed in the PATH on the remote system.  See the man page for more
information on this.  This message may also be displayed if the remote
version of rdiff-backup is quite different from the local version

Both servers are running Ubuntu 9.10, and have rdiffbackup 1.2.8 on them.
Running the ssh command 'by hand' with the -vv option produces the
following debug output, after a straightforward auth procedure: 

debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Trying private key: /root/.ssh/identity
debug1: Offering public key: /root/.ssh/id_rsa
debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply
debug1: Remote: Forced command: /usr/bin/rdiff-backup -v9 --server
debug1: Remote: X11 forwarding disabled.
debug1: Remote: Port forwarding disabled.
debug1: Remote: Pty allocation disabled.
debug1: Server accepts key: pkalg ssh-rsa blen [num]
debug2: input_userauth_pk_ok: fp [fingerprint]
debug1: read PEM private key done: type RSA
debug1: Remote: Forced command: /usr/bin/rdiff-backup -v9 --server
debug1: Remote: X11 forwarding disabled.
debug1: Remote: Port forwarding disabled.
debug1: Remote: Pty allocation disabled.
Connection closed by

Any suggestions as to what I've misconfigured, or how I can produce some
helpful logs/debugging output, are gratefully received. 

Many thanks, 


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Excluding directories for restore

2010-02-08 Thread Dominic Raferd

Hi Dominik

Although it is not an answer to your present predicament, I would say 
that rdiff-backup is not advisable over an unstable connection. A better 
strategy is to run rdiff-backup locally (preferably to a different 
machine) and then use rsync to mirror the rdiff-backup repository to an 
offsite machine using rsync with the --link-dest option. I recently 
posted on this mailing list an example of how to do this. Problems with 
the offsite backup process are minimised and you have a primary and 
secondary backup.


Dominik Sandjaja wrote:


I have a setup of a server being backed up regularly over a DSL line to
my server at home.
After quite a bad crash I am in the process of restoring the data...


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] native VSS (Shadow Copy) support

2010-04-06 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 06/04/2010 17:03, Greg Freemyer wrote:

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Randy Syringrsyr...@inteli-com.com  wrote:

Josh Nisly wrote:

Two things:
1) The rdiff-backup project likely won't accept patches for features that
are platform specific. There are exceptions for OS-specific filesystem
metadata, but VSS doesn't fall into that category.

Now that there is consideration of restarting development, any chance we
could reconsider this?  Any backup solution has to wrestle with the Windows
user base and the key issue on Windows is whether or not a backup solution
uses VSS.  If rdiff-backup supported VSS, its uptake might be huge.

At very best, maybe a plugin system so that VSS can be added easily without
needing to touch the core code?

I don't post here often, but I strongly agree that snapshot technology
should be leveraged by the rdiff-backup environment.

I'm not as positive that it needs to be in the tool itself.  I can't
remember the name of the package, but I believe there is a linux
package that wraps rdiff-backup and uses LVM snapshots from which it
runs rdiff-backup.

As to VSS, it is supported in Windows XP SP3, 2003, Vista, 2008, etc.
  So it is a long term technology that it here to stay.

To me the only thing to really discuss is how vss support should be
integrated into a windows rdiff-backup environment, not if it should


2) I've written a python extension module in C++ to implement VSS. Is that
something that you'd be interested in?

Very, please share.  Have you integrated this with rdiff-backup at all?

The great thing about C code, etc. (as opposed to just scripts calling
the Vista provided CLI commands) is that VSS CLI commands are not
included in XP SP3 iirc.  And also with XP SP3 you only have 20 or 30
seconds to mount the VSS snapshot after you initialize it.  (again,

So having it in a real program as opposed to just a script makes it
easier to have the error / retry logic built in.

And for those that don't know much about VSS snapshots, one really
cool feature is that services like Exchange, MS-SQL, etc. have vss
knowledge integrated into them.  They register themselves with the vss
service and whenever a snapshot is created, the registered services
are notified to quiesce themselves prior to the snapshot being made.

I don't know if people are backing up that class of service via
rdiff-backup, but if they are it is pretty critical that vss snapshots
be used in order to ensure you have quiesced data.

vss also solves the open file issue that is so problematic with windows backups.

Thanks for reading
I have a Windows utility called TimeDicer (www.timedicer.co.uk) which is 
a wrapper for rdiff-backup, backing up from Windows to Linux, and it 
uses VSS. So it is not essential to have VSS built into rdiff-backup, 
even though it would be nice.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Stable API and Non-recursive list-at-time

2010-06-28 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 22/06/2010 19:28, Darren Hart wrote:

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 10:07 AM, Anthony Toolearto...@gmail.com  wrote:

Hi Darren,

Are you aware that there is already a rdiff-backup FUSE plugin?


I had no idea! This is excellent, I'll have a look and see how it
does. Thanks for the link - I'm glad I posted early ;-)

When I last used archfs (at v 0.5.3) it worked fine for small 
repositories (say 100 files) but for large ones (say 5000 files) it was 
very slow and liable to crash the server. Has anyone got any better 
experience with it? It's a really neat concept and if someone could make 
it faster and reliable, it would be great.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Stable API and Non-recursive list-at-time

2010-06-29 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 28/06/2010 14:22, Darren Hart wrote:

...What I'm looking to do is occasionally mount
the backup repository, browse for a single file, and restore it from
some time in the past, then unmount the repo.

I think my approach of building the directory listings from the
responses provided by the rdiff-backup API is a fine way to do that.
Each command has some latency involved, but it should be adequate.

So my original questions stands - what do the rdiff-backup developers
think about the API, is it likely to remain relatively stable? What
about the recursive option I asked about, is such a patch likely to be

Not answering your direct question (because I can't), but if you want to 
recover individual files the best I have found is Josh's rdiffWeb 
http://www.rdiffweb.org/. As the name implies it uses a web interface 
and although the initial configuration can be a bit tricky, once set up 
it works well and makes retrieving individual files, including versions 
from the past, a snap.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Crash on incremental backup after regression

2010-11-26 Thread Dominic Raferd
It looks to me as if the problem maybe relates to the special characters 
in the filenames '\xf3' and similar. And I see at the bottom mention of 
a win_acl. My suggestions are:

- try using option --override-chars-to-quote - or
- try using option --no-acls - or
- try rdiff-backup version 1.2.8. [1.3.3 is experimental.] - or
- rename the offending files


On 26/11/2010 13:11, Luciano Leveroni wrote:


Im using rdiff-backup version 1.3.3 on a Windows 2000 server here and 
the software is crashing on performing a backup. As the previous 
backups have failed, rdiff-backup makes a regression which seems 
successful and the, on making the backup itself, the script crashes 
with the following output:

# rdiff-backup.exe -v5 P:/Documentos Z:/Documentos  
Z:/rdiff-last-output.txt 21

Processing changed file Contaduria/ANA/santander rio solicitud de 
Incrementing mirror file Z:/Documentos/Contaduria/ANA/santander rio 
solicitud de chequeras.doc
Processing changed file Contaduria/ANA/standard bank pedido de cheque 
Incrementing mirror file Z:/Documentos/Contaduria/ANA/standard bank 
pedido de cheque rechazado.doc

Processing changed file Contaduria/ANA/wlsetup-custom.exe
Incrementing mirror file Z:/Documentos/Contaduria/ANA/wlsetup-custom.exe
Processing changed file Contaduria/ANA/wlsetup-web.exe
Incrementing mirror file Z:/Documentos/Contaduria/ANA/wlsetup-web.exe
Processing changed file Contaduria/Ana
Incrementing mirror file Z:/Documentos/Contaduria/Ana
UpdateError Claudio/Konzert 2010/rdiff-backup.tmp.85491 [Errno 2] No 
such file or directory: 
'Z:/Documentos/rdiff-backup-data/increments/Claudio/Konzert 2010/DWG - 
VOXPOP y sus voces en el Bicentenario en la Embajada de Alemania 2010 
- Invitaci\xf3n para el Sr_ Carlos Brady Alet y Sra_ (Alchouron, 
Berisso, Brady Alet  Fernandez 
UpdateError Claudio/Konzert 2010/rdiff-backup.tmp.85492 [Errno 2] No 
such file or directory: 
'Z:/Documentos/rdiff-backup-data/increments/Claudio/Konzert 2010/DWG - 
VOXPOP y sus voces en el Bicentenario en la Embajada de Alemania 2010 
- Invitaci\xf3n para el Sr_ Cosme Roberto Smiraglia y Sra_ (MAN 
FERROSTAAL ARGENTINA S_A_).eml.2010-09-15T23-00-01-03-00.missing'
UpdateError Claudio/Konzert 2010/rdiff-backup.tmp.85493 [Errno 2] No 
such file or directory: 
'Z:/Documentos/rdiff-backup-data/increments/Claudio/Konzert 2010/DWG - 
VOXPOP y sus voces en el Bicentenario en la Embajada de Alemania 2010 
- Invitaci\xf3n para el Sr_ Mart\xedn Moncayo von Hase y Sra_ (ZANG, 
BERGEL y VI\xd1ES Abogados).eml.2010-09-15T23-00-01-03-00.missing'
UpdateError Claudio/MLK/Friedrich und Brigitte 
Werner/rdiff-backup.tmp.85502 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 
'Z:/Documentos/rdiff-backup-data/increments/Claudio/MLK/Friedrich und 
Brigitte Werner/Fw_ MLK Notwendigkeits- Projekte - Wunschliste,  
Erg\xe4nzungen Re_ Stiftung Brigitte und Friedrich Werner 
---Fw_ Heutiger Besuch im MLK.eml.2010-09-15T23-00-01-03-00.missing'
UpdateError Claudio/MLK/Friedrich und Brigitte 
Werner/rdiff-backup.tmp.85503 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 
'Z:/Documentos/rdiff-backup-data/increments/Claudio/MLK/Friedrich und 
Brigitte Werner/Re_ MLK Notwendigkeits- Projekte - Wunschliste,  
Erg\xe4nzungen Re_ Stiftung Brigitte und Friedrich Werner - 
Comentarios sobre valuaci\xf3n.eml.2010-09-15T23-00-01-03-00.missing'
Exception 'QuotedPath: 

Index: ('Contaduria', 'Ana.2010-09-15T23-00-01-03-00.dir')
Data: {'win_acl': u'# file: 
'uid': 0, 'perms': 438, 'type': 'reg', 'gname': None, 'ctime': 
1290745523L, 'devloc': 0, 'uname': None, 'nlink': 0, 'gid': 0, 
'mtime': 1284475197L, 'atime': 1290745523L, 'inode': 0L, 'size': 0L}' 
raised of class 'type 'exceptions.AssertionError'':

  File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 306, in error_check_Main
  File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 326, in Main
  File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 282, in take_action
  File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 345, in Backup
  File rdiff_backup\backup.pyc, line 51, in Mirror_and_increment
  File rdiff_backup\backup.pyc, line 251, in patch_and_increment
  File rdiff_backup\rorpiter.pyc, line 284, in __call__
  File rdiff_backup\backup.pyc, line 732, in start_process
  File rdiff_backup\increment.pyc, line 41, in Increment
  File rdiff_backup\increment.pyc, line 103, in makedir
  File rdiff_backup\increment.pyc, line 123, in get_inc

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File rdiff-backup, line 30, in module
  File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 306, in error_check_Main
  File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 326, in Main
  File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 282, in take_action
  File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 345, in Backup
  File rdiff_backup\backup.pyc, line 51, in Mirror_and_increment
  File rdiff_backup\backup.pyc, line 251, in 

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Daemon VS ssh

2010-11-26 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 26/11/2010 11:14, Valerio Pachera wrote:

2010/11/25 Jacob Anawaltjlanaw...@gmail.com:

Look into the remote-schema option, search around for rdiff-backup and netcat, 
and there are ssh cipher options.

I found an article
I read about --remote.schema but, honestly, I didn't digested it so well.

Could you please tell me if in the point 2 of the article, ssh is
involved or not?

Most of all, I'm wondering if there's an easy way to have a central
backup server that contact windows and linux clients to back up their

You can certainly do this with a package such as (for Windows) TimeDicer
http://www.timedicer.co.uk. This uses rdiff-backup with ssh connection
managed by plink. But this is for 'push' backups - the clients contact
the server and send backups. Works well with a primary server on the
local network, and offsite mirror server for belt'n'braces protection.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: AW: [rdiff-backup-users] Rdiff backup still chokes if read-only files are found at target

2010-11-29 Thread Dominic Raferd


Following your posting, I have tested the behaviour of our system 
backing up read-only folders and files with rdiff-backup, and it works 
correctly, even when the read-only files change. We are backing up from 
Windows machines but to a Linux server (using TimeDicer as wrapper for 
rdiff-backup), I suspect this is where your problem lies.

So a possible solution is to move your backup repository to a Linux 
server, this could even be a VM hosted on your Windows machine.


On 29/11/2010 10:04, D. Kriesel wrote:

Anybody here? ;-) The list seems to be a bit quiet. If this is the 
wrong place for this report, someone please tell me the correct one :-)

I feel I did not provide enough information to get rid of the below 
bug. So, here you go:

1.I am using rdiff 1.3.3 for a local backup on a windows server 2003 
32bit machine.

2.I am using the windows release that can be downloaded on 
rdiff-backup.nongnu.org as rdiff-backup-1.3.3-win32.zip.

3.My rdiff call is: rdiff-backup --force --no-acls --no-hard-links 
--print-statistics --include D:\\/home --include D:\\/profile 
--exclude D:\\/share/ElRv-Daten --include D:\\/share --exclude 
D:\\/** D:\/ D:\/rd/data

4.Zugriff verweigert in the below message is german for permission 
denied. When checking the folders, I found that the ACL entries are 
okay, but the read-only flag on the Eigene Bilder folder was set.

So all in all, *it**seems to me that rdiff cannot remove this flag 
from folders*. Below linked you find a similar problem with files. 
Next, *windows**prevents rdiff from deleting a folder that is still 
marked read-only*. Consecuently, Rdiff crashes.

To support my concern, I can tell you that you find quite a number of 
„read only folders“ on windows systems, because that windows itself 
uses the read only flag on folders differently than on files: see 
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/256614 . Additionally, the attribute 
setting for folders may be handled different (for example, you can’t 
remove read only attribute on folders just using the explorer).

Any help is appreciated, really... I like rdiff and don’t want to 
chance the backup system (again)...



 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-

 Von: rdiff-backup-users-bounces+mail=dkriesel@nongnu.org

 [mailto:rdiff-backup-users-bounces+mail=dkriesel@nongnu.org] Im

 Auftrag von D. Kriesel

 Gesendet: Sonntag, 28. November 2010 01:52

 An: Lista rdiff-backup

 Betreff: [rdiff-backup-users] Rdiff backup still chokes if read-only 
files are

 found at target

 Hi guys,

 I have rdiff crashing when read-only files are in the rdiff 
repository. It

 gives the following Exceptions:

 Exception '[Error 5] Zugriff verweigert: 'D:\\/rd/data/home/kwasny/Eigene


 n/Eigene Bilder'' raised of class 'type 'exceptions.WindowsError'':

 File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 306, in error_check_Main

 File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 326, in Main

 File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 282, in take_action

 File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 345, in Backup

 File rdiff_backup\backup.pyc, line 51, in Mirror_and_increment

 File rdiff_backup\backup.pyc, line 251, in patch_and_increment

 File rdiff_backup\rorpiter.pyc, line 277, in __call__

 File rdiff_backup\rorpiter.pyc, line 229, in finish_branches

 File rdiff_backup\backup.pyc, line 676, in end_process

 File rdiff_backup\rpath.pyc, line 993, in rmdir

 Traceback (most recent call last):

 File rdiff-backup, line 30, in module

 File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 306, in error_check_Main

 File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 326, in Main

 File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 282, in take_action

 File rdiff_backup\Main.pyc, line 345, in Backup

 File rdiff_backup\backup.pyc, line 51, in Mirror_and_increment

 File rdiff_backup\backup.pyc, line 251, in patch_and_increment

 File rdiff_backup\rorpiter.pyc, line 277, in __call__

 File rdiff_backup\rorpiter.pyc, line 229, in finish_branches

 File rdiff_backup\backup.pyc, line 676, in end_process

 File rdiff_backup\rpath.pyc, line 993, in rmdir

 WindowsError: [Error 5] Zugriff verweigert:



 eien/Eigene Bilder'

 Sounds similar to me like the old read-only file issue.



 Any advice?



rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: 

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup fails, no gzipped file

2010-12-05 Thread Dominic Raferd

See Andrew Ferguson's response regarding this error message here:

Andrew is the current maintainer of rdiff-backup so his word is law!

What version of rdiff-backup are you using? 2.8-6 is not a valid version 
number, the current stable version is 1.2.8. Check with:

rdiff-backup -V


On 05/12/10 17:12, ~D wrote:


I did setup a backup system like here, but then the other way around, 
backup my desktop to the server.


I have two scripts on my server. The first one seems to run fine, the 
second not atm (till a week ago it went well, I didn't change a thing 
on a the server side)


I have version 2.8-6 on both sides. On the server I installed the 
version of Debian testing on Lenny (Stable), which is on the server. I 
do run Debian testing on my desktop.

See the messages below.

Thanks in advance,


$ ./laptop_backup
Previous backup seems to have failed, regressing destination now.

* Exception 'Not a gzipped file' raised of class 'type

  File /usr/lib/python2.5/gzip.py, line 263, in _read
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/gzip.py, line 164, in _read_gzip_header
raise IOError, 'Not a gzipped file'
IOError: Not a gzipped file
Fatal Error: Lost connection to the remote system

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup fails, no gzipped file

2010-12-07 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 07/12/2010 14:42, ~D wrote:

On 12/07/2010 03:26 PM, D. Kriesel wrote:

Do you prevent a shutdown or reboot when rdiff-backup is running? How?

Since rdiff-backup does not like backup interruptions (and therefore is not 
usable on slow or unreliable connections) I rdiff to a local repository on the 
server (the server usually doesn't reboot) and rsync the entire repository to 
the remote destination.

My backup only runs when there is a internet connection. I use my laptop
at home most of the time. I have to find a way to check wether
rdiff-backup is running and to reboot after it shutdown. I can use htop
of course, but I am not sure if rdiff-backup is runnin also local on my
laptop or only on my server.

Maybe there is a more advanced way to do this?

You can test for running rdiff-backup locally thus:

[ -n `ps -o pid --no-heading -C rdiff-backup` ]  echo running || 
echo not running

and you can query remote server thus:

[ -n `ssh u...@remote.server ps -o pid --no-heading -C rdiff-backup 
2/dev/null` ]  echo running || echo not running

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup fails, no gzipped file

2010-12-07 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 07/12/10 18:54, ~D wrote:

On 12/07/2010 05:09 PM, Dominic Raferd wrote:

On 07/12/2010 14:42, ~D wrote:

On 12/07/2010 03:26 PM, D. Kriesel wrote:
Do you prevent a shutdown or reboot when rdiff-backup is running? 

