[REBOL] OpenCL Wrappers: is anyone working towards this or something already exists!

2009-09-06 Thread david may

Hello rebolist,

  as per the subject
  OpenCL Wrappers: is anyone working towards this or something already exists!

  it seems Python is yet again first with interesting OpenCL wrappers/Bindings

  with full documentation and wiki
  open OpenCL C# Wrapper/bindings and C++ versions too,
  But No rebol wrappers.

   and thats a shame for yet another potentially missed chance to get in early
   with something, indeed Anything rebol core/view related in to new

 open OpenCL C# Wrapper/bindings
 for all the existing up and coming mass Toolkit's

  The Open Toolkit
The Open Toolkit is an advanced, cross-platform wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL and 
OpenCL. Written in C#,
it runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X and can be used by every .Net language.

and C++
Best regards,
 david  mailto:david.ma...@ntlworld.com

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[REBOL] Re: VID Extension Kit

2009-08-29 Thread david may

Hello Henrik,

Saturday, August 29, 2009, 3:17:57 PM, you wrote:

 This will be quick and dirty:

 The VID Extension Kit for R2:

 This is a library that overhauls VID and the styles to improve the
 experience in using it and creating bigger programs with it. This is
 very much a work in progress, but if I continue to keep it under
 wraps, I'll never get it out. :-)

 Quick feature list:

 - Full tab navigation
 - Field validation and autoformatting
 - Full resizing
 - Many new flags
 - Much better face control: disabling/enabling faces, different
 setting and getting of panels, complex face navigation
 - Many new styles: Selectors, balancers, lists, fields, panels,
 scrollers, iterators
 - Many VID bugs are fixed, although the impossible ones still remain
 - Many new VID bugs are introduced as well :-) Some styles are not working.

 Try it out at:


 A simple style browser is available at:


 Very preliminary docs at:


 I'll release the full sources later, but have a look and see what you
 think. Remember to ask questions.

 Henrik Mikael Kristensen

very nice Henrik.

do many people use it today ?, or are most people on the net still
advocating and writing Python or indeed anything But rebol for their
and the majority of average peoples GUI video related scripting needs

its a shame no one capable or willing so far was to take the likes the
complimentary Video related (see most non rebol people see 'VID' and
assume video related API options) display wrappers like The Old Kaa Media
python modules Repository and translate it, or refactor it for the
rebol modules use.

i was even surprised the other day when it turns out GUI creators are
still using the old Amiga Gui4Cli interpreter and its scripts ported to
windows for their GUI Encoder needs today rather than Rebol View,
and they have a large user base using that GUI to multi cross platform
Encoders app today.


The Kaa Media Repository is a set of python modules related to media.

Kaa modules are based on parts from Freevo and modules created for MeBox.
Kaa exists to encourage code sharing between these projects, and to serve as an 
for several previously disparate media-related modules
in order to make them available from one (unique) namespace. 

Kaa provides a base module that implements the common features needed for 
application development,
such as mainloop management, timers, signals, callbacks, file descriptor 
monitors, etc.
Kaa's other modules provide specific media-related functionality,
such as retrieving metadata on arbitrary media files (kaa.metadata, previously
called mmpython), Python wrappers for Imlib2, Xine, and Evas, and many other 
high level APIs
for easily creating applications that deal with video and audio. 

Kaa is named after the python character in the Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. 

Best regards,

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[REBOL] a request for help, a ready made rebol script for realtime searching obfuscated data in webpages

2008-04-13 Thread david may

Hello rebolist,

i don't know if any of you have been following the Uk's ISP/Phorm
DPI use at the core ISP network level for profit threads ?


its just come up that the
http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm/cmregmem.htm is so hard to
find any related data due to deliberate obfuscated storage and the
many readers there and elsewhere cant easily find related data.

it seems that a rebol GUI can be made in a few hours to make the net
users fighting in this interception for profit battle far easyer.

i have a simple request for any rebol writer please.

can you put together a realtime searching Rebol GUI to get these
obfuscated data in web page links,
parse it and display the data in a linked contextual form so as to see
the relationships if thats possible?.

in this case, we are trying to gather the relationships between the
parliamentary members and any 3rd party company's involved in this Phorm
(and later NebuAd perhaps) ISP connections and also their PR

perhaps you might even provide a self contained rebol+script_GUI exe
to make it easy on the readers that have never even heard of rebol
before or how good it is at TCP/IP get/put/parse etc

if you like you might even pop over there and join the thread if
your interested in this Phorm subject!

Best regards,
 david  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[REBOL] BBC Iplayer MP4/Mov non DRM downloads

2008-03-14 Thread david may

Hello rebolist,

  did anyone look at this ruby BBC MP4/Mov downloads script and try
  and convert it to a far tidyer Rebol scrip, perhaps even
  adding a simple GUI ?.


  it works (if your in the UK or using a UK proxy) but its just so painful to 
read ;(
  never mind trying to work out how they reconstruct the correct url etc.

  and installing an 80meg ruby on your windows machine just to run a 3kbyte
  script seems wrong
ruby iplayer-dl http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/page/item/b0094yt0.shtml
is a currently working URL if you want to try it?

Best regards,
 david  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[REBOL] Re: if only Rebol have submitted their tech to the DVB call for technologies!

2008-02-12 Thread david may

Hello Gregg,

Sunday, February 10, 2008, 6:02:34 AM, you wrote:

dm its a shame and assume its now to late, but it would have been cool
dm if carl could have submitted rebol for inclusion to the DVB call
dm for for technologies...

 I doubt Carl has many free moments right now.

 -- Gregg

 true, its a shame the team couldn't find some time to try,its just one more 
missed chance
 to progress and in a very big way.

Best regards,
 davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[REBOL] if only Rebol have submitted their tech to the DVB call for technologies!

2008-02-09 Thread david may

Hello rebolist,

its a shame and assume its now to late, ut it would have been cool if
carl could have submitted rebol for inclusion to the DVB call for for 


The commercial requirements were included as an annex to the technical module's
formal call for technologies for DVB-T2, which was addressed without 
restriction to any company
that felt it had some technology to offer, whether or not that company was a 
member of the DVB Project.

A total of 31 proposals from 21 companies were received by the DVB Project 
by the closing date in June.

The complicated process of assessing these proposals and agreeing on which 
combination has the
potential to meet the commercial requirements is now under way - and new 
inventions are not excluded.

i wonder if its really to late, or perhaps they could submit something
now if they had the balls to try ;)

hell id love to see rebol view in all the DVB*2 specs as a generic part,
after all DVB C2 , S2, T2 and H2 are the preferred EU wide long term
choice so Rebol.Inc could benefit massively if their IP were taken onboard
Best regards,

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[REBOL] Re: Nice Server needs R3

2007-09-20 Thread david may

Hello Chris,

Thursday, September 20, 2007, 6:03:09 PM, you wrote:

 I don't know if you have ever tried the Abyss Web Server X1. Its Free!

 I like it cause it is tiny and supports all I need, expect REBOL or R3.

 Carl should approach the authors to have support for R3 included in  
 their distributions.

 Here is the blurb on it. I have nothing to do with the company by the
 way, I just like it!
 Abyss Web Server X1 is a free Web server available for Windows, MacOS
 X, Linux, and FreeBSD.
 Despite its small footprint, it supports secure SSL connections  
 (HTTPS), download resuming, caching negotiation, logging, CGI/1.1  
 scripts, FastCGI, ISAPI extensions