Hello, I'm continuing to try to get through the 165 build tests in RDKit. I am 
doing a local source build under Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS running in a VM using 
Oracle VirtualBox (host Windows 10). With help from Paolo Tosco (thank you so 
much), I was able to get from 87 tests failing down to 47 tests failing.  It 
turns out it was a environment variable issue with the python tests. Now I am 
trying to figure out why the C++ tests are failing.

Focusing in on the first C++ test that fails, which is number 40 
(graphmolTestsCatch), I get the following:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/conda-rdkit/rdkit/lib PYTHONPATH=~/conda-rdkit/rdkit 
RDBASE=~/conda-rdkit/rdkit ctest -I 40,40 -V
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from 
Parse Config file:/home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Add coverage exclude regular expressions.
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from 
Parse Config file:/home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Updating test list for fixtures
Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 40
    Start 40: graphmolTestsCatch

40: Test command: 
40: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
40: graphmolTestsCatch is a Catch v2.1.2 host application.
40: Run with -? for options
40: -----------------------------------------------------------
40: handling of bondStereoCare in updateQueryProperties
40:   fully specified
40: -----------------------------------------------------------
40: /home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/Code/GraphMol/catch_graphmol.cpp:1122
40: ...........................................................
40: /home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/Code/GraphMol/catch_graphmol.cpp:1122: FAILED:
40:   {Unknown expression after the reported line}
40: due to unexpected exception with message:
40:   RingInfo not initialized
40: -----------------------------------------------------------
40: handling of bondStereoCare in updateQueryProperties
40:   fully unspecified
40: -----------------------------------------------------------
40: /home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/Code/GraphMol/catch_graphmol.cpp:1153
40: ...........................................................
40: /home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/Code/GraphMol/catch_graphmol.cpp:1153: FAILED:
40:   {Unknown expression after the reported line}
40: due to unexpected exception with message:
40:   RingInfo not initialized
40: -----------------------------------------------------------
40: handling of bondStereoCare in updateQueryProperties
40:   partially unspecified
40: -----------------------------------------------------------
40: /home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/Code/GraphMol/catch_graphmol.cpp:1184
40: ...........................................................
40: /home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/Code/GraphMol/catch_graphmol.cpp:1184: FAILED:
40:   {Unknown expression after the reported line}
40: due to unexpected exception with message:
40:   RingInfo not initialized
40: -----------------------------------------------------------
40: handling of bondStereoCare in updateQueryProperties
40:   V2000
40: -----------------------------------------------------------
40: /home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/Code/GraphMol/catch_graphmol.cpp:1303
40: ...........................................................
40: /home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/Code/GraphMol/catch_graphmol.cpp:1303: FAILED:
40:   {Unknown expression after the reported line}
40: due to unexpected exception with message:
40:   RingInfo not initialized
40: -----------------------------------------------------------
40: handling of bondStereoCare in updateQueryProperties
40:   molecule from SMILES
40: -----------------------------------------------------------
40: /home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/Code/GraphMol/catch_graphmol.cpp:1332
40: ...........................................................
40: /home/deep/conda-rdkit/rdkit/Code/GraphMol/catch_graphmol.cpp:1332: FAILED:
40:   {Unknown expression after the reported line}
40: due to unexpected exception with message:
40:   RingInfo not initialized
40: test cases:  27 |  26 passed | 1 failed
40: assertions: 305 | 300 passed | 5 failed
1/1 Test #40: graphmolTestsCatch ...............***Failed    0.09 sec

0% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 1

Total Test time (real) =   0.11 sec

The following tests FAILED:
                40 - graphmolTestsCatch (Failed)
Errors while running CTest


I have searched through the archives of this discussion list, but not found 
anything helpful, but that could also be because I'm unsure for what terms to 

Has anyone seen this before? Does anyone have any suggestions of what I might 
look at to proceed?

Any guidance anyone could offer in this area would be most appreciated. Thank 
you in advance.

Earl Higgins

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