Since rdiff-backup does not like backup interruptions (and 
therefore is not usable on slow or unreliable connections) I rdiff 
to a local repository on the server (the server usually doesn't 
reboot) and rsync the entire repository to the remote destination.

My backup only runs when there is a internet connection. I use my 

at home most of the time. I have to find a way to check wether
rdiff-backup is running and to reboot after it shutdown. I can use htop
of course, but I am not sure if rdiff-backup is runnin also local on my
laptop or only on my server.

Maybe there is a more advanced way to do this?

You can test for running rdiff-backup locally thus:

[ -n `ps -o pid --no-heading -C rdiff-backup` ]  echo running 
|| echo not running

and you can query remote server thus:

[ -n `ssh u...@remote.server ps -o pid --no-heading -C 
rdiff-backup 2/dev/null` ]  echo running || echo not running .

Ah Thanks! So it should be possible to make some script which checks 
if it's is running, if no, shutdown, if yes, wait 15 minuts and check 
again etc... right?


yes you could write a bash script and put it as a job in your crontab to 
run every 15 minutes, say...

My mirror backup server (not my primary) is updated from my primary by a 
script which uses rdiff. The script runs on the primary and starts by 
waking up the mirror server (over the internet), then runs rsync, then 
after checking all is well, powers down the mirror. Works well with 
rsync - as David pointed out earlier, it is not a good idea to run 
rdiff-backup over an unstable connection.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup fails, no gzipped file

2010-12-08 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 07/12/2010 22:40, ~D wrote:

On 12/07/2010 09:33 PM, Dominic Raferd wrote:

On 07/12/10 18:54, ~D wrote:

On 12/07/2010 05:09 PM, Dominic Raferd wrote:

On 07/12/2010 14:42, ~D wrote:

On 12/07/2010 03:26 PM, D. Kriesel wrote:

Do you prevent a shutdown or reboot when rdiff-backup is running?

Since rdiff-backup does not like backup interruptions (and
therefore is not usable on slow or unreliable connections) I rdiff
to a local repository on the server (the server usually doesn't
reboot) and rsync the entire repository to the remote destination.

My backup only runs when there is a internet connection. I use my
at home most of the time. I have to find a way to check wether
rdiff-backup is running and to reboot after it shutdown. I can use
of course, but I am not sure if rdiff-backup is runnin also local
on my
laptop or only on my server.

Maybe there is a more advanced way to do this?

You can test for running rdiff-backup locally thus:

[ -n `ps -o pid --no-heading -C rdiff-backup` ]  echo running
|| echo not running

and you can query remote server thus:

[ -n `ssh u...@remote.server ps -o pid --no-heading -C
rdiff-backup 2/dev/null` ]  echo running || echo not running .

Ah Thanks! So it should be possible to make some script which checks
if it's is running, if no, shutdown, if yes, wait 15 minuts and check
again etc... right?


yes you could write a bash script and put it as a job in your crontab
to run every 15 minutes, say...

My mirror backup server (not my primary) is updated from my primary by
a script which uses rdiff. The script runs on the primary and starts
by waking up the mirror server (over the internet), then runs rsync,
then after checking all is well, powers down the mirror. Works well
with rsync - as David pointed out earlier, it is not a good idea to
run rdiff-backup over an unstable connection.

I was thinking about a script on my laptop for shutdown my machine,
instead of running sudo shutdown -h now, run a script which only make
the laptop shutdown when rdiff-backup is not runnning.

I'm using fluxbox, so I'm used to shutdown my machine via terminal.


Here's a script 'auto-shutdown.sh' I use which shuts down a machine if 
there is no ssh connection and certain other programs are not running:

if [ -z `netstat -t|grep :ssh.*ESTABLISHED$` ]; then
  [ `ps -A|grep -Ec cp$|rsync$|mv$|rm$` = 0 ]  shutdown -h now

add a line to /etc/crontab thus, to run the script hourly:
01 ** * *   root/opt/auto-shutdown.sh

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup fails, no gzipped file

2010-12-11 Thread Dominic Raferd

yes you could write a bash script and put it as a job in your crontab
to run every 15 minutes, say...

My mirror backup server (not my primary) is updated from my primary by
a script which uses rdiff. The script runs on the primary and starts
by waking up the mirror server (over the internet), then runs rsync,
then after checking all is well, powers down the mirror.

Hmm I  just have a small NAS server (qnap 109), no 'mirror backup 
server' here.

What do you mean by 'waking up the mirror server'?

~D Wiki

Well our main backup is done by all our machines to a server on our LAN 
using rdiff-backup - this I call the 'primary' backup server. Then each 
night this primary machine runs a script which uses rsync to copy its 
contents to an offsite machine, which therefore is maintained as a 
'mirror' of the primary.

The mirror machine is normally switched off. To switch it on, the script 
sends a 'magic packet' to the mirror machine, thus turning it on. Then 
the script runs rsync, and when that is over, it shuts the mirror 
machine down again.

In a simple case, you can use the wakonlan utility to wake the remote 
machine: see http://gsd.di.uminho.pt/jpo/software/wakeonlan/. If it 
isn't already available on your machine and you use Debian or Ubuntu you 
can add it with apt-get I think. If the remote machine is behind another 
router then waking it may be more complicated: I have a special script 
to pass through Netgear DG834G router, for example (see 


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

[rdiff-backup-users] librsync.so and _librsync.so

2010-12-15 Thread Dominic Raferd

Can anyone explain the relationship between /usr/lib/librsync.so,

They are not the same:

  /usr/lib/librsync.so is symlinked to
/usr/lib/librsync.so.1.0.2 which is 46612 bytes, and I think
came via apt-get install librsync-dev
is 30110 bytes, is located in my rdiff-backup installation
location, and seems to have come with rdiff-backup in the

Both Rdiff.py and robust.py import librsync [i.e. librsync.py?], and
librsync.py imports _librsync.

When I built rdiff-backup I specified --librsync-dir=/usr/lib. 

Which file is rdiff-backup using: librsync.so or _librsync.so? Are
they alternatives and if so which one should it use?


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Getting a comprehensive file listing of a directory

2010-12-24 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 21/12/2010 22:56, Greg Freemyer wrote:


I've got a directory that seems to be missing some files.

I don't recall their names or exactly when they existed.

rdiff-backup -l  --list-increment-sizespath-to-backup-dir

shows me that I have about 10 instances of that directory backup up.

Is there some way to get a list of every file that I've ever backed up
for that directory tree?  Even if I see the same file 10 times, I'm
happy.  I just want to see all the files.


If you don't mind using a web application rather than CLI, have you 
considered rdiffWeb? In each directory this shows all files that ever 
existed as well as the currently-existing ones, and you can 
click'n'choose which revision to retrieve.

I don't know how rdiffWeb does this 'under the hood' but I guess it 
calls some of rdiff-backup's internal functions (rdiffWeb, like 
rdiff-backup, is a python app).


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] [PATCH] Sparse file support

2011-01-04 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 03/01/2011 20:27, Eric Wheeler wrote:

On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 08:11:00PM -0800, Eric Wheeler wrote:

Feedback and comments are appreciated!

Original Message-
From: Matthew Miller

How will this interact with existing backups?

rdiff-backup re-writes changed destination files, so if a source file
changes, rdiff-backup will write the whole file after calculating a
reverse-diff for the increment tree.

Existing backup trees will become sparse over time, as files change.

So I guess it is forward-compatible, but not backward-compatible? 
Existing repositories can be read fine with rdiff-backup patched for 
sparse file support, but repositories created with sparse file support 
cannot be read by unpatched rdiff-backup. That's okay, but it might make 
most of us feel that we would rather not use this patch unless we 
specifically need it, until it is part of mainstream rdiff-backup.

Sadly, development of rdiff-backup has gone silent for a while now. I 
think these patches are great (as were Daniel Miller's a while ago, 
which provided a --verify-full option) but no one from the development 
side seems to be updating the code at the moment. (I would love to be 
proved wrong.)

- Dominic

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] [PATCH] Sparse file support

2011-01-06 Thread Dominic Raferd
AFAIK Andrew's last posting on this newsgroup was March 2009, and his 
last entry in CVS was January 2010, which is indeed the last entry by 
anyone. Josh (who also created the excellent rdiffWeb GUI front-end) was 
last seen here April 2010. You could try requesting to become a project 


On 04/01/2011 15:38, D. Kriesel wrote:

I would also love you to be proved wrong, but some weeks ago i asked the head 
developer if he is still active in the project and did not even get an answer.

Dominic Raferddomi...@timedicer.co.uk  schrieb:

On 03/01/2011 20:27, Eric Wheeler wrote:

On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 08:11:00PM -0800, Eric Wheeler wrote:

Feedback and comments are appreciated!

Original Message-
From: Matthew Miller

How will this interact with existing backups?

rdiff-backup re-writes changed destination files, so if a source file
changes, rdiff-backup will write the whole file after calculating a
reverse-diff for the increment tree.

Existing backup trees will become sparse over time, as files change.


So I guess it is forward-compatible, but not backward-compatible?
Existing repositories can be read fine with rdiff-backup patched for
sparse file support, but repositories created with sparse file support
cannot be read by unpatched rdiff-backup. That's okay, but it might
most of us feel that we would rather not use this patch unless we
specifically need it, until it is part of mainstream rdiff-backup.

Sadly, development of rdiff-backup has gone silent for a while now. I
think these patches are great (as were Daniel Miller's a while ago,
which provided a --verify-full option) but no one from the development
side seems to be updating the code at the moment. (I would love to be
proved wrong.)

- Dominic

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL:

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: AW: [rdiff-backup-users] [PATCH] Sparse file support

2011-01-08 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 08/01/11 10:31, D. Kriesel wrote:

Hi Dominic,

this is certainly a cool idea, only I have no Python developer experience und 
therefore you for sure don't want me as a project member :-). Currently, I just 
try to help out people on the mailinglist from my experience as a computer 
scientist and rdiff-backup user.

ditto (except the scientist bit)

  Anyway, there is hope. I am currently preparing my PhD project, and plan to 
use python for some scripting. Once I feel my understanding of python and the 
internals of rdiff-backup is good enough, I will file a request as you said.
Thanks. In the meantime, if there are any python programmers who use and 
value rdiff-backup and could offer their services to the project, the 
rest of us would be very grateful I'm sure.


AFAIK Andrew's last posting on this newsgroup was March 2009, and his
last entry in CVS was January 2010, which is indeed the last entry by
anyone. Josh (who also created the excellent rdiffWeb GUI front-end) was
last seen here April 2010. You could try requesting to become a project


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Re: What happens if you add a --exclude to an existing rdiff-backup?

2011-01-08 Thread Dominic Raferd

Thanks David, that is helpful.

It would be good if there was a way of removing a subset of data from 
the entire repository. So let's say I put a 500GB folder in /home by 
accident and it has gone into the repository and is bloating it. I can 
exclude it from my future rdiff-backup runs but the folder will still be 
held as snapshot[s]. If I run --remove-older-than it will remove all 
data older than whenever, but I want to keep all the other stuff and 
just remove this folder (and its contents).

Quite a common scenario but rdiff-backup can't handle it (AFAIK) and I 
don't know of a reliable workaround (apart from: get a bigger disk for 
the repository).


On 08/01/11 10:15, D. Kriesel wrote:

Hi, according to rdiff-backups doc, excluded files are just treated as if they 
would not exist. This means that a snapshot of such a file will be created in 
the metadata once a backup run with the exclusion is performed, and the file 
will be deleted from the mirror data.llyu

Cheers, david

Dominic Raferddomi...@timedicer.co.uk  schrieb:

I agree that makes sense in terms of the question in the body of your
posting. But the subject of your posting was a slightly different
question: 'What happens if you add a --exclude to an existing

If a week ago you added  --exclude /home/fred to your rdiff-backup line

backing up /home, will /home/fred now be removed from the destination
a --remove-older-than 5D run?

In other words, if you add exclusion criteria to an existing
rdiff-backup run, are the copies of the newly-excluded files removed

from the main repository and placed in the increments folder [in which

case they *would* be removed by a subsequent --remove-older-than
command], or are they just left where they were [in which case they
*wouldn't* be]?

I don't know the answer, but if someone does I would be interested.


On 07/01/11 21:31, Chris G wrote:

On Fri, Jan 07, 2011 at 02:38:45PM -0500, cov...@ccs.covici.com


When the files are deleted, they are copied to the increments folder


kept till they are removed by --remove-older-than.

That makes sense, thank you.

Chris Gc...@isbd.net   wrote:

If you delete files/directories from the 'source' of an


will they get removed from the destination with an appropriate
--remove-older-than run?

For example if rdiff-backup has been backing up a hierarchy with a
directory called 'tmp' for a while and then the 'tmp' directory is
removed can one get rdiff-backup to remove the 'tmp' backups 7 days
later by --remove-older-than 7D.

  From the man page it sounds as if deleted files *will* be


Note that snapshots of deleted files are covered by

this  opera-

tion.  Thus if you deleted a file two weeks ago,

backed up imme-

diately afterwards, and then  ran  rdiff-backup

with  --remove-

older-than  10D  today,  no  trace  of  that  file

would remain.

Finally, file selection options such as --include

and  --exclude

don't affect --remove-older-than.

But this bit from the examples section of the documentation worries



  Note that an existing file which hasn't changed for a year

will still be

  preserved. But a file which was deleted 15 days ago cannot be


  after this command is run.

Chris Green

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] external hard drive for backups with multiple file systems

2011-01-12 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 12/01/11 00:55, Thomas Evangelidis wrote:

I have an external hard drive where I would like to save my Windows 
files and also create incremental backups for Linux. The problem is 
that incremental backups cannot be created in the default HPFS/NTFS 
file system of the hard drive. Is it possible to format the drive to a 
file system (i.e. VFAT or FAT32) which would be read by Windows but 
could also save Linux incremental backups? Which file system is that? 
The program I use for backing up is rdiff-backup.

I don't know of any reason why rdiff-backup under Linux could not back 
up to FAT32, but I have never tried it and personally I would stick to a 
standard Linux format such as ext4.

If there isn't any such file system, in what way could I create 2 
partitions just for backing up (no OS will be installed), one of which 
will be mounted by Windows (i.e. NTFS) and the other by Linux (i.e. 
ext4) using a partitioning program like GParted?

No problem to do this, but make the first partition on the drive NTFS, 
because this is the only one that will be seen by Windows, and then the 
second can be for Linux. You can probably even create the first 
partition under Windows.

I would greatly appreciate any advice!

If both machines (Windows and Linux) are in the same place and switched 
on at the same time, then you could leave the external drive attached to 
the Linux machine (and formatted for Linux), and run rdiff-backup from 
the Windows machine to the Linux machine, saving the data on the 
external drive. Using rdiff-backup from Windows to Linux is well tested.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Backup on Windows with exclude-globbing-filelist and spaces in path

2011-01-18 Thread Dominic Raferd
I think for exclude-globbing-filelist you don't need that dash prefix. 
Here is an extract from mine, which works under Windows:

ignorecase:**Deleted Items.dbx**
ignorecase:**Tecom Bluetooth Dongle Application setup guide.pdf**
ignorecase:**/Temporary Internet Files/**

- remove the prefixed dash
- you are right to use unescaped forward slashes
- try using ignorecase: as a prefix and see if this helps
- no problem to exclude files or folders with spaces in the names

[With TimeDicer you provide an excludelist in Windows format and it 
*nixifies it 'under the hood' to work with rdiff-backup.]

On 18/01/2011 13:38, ABC DEF wrote:


I've been trying to make a backup with rdiff-backup from Windows Vista 
to a remote Linux box via ssh.

I'm trying to achieve something like this:

S:\Program Files\rdiff-backup\rdiff-backup.exe 
--exclude-globbing-filelist S:\Program 
Files\rdiff-backup\my_exclude.txt --remote-schema s:\Program 
Files\putty2\plink.exe -i privatekey.ppk %%s rdiff-backup --server 
s:\Temp\doc u...@example.com::/home/user/.rdiff-backup

File my_exclude.txt looks like this:
- s:/Temp/doc/test

I've tried other variations, like S:\\/Temp\\/doc\\/testor 
S:\Temp\docwhich was suggested in Windows howto, but nothing works and 
it throws this:

Fatal Error: Fatal Error: The file specification
cannot match any files in the base directory

So my goal is to exclude test directory from S:\Temp\doc. I am 
planning on backuping my Documents after I success with this, so I 
would also like to exclude some directories with spaces in their name 
(like My Games).

Is it possible to do this with rdiff-backup on Windows?

Thanks and regards,

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Force a regression of rdiff-backup archive

2011-01-18 Thread Dominic Raferd
This must be almost a record snail-wise for a newsgroup correspondence 
(my original posting June 2009, Janne's reply Feb 2010, this reply Jan 
2011), but by way of a very belated thank you to Janne for his 
suggestion, and using his technique, I attach a bash script which 
automates the process of forcibly regressing an rdiff-backup repository.

Help is built in, just run the script without parameters to see. It does 
a single step regression, it can be run multiple times if you need to 
regress the repository back further. All the usual caveats apply.


On 23/02/2010 10:39, Janne Peltonen wrote:


I don't know if you solved your problem already some another way, but I thought
it'd be nice to tell what I do in situation like this, anyway.

Without looking at the source, it appears that rdiff-backup decides whether a
regression is in order by checking whether there are two current_mirror stamps
(one for the supposedly failed backup, the other for the previous, successful
backup). So you can force a regression to the previous version by creating a
new current_mirror stamp file in the destdir/rdiff-backup-data directory. (The
file contains the word PID, a space, and the pid of the rdiff-backup process
that created the version, but the contents aren't that interesting in this
case; you can just copy the existing current_mirror file.) The timestamp in the
file name of the current_mirror file must match the timestamp of the previous
backup, the one you want to regress to (you can only regress to the previous
backup, don't try to skip versions).

An example might be in order:

varma:/backup/data/aulis/rdiff-backup-data# ls -ltr mirror_metadata*|tail -n2
-rw--- 1 root root7243 21.2. 02:49 
-rw--- 1 root root 5453359 23.2. 12:07 
varma:/backup/data/aulis/rdiff-backup-data# cp 
varma:/backup/data/aulis/rdiff-backup-data# rdiff-backup 
--check-destination-dir /backup/data/aulis

Depending on your version of rdiff-backup and the exact situation, you might
get an error like this:

Exception 'RPath instance has no attribute 'inc_compressed'' raised of class 
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 295, in 
 try: Main(arglist)
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 315, in 
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 273, in 
 elif action == check-destination-dir: CheckDest(rps[0])
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 781, in 
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/regress.py, line 69, 
in Regress
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/regress.py, line 124, 
in regress_rbdir
 if has_meta_diff and not has_meta_snap: recreate_meta(meta_manager)
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/regress.py, line 145, 
in recreate_meta
 writer = metadata.MetadataFile(temprp, 'w', check_path = 0)
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/metadata.py, line 378, 
in __init__
 if compress and not rp_base.isinccompressed():
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/rpath.py, line 1087, 
in isinccompressed
 return self.inc_compressed

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/bin/rdiff-backup, line 23, in ?
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 295, in 
 try: Main(arglist)
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 315, in 
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 273, in 
 elif action == check-destination-dir: CheckDest(rps[0])
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/Main.py, line 781, in 
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/regress.py, line 69, 
in Regress
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/regress.py, line 124, 
in regress_rbdir
 if has_meta_diff and not has_meta_snap: recreate_meta(meta_manager)
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/regress.py, line 145, 
in recreate_meta
 writer = metadata.MetadataFile(temprp, 'w', check_path = 0)
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/metadata.py, line 378, 
in __init__
 if compress and not rp_base.isinccompressed():
   File /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/rdiff_backup/rpath.py, line 1087, 
in isinccompressed
 return self.inc_compressed
AttributeError: RPath instance has no attribute 

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Slowdown from a few mins to 8 hours backup time due to one large log file

2011-02-01 Thread Dominic Raferd
That seems extraordinarily slow for rdiff-backup to backup a text file 
to a local disk, even a file that is 3.9GB. Was the file changing 
(additional log entries, maybe?) while rdiff-backup was trying to back 
it up?


On 01/02/2011 06:33, Patrick Nagel wrote:

Hash: SHA1


I have rdiff-backup running nightly on my home server. It keeps a versioned
backup of all relevant data on the second HDD.

I didn't monitor the backup too closely, because I didn't get any alarm that
the backup had failed. Today I looked at the logs, and noticed, that the
backup time went up from a few minutes a while back, to8 hours.

2010-11-23T03:00: ElapsedTime 277.51 (4 minutes 37.51 seconds)
2010-11-24T03:00: ElapsedTime 438.69 (7 minutes 18.69 seconds)
2010-11-25T03:00: ElapsedTime 321.99 (5 minutes 21.99 seconds)
2010-11-26T03:00: ElapsedTime 2848.57 (47 minutes 28.57 seconds)
2010-11-27T03:00: ElapsedTime 3358.68 (55 minutes 58.68 seconds)
2010-11-28T03:00: ElapsedTime 2876.65 (47 minutes 56.65 seconds)
2010-11-29T03:00: ElapsedTime 2834.06 (47 minutes 14.06 seconds)
2010-11-30T03:00: ElapsedTime 3553.56 (59 minutes 13.56 seconds)
2010-12-01T03:00: ElapsedTime 3549.67 (59 minutes 9.67 seconds)
2010-12-02T03:00: ElapsedTime 3555.71 (59 minutes 15.71 seconds)
2010-12-10T03:00: ElapsedTime 8015.67 (2 hours 13 minutes 35.67 seconds)
2010-12-11T03:00: ElapsedTime 9066.51 (2 hours 31 minutes 6.51 seconds)
2011-01-30T03:00: ElapsedTime 28665.77 (7 hours 57 minutes 45.77 seconds)
2011-01-31T03:00: ElapsedTime 31093.79 (8 hours 38 minutes 13.79 seconds)
2011-02-01T03:00: ElapsedTime 31489.30 (8 hours 44 minutes 49.30 seconds)

By tracking what rdiff-backup was doing ('strace -prdiff-backup's PID' on
another terminal), I quickly found out that it spent huge amounts of time
diffing one big file. The file was a log file, written to by a script I
wrote just around the time the backup time started to increase. I guess I
overdid it with the logging a bit, since the log file had 3.9 GB by now.
After removing the oversized log file, the backup times dropped back to
normal again:

2011-02-01T12:22: ElapsedTime 685.87 (11 minutes 25.87 seconds)
2011-02-01T13:57: ElapsedTime 468.25 (7 minutes 48.25 seconds)

Maybe the diff-algorithm used can be improved to not take so long on large
text files, especially since this one only grew into one direction, and the
other content never changed.

In any case, I'm glad the backup doesn't take the whole night any more.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Slowdown from a few mins to 8 hours backup time due to one large log file

2011-02-01 Thread Dominic Raferd
Yes, backing up from LVM snapshots is the best way (or, for Windows, use 
VSS), but at least you found a workaround...


On 01/02/2011 09:42, Patrick Nagel wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi Dominic,

On 2011-02-01 17:14, Dominic Raferd wrote:

That seems extraordinarily slow for rdiff-backup to backup a text file to a
local disk, even a file that is 3.9GB. Was the file changing (additional log
entries, maybe?) while rdiff-backup was trying to back it up?

Yes, I think so, and I don't use LVM snapshots on this server. That's
probably the real trigger then.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Removing intermediate snapshot

2011-02-07 Thread Dominic Raferd

I'm afraid that the short answer is: no

In most situations there should be no need to remove an intermediate 
backup because there would be little space saving. However in some 
situations it would be very helpful - say if you backed up the wrong 
stuff into an existing repository on one occasion (and then subsequently 
corrected it). Still, there is no easy way to fix this.

What can be done is to regress a repository day-by-day to get back 
beyond the 'bad' backup and then start anew from there. If the backup(s) 
you wish to remove are reasonably recent, and you don't mind losing any 
changes since then, this might be appropriate, and I have a script which 
can help (which I posted here a few weeks ago).


On 04/02/2011 12:00, Alex Schuster wrote:

Hi there!

I'm a happy rdiff-backup user, this utility is really excellent. Great work!

But some backup partitions are getting full. Is there a possibility to
remove not only the oldest backups(s), but some backups in between? For my
/home directory, the last backup is most important of course, but I would
also like to be able to restore the very first backup I did make. All other
backups in between are not that important, and I would like to remove some.
But rdiff-backup only has a --remove-older-thandate  option, not something
like --remove-betweendate1  date2. Is there some workaround, or do I
want the impossible?

I'm expecially concerned about one backup that has very much data in it that
was only temporary and is no longer needed. I read I could remove those
specific files if I am careful, but I still think there is an important
feature missing.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] ANN: rdiff-backup-fs 1.0.0

2011-02-08 Thread Dominic Raferd

excellent! I look forward to trying it...


On 08/02/2011 11:22, Filip Gruszczyński wrote:

I'd like to announce first stable release of rdiff-backup-fs
filesystem (formerly known as archfs). rdiff-backup-fs is a filesystem
that provides easy access and browsing of rdiff-backup archives. New
version of filesystem implements on demand revision data retrieval and
caching, so large rdiff-backup archives can be accessed (which was not
possible with archfs).

Home page: http://code.google.com/p/rdiff-backup-fs/

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Why using --force while restoring is dangerous?

2011-02-09 Thread Dominic Raferd
My reading is that using --force on a restore will overwrite existing 
files with the same name - so you may lose previous data at the restore 
destination. In general if you are restoring a directory (or a complete 
repository) it is logical to use a clean destination, in which case it 
shouldn't be a problem.

Anyone know different?


On 09/02/2011 12:40, Filip Gruszczyński wrote:

I have read in manual, that --force can be dangerous, when restoring
files from backup. I am using --force, when calling rdiff-backup in my
filesystem to restore a file. I can't yet remove it, because otherwise
it fails to restore file. Is it really dangerous or maybe I can keep

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Re: Why using --force while restoring is dangerous?

2011-02-09 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 09/02/2011 14:48, Robert Nichols wrote:

On 02/09/2011 07:32 AM, Dominic Raferd wrote:

My reading is that using --force on a restore will overwrite existing
files with the same name - so you may lose previous data at the restore
destination. In general if you are restoring a directory (or a complete
repository) it is logical to use a clean destination, in which case it
shouldn't be a problem.

Anyone know different?


On 09/02/2011 12:40, Filip Gruszczyński wrote:

I have read in manual, that --force can be dangerous, when restoring
files from backup. I am using --force, when calling rdiff-backup in my
filesystem to restore a file. I can't yet remove it, because otherwise
it fails to restore file. Is it really dangerous or maybe I can keep

When you are restoring a directory, --force will not only overwrite
existing files (which is probably what you intended, anyway), but it
will also _delete_ any files or even entire subdirectories that were
not present in the backup.  It will restore your directory to exactly
the state it was on the backup, nothing more, nothing less.  That
might be a nasty surprise.

Thanks for the info. That is logical, but I wasn't aware of it.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup streaming?

2011-02-17 Thread Dominic Raferd
I used rdiff.exe briefly before moving to rdiff-backup. Certainly 
rdiff-backup does your 2-4 'under the hood' and fast. It is highly 
optimised both for speed of transfer and for storage space - but does 
require a reliable connection between source and destination. It does 
not do your 1, you can achieve this best by backing up from an LVM 
snapshot (if your source machine is Linux) or VSS (if it is Windows).

I am pretty sure that rdiff-backup does not use rdiff, instead it uses a 
python module built from the librsync library (which is also called, I 
think, by rdiff).


On 17/02/2011 17:41, Mark Price wrote:

Question -

We use rdiff (not rdiff-backup) to do our incremental file backups.

We do:

   1. Copy the file to a staging area (so the file won't disappear or
  be modified while we work on it)
   2. Hash the original file, and computes an rdiff signature (used
  for delta differencing)
   3. Comput an rdiff delta difference (if we have no prior version,
  this step is skipped)
   4. Compress  encrypt the resulting delta difference

Our problem is all of these things happen in separate 
phases, distinctly one from the other.  This means it takes a long 
time to do its job.  What I am wondering is if rdiff-backup does all 
of these things in one read/write file pass in a streaming manner, or 
if it simply calls to the standard rdiff.exe (which isn't working for 
us)?  I didn't quite see information concerning this in the docs or 
wiki.  We have considered using xdelta (because it operates in a 
streaming manner) but the problem with xdelta is that it stores double 
copies of the deltas and kills storage space.  Any help on this matter 
would be great!

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup --verify 1.2.8 running around in circles

2011-02-20 Thread Dominic Raferd


I can't help with the python. But first step, unless the most recent 
backup is critical to you, is to try regressing the repository to get it 
back to a clean state, with the --check-destination-dir switch. If this 
refuses to regress, claiming that there is no corruption, I have a bash 
script which can 'force' a regression. You can repeat this as many times 
as necessary to get past (hopefully) the original corruption.

Secondly, rdiff-backup --verify switch gives only a partial verification 
of the repository. Daniel Miller wrote a patch, available for 
rdiff-backup 1.2.8, which adds --verify-full and --verify-full-at-time 
switches which can perform a full verification of a repository. I use 
this patched version in TimeDicer Server for this purpose only in 
preference to the standard rdiff-backup program.


On 20/02/11 12:23, Marc Haber wrote:


I have an rdiff-backup directory that was corrupted by a file system
crash. As I don't want to lose the backup, I tried rdiff-backup
-v9 --verify on the repository. But already after a few seconds of
running, output stops at:

Sun Feb 20 08:28:51 2011  Verified SHA1 digest of etc/kde4/kdm/backgroundrc
Sun Feb 20 08:28:51 2011  Verified SHA1 digest of etc/kde4/kdm/kdm.options
Sun Feb 20 08:28:51 2011  Verified SHA1 digest of etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc
Sun Feb 20 08:28:51 2011  Verified SHA1 digest of etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc.dpkg-old
Sun Feb 20 08:28:51 2011  Verified SHA1 digest of etc/kde4/khotnewstuff.knsrc
Sun Feb 20 08:28:51 2011  Verified SHA1 digest of etc/kde4/kshorturifilterrc
Sun Feb 20 08:28:51 2011  Verified SHA1 digest of 
etc/kernel/postinst.d/initrSun Feb 20 08:28:51 2011  Warning: Could not restore 
file etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools!

A regular file was indicated by the metadata, but could not be
constructed from existing increments because last increment had type
None.  Instead of the actual file's data, an empty length file will be
created.  This error is probably caused by data loss in the
rdiff-backup destination directory, or a bug in rdiff-backup
Sun Feb 20 08:28:51 2011  Warning: Computed SHA1 digest of 
doesn't match recorded digest of
Your backup repository may be corrupted!

and rdiff-backup starts taking 100 % CPU and stopped accessing the
disk. This was not the first case of an increment of type None being
found and flagged as such.

 From a cursory look at an strace output, rdiff-backup seems to be
running around in the following loop...

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Re: rdiff-backup --verify 1.2.8 running around in circles

2011-02-20 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 21/02/11 00:22, Robert Nichols wrote:

On 02/20/2011 02:51 PM, Marc Haber wrote:

On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 06:11:19PM +, Dominic Raferd wrote:

Secondly, rdiff-backup --verify switch gives only a partial 

of the repository. Daniel Miller wrote a patch, available for
rdiff-backup 1.2.8, which adds --verify-full and --verify-full-at-time
switches which can perform a full verification of a repository.

Debian's version does not seem to be patched. What does --verify omit?

--verify only checks the latest version of data in the repository, and 
because rdiff-backup works with reverse diffs this is far from 
confirming that the entire repository is okay. --verify-at-time allows 
you to check earlier date, but even checking a very early date (e.g. 
before the first backup) does not guarantee integrity of subsequent 
backups e.g. for files that did not exist at the earlier time. Without 
the patch, the only safe way is to run --verify-at-time for every time a 
backup set has been updated in the repository, but this is often 

If you read the last message from Dan Miller in that New feature:
--verify-full thread you see why versions including that patch have not
been distributed.


Yes. This version cannot for instance create new repositories. Daniel 
had backported it from his original patch (for rdiff-backup in CSV), and 
there are some glitches. So I only use it for the --verify-full and 
--verify-full-at-time options - I build but don't install it. For all 
other purposes I use standard rdiff-backup 1.2.8.

And, it wouldn't help for your case anyway.  The patch file contains the

  +WARNING this will not detect if your repository has already been 
  +It will create integrity signatures with the files as they exist 
when you
  +run the script. Any corruption that happened before that point can 
  +be detected with --verify-at-time. However, after you run this 
script you
  +can use --verify-full to verify that nothing has changed since you 
ran this


I think this warning refers to the integrify.py module not to the patch 
as a whole. The comment for the whole patch is:

+Added --verify-full, which verifies the integrity of an entire repository
+including all increments and metadata. This should be much faster than
+--verify-at-time=date in the past, and is more comprehensive in terms of
+what is verified.

The --verify and --verify-at-time now options are OK for checking the
current mirror (aside from problems with files having multiple hard 
which rdiff-backup stumbles with in other places too).  The big 
problem is
not having a way to verify the entire archive.  The suggestion on the 
site to pick a date that is at least as old as the oldest rdiff 
session is

very wrong.  Only the content that existed on that oldest date will be
checked.  Many forms of corruption for subsequent dates will go 

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup --verify 1.2.8 running around in circles

2011-03-01 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 20/02/2011 20:51, Marc Haber wrote:

On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 06:11:19PM +, Dominic Raferd wrote:

first step, unless the most recent
backup is critical to you, is to try regressing the repository to get it
back to a clean state, with the --check-destination-dir switch

Fatal Error: Destination dir scyw00225 does not need checking

  If this refuses to regress, claiming that there is no corruption, I
  have a bash script which can 'force' a regression. You can repeat
  this as many times as necessary to get past (hopefully) the original

So it'll be a force regression, try --verify, until --verify runs
through, losing one full, probably uncorrupted increment per iteration?

Exactly. Best to take a backup of the repository before trying it.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Backup not identifying changed file, even though hash is different

2011-03-24 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 24/03/2011 00:07, Patrick Nagel wrote:

Hash: SHA1


On 2011-03-24 06:29, Scott Jilek wrote:

Is there any way to force Rdiff to use a hash compare for difference
triggering?  I looked over the manual, and nothing seems to be what I'm
looking for.

I've tried adding the --compare-hash switch.  The MAN page isn't specific
about the function of --compare-hash, however it appears to be only for
VERIFICATION and not for candidate IDENTIFICATION, as causes rdiff to simply
show a report telling me this file is not in sync. When I use that switch no
backups occur from what I can tell as no increments are created.

Is there some way to explicitly force Rdiff to create a backup of specific
files?  What am I missing, because this seems like a huge gap in
functionality if it's only using file timestamps.

I guess it would be nice to have an option to make rdiff-backup identify
changed files by checksum/hash. That being said, I think I wouldn't want to
use it for anything, because it would be extremely slow. It would need to
read all files from start to end, while hashing them, at each backup run.
For a large backup repository with, say, 500 GB worth of files, the backup
would take more than an hour, even if not a single file changed (assuming
100 MB/s read and hashing speed).

By the way, rsync also wouldn't consider that truecrypt container as
changed, by default - you would need to add the '-c' option. And maybe
that's the best way to handle this: Exclude the truecrypt container(s) from
your rdiff-backup, and instead use rsync -c for that.
Alternatively you could 'touch' the truecrypt container just before the
backup, so that the modification timestamp gets changed, and rdiff-backup
will pick it up (but then it would create a diff every time, which would
take even longer than the 'rsync -c' method - but maybe you really want the
history of that file...).


I would echo the suggestion to touch the file. You can download a free 
touch.exe program from the net. I use it with -m option in a similar 
case to force rdiff-backup (via TimeDicer) to pick up a vmdk file.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Backup not identifying changed file, even though hash is different

2011-03-24 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 24/03/2011 17:31, Scott Jilek wrote:

Unfortunately, I can't just touch the file because it's in use and
locked by the truecrypt process.

Are you sure? I tried this and it worked for me with a truecrypt file in 

Is there any plan to add the rsync -c option to rdiff-backup to force
always checksum for files like this.  Obviously it wouldn't be used in
most cases, but for known special files like this where timestamps
aren't used, it really is the only option.

rdiff-backup development is stalled, sorry

I could try to install one of the windows rsync variants in this case,
but the whole idea of a practical backup process to me is getting
multiple snapshots in time, whereas rsync only gives me efficient
mirroring.  I'm not too keen on mirroring as a backup strategy, because
corrupted files completely destroy the usefulness of mirroring.  If it's
bad in the source, it becomes bad in the singular backup as soon as the
backup process runs and then you have no recovery option.  With Rdiff, I
can go back in time to just before the corruption occurred and restore
the file to the last know working time.  As far as I'm concerned, simple
mirroring is not a safe method of backup

I agree, rdiff-backup is practically perfect. But when you hit a 
limitation you will have to workaround.

Dominic http://www.timedicer.co.uk

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Problem with rdiff-backup

2011-04-04 Thread Dominic Raferd
The problem appears to be with some non-ASCII characters. What 
filesystems are you backing up to/from? Try with the switches 
--null-separator and/or --override-chars-to-quote, or if you are already 
using them, try without!


On 03/04/2011 16:28, Benjamin wrote:

Hello everyone!

Since this weekend (and i also remember that problem to have occured
earlier) i have a problem with rdiff-backup.
When I try to backup my files (with the same command a always used) i
get the following error (see below). At first a few notes on my
behavior: I normally backup all my files with the command see below.
Because that did not work with the following response:

[root@Banjo Benji]# rdiff-backup '/home/Benji'
Previous backup seems to have failed, regressing destination now.
^[[D^[[DSpecialFileError .gdesklets/sockets/%3A0.0 Socket error:
AF_UNIX path too long
ListError .gtk-bookmarks/.gvfs [Errno 13] Permission denied:
UpdateError Downloads/rdiff-backup.tmp.64562 [Errno 84] Invalid or
incomplete multibyte or wide character:
- Der Kampf der Strohh\x81tte.avi.2011-02-18T00:21:06+01:00.missing'

I then tried the following 15. from:


But also that did not help.

I then tried to make a whole new backup of my files with the following

[root@Banjo Desktop]# rdiff-backup '/home/Benji'
ListError .gtk-bookmarks/.gvfs [Errno 13] Permission denied:
OSError while renaming
to /media/Banjos_Wissen/Banjos_Backup/Downloads/330 - Der Kampf der
UpdateError Downloads/rdiff-backup.tmp.40180 [Errno 84] Invalid or
incomplete multibyte or wide character
That is the present problem, but I really like the simplicity of
rdiff-backup and don´t wanna change so please help me.

Thx. to you - Benjamin D.

Fedora 14
Kernel Linux

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] New GUI for rdiff-backup: JBackpack

2011-04-04 Thread Dominic Raferd

I can run rdiff-backup 1.2.8 fine on Windows 7 64-bit.

Edited from http://www.nongnu.org/rdiff-backup/:

On Windows, rdiff-backup requires the Visual C++ 2008 redistributable. 
Download DLL package 
http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/rdiff-backup/Microsoft.VC90.zip and 
copy the four files into the same directory as rdiff-backup.exe.



On 03/04/2011 21:43, Ronny Standtke wrote:


Sorry too for the late response.

Now it's my turn again to repeat the apology. :-)

It took a while, but I finally got my hands on a Win 7 64 bit system. The
strange thing is that I even fail installing rdiff-backup manually. When I
start rdiff-backup on the command line I only get the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\py2exe\boot_common.py, line 92, in
ImportError: No module named linecache
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File install zipextimporter, line 1, inmodule
ImportError: No module named zipextimporter
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File rdiff-backup, line 20, inmodule
ImportError: No module named rdiff_backup.Main

How did you successfully install and start rdiff-backup on a Win 7 64 bit



rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] IOError: [Errno 75] Value too large for defined data type

2011-05-10 Thread Dominic Raferd


Do you need to use NTFS for the external drive? I suggest you try again 
using a Linux format such as ext3 and see if you have more success. My 
impression is that a high proportion of problems with rdiff-backup 
relate to backups to NTFS volumes (backup *from* NTFS generally works fine).


On 10/05/11 16:21, Bruno Basilio wrote:


I'm new at using rdiff-backup but already fascinated with the simple principle.
Hope it will not stop to be maintained.

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, installed the rdiff-backup 1.2.8 and tried
to backup 80GB of pictures and movies using to USB external drives
with NTFS, at around 30GB, it stopped with following error:

$  rdiff-backup -v9 --print-statistics --no-hard-links
/media/BBasilioHomeBackup/fotos/ /media/Elements/rdiff-backup/fotos/
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Using rdiff-backup version 1.2.8
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Found interrupted initial backup. Removing...
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Determining if directory contains files:
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Determining if directory contains files:
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Determining if directory contains files:
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Determining if directory contains files:
- Bruno
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Deleting
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Removing directory
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Deleting
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Deleting
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Deleting
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Deleting
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  POSIX ACLs not supported by filesystem at
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Unable to import win32security module. Windows ACLs
not supported by filesystem at /media/BBasilioHomeBackup/fotos
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  escape_dos_devices not required by
filesystem at /media/BBasilioHomeBackup/fotos
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011
Detected abilities for source (read only) file system:
   Access control lists Off
   Extended attributes  On
   Windows access control lists Off
   Case sensitivity On
   Escape DOS devices   Off
   Escape trailing spaces   Off
   Mac OS X style resource forksOff
   Mac OS X Finder information  Off
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Making directory
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Touching
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Deleting
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Touching
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Deleting
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Touching
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Deleting
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Touching
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Deleting
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Touching
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Deleting
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Making directory
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Touching
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  Hard linking
Mon May  9 22:23:34 2011  POSIX ACLs not supported by filesystem at

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Q) Is rdiff backup being maintained ?

2011-05-12 Thread Dominic Raferd
Alex, I believe Daniel Miller is working on a new project inspired by 
rdiff-backup, I think he will post here when it is ready for others to 
try. I don't think its archives will be compatible with rdiff-backup.

For most of us rdiff-backups works and works very well indeed. Users 
like myself would really appreciate some generous volunteer (who 
understands the code, unlike me!) creating and then maintaining a fork 
(which in due course could become rdiff-backup2?), so that ongoing bugs 
can be addressed. I'm not sure whether it would be best to start from 
1.2.8 (stable), 1.3.3 (unstable, but I haven't heard of many problems) 
or CVS.


On 28/04/2011 01:33, Alexander Samad wrote:


Wondering if the application is being maintained - bug fixes etc


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/username/.gvfs'

2011-05-15 Thread Dominic Raferd


I have never used the --include-globbing-filelist, only the 
--exclude-globbing-filelist, but here are some suggestions:

Try: run the command with sudo [for cron: put in /etc/crontab]

Or: add '- /home/username/.gvfs' at the *top* of your filelist (if you 
haven't already tried it there)

Or: put a symlink inside /etc/ to point to /home/username/.ssh/config 
and then just backup /etc?

Or: do 2 runs of rdiff-backup, one for /etc and one for 

What has fuse got to do with it? Fuse is not normally used by 
rdiff-backup. However I do successfully use rdiff-backup to backup a 
remote /home directory mounted using sshfs, so it can work.


On 14/05/11 23:45, Andreas Herrmann wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to create a backup of my system configuration using
rdiff-backup. The idea is to have a backup of `/etc' and a few dotfiles
in `$HOME' just in case I screw something up. Ideally this backup should
be performed by a cron job.

rdiff-backup is called as
 rdiff-backup --include-globbing-filelist file_list \
 / $HOME/.backup/local

where `file_list' looks like
 - /**~
 - /.*.swp
 - /**/.*.swp
 - /

The problem: As soon as I put any file inside home into `file_list' the
following error message appears and the backup fails.
 [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/username/.gvfs'

Adding `- /home/username/.gvfs' to the file list doesn't help.

Googling around revealed, that this is a known problem and has to do
with fuse [1,2]. [1] even says this issue would be solved in the cvs
version. I've tried 1.2.8, 1.3.3 and the latest cvs version. All produce
the same error message.
The exact error message is attached to the mail.

I had a look at the code myself, but it's not clear to me where to
handle this case. Non readable files should produce an error if they are
listed as source or destination. But, I do _not_ want to backup `.gvfs'
so it should _not_ produce an error...

A quick hack around this is given in [2]. But, it's definitely not an
option for a cron job.


[2] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=783935

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/username/.gvfs'

2011-05-16 Thread Dominic Raferd

There is a fuse-fs for browsing rdiff-backup repositories [1].
Passing options to fuse is going to be enabled in the next release. With
allow_user set I should be able to mount my config backup as root, but
browse it as a user.

There's also a nice way to automatically exclude filesystems that do not
correspond to block devices listed in /dev. E.g. proc, tmpfs, but also

Haven't tried it yet, but this should work:
   rdiff-backup --exclude-filelist(grep -v '\(^/dev/\|^rootfs\)' /proc/mounts 
| cut -d \  -f 2 | uniq) \
 other options

Best, Andreas

[1] http://code.google.com/p/rdiff-backup-fs/

Yes I am aware of rdiff-backup-fs (but others may not be, so thanks for 
the reminder). It is the successor to archfs. I am waiting for it get 
beyond 1.0.0 too. I use rdiffweb (0.6.3) which works well.

Thanks for the tip re excluding filesystems.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Intermittent connection failures

2011-07-05 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 04/07/2011 14:48, Maarten Bezemer wrote:

...My money would be on the network stability.
Maybe rdiff-backup could somehow be made more robust, but I doubt the
current design can be patched to support reconnection attempts when
disconnected unexpectedly...

I agree. IMO rdiff-backup should never be run over an internet 
connection, only on a stable local network. If you want to get the 
rdiff-backup data offsite, create your rdiff-backup repository locally 
and then use rsync to mirror it to the offsite location. This is the 
technique used for TimeDicer primary/mirror servers.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Unable to restore interrupted backup

2011-07-08 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 08/07/2011 13:30, abschiedsstein wrote:

I used rdiff-backup for a while and everything was fine. Backups were fast and 
restoring was no problem.
Then, after an interrupted backup, the data was broken. Neither restoring nor 
fixing with --check-destination-dir was possible.
I guess there is somekind of a standard routine to fix this, but I was not able 
to figure it out until now.
Before I get into details, here are some information about my machine.

OS: Ubuntu 10.10
rdiff-backup: rdiff-backup 1.2.8
The backup directory is on an external usb drive.(NTFS)

When I tried to restore a file I got the message that the last backup was interrupted and that I 
should run --check-destination-dir (so far, so good). I did this. There were many messeges like 
... metadata, but could not be constructed from existing increments because last increment 
had type ... . When I now run --check-destination-dir again, I get : Fatal Error: 
Destination dir /media/TREKSTOR/Sicherungen/neodata-backup/home does not need checking. BUT 
restoring is still not possible:

rdiff-backup -r now /media/TREKSTOR/backupdir/Desktop/protokoll.pdf 
Warning: Could not restore file .!
A regular file was indicated by the metadata, but could not be
constructed from existing increments because last increment had type
dir.  Instead of the actual file's data, an empty length file will be
created.  This error is probably caused by data loss in the
rdiff-backup destination directory, or a bug in rdiff-backup

I would like to know a way to fix the backup. It would be completely sufficient 
if everything since the last successful backup would be deleted.
I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.

I attach a bash script which automates the process of forcibly regressing an 
rdiff-backup repository. You can use this to override the 'does not need 
checking' message.

Help is built in, just run the script without parameters to see. It does
a single step regression, it can be run multiple times if you need to
regress the repository back further. All the usual caveats apply.


THIS=`basename $0`
COLUMNS=$(stty size 2/dev/null||echo 80); COLUMNS=${COLUMNS##* }
while getopts :qfh optname; do
  case $optname in
q)QUIET=y; RDIFFBACKUPOPTIONS=--terminal-verbosity 0;;
?)echo Unknown option $OPTARG; exit 1;;
:)echo No argument value for option $OPTARG; exit 1;;
*)  # Should not occur
echo Unknown error while processing options; exit 1;;
shift $(($OPTIND-1))
if [ -z $QUIET -o -n $HELP -o -z $1 ]; then
echo -en \n$THIS v0.1216 by Dominic domi...@timedicer.co.uk
[ -z $HELP -a -n $1 ]  echo -n  (-h for help)
echo -e \n${THIS//?/=}\n
if [ -n $HELP -o -z $1 ]; then
echo -e Forces regression of an rdiff-backup archive even if natural 
regression does not occur. Can be useful if a repository is corrupted and 
regression is neither automatic nor can be initiated with 
--check-destination-dir.\n\nUsage:  \t$THIS [options] archive-path\nExample: 
\t$THIS -f /home/fred/backup\nOptions:\tf - Force, proceed with no 
prompt\n\t\th - Help, this help text\n\t\tq - Quiet, no output unless 
error\n|fold -s -w $COLUMNS
if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
echo Cannot find directory \$1\, aborting...
exit 1
if [ ! -d $ARCHIVE/rdiff-backup-data ]; then
echo $ARCHIVE does not appear to be a valid rdiff-backup repository, 
exit 1
[ -z $QUIET ]  echo Using repository: $ARCHIVE
WHENLAST=`ls $ARCHIVE/rdiff-backup-data/current_mirror*|sed 
NUMCURRENT=`echo $WHENLAST|awk '{print NF}'`
if [ $NUMCURRENT -ne 2 ]; then
if [ $NUMCURRENT -ne 1 ]; then
echo $NUMCURRENT current_mirror files, aborting...
exit 1
[ -z $QUIET ]  echo rdiff-backup does not recognise this 
repository as damaged
[ -z $QUIET ]  echo rdiff-backup recognises this repository as 
PREVRUN=`ls $ARCHIVE/rdiff-backup-data/mirror_metadata*|tail -n2|head -n1|sed 
if [ -z $FORCE ]; then
read -n 1 -t 30 -p About to regress $ARCHIVE repository from $WHENLAST 
to $PREVRUN: ok (y/-)? 
[ $REPLY != y ]  echo  - aborting...  exit 1
[ -z $QUIET ]  echo -e \nStarted `date`
if [ $NUMCURRENT -eq 1 ]; then
cp -a $ARCHIVE/rdiff-backup-data/current_mirror.$WHENLAST.data 
[ -z $QUIET ]  echo Copied current_mirror
[ -z $QUIET ]  echo Regressing, this may take a long time, please be 
rdiff-backup $RDIFFBACKUPOPTIONS --check-destination-dir $ARCHIVE
[ -z $QUIET ]  echo Ended `date`
[ -z $QUIET ]  [ $? -eq 0 ]  echo Regression completed successfully, 
current mirror is now $PREVRUN || echo There was an 

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Post-setup questions

2011-08-18 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 18/08/11 22:47, Grant wrote:

And, looking at the whole subject from a different angle: pushing also has
the large drawback that in case your laptop is stolen/lost/whatever, and you
use an ssh key for rdiff-backup to connect to your backup server, you risk
not only losing your 'real' systems, but the backup server can also be
compromised it an attacker starts using that key.

If I were to set up a separate user for each pushed backup and one of
the systems were compromised, only the compromised system's backups
would be accessible to the attacker (read/write unfortunately).

Practically this seems to me a pretty good solution. Push your backup 
from your laptop to a dedicated user on the (GNU/Linux) backup server, 
ensuring that its users cannot access (read or write) other users' data:

To ensure privacy for any new users on the backup server, in 
/etc/adduser.conf add/alter:


For existing users on the backup server, run:
sudo chmod 700 /home/*

When you create a user on the backup server, don't set a password i.e. 
login is only by public/private key authentication. Use a dedicated 
private key on the laptop for the backup, and put its public key on the 
backup server at (and only at) /home/[user]/.ssh/authorized_keys.

You need to be happy that there is nothing readable (or writeable) by a 
non-privileged user on the backup server that you would not want a 
hacker to see e.g. at /var/ or /opt/. For tighter security on the backup 
server you can limit the user to running a single command e.g. 

If the laptop is stolen, remove the corresponding public key from the 
backup server so that the laptop can no longer get access. And even if 
the thief moved fast enough to get into the backup server before you 
could remove the public key, she could only access the backup history 
for that laptop, and she has the laptop's data already...


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] [from] Re: Memory usage during regressions

2011-10-31 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 28/10/2011 11:03, john wrote:


The same problem as described here strucked me, too: When regressing a backup, rdiff-backup starts instantly consuming memory at quite a high rate, until it reaches 3GB. Then it dies with a memory allocation error, because it is running on a 32bit system.
As this means that I cannot make any new backups now, without starting from scratch, I searched quite a while for a solution to this. But only found this mailing list thread. Does this mean it is a rare error condition?
The system to backup is not that big: 2,2 Million files, 400GB.
Any hints for debugging?
I tested rdiff-backup V1.2.8-r1 and V1.3.3.


How much space is there in your /tmp folder? Try specifying a
different tmp folder with --local-temp or --remote-temp (i.e. one
with massive storage available). Or try increasing the size of your
swap location?

(rdiff-backup is supposed to use temp folders as specified here
under 'tempdir' but I think it doesn't follow this logic, or at
least not reliably. However forcing a specific temp location with
--local-temp or --remote-temp does seem to work.)


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Prevent rdiff-backup from deleting?

2011-11-14 Thread Dominic Raferd
I think (but haven't tried) you could alter the rdiff-backup option text 
like this (this is under Ubuntu 10.04, the location might differ with 
another OS):

sed -i 's/remove-older-than/remove-older-thax/g' 

So unless an infiltrator knew the new command name (remove-older-thax in 
the example above), they couldn't use it.


On 11/11/2011 20:51, Grant wrote:

I'm using rdiff-backup in an automated push arrangement with access
to the backup server provided via SSH keys and restricted to the
rdiff-backup command like command=rdiff-backup --server.  I think an
infiltrator could delete a compromised machine's backups from the
backup server like this:

rdiff-backup --remove-older-than 1s backup@

Is there any way to prevent something like that from happening?

- Grant

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Is Rdiff-backup still developed?

2011-11-14 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 14/11/2011 14:21, Filip Gruszczyński wrote:

Do you have any plans to release an update to rdiff-backup-fs 1.0.0?

Yes. I have a lot on my head recently (changed job and country too),
but I have some changes in SCM waiting to be deployed. I will try to
get to that and release a new version with some fixes that people were
asking for.

I will look forward to it!


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Hash doesn't match recorded hash

2011-11-15 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 15/11/2011 00:23, Alex Schuster wrote:

I need to restore an old VMware image, but I am getting LOTS of these

Error reading /backup/weird/home/wonko/os/vmware/xp/winXPPro-0.log,
substituting empty file.
Warning: Hash da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 of winXPPro-0.log
doesn't match recorded hash db9943d0284382131b553cef380aae99871b0f2e!

Any idea what has happened? rdiff-backup --check-destination-dir --force
says nothing has to be checked, and option --verify does not find
errors. The hard drive seems to be okay, no errors in the syslog, and a
long SMART selftest also does not find any errors. I can restore some
other directories I tried, but I need the backup of this VMware machine.

Vmware files for a running vm may change while being backed up by 
rdiff-backup, in which case you don't have a consistent backup. Maybe 
this is why you have this inconsistent hash warning.

Before using rdiff-backup on a VMware vm, my suggestion is to pause or 
suspend or stop the vm (e.g. with vmrun). Alternatively use the VMware 
snapshot facility and backup the snapshot rather than the running vm.

None of this is much help if you have already lost your vm and are 
trying to recover it from backup. You might try recovering older 
versions of the vm (from your rdiff-backup repository), maybe you will 
find a consistent and usable vm there. Also the file you mention is only 
a log file and not critical. The critical files I think are *.vmdk, 
*.vmx and *.nvram.



rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Hash doesn't match recorded hash

2011-11-15 Thread Dominic Raferd
I note there was a similar plea last March on this list, you can see it 
Unfortunately there was no published resolution.

I wonder if the problem relates to the temporary folder being used on 
the server or (possibly) on the local machine? Try running the restore 
with --remote-tempdir and --tempdir pointed at locations with bags of space.

Is it only this log file that gives the error message? What about the 
vmdk file?


On 15/11/2011 12:27, Alex Schuster wrote:

Maarten Bezemer writes:

On Tue, 15 Nov 2011, Dominic Raferd wrote:

On 15/11/2011 00:23, Alex Schuster wrote:

Warning: Hash da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 of winXPPro-0.log
doesn't match recorded hash db9943d0284382131b553cef380aae99871b0f2e!

Any idea what has happened?

Vmware files for a running vm may change while being backed up by
rdiff-backup, in which case you don't have a consistent backup. Maybe this is
why you have this inconsistent hash warning.

If the contents changed during the rdiff-backup run, it bails out and
doesn't save the (inconsistent) increment. So that shouldn't happen.

I didn't know that, but I wonder if it always works like that or whether 
in extreme cases (such as huge vmdk files or corrupted source drive) it 
can break down.

And I amusing a backup script which takes a LVM snapshot of my /home
partition before rdiff-backupping it.

Good thinking, but I doubt this guarantees that the vmdk file is consistent.

Restoring other VMs seems to work, although I did not test many. But I
cannot restore ANY backup of this special VM I need, I tried about six
of my twenty backups.
Well, it would be really nice to be able to restore this VM, but if not,
I can (and have to) live with that. But I really would like to know why
this happened, and if I can trust other backups I do.
I successfully restored this VM in the past already, but that was an
earlier snapshot I have deleted meanwhile.

Yes I think we would all like an explanation for your problem, and a 
workaround. It could be our problem one day...


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] restoring only changed files

2011-12-08 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 08/12/2011 05:12, Chris wrote:

I'm doing some testing to learn how to utilise rdiff-backup. I'm hoping
some one can help answer a few questions.

I have created two directories. One is a directory called root where I
have created two files. I back those files up to a directory called

When I run rdiff-backup -r now backup root it tells me

Fatal Error: Restore target root already exists, specify --force to

If I add --force it continues to restore all the files. The problem is I
don't need to restore all the files if some of the files haven't changed.
I only want it to restore files that I have changed. Restoring even the
files that haven't changed increases the time it takes to revert to an
older backup.

My goal is to be able rdiff-backup on a 'root partition' (root) and then
restore the files from a backup in the event my system crashes during an
apt-get upgrade.

I am working with an already slow medium. I also know that rdiff-backup is
not the fastest solution. It is probably the best solution though. I need
to 'undo' changes relatively frequently too so this is of a great concern
to me if it takes a long time to do a restore.

The USP of rdiff-backup is that it keeps multiple previous versions of a 
dataset. But for your purpose I think rsync would be easier - and it can 
do the type of restore that you seek. Alternatively if you had LVM on 
your root partition and a newish Linux kernel it might be possible to 
take an LVM snapshot and then revert back to it if your system crashes - 
some info here: 


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup failed: error 31

2011-12-13 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 13/12/2011 14:31, Jean Pierre Dentone wrote:


I'm trying to get a backup of a 3TB partition and it failed with this error

Exception '[Errno 31] Too many links:
raised of class 'exceptions.OSError':

This has been working ok for a while and then we had a problem with the
RAID being degrated. we fixed the raid issue and the backups never
worked again. I have even tried to do a fresh backup on a new
partition/location but we get the same error

any ideas what the problem could be? we havent changed anything on our
backup server.

PS: Im using rdiff-backup 1.2.8

Try running rdiff-backup with --no-eas option (unless you need extended 
attributes), and see if this helps.

http://www.timedicer.co.uk: File Recovery from Whenever

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] KeyError while backing up to sshfs

2012-01-26 Thread Dominic Raferd


what if you change /etc/backup.list by removing the final slash from
/backup/dev/ i.e. /backup/dev

I think that with your backup list it tries to backup /backup/dev
(though not its contents) and maybe this causes the failure?

TimeDicer: Free File
Recovery from Whenever

On 25/01/2012 14:45, Jochen wrote:


I get a (repeatable) KeyError while backing up to sshfs using 
rdiff-backup on linux (either version 1.2.8 or 1.3.3). My backups ran 
normally for about a year, then this error came, and they don't work 

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


rdiff-backup --no-hard-links --include-globbing-filelist 
/etc/backup.list --exclude-other-filesystems -v9 /backup /mnt/backup/one

Source directory /backup is a snapshot of /, /mnt/backup is a mounted 
sshfs, /dev does not exist in the target directory.

- **/*~
- **/rdiff-backup.tmp.*
- **/#*#
- **/rdiff-backup.tmp.*
- /backup/usr/portage/
- /backup/tmp/
- /backup/var/tmp/
- /backup/sys/
- /backup/root/
- /backup/var/log/
- /backup/var/cache/
- /backup/var/run/
- /backup/dev/

Wed Jan 25 15:32:48 2012  Setting time of /mnt/backup/one/data to 1326994981
Wed Jan 25 15:32:48 2012  Exception '('dev',)' raised of class 'type 
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line 
306, in error_check_Main
try: Main(arglist)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line 
326, in Main
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line 
282, in take_action
elif action == "backup": Backup(rps[0], rps[1])
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line 
345, in Backup
backup.Mirror_and_increment(rpin, rpout, incdir)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/backup.py", 
line 51, in Mirror_and_increment
DestS.patch_and_increment(dest_rpath, source_diffiter, inc_rpath)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/backup.py", 
line 251, in patch_and_increment
ITR(diff.index, diff)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/rorpiter.py", 
line 280, in __call__
if last_branch.can_fast_process(*args):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/backup.py", 
line 524, in can_fast_process
mirror_rorp = self.CCPP.get_mirror_rorp(index)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/backup.py", 
line 479, in get_mirror_rorp
except KeyError: return self.get_parent_rorps(index)[1]
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/backup.py", 
line 461, in get_parent_rorps
raise KeyError(index)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/rdiff-backup-2.7", line 30, in module
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line 
306, in error_check_Main
try: Main(arglist)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line 
326, in Main
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line 
282, in take_action
elif action == "backup": Backup(rps[0], rps[1])
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line 
345, in Backup
backup.Mirror_and_increment(rpin, rpout, incdir)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/backup.py", 
line 51, in Mirror_and_increment
DestS.patch_and_increment(dest_rpath, source_diffiter, inc_rpath)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/backup.py", 
line 251, in patch_and_increment
ITR(diff.index, diff)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/rorpiter.py", 
line 280, in __call__
if last_branch.can_fast_process(*args):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/backup.py", 
line 524, in can_fast_process
mirror_rorp = self.CCPP.get_mirror_rorp(index)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/backup.py", 
line 479, in get_mirror_rorp
except KeyError: return self.get_parent_rorps(index)[1]
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/backup.py", 
line 461, in get_parent_rorps
raise KeyError(index)
KeyError: ('dev',)



rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] KeyError while backing up to sshfs

2012-01-27 Thread Dominic Raferd

I guess you already considered if you made any changes to your
system or to /etc/backup.list that might have caused the error to

You could try one or more of options --exclude-special-files
--exclude-sockets --exclude-other-filesystems...


On 26/01/2012 17:27, Jochen wrote:

  Dominic, thanks for the tip, alas no luck. Didn't
work with the changed backup.list either.
  - **/*~
  - **/rdiff-backup.tmp.*
  - **/#*#
  - **/rdiff-backup.tmp.*
  - /backup/usr/portage
  - /backup/tmp
  - /backup/var/tmp
  - /backup/sys
  - /backup/root
  - /backup/var/log
  - /backup/var/cache
  - /backup/var/run
  - /backup/dev
  On 2012-01-26 13:09:17 +, Dominic Raferd said:
  what if you change /etc/backup.list by removing the
final slash from /backup/dev/ i.e. /backup/dev
  I think that with your backup list it tries to
backup /backup/dev (though not its contents) and maybe this
causes the failure?
  TimeDicer: Free File
Recovery from Whenever
  On 25/01/2012 14:45, Jochen wrote:
  I get a (repeatable) KeyError while backing up to
sshfs using
  rdiff-backup on linux (either version 1.2.8 or
1.3.3). My backups ran
  normally for about a year, then this error came, and
they don't work
  Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  rdiff-backup --no-hard-links
  /etc/backup.list --exclude-other-filesystems -v9
/backup /mnt/backup/one
  Source directory /backup is a snapshot of /,
/mnt/backup is a mounted
  sshfs, /dev does not exist in the target directory.
  - **/*~
  - **/rdiff-backup.tmp.*
  - **/#*#
  - **/rdiff-backup.tmp.*
  - /backup/usr/portage/
  - /backup/tmp/
  - /backup/var/tmp/
  - /backup/sys/
  - /backup/root/
  - /backup/var/log/
  - /backup/var/cache/
  - /backup/var/run/
  - /backup/dev/
  Wed Jan 25 15:32:48 2012 Setting time of
/mnt/backup/one/data to 1326994981
  Wed Jan 25 15:32:48 2012 Exception '('dev',)'
raised of class 'type
"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line
  306, in error_check_Main
"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line
  326, in Main
"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line
  282, in take_action
action == "backup": Backup(rps[0], rps[1])
"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line
  345, in Backup
rpout, incdir)
  line 51, in Mirror_and_increment
source_diffiter, inc_rpath)
  line 251, in patch_and_increment
  line 280, in __call__
  line 524, in can_fast_process
= self.CCPP.get_mirror_rorp(index)
  line 479, in get_mirror_rorp
KeyError: return self.get_parent_rorps(index)[1]
  line 461, in get_parent_rorps
  Traceback (most recent call last):
"/usr/bin/rdiff-backup-2.7", line 30, in module
"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line
  306, in error_check_Main
"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line
  326, in Main

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] how to push rdiff-backup

2012-03-10 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 10/03/12 08:00, Nicolas Jungers wrote:

On 2012-03-10 04:07, Willem Buitendyk wrote:
I'm a little perplexed.  My scenario is that I have data loggers in 
the field, each with a 3g usb modem on board.  I want to have the 
data loggers rdiff back to my server on amazon ec2 - or to push the 
backup.  My data loggers have dynamic ip addresses and the telco 
company keeps them hidden.  In other words I can't have my backup 
amazon ec2 server poll my data logger.  Again, the need to push the 
backup.  I'm not really finding any information on how to accomplish 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The way I do it is to establish an openVPN tunnel. Beware that 
rdiff-backup is very sensitive to the link quality.

Agreed about the link quality, and so I would suggest that rather than 
try to run rdiff-backup over a 3g connection, you run rsync, which is 
much better at recovering from broken connections, especially with the 
--partial and --link-dest switches (and, occasionally, --checksum). Each 
machine in the field could rsync back to their dedicated folder on the 
backup machine and then the backup machine can run rdiff-backup locally. 
By combining the 2 programs in this way you can still get the benefit of 
rdiff-backup's versioning '4D' backup.

I also recommend creating a snapshot on the source machine and backing 
up from this rather than from the original data (which might change 
while the backup is in progress). For this you want LVM (for Linux) or 
VSS (for Windows) - I don't know what the equivalent is for Apples.

TimeDicer http://www.timedicer.co.uk - Windows Backup and File 
Recovery from Whenever
rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] [m] help using rdiff-backup on Windows

2012-05-13 Thread Dominic Raferd
If you want to carry on running native rdiff-backup.exe directly, I 
suggest you remove backslashes and just use a single forward slash as 
the directory separator in your specifications (including in your 
exclude-list file).

It is possible that you will hit further problems because you are 
backing up via SMB, but the best way to find out is to try it... 
(Regardless of source, the most reliable *destination* for rdiff-backup 
repositories IMO is a Linux machine/filesystem.)

Alternatively have a look at my TimeDicer utility which uses 
rdiff-backup Windows native client and is tailored specifically for 
backups from Windows: http://www.timedicer.co.uk. This allows you to 
specify files and directories in windows style (with the normal Windows 
backslashes and ignoring case sensitivity) and backs up to a 'TimeDicer 
Server' which is a dedicated Linux machine (real or virtual). It also 
uses VSS so it can backup locked files.


On 12/05/2012 02:42, Teddy Brown wrote:

Hey all,
I'm having difficulty running rdiff-backup on Windows, both under 
Cygwin and natively.  This program is clearly geared towards real Unix 
based systems so I haven't been able to find many docs to help out.

What I'd like to be able to do is create an include list of files to 
back up.  My source directories are across 3 local hard drives and my 
target is a NAS connected with SMB (actually an Apple Time Capsule).

I simply can't get Cygwin to work, at all to the network drive, it 
gives Python exceptions.

In the native Windows client I get a little further:
C:\Users\Teddyrdiff-backup --include-filelist backup_list.txt 
--exclude ** C:\\/ \\teddys-time-cap\Data\Backups\win7-desktop
ListError $INPLACE.~TR [Error 5] Access is denied: 
ListError $Recycle.Bin/S-1-5-20 [Error 5] Access is denied: 

Warning: file specification 'E:\\/Digital\ Camera\ Pics' in filelist 

doesn't start with correct prefix C:\\.  Ignoring.
Warning: file specification 'F:\\/Users' in filelist backup_list.txt
doesn't start with correct prefix C:\\.  Ignoring.
Fatal Error: Fatal Error: The file specification
cannot match any files in the base directory
Useful file specifications begin with the base directory or some
pattern (such as '**') which matches the base directory.

C:\Users\Teddyrdiff-backup --include-filelist backup_list.txt 
--exclude C:\\/*

* C:\\/ \\teddys-time-cap/Data/Backups/win7-desktop
Found interrupted initial backup. Removing...
ListError $INPLACE.~TR [Error 5] Access is denied: 
ListError $Recycle.Bin/S-1-5-20 [Error 5] Access is denied: 

Warning: file specification 'E:\\/Digital\ Camera\ Pics' in filelist 

doesn't start with correct prefix C:\\.  Ignoring.
Warning: file specification 'F:\\/Users' in filelist backup_list.txt
doesn't start with correct prefix C:\\.  Ignoring.
Fatal Error: Fatal Error: The file specification
cannot match any files in the base directory
Useful file specifications begin with the base directory or some
pattern (such as '**') which matches the base directory.

backup_list.txt contains:
E:\\/Digital\ Camera\ Pics

Any help?

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: 

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] resuming initial backup

2012-05-20 Thread Dominic Raferd
Not that I know of. Because of the complexity of the underlying archive, 
rdiff-backup does not like a failed or interrupted previous backup 
attempt at all and tries to remove one if it finds it. Otherwise the 
risk would be that you corrupt the archive and lose your data history. 
Although it might be possible in theory for rdiff-backup to continue a 
previously-interrupted session, the code to do this doesn't exist and 
isn't likely to be written.

rsync is good at recovering from broken sessions but then it is not 
trying to do anything so complex. But there are some backup tools based 
around rsync such as rsnapshot which might work better for you, although 
they lack the power of rdiff-backup.


On 20/05/2012 12:24, tim wrote:


i'm using a synology ds411 nas as backup target. the processor on this
device is very slow, so i don't get a transfer rate of more than 5 mb/s
when accessing it via ssh (cpu-bound). this makes backups for my 500GB
data partition rather painful.

i'd therefore like to interrupt and later resume the initial backup.
however rdiff-backup tells me:
Found interrupted initial backup. Removing...

... and then starts copying the files ... is there any way to resume an
initial backup?

thanks, tim

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] resuming initial backup

2012-05-20 Thread Dominic Raferd
What exactly needs to be deleted (i.e. the rdiff metadata)? What happens 
to the data history (held in the rdiff-backup directory), is it still 
all recoverable after you have followed this procedure?


On 20/05/2012 12:34, D. Kriesel wrote:

PS.: You might have to --force the backup, not sure, but I know it works ...

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: rdiff-backup-users-bounces+mail=dkriesel@nongnu.org


backup-users-bounces+mail=dkriesel@nongnu.org] Im Auftrag von D.
Gesendet: Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012 13:34
An: 'tim'; rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Betreff: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] resuming initial backup

Rdiff-backup takes any existing data as a base in a target dir that has to
be initialized, so just remove the rdiff-metadata from the target, while
keeping the data that has already been copied :-)


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] resuming initial backup

2012-05-20 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 20/05/2012 13:02, D. Kriesel wrote:

The whole history will be lost when following this procedure, which renders
it inappropriate for backup repositories whose history actually exists.

However, if I get Tim right, he is talking about an interrupted _initial_
backup run. In this case, giving up the entire history obviously does not do
any harm. Without any metadata (i.e. the rdiff-backup-data subfolder), afaik
a forced rdiff-backup run will take whatever there is in the target folder
as a base and won't retransfer existing parts. So my solution might be the
right thing to do in this special case.

Ah yes, in that case it might work. Thanks for the explanation


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup file consistency

2012-06-09 Thread Dominic Raferd

@David: if you try obnam please let us know how you get on with it.

I guess one could store rdiff-backup repositories on a deduplication
file system such as lessfs or zfs and get the de-duplication
benefits. And using the --no-compression switch might or might not
bring further space savings (as well as, presumably, faster
backups/restores/verifies). But I am not sure if any deduplication
file systems are reliable enough for backup?

On 09/06/2012 09:37, D. Kriesel wrote:

  If I get it right, there is no such thing as deltas. Every generation seems to virtually stand for its own. However, double chunks of data (no matter if being caused by different machines or generations or whatever) are deduplicated in a generalized way. Nice design! As check for duplicate data made before transmission, this could be also very efficient (however, one could still transmit with rsync and than use obnam).

I'll stop spamming this list now with obnam features, however the delta question is the one that arises for sure when other backup systems are mentioned here ;)


Timedicer - File
  Recovery from Whenever


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup vs. Back-In-Time

2012-06-10 Thread Dominic Raferd
Thanks for your posting Kshitij, you give us yet another backup program 
to consider - back-in-time.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it:

If your backup routine works for you, why change to rdiff-backup? 
Back-in-time (according to the website) is a GUI and under the hood it 
uses rsync, diff, cp and hardlinks to take snapshots. To rdiff-backup 
users this sounds a bit like reinventing the wheel and it may well be 
much less space-efficient than rdiff-backup. It's not clear to me 
whether a small change in a large file leads back-in-time to store the 
whole file twice; if so, these types of files (databases, mailboxes) 
could eat up a huge amount of space (in theory 24 x their original size 
per day). rdiff-backup only stores the diffs or deltas which in such 
cases are comparatively small. But if you have plenty of space or are 
happy to delete snapshots older then a certain limited period (1 week? 1 
month?) then even in this scenario the space considerations may not be 

bug-free = not yet thoroughly tested:

I do think however that anyone reading this mailing list should bear in 
mind that people post here when they have difficulties. For the most 
part rdiff-backup works very well and has proved a reliable backup for 
many years - for me and for others. I recently had to recover an old 
version of a database file from about 9 months ago (i.e. about 230 
reverse-diffs) - rdiff-backup worked perfectly (albeit the recovery was 
quite slow). I mention this not because it is any kind of record but as 
a real-world situation where rdiff-backup saved my bacon.

For users who find the command line too alarming but still like the 
power of rdiff-backup, there is jBackup 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/jbck/, while for Windows users I would 
naturally say that TimeDicer http://www.timedicer.co.uk (which I 
maintain) is the way to go. For restoring, rdiffWeb 
http://www.timedicer.co.uk/rdiffweb/index * works nicely from your browser.


* static version of the wiki; the dynamic one is prone to spammer attacks

On 10/06/12 03:28, Kshitij Kotak wrote:

Dear rdiff-backup Experts

Pardon my naïve query, but need to understand what is the difference between 
rdiff-backup approach and the following steps:

1) we take the remote sync of primary data store on a mirror server using 
rsync. This is automated for every 1 hour using cron.

2) to get a point-in-time restore, we use back-in-time on mirror server to get 
the data stored locally in time slots to recover. My back-in-time runs once 
every day and is cronned using Back-In-time internal switch that allows me to 
define schedule.

This approach has worked flawless (so far). Plus back-in-time has a fantastic 
GUI which, for a non-expert like me is a great relief.

 From what gather on this group, rdiff-backup saves much larger amount of space 
than my approach. Is that correct? Considering the complexities of command line 
approach, restore issues and the kind of problems you guys report... I am 
petrified to try out rdiff-backup.

Does rdiff-backup offer me any significant benefits over my novice approach? If 
so, is there a better, less complex, more reliable way to implement backup (and 
guarantee restore :D ) for a novice like me?

Await your replies...


Sent from BlackBerry®
Xcuze typos if N E

rdiff-backup-users mailing list atrdiff-backup-us...@nongnu.org
Wiki URL:http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Possible to Restore Single File

2012-08-22 Thread Dominic Raferd
I recommend rdiffweb to restore single files from an rdiff-backup 

On 22/08/12 22:54, wardrop wrote:

Any other means for that'll work on Windows. I have a combination of Windows, 
OS X and a Busybox QNAP NAS that all need rdiff and possible restore 
functionality; it's mainly the clients (Windows, OS X) that will need to 
restore single files.

|This was sent by t...@tomwardrop.com via Backup Central.
|Forward SPAM to ab...@backupcentral.com.

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Winsdows 7/Vista ACLs not restored correctly?

2012-09-08 Thread Dominic Raferd
Leland, have you tried doing the backup from your Windows machine to a 
Linux host and then restoring from there?

Or, if that is not possible, using the linux version of rdiff-backup on 
your Windows machine through cygwin?

*TimeDicer - Windows Backup and File Recovery from Whenever 

On 07/09/12 22:56, Leland Best wrote:

Hello All,

I've tried Googling this problem as well as searching the mailing list
archives with no luck.  Also there was a Wiki about Windows - Linux
backups but that seems to have been down for quite a while now.  So, my
apologies if this has been answered somewhere and I just haven't found
it.  Anyway, ...

The short version is: When I back up then restore using the rdiff-backup
win32 binaries from http://www.nongnu.org/rdiff-backup/ the
permissions/ACLs are not restored correctly.  I've tried many different
combinations of things but even in the simplest cases (i.e. source,
backup, and restore directories all on c:\ someplace) the restored
permissions/ACLs are incorrect.  I need to know if this is a known issue
or whether I'm missing something.

Here are some more details.  On both Windows 7 64-bit and Windows Vista
32-bit I've done the following:

1) Download and unzip rdiff-backup-1.2.8-win32.zip (I've also tried

2) Copied the resulting rdiff-backup.exe file to C:\Program Files
\Savannah (which I created manually) and added this directory to the end
of the system-wide PATH environment variable.

3) Reboot (just to be sure the new PATH is picked up by everything).

4) Log in as, say, my normal (administrative) user which we'll call

5) Click 'Start', enter 'cmd' in the search box, right-click 'cmd.exe'
and select Run as administrator.

6) mkdir C:\Backup

7) rdiff-backup -v 5 c:/Users/Leland
c:/Backup/Lelandc:/Backup/Leland_backup.log 21

(all as one command obviously) where 'Leland' is another administrative
user I created just for testing.  After a little bit this completes
without significant errors.

8) rdiff-backup -v 5 -r now c:/Backup/Leland
c:/Users/Leland.restoredc:/Backup/Leland_restore.log 21

This also appears to complete without errors.  However, when I compare
the Properties - Security (in Windows Explorer or whatever) for C:
\Users\Leland and C:\Users\Leland.restored they are quite different.
For example, 'Leland' does not inherit from C:\Users but
'Leland.restored' does.  'Leland' only shows permissions for users
'SYSTEM', 'Leland', and 'Administrators' while 'Leland.restored' also
has permissions for 'EVERYONE', and 'Users'.  The specifics of the
permissions for each user differ too.

So, am I doing something wrong?  If so, what?  If not, then how on earth
are other folks using rdiff-backup to back up Windows machines?  Any
help, pointers, etc. would be greatly appreciated.  If posting log files
or additional info will help just let me know.

BTW (and slightly off topic) I've used rdiff-backup under Debian
GNU/Linux for years and it has worked well.  I've done bare metal
restores given a Debian Live CD with rdiff-backup installed.  I've even
used ntfsclone to image an entire Windows partition and put _that_ in
rdiff-backup.  It all works like a champ!  Unfortunately, none of these
are acceptable for my current application. :(

Thanks in advance.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Winsdows 7/Vista ACLs not restored correctly?

2012-09-19 Thread Dominic Raferd

Sorry Leland, I have always explicitly excluded acls from my Windows
backups. But in any case for ACLs rdiff-backup requires the pylibacl and pyxattr modules. My
standard rdiff-backup installation (under Ubuntu 12.04) does not
have pylibacl or pyxattr. You can check whether you have them in
your Debian with:

pydoc modules|egrep -o "(pylibacl|pyxattr)"

Could this be your problem?


On 09/09/2012 02:56, Leland Best wrote:

  Hello Dominic,

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

As I said, I've tried quite a few combinations of things but figured my
initial post would be long enough without going through them all.  Also,
I figured the case I outlined was the simplest one (i.e. least number of
variables to worry about).  But since you ask ...

On Sat, 2012-09-08 at 09:26 +0100, Dominic Raferd wrote:

Leland, have you tried doing the backup from your Windows machine to a
Linux host and then restoring from there?

Since Linux is my OS of choice, this was actually the first thing I
tried.  My Linux boxes run Debian GNU/Linux.  I have one running
"squeeze/stable" and one running "wheezy/testing".  Only rdiff-backup
1.2.8 is available as an official Debian package though I also tried
removing the Debian package and building/installing 1.3.3 from source.
In each case the corresponding win32 native binary was installed on the
Windows side.  Also, on the Windows/client side I tried using both the
Cygwin OpenSSH and PuTTY to make the connection to the Linux box.

In all cases, as best I can remember, the result was the same as in the
simple case I outlined originally (i.e. no errors but restored
permissions/ACLs were wrong).


Or, if that is not possible, using the linux version of rdiff-backup
on your Windows machine through cygwin?

[rest of original post deleted]

I assume you mean using the Cygwin version of rdiff-backup on the
Windows machine to backup and restore to/from the linux box?  I've tried
this too and the results are (mostly) worse.  For example, I removed the
win32 native rdiff-backup, installed Cygwin's version (1.2.8), and did
(in a Cygwin rxvt/bash window):

prompt rdiff-backup -v 5 /cygdrive/c/Users/Leland
lbest@harry::tmp/Backup/Leland  ./Leland_backup.log 21

prompt rdiff-backup -v 5 -r now
lbest@harry::tmp/Backup/Leland /cygdrive/c/Users/Leland.restore

./Leland_restore.log 21


After this, here are the permissions on C:\Users\Leland and C:\Users

C:\Users\Leland (the original source directory):

SYSTEM: not inherited, Full Control, This folder, subfolders and files
Leland: not inherited, Full Control, This folder, subfolders and files
Administrators: not inherited, Full Control, This folder, subfolders 
  and files

and on the restored C:\Users\Leland.restored directory:

lbest: not inherited, Special, This folder only
None: not inherited, Special, This folder only
Everyone: not inherited, Special, This folder, subfolders and files
SYSTEM: not inherited, Full Control, This folder, subfolders and files
Administrator: not inherited, Full Control, This folder, subfolders 
  and files
Users: not inherited, Read  Execute, This folder, subfolders and 
CREATOR OWNER: not inherited, Special, subfolders and files only
CREATOR GROUP: not inherited, Special, subfolders and files only

The only _good_ thing is that it gets "not inherited" right.
Everything else is all bollixed up.  The original owner (Leland) has no
permissions at all!

BTW, I also tried this using the Cygwin rdiff-backup entirely locally on
the Windows machine with exactly the same results.  At least it's

Is the format of the windows metadata and ACL files (stored in the
rdiff-backup-data directory) documented anywhere?  Then maybe I could at
least determine whether the permissions and ACLs were being stored
correctly in the backup.

I take it nobody else has had this problem?  If not, then it must be
something weird in my setup.  But I'm clueless what it could be.  Locale
maybe?  I dunno.

Thanks again for your time.


  TimeDicer: Free
  File Recovery from Whenever

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Winsdows 7/Vista ACLs not restored correctly?

2012-10-01 Thread Dominic Raferd


Plaudits for your detailed research. Here is a developer thread from the 
time when the Windows ACL code was being developed for rdiff-backup: 
(June 2008).

Sadly rdiff-backup is no long under development, the last maintainer 
seemed to lose interest after March 2009 and no one has picked up the 
baton. I still find it very powerful and reliable for backing up data 
from Windows machines to a Linux backup server - I'm not bothered about 
permissions, though. (Note that the rdiff-backup option --no-acls works 
both for Posix and Windows systems.)


*TimeDicer* http://www.timedicer.co.uk: Free File Recovery from Whenever

On 25/09/2012 03:31, Leland Best wrote:


Sorry for the delay in replying.  Anyway, ...

On Wed, 2012-09-19 at 17:53 +0100, Dominic Raferd wrote:

Sorry Leland, I have always explicitly excluded acls from my Windows

Hmmm, well there's something I haven't tried.  However, as I understand
it (which may well be wrong of course) the rdiff-backup options about
ACLs (e.g. --no-acls) all apply to POSIX ACLs.  Windows ACLs are not
POSIX ACLs and, in fact, are handled by a different Python module.  I
also believe that under Windows the ACLs are basically the _only_
security mechanism so to disable them would loose all permissions info.

  But in any case for ACLs rdiff-backup requires the pylibacl and
pyxattr modules. My standard rdiff-backup installation (under Ubuntu
12.04) does not have pylibacl or pyxattr. You can check whether you
have them in your Debian with:

pydoc modules|egrep -o (pylibacl|pyxattr)

'pydoc' spits out a bunch of errors for me but:

lbest@harry:~ dpkg -s python-pylibacl | grep Status
Status: install ok installed

lbest@harry:~ dpkg -s python-pyxattr | grep Status
Status: install ok installed

This extract from a linux-linux backup is suggestive:

ing: os.popen2 is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.
   stdin, stdout = os.popen2(remote_cmd)
Unable to import win32security module. Windows ACLs
not supported by filesystem at /buckbeak/root/home
escape_dos_devices not required by filesystem at /buckbeak/root/home
Using rdiff-backup version 1.2.8
Executing ssh -C root@thestral rdiff-backup --server
Detected abilities for source (read only) file system:
   Access control lists On
   Extended attributes  On
   Windows access control lists Off
   Case sensitivity On
   Escape DOS devices   Off
   Escape trailing spaces   Off
   Mac OS X style resource forksOff
   Mac OS X Finder information  Off
Unable to import win32security module. Windows ACLs
not supported by filesystem at home/rdiff-backup-data/rdiff-backup.tmp.0
escape_dos_devices not required by filesystem at
Detected abilities for destination (read/write) file system:
   Ownership changing   On
   Hard linking On
   fsync() directories  On
   Directory inc permissionsOn
   High-bit permissions On
   Symlink permissions  Off
   Extended filenames   On
   Windows reserved filenames   Off
   Access control lists On
   Extended attributes  On
   Windows access control lists Off
   Case sensitivity On
   Escape DOS devices   Off
   Escape trailing spaces   Off
   Mac OS X style resource forksOff
   Mac OS X Finder information  Off

First, note that both source and destination show Access control lists
and Extended attributes as On.  Presumably if pylibacl and/or
pyxattr were not installed they would be Off.  Second, and more to the
point, are these lines:

Unable to import win32security module. Windows ACLs
not supported by filesystem at /buckbeak/root/home
   Windows access control lists Off

I believe _Windows_ ACLs are handled in module win32security.  Now the
log files from the windows native client doing a windows-linux backup
shows Windows access control lists as On on the source (windows)
filesystem but Off on the destination filesystem.  This is okay though
because rdiff-backup stores the windows ACL data

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] [a2] Please help getting my backups running.

2012-10-31 Thread Dominic Raferd

Hi Gary

From what I can tell this doesn't seem to be a problem with 
rdiff-backup but some sort of issue with ssh? Anyway...

ssh-copy-id -i /home/clientrdiff/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 
serverrd...@server.server.com mailto:serverrd...@server.server.com 
as both root and clientrdiff returns
ssh: connect to host server.server.com http://server.server.com port 
22: Connection refused

If I add -p or use the Host from config I get:
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found

I am not familiar with ssh-copy-id but checking on man page it looks as 
if it does not support the -p option and I guess you are using a 
non-standard ssh port? So don't use ssh-copy-id, just add the public key 
manually; you only have to do it once for each remote user (root and 
clientrdiff). Do you know how to do this?
/etc/fstab sshfs#ser...@server.com:/home/serverrdiff/ToBeBackedUp 
/home/clientrdiff/mnt/server.com:/home/clientrdiff/ToBeBackedUp fuse 
user,noauto,ro 0 0
returns: mount: can't find 
in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
Your second problem seems to be with sshfs, your syntax looks strange to 
me. To mount the remote directory 'ToBeBackedUp' at say 
/home/clientrdiff/remotebackup I think it should be like this:

$ mkdir -p /home/clientrdiff/mnt/remotebackup
$ sshfs ser...@server.com:/home/serverrdiff/ToBeBackedUp 
/home/clientrdiff/mnt/remotebackup -o workaround=rename

But why are you using sshfs at all? You don't need this for 
rdiff-backup, unless rdiff-backup cannot be installed on either client 
and server. Using sshfs will make backups slower and use more bandwidth.

Here is an example of rdiff-backup doing a push backup (i.e. run on 
client) using a non-standard ssh port 9222:
$ rdiff-backup --remote-schema ssh -C -p9222 %s rdiff-backup --server 

BTW both your machines are using a very old version of rdiff-backup 
(1.0.5), you should use 1.2.8 (the last stable version) or 1.3.3 (the 
last unstable, but seems to work fine).

Regards, Dominic

*TimeDicer - Windows Backup and File Recovery from Whenever 

On 30/10/12 19:21, Gary Rickert wrote:

I have spent the last week googling to figure this out but have failed.
I have 2 servers, what I am going to call client, the system that 
will back up some directories on the server. I can ssh w/ no 
password by both client-root user and clientrdiffbackup and connect to 
a user with full sudo priveledges. The info following shows What, 
client, server.

uname -r 3.4.2-x86_64-linode25 3.0.18-x86_64-linode24
yum info rdiff-backup   Installed 
Packages  Installed Packages
 Name  : 
rdiff-backup   Name   : rdiff-backup
 Arch   : 
x86_64   Arch   : x86_64
1.0.5 Version: 1.0.5
2.el5Release: 2.el5
yum info fuse-sshfs Version: 
2.4Version: 2.4
Users root and 
ssh-copy-id -i /home/clientrdiff/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 
serverrd...@server.server.com mailto:serverrd...@server.server.com 
as both root and clientrdiff returns
ssh: connect to host server.server.com http://server.server.com port 
22: Connection refused

If I add -p or use the Host from config I get:
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found

/etc/fstab sshfs#ser...@server.com:/home/serverrdiff/ToBeBackedUp 
/home/clientrdiff/mnt/server.com:/home/clientrdiff/ToBeBackedUp fuse 
user,noauto,ro 0 0
returns: mount: can't find 
in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

Same symptom when if fstab and command is configured to use root.

This is what I hope is salient, but I will be most happy to answer any 

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Please help getting my backups running.

2012-11-02 Thread Dominic Raferd

Well Gary I'm glad you succeeded in the end, and pleased to be of

Yes normally the build location is /usr/src (absolute location) but
you seemed to be using ./usr/src that is why I suggested you stick
with that. If it has worked for you with /usr/src then that's better

I have now uploaded my rdiff-backup installer program
rdiff-backup-install.sh to the web - help and download page at
I've tweaked and renumbered it v0.3. If you use it again please use
the latest version from there just so that I can check it is

Now that you have rdiff-backup working you might want to install
rdiffweb which provides a web interface for retrieving files from
the rdiff-backup server; install program is at

Regards, Dominic
TimeDicer: Free File
Recovery from Whenever

On 02/11/2012 13:50, Gary Rickert

Well Dominic, I sure hope you have had as much fun as
  I have:) 
  All kidding aside, it looks like this script did it. I installed
  on my backup system, ran and got the version mis-match message, as
  expected. Ran rdiff-backup-install.sh on my other system, ran and
  all again looks OK. Thank you, thank you.
  So, what was the challenge? 
  I will be doing a bunch more testing/bench-marking again in a few
  days, but I have some catching up to do after spending most of the
  last week emersed in this. I haven't looked in detail at the
  following install output, or tried to figure out the install
  script, but I believe the destination address in the install
  command line (/usr/src) should be absolute, not relative. y/n?
  My hope is that you don't hear from me again, but hope I haven't
  worn out my welcome if I do have more issues. It is not often that
  I see this level of responsiveness, even from paid vendors. 
  Thanks again
  root ~/install#./rdiff-backup-install.sh 1.2.8 /usr/src
  rdiff-backup-install.sh v0.2 [02 Nov 12] by Dominic (-h for help)
  Searching for librsync.so*: /usr/lib
  Searching for Python.h: /usr/include/python2.4/Python.h
  Download rdiff-backup-1.2.8.tar.gz [y/-]: y
  Untar the rdiff-backup-1.2.8.tar.gz [y/-]: Build the downloaded
  program [y/-]: y
  running build
  On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 3:30 AM, Dominic
Raferd domi...@timedicer.co.uk

   Here is a
further-improved version of my script, and hopefully it can
now use yum to install any missing dependencies. Notice that
its name has changed to rdiff-backup-install.sh (i.e. with
'.sh' added at the end). Try this (v0.2) instead of the one
I sent a couple of hours ago.



On 02/11/2012 00:50, Gary Rickert wrote:

I hope "without any warranties"
  doesn't mean without assistance:}
  When I run the script I get:
  root ~/install/rdiff-backup-1.2.8 # installrdiff -pnq
  1.2.8 /opt
  Unable to locate librsync.a. Please install
  librsync-dev and try again.
  root ~/install/rdiff-backup-1.2.8 # installrdiff -pnq
  rdiff-backup-1.2.8 /opt
  Unable to locate librsync.a. Please install
  librsync-dev and try again.
  The first thing I noticed was the package name
  Package librsync-devel-0.9.7-13.el5.x86_64 already
  installed and latest version
  Package librsync-devel-0.9.7-13.el5.i386 already
  installed and latest version
  Name : librsync
  Arch : x86_64
  Version : 0.9.7
  Release : 13.el5
  Hope this search may help:

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] WindowsError: [Error 5]

2012-11-06 Thread Dominic Raferd

Here is my 2 cents:

  Long file names are not a problem for rdiff-backup
  'Foreign' characters should not be a problem provided they are
properly supported on your Windows command line. If you can view
the file name correctly from the command line then it should
work for rdiff-backup. If not, you may need to add some
additional options to Windows...
  Maybe you don't have sufficient permissions to write to the
destination (g:/_rdiffBAK)? Especially likely if it is a network
  I would not use rdiff-backup to backup Windows c:, I regard
rdiff-backup (for Windows) as a 'data' backup tool not a
'system' backup tool. I would focus on backing up %USERPROFILE%
with some exclusions to prevent backup of temporary data.
  I would also suggest that it is easier for ongoing maintenance
point of view to have several smaller repositories rather than
one huge one, even if this means running rdiff-backup more than
once to complete a backup session.
  In general, rdiff-backup works well *from* Windows, but not so
well *to* Windows. If the above suggestions don't help, consider
backup to a Linux-based machine - for instance with TimeDicer, which I
wrote and which uses rdiff-backup.

TimeDicer: Free File
Recovery from Whenever

On 06/11/2012 09:13, Slavko Kocjancic


I tryed to use rdiff-backup in Windows XP. (In my ubuntu works prefectly)
When I start backup I got WindowsError: [Error 5] Acess denied in 
destination name/path.
And other problem seems to be long file names and foregin characters in 
How to proceed.
(I realy like rdiff backup reverse diff scheme and can't find some other 
similar software for backup in win)


Here is terminal output:

G:\g:/_rdiff/rdiff-backup --no-acls -v4 --include-globbing-filelist 
list.txt c: g:/_rdiffBAK


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Please help getting my backups running.

2012-11-07 Thread Dominic Raferd

Hi Gary

Are you running rdiff-backup as root? Even if you are, backing up
mysql databases needs some extra work to ensure that you get a
consistent backup. For my linux machines I have mysql databases (and
all my data) on LVM
volumes, so I briefly lock the mysql server, take a snapshot of the
volume (which happens quickly) and unlock the mysql server, and then
I can take a backup from the snapshot:

# ... simplified code clip ...
MYVG="myvg" # name of LVM volume group
MYLV="mylv" # name of LVM logical volume
# lock mysql, create snapshot, unlock mysql
mysql --execute="FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK;"
lvcreate -L528M -s -n "$MYLV-snap" "/dev/$MYVG/$MYLV"
mysql --execute="UNLOCK TABLES;"
# mount snapshot
mkdir -p "/mnt/$MYLV-snap"
mount "/dev/$MYVG/$MYLV-snap" "/mnt/$MYLV-snap"
# backup $MYLV-snap
rdiff-backup "/mnt/$MYLV-snap" ...
# unmount and delete snapshot
umount "/mnt/$MYLV-snap"
rm -r "/mnt/$MYLV-snap"
lvremove -f "/dev/$MYVG/$MYLV-snap"

Without LVM you can't use snapshots, but you could lock the mysql
databases and then run rdiff-backup and unlock afterwards. But the
mysql databases would remain locked while the rdiff-backup operation
is running - which may not be ideal.

If you google 'rdiff-backup mysql' you will see a few other possible
ways to backup mysql databases (e.g. using mysqldump).

BTW, I find it very strange that no Linux filesystems have built-in
stable snapshot support except by putting them on top of LVM, which
is usually a bespoke configuration - Windows has the advantage here.


On 06/11/2012 14:26, Gary Rickert

Hello again Dominic,
  One more quick (I hope) question you may have an idea of how to
  resolve. I am trying to rdiff- the mysql .ibd's, and I get a
  permissions error. I have tried adding my rdiff user to the mysql
  group, and was already in sudo, but that did not resolve. The
  error I am receiving follows:
  Exception '[Errno 13] Permission denied:
  '/var/lib/mysql/PFA_production/*.ibd'' raised of class
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py",
  line 304, in error_check_Main
  try: Main(arglist)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py",
  line 321, in Main
  rps = map(SetConnections.cmdpair2rp, cmdpairs)
  line 78, in cmdpair2rp
  return rpath.RPath(conn, filename).normalize()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/rpath.py",
  line 884, in __init__
  else: self.setdata()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/rpath.py",
  line 908, in setdata
  self.data = "">
  line 450, in __call__
  return apply(self.connection.reval, (self.name,) + args)
  line 370, in reval
  if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/rdiff-backup", line 30, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py",
  line 304, in error_check_Main
  try: Main(arglist)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py",
  line 321, in Main
  rps = map(SetConnections.cmdpair2rp, cmdpairs)
  line 78, in cmdpair2rp
  return rpath.RPath(conn, filename).normalize()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/rpath.py",
  line 884, in __init__
  else: self.setdata()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/rpath.py",
  line 908, in setdata
  self.data = "">
  line 450, in __call__
  return apply(self.connection.reval, (self.name,) + args)
  line 370, in reval
  if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result
  OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
  Fatal Error: Lost connection to the remote system
  On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Dominic
Raferd domi...@timedicer.co.uk

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] WindowsError: [Error 5]

2012-11-07 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 06/11/2012 14:53, Slavko Kocjancic wrote:

  On 11/06/2012 12:28 PM, Dominic
Raferd wrote:


  I would not use rdiff-backup to backup Windows c:, I
regard rdiff-backup (for Windows) as a 'data' backup tool
not a 'system' backup tool. I would focus on backing up
%USERPROFILE% with some exclusions to prevent backup 

  It's meant to do data backup and not system. Maybe I just used
  wrong parameters? 
  for backup I just executed the batch file with this content
  cd c:\
  gf:/_rdiff/rdiff-backup --no-acls -v4 --include-globbing-filelist
  list.txt c: g:/_rdiffBAK
  @IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 (Echo Koncal brez napak) ELSE (Echo Koncal
  z NAPAKAMI!!!)
  and list.txt have:
  c:/Documents and Settings/Slavko/Application Data/Thunderbird/
  - **
  And seem's to have problem with filenames longer than 256
  characters too!

I suggest you run rdiff-backup 3 times (having first created the
backup subdirectories and made sure Thunderbird is not running):

gf:/_rdiff/rdiff-backup --no-acls -v4 c:/aaa g:/_rdiffBAK/aaa
gf:/_rdiff/rdiff-backup --no-acls -v4 c:/aaa_fotke
gf:/_rdiff/rdiff-backup --no-acls -v4 "c:/Documents and
Settings/Slavko/Application Data/Thunderbird/" g:/_rdiffBAK/tbird

The problem with filenames longer than 256 characters is a
limitation of Windows, not a fault in rdiff-backup. You may be able
to work around it - some info here.

  TimeDicer: Free
  File Recovery from Whenever

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] WindowsError: [Error 5]

2012-11-07 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 07/11/2012 14:43, Slavko Kocjancic wrote:

  I tryed just one directory with few dirs under and afret few backups got 
same problem.

cd c:/_Skeni
f:/_rdiff/rdiff-backup -v6 c:/_Skeni f:/_Skeni_Rdiff/


Regular copying ('SP1950', 'SP1950_5PRA_revizija_01', 'packet.ico') to 
Processing changed file SP1950/SP1950_5PRA_revizija_01/temp
Regular copying ('SP1950', 'SP1950_5PRA_revizija_01', 'temp') to 
Incrementing mirror file f:/_Skeni_Rdiff/SP1950/SP1950_5PRA_revizija_01/temp
Making directory 
Processing changed file SP1950/SP1950_5PRA_revizija_02
Removing directory f:/_Skeni_Rdiff/SP1950/SP1950_5PRA_revizija_01/temp
Removing directory f:/_Skeni_Rdiff/SP1950/SP1950_5PRA_revizija_01
Exception '[Error 5] Dostop je zavrnjen: 
izija_01'' raised of class 'type 'exceptions.WindowsError'':
   File "rdiff_backup\Main.pyc", line 304, in error_check_Main
   File "rdiff_backup\Main.pyc", line 324, in Main
   File "rdiff_backup\Main.pyc", line 280, in take_action
   File "rdiff_backup\Main.pyc", line 343, in Backup
   File "rdiff_backup\backup.pyc", line 51, in Mirror_and_increment
   File "rdiff_backup\backup.pyc", line 243, in patch_and_increment
   File "rdiff_backup\rorpiter.pyc", line 277, in __call__
   File "rdiff_backup\rorpiter.pyc", line 229, in finish_branches
   File "rdiff_backup\backup.pyc", line 672, in end_process
   File "rdiff_backup\rpath.pyc", line 993, in rmdir

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "rdiff-backup", line 30, in module
   File "rdiff_backup\Main.pyc", line 304, in error_check_Main
   File "rdiff_backup\Main.pyc", line 324, in Main
   File "rdiff_backup\Main.pyc", line 280, in take_action
   File "rdiff_backup\Main.pyc", line 343, in Backup
   File "rdiff_backup\backup.pyc", line 51, in Mirror_and_increment
   File "rdiff_backup\backup.pyc", line 243, in patch_and_increment
   File "rdiff_backup\rorpiter.pyc", line 277, in __call__
   File "rdiff_backup\rorpiter.pyc", line 229, in finish_branches
   File "rdiff_backup\backup.pyc", line 672, in end_process
   File "rdiff_backup\rpath.pyc", line 993, in rmdir
WindowsError: [Error 5] Dostop je zavrnjen: 

The problem seems to be that it is unable to remove a subdirectory
on your destination USB drive. Try running it using a different
destination on drive C:, as a test, and see if that works okay.

Are you running rdiff-backup under Cygwin? If so you might try the
rdiff-backup.exe program instead...

  TimeDicer: Free
  File Recovery from Whenever

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Failling to get started

2013-02-07 Thread Dominic Raferd

Hi Luc

Why not just use this command:
rdiff-backup /cygdrive/t/data luc@jana::/smb/backup/armand
If this doesn't work, maybe there is a problem running rdiff-backup
to a samba-mounted volume on the rdiff-backup server? Try backing up
to e.g. luc@jana::/home/armand/backup

Also if the destination is Windows-based this can cause problems -
generally rdiff-backup is more reliable backing up to Linux.

I use the rdiff-backup.exe program (which doesn't require Cygwin,
though I do use Cygwin too) for backups from Windows. 

  Free File Recovery from Whenever

On 05/02/2013 07:45, Luc Saffre wrote:


as a beginner, I'm probably missing something...

I'm trying to backup data under t:\data from my cygwin windows machine
(called "armand") to a Debian server (called "jana").

I created a file `rdiff-backup-to-jana.sh` with one line:

  rdiff-backup --include-globbing-filelist include.lst \
/cygdrive luc@jana::/smb/backup/armand

Another file `include.lst` contains two lines:

  - **

I run it like this from a Windows command prompt:

T:\data\pathbash rdiff-backup-to-jana.sh
DeprecationWarning: os.popen2 is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.
  stdin, stdout = os.popen2(remote_cmd)
luc@jana's password:

That is, it asks for a password, then works some time and everything
seems okay. On jana it has created a directory /smb/backup/armand
containing one subdirectory rdiff-backup-data. But I cannot believe that
this is a backup of my data because it is only 68KB

luc@jana:/smb/backup$ du -h armand
64K armand/rdiff-backup-data
68K armand

I guess that it is just the extra reverse diffs. But where is the copy
of my data? What am I missing? Thanks in advance for any hints.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] New user questions.

2013-02-08 Thread Dominic Raferd

Hello Jason and welcome to rdiff-backup!

On 06/02/2013 20:07, Jason Sauders

Hello! I'm a new user to rdiff-backup and have been
  experimenting with it for the better part of two days now. It was
  recommended to me by another user who wondered why I was using
  rsync exclusively for backing my systems up. Considering
  rdiff-backup seems to keep an rsync-esque mirror of current data +
  old version archives it stands for good reason as to why this user
  questioned my current backup procedures.

  I've since done a lot of reading on rdiff-backup, and so far
I like what I see. On the main pagehereI
see that there's a notation saying:A
  remote incremental backup of all your files could be as easy
/ host.net::/target-dir"

  This is interesting, to say the least. I do have to wonder,
even when you take into account what the disclaimer says about
recommended excludes, is it actually "safe" to run rdiff-backup
against a currently running root file system? Is it accurate to
say that I can SSH into my Ubuntu Server 12.04.1 install and as
root run rdiff-backup --exclude /media / /media/external_hdd and
presto, my root drive is backed up (while ignoring media) and I
can run rdiff-backup -r on a totally different HDD and bingo - I
can be up and running? I just want to make sure I understand the
context before I try something that might be detrimental. 

I have never tried that, I have always used rdiff-backup for data
backup, not for systems. The versioning that rdiff-backup offers is
particularly valuable for data files that change over time. I kinda
doubt it would work 'out of the box', too.

  Question 2... rdiff-backup has to be installed on both the
client and the server... I get that... but is it important that
they be the same identical version? Will I run into issues if
I'm trying to rdiff-backup an Ubuntu 12.10 systems to an Ubuntu
12.04 server?

It is advisable to have the same version, in practice you should use
1.2.8 (as I do) or 1.3.3. I am not sure if they will work together
but why make it difficult by trying?

  Question 3... I see that there hasn't been much development
on rdiff-backup for a few years now. Is that due to the 70
updated releases fixing all of the bugs? Is that to say that the
current version is rock solid stable? The fact that there's an
experimental version that is seemingly untouched is food for
thought to contradict that, though...

Development of rdiff-backup is dead because the previous maintainer
went away and no one took over. Both 1.2.8 (stable) and 1.3.3
(unstable) are in practice stable and effective in many scenarios.
There are situations where problems can arise, many of them
involving a Windows destination, which are best avoided (you can
backup data *from* Windows).

  Last question - With my backup procedure, I only wanted to
back up Documents and Pictures to my server. Since rdiff-backup
includes everything by default, it appears as if the only way to
make it work was to run --exclude '**' as part of the command.
Is that exclude entry essentially telling the command "Exclude
everything EXCEPT these two includes Documents + Pictures"?
Or am I misunderstanding it? I just didn't see too much
highlighted info about --exclude '**' so I wanted to run that by
this list and see what you folks thought.

I'm not clear whether you mean you want to back up everything in
your Documents and Pictures folders, or just some particular file
types (docx, jpg etc)? If you just want to backup particular folders
I suggest you create separate repositories for each folder. The
--exclude-globbing-filelist option might help you too.

  TimeDicer: Free
  File Recovery from Whenever

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Have rdiff-backup not preserve permissions?

2013-03-25 Thread Dominic Raferd

Thanks Dave for reporting back that solution, so we all learned something!


On 22/03/2013 22:29, Dave Potts wrote:


Problem solved!  Dominic identified the problem correctly, but not the 
cure.  The thing that fixed my problems was editing the Cygwin 
/etc/fstab file as advised here:


I've written up the full details here if you are interested:


Thanks for the help!


On 21 March 2013 17:18, Dominic Raferd domi...@timedicer.co.uk 
mailto:domi...@timedicer.co.uk wrote:

Which version of windows? There is a known bug in Cygwin which
causes big problem under Windows 8 (but also exists under Windows
7) by which the 'group' of the cygwin user is set incorrectly.

To fix this for any future files:

- Look up the group ID of the Users group in /etc/group:
cat /etc/group|egrep '^Users:'|cut -f3 -d':'
- Edit your /etc/passwd file. Locate the record for your user. The
4th colon-delimited field is the primary group for the user,
incorrectly set to a non-existent group. Change that number to the
number you found above and save the file.
- Close the cygwin terminal and reopen. Create a new file. It
should have group Users and you should be able to change its
permissions as desired.

To correct existing files with wrong group settings use a
recursive chgrp like this (for all files in user's home):

chgrp -R Users ~

It might help?


On 19/03/2013 22:31, Dave Potts wrote:


I've exactly the same problems as Timothy Stella.  I'm running
cygwin on windows to debain linux.  The first backup works fine.
The second fails with permission issues on the directory I'm
backing up to.  Does anyone have a solution?



From: Timothy Stella
Subject: [rdiff-backup-users] Have rdiff-backup not preserve
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2013 09:57:28 -0800
I'm currently having a problem with rdiff-backup backing up some
data. It's running into really weird permissions issues.
I am using rdiff-backup 1.2.8 on CentOS pulling from rdiff-backup
1.2.8 on Cygwin (winxp) like so:
backup@ centos$rdiff-backup -v6
address@hidden::/cygdrive/c/files/ /mnt/backups/winserver/files/
I have it backing up a directory -- the first time the backup
runs, everything is fine. The second time, however, I get
permission issues with the local copy (the directory I am backing
up to).
I tried to remedy this by adding a chmod -R u+rwx at the end of
my script, but it doesn't seem to help.
I also tried to set the directory to 777 just to see if it'd
work, and it still fails. However, running the backup as root
does work.
It is also worth noting that other directories (separate
rdiff-backup runs) for that same server are working without issue.
I tried to look up if I can have rdiff-backup just ignore the
remote (in this case, winserver) permissions but it doesn't seem
possible. Is there any way for me to get around this other than
running that one directory as root?

rdiff-backup-users mailing list atrdiff-backup-us...@nongnu.org  
Wiki URL:http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

*TimeDicer* http://www.timedicer.co.uk: Free File Recovery from


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL:

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

*TimeDicer* http://www.timedicer.co.uk: Free File Recovery from Whenever

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Maintenance

2013-04-28 Thread Dominic Raferd
Ned, I think it would be great it you wanted to be maintainer, if you 
have the time to do it. Andrew went off to pastures new a while ago and 
isn't seen around here now, so the project has been unmaintained for a 
while. I might be able to get you an email address for him though. 
Failing that I guess you could create a fork.

There is a wish-list somewhere (quite a long and old one I'm afraid). 
But it might be easier to look back at bug-related issues that have 
arisen on the mailing list over the last couple of years. Or I dare say 
if you ask here you will get suggestions (too many maybe!)

Some of the recurrent issues relate to backups to/on Windows filesystems 
or saving/recovering Windows ACLs. However rdiff-backup is stable in my 
experience for backups *from* Windows onto Linux fs and back to Windows, 
ignoring ACLs. I am not sure about how well it works on Macs these days, 
but I haven't seen many issues raised here... One serious failing in 
rdiff-backup is its verification procedures which are rather inadequate.

My suggestion would be to focus on fundamental bug issues and 
functionality rather than 'front-end' because others can always wrap 
rdiff-backup with tools that make it easy to use. The bigger problem is 
if it is, or is perceived to be, unreliable.

I created and maintain TimeDicer (http://www.timedicer.co.uk) which is a 
(free) front-end for rdiff-backup on Windows (among other things it 
handles snapshots), but I don't do python so I can't help with coding - 

Someone else looked at the rdiff-backup codebase a while back and said 
it was very untidy and repetitious and they lost interest in updating 
it. Just warning you before you get stuck in! But you would be 
performing a great service...



On 28/04/13 14:35, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:

Hey everyone - Andrew here?  Anybody else a current maintainer?

I'd like to offer some assistance.  While I don't have a lot of time, 
I'm very good as a sysadmin, and pretty good at python and C.  
(Currently a half-time IT person, and half-time C# / .Net developer, 
and in a past life, have had roles as fulltime java and python developer.)

The very first thing I'd like to address is the broken links on the 
rdiff-backup page.

Does a wiki still exist?  If so, I'd like to correct that link.  And 
if not, remove it.

I'd like to correct the link to the mailing list.

After that, I'd like to discuss moving off CVS, perhaps go to svn or 
git.  I would bias toward svn just cuz it's simpler, and this is a 
very low activity project... Git would win hands-down if it were a 
huge rapidly developing project with a lot of maintainers.  But if you 
want to use git, I can go along with that, and for that matter ...  If 
you really don't want to get off CVS, so be it.

But I want to move to subversion.

I would like to add two really simple features:

#1  Ability to store comments, when you send a backup.  Similar to a 
versioning system commit message.  I presume the argument syntax would 
be like

-m message goes here

(Heck, it would be nice to store a list of changed files in each 
backup rev too, or create the ability to easily display differences 
from rev X to rev Y, but that might be a little tougher.  Create the 
--show-log option and --diff to compare two backups against each other.)

#2  A config file that allows user to specify named backup sets.  So 
you don't need to specify the complete source  destination path every 
time you want to send a newly updated backup.  You just say something 

sudo rdiff-backup etc -m 'updated ssl certs due to expiration date'

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

*TimeDicer - Windows Backup and File Recovery from Whenever 
rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Maintenance

2013-04-29 Thread Dominic Raferd

Ned, re the verification issue, I suggest you look back in mailing
list archives to a post entitled 'Verify times increasing' by Daniel
Miller on 20 November 2009, and the follow-up posts. He then started
a thread 'Implementing new features' on 3 February 2010 and then a
thread 'New feature: --verify-full' on 11 February 2010. Lastly a
thread 'Restarting development ... or starting over' on 5 April

Daniel coded a modified version of rdiff-backup which allowed full
subsequent verification, but then started a new project to match and
improve on the features of rdiff-backup which AFAIK was never
published. You might be able to reach him for more info.

I know nothing about the internal coding of rdiff-backup, I'm
afraid, maybe someone else here does?


On 28/04/2013 18:34, Edward Ned Harvey

From: Dominic Raferd [mailto:domi...@timedicer.co.uk]

I might
be able to get you an email address for him though. Failing that I guess


could create a fork.

Thanks, I was able to reach Ben Escoto, who gave me an address for Andrew @
princeton.edu.  Ben has long since been a non-maintainer, but he at least
still has admin access to the project, so if Andrew proves to be unavailable
for some reason, we should be able to at least able to resurrect access
without being forced into the fork.  

That was only today, so the fact that I don't have a response yet is
irrelevant.  The fact that I don't have a bounce yet is highly relevant.
;-)  Still, if you've got another address for Andrew, that would be

There is a wish-list somewhere (quite a long and old one I'm afraid). 

That's the thing about volunteer effort.  People are motivated to work on
whatever they care about.   ;-)

Some of the recurrent issues relate to backups to/on Windows filesystems


saving/recovering Windows ACLs. 

Unfortunately, I think I'm unlikely to focus much on the windows side of
things...  I personally pay $17 to goodsync once every couple of years and
I'm happy with that for windows.

One serious failing in rdiff-backup is
its verification procedures which are rather inadequate.

That does sound important.  Could you expand?  (I haven't dug into source
much yet.)

Someone else looked at the rdiff-backup codebase a while back and said it
was very untidy and repetitious and they lost interest in updating it.


warning you before you get stuck in! But you would be performing a great

Yeah, in the quick look I had already at the source code, there seemed to be
a lot of indirection ... Which is confusing without a map, but if there's a
good block diagram illustrating the interfaces between the zillion tiny
little classes etc, that goes a long way toward making it all clear.

  TimeDicer: Free
  File Recovery from Whenever

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Is rdiff-backup outdated?

2013-05-14 Thread Dominic Raferd

Hello Ans,

I have been using rdiff-backup for about 4 1/2 years and have found it 
very stable and reliable. I created and maintain a Windows wrapper for 
rdiff-backup called TimeDicer http://www.timedicer.co.uk/index and of 
course use it (and therefore rdiff-backup) every day.

There are two versions of rdiff-backup in common use: 1.2.8 is the 
'stable' version (which I use), 1.3.3 is 'unstable' but is actually 
stable too by all accounts. No significant difference in functionality I 

I have repositories (archives) going back 4 1/2 years and can retrieve 
versions of files that have since changed and been backed up daily going 
back to the beginning of that time. Although I have never needed to do 
that, I have on several occasions needed to recover files from the past 
(i.e. earlier than the most recent backup) and rdiff-backup has 
delivered the goods and been a life-saver (OK not quite literally).

I wrote a page about backup technologies when I was - as you now are - 
researching them, and it might help you - here: 

Weaknesses of rdiff-backup?

1. It was not designed with security in mind - indeed the most recent
   backup is stored 'in the clear' - a related tool 'duplicity' (which
   however uses forward deltas instead of reverse deltas) addresses
   this if you need it.
2. Some reports of problems when backing up *to* a Windows file system
   destination, and there are some unconfirmed problems with storing
   Windows ACLs; however I have found it totally reliable for non-ACL
   Windows file backup to Linux machine/file system (and recovery
3. It lacks a really robust and usable verification system (it does
   allow verification but I understand it does not do a 100% job, which
   is a bit of an oxymoron) - however my experience is that it backup
   repositories are reliable nevertheless. For TimeDicer I wrote a
   which can do 100% verification (by repeated runs of rdiff-backup
   with --verify-at-time).
4. Not great over unstable connections (e.g. internet) - it works but
   is not recommended (repeated failures might lead to repository
   corruption). I always run rdiff-backup to a destination on our local
   LAN (via TimeDicer) and then use rsync to backup the repositories
   offsite (via timedicer-mirror
5. Although you can remove 'old history' for all files in a repository
   (e.g. all backups older than six months, say), there is no easy way
   to remove specific files or directories from a backup repository
   without removing the whole repository. Because all previous history
   is retained, if you inadvertently backup a source which contains
   data you don't want to keep (and might bloat the backup), it is no
   good just correcting the backup for next time, because rdiff-backup
   will keep the unwanted files in its 'history'. Workaround is to
   regress the whole repository back to the time before the mistake
   occurred (losing all subsequent changes) and then resume backups
   with the now-corrected source specification. I wrote a script
   which can help with this.
6. No maintainer - fixed! Thanks Ned!

In summary, rdiff-backup is not outdated and remains a fantastic and 
practical tool - and it is free and open-source.



On 13/05/13 21:41, Ans Alghamdi wrote:


I just find it a bit odd that this powerful tool does not have any bug 
fix (if there are any) since 2009!

So is it outdated, or its so powerful that there is no need for any 

I've already posted this quastion on serverfault at:


(P.S. The reason behind this is that I'm looking for a backup tool. 
rdiff-backup really suits my needs but the lack of bug fixes/active 
development is what is keeping me away)


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

*TimeDicer - Windows Backup and File Recovery from Whenever 
rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Curly braces in file names

2013-05-17 Thread Dominic Raferd


Just to rule something out, try running it via a script, this way
you can get rid of the sudo on the command line. I have known cases
where sudo (under Ubuntu) causes strange behaviour with wildcards,
not involving rdiff-backup but it is worth checking.

So save the command line without sudo as a file, make it executable
and run it with sudo. At least it will rule out one possible


On 17/05/2013 10:21, KP wrote:

  I neglected to include the Python error messages, see below.

My assumption about braces stemmed from advice read in other threads, that the last pathname prior to the error spill is generally worth checking out.

No other pathnames with curly braces were found in the log file, which contains about 1300 entries prior to the error.


Kevin Prichard


On May 17, 2013, at 2:10 AM, KP wrote:

Hello all,

I am trying to use rdiff-backup.  Client is OS X 10.7.5, using v 1.2.8.  Backup host is NAS4Free, accessed via AFP, with ZFS raidz2 storage.

The trouble occurs when backing up /.  rdiff-backup stops on the following pathname-


Is there a cure for this?  I searched extensively before mailing the list, and saw other discussions regarding non-ASCII chars -- but didn't find one on curly braces (ASCII).

I'm invoking with the following-

$ sudo rdiff-backup  --preserve-numerical-ids --include-special-files \
--exclude-other-filesystems --exclude-sockets  --include-symbolic-links \
--exclude '/proc/*' --exclude '/cores/*' --exclude '/sys/*' --exclude '/tmp/*' \
--exclude '/.DocumentRevisions-V100/*' --exclude '/.Spotlight-V100/*' \
--exclude '/Users/kev/PicturesNew/*' --exclude '/Volumes/*' -v5 \
--exclude '/.Trashes/*' --exclude '/.file/*' --exclude '/.fseventsd/*' \
--exclude '/.vol/*' \
--include-regexp '[0-9a-zA-Z-_\.\(\){} \[\]]+' --exclude-regexp '[.]+' \
/ /Volumes/backups/main/  /tmp/rdiff7.log 21 

Also, a sanity check to ensure ZFS filenames allow '{}' did work.

Kevin Prichard


  TimeDicer: Free
  File Recovery from Whenever 


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Curly braces in file names

2013-05-20 Thread Dominic Raferd

I'm sorry Kevin I don't take OS X (or any Apple sauce) so I'm out of


On 17/05/2013 20:09, KP wrote:

  I added--exclude-regexp '[{}]+' after checking Spotlight to
see if any vital files would be affected (not at the moment, but
future files named with{}may be). That worked, for the narrow
test case of /Applications/Adobe.

Then I modified the backup script with that exclude, to
  target the root again, and upped -v to 9. It skipped the {}
  file fine, but then a new problem: it hits a symlink and
  terminates (on /Applications/Adobe Bridge CS6/Adobe Bridge
  CS6.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeACE.framework/AdobeACE ).

After reading other rdiff-backup-users threads on symlinks,
  I double-checked the timestamps of the symlink and its target
  file- identical,so it's not the future timestamp problem
  mentioned elsewhere.

Is there a cure for this symlink problem?



  TimeDicer: Free
  File Recovery from Whenever

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Offsite mirror of backup

2013-05-23 Thread Dominic Raferd


Why not backup all the rdiff-backup data too? I use my TimeDicer
package to do same as you and then I use timedicer-mirror
to backup the fileserver (Primary TimeDicer Server) to offsite
(Mirror TimeDicer Server) each night. It wakes up the remote
machine, runs the mirroring, if (and only if) it completes ok it
converts the data on the remote machine to match that on the source
and then it shuts down the remote machine. For an archive set of
300GB it transfers typically about 450MB and takes 2 hours.

You are of course welcome to look at the code of timedicer-mirror
and see if it can be adapted to fit your situation. For offsite
backup it uses rsync with these options (among others): -a --fuzzy
--delete-after -z --link-dest. link-dest is used to protects the
destination from a failed session. 

You could add --exclude option to ensure that the rdiff-backup-data
directory is excluded. I don't think it contains any important info
if you are only backing up data files. If you are backing up ACLs or
system data I am less sure. Best and safest IMO is to include the
rdiff-backup-data directory in the offsite backup.


On 22/05/2013 22:27, Paul Novotny

  I run rdiff-backup on my desktop to my fileserver. I would like to move
a full-backup offsite every month or so. Instead of doing this directly
from my desktop, it would be nice to do this from the fileserver that
contains the rdiff-backup files, but I don't want the increments to be
part of this. I could just ignore the rdiff-backup-data directory, but I
think some of those files contain useful stuff like file ownership and
permissions. This is useful information if my filesever went down and
all I had was the offsite backup. So what should files do I need to
include in this offsite mirror for rdiff-backup to do a full restore?
And what files pertain to the increments and I can ignore. Or is it not
that simple? 


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

  TimeDicer: Free
  File Recovery from Whenever

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Information

2013-06-04 Thread Dominic Raferd

Bonjour Ibrahim

rdiff-backup does not have any built-in encryption. Also based on my 
experience rdiff-backup should not be run directly over the internet, it 
should be run on a lan (or of course a single machine) and then the 
rdiff-backup repository (archive) mirrored over the internet using 
rsync. This works very well for maintaining offsite data backup and the 
internet transmission is secured with ssh. This approach is used by my 
TimeDicer package (http://www.timedicer.co.uk). However this assumes 
that both source and destination are secure.

It is possible to wrap rdiff-backup in some encryption e.g. with encfs 
or ecryptfs. Another option is to look at project duplicity 
http://duplicity.nongnu.org/. Duplicity grew out of rdiff-backup, however:
-rdiff-backup's archives are meant to be as easy to view as possible, 
while duplicity's are as hard to view as possible and can be encrypted 
with GnuPG
- duplicity saves data in the more conventional full+forward delta 
format instead of rdiff-backup's mirror+reverse deltas
- rdiff-backup requires another copy of rdiff-backup on the remote 
destination, while duplicity currently supports local file storage, 
scp/ssh, ftp, rsync, HSI, WebDAV, Tahoe-LAFS, and Amazon S3

Note: the use of forward delta/diff format by duplicity means that 
recovering data from the most recent incremental backup requires a 
complete undamaged set of incremental backups from the original full 
backup until the most recent date; in order to reduce this dependency 
and the associated risk many duplicity users carry out new full backups 
every month or so, but this means you lose all your older backups (or if 
you retain them and create a parallel new archive you lose most of the 
advantage of the delta storage). rdiff-backup, by contrast, stores the 
most recent backup 'in the clear' so it is always easy to retrieve (not 
even requiring the use of rdiff-backup itself), and the backup 
increments apply in reverse order, so most recent backups are inherently 
safer and older backups more vulnerable.


On 04/06/2013 19:25, Ibrahim Dembele wrote:

Good morning Sir,

I am working on a project which consist to use rdiff-backup to make
backup of data on line.
So looking on internet i don't find anyway if rdiff-backup can make
encryption component
of data send

Reason why i contact you, thank you for yor help.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Fatal Error: Lost connection to the remote system

2013-06-09 Thread Dominic Raferd

  Are you running this over the internet? I wouldn't advise this  
precisely because of these sorts of problems. rdiff-backup really  
needs a reliable connection, rsync is better for backup over the  
internet. If you need the extra functionality of rdiff-backup, either  
run rdiff-backup locally on the remote system (or its lan) and then  
rsync the resulting repository to your laptop, or rsync the data from  
remote to your laptop and then use rdiff-backup locally on your  
laptop. I do the former.

  Quoting Grant emailgr...@gmail.com:

I'm trying to back up from a remote system to my laptop but I get:

Previous backup seems to have failed, regressing destination now.

And then after a few hours:

Write failed: Broken pipe
Fatal Error: Lost connection to the remote system

My connection to the remote system seems fine the entire time and
during this process there seems to be long periods of time with no
data being transferred between my laptop and the remote system and no
disk activity on my laptop's backup disk which seems strange.  How can
I get this working again?

- Grant

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Fatal Error: Lost connection to the remote system

2013-06-09 Thread Dominic Raferd

  The best source for info about rdiff-backup is presently this  
mailing list! The online documentation is quite old, although we now  
have a new maintainer in Ned so things are looking up.

  Yes, you should be able to run rdiff-backup locally on the server  
with --check-destination-dir to regress the archive (repository) to a  
previous stable condition. If this doesn't work I have a script at  
which forces it to happen, but I doubt you will need this (it is  
mostly for situations where you want to regress an undamaged archive).

  Dominic http://www.timedicer.co.uk Quoting Grant emailgr...@gmail.com:

Thank you, I didn't realize that was a best practice.  Is this
documented anywhere?

Is there any way to execute the regressing destination now operation
on the server without involving the client?

- Grant

Are you running this over the internet? I wouldn't advise this precisely
because of these sorts of problems. rdiff-backup really needs a reliable
connection, rsync is better for backup over the internet. If you need the
extra functionality of rdiff-backup, either run rdiff-backup locally on the
remote system (or its lan) and then rsync the resulting repository to your
laptop, or rsync the data from remote to your laptop and then use
rdiff-backup locally on your laptop. I do the former.

I'm trying to back up from a remote system to my laptop but I get:

Previous backup seems to have failed, regressing destination now.

And then after a few hours:

Write failed: Broken pipe
Fatal Error: Lost connection to the remote system

My connection to the remote system seems fine the entire time and
during this process there seems to be long periods of time with no
data being transferred between my laptop and the remote system and no
disk activity on my laptop's backup disk which seems strange.  How can
I get this working again?

- Grant

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

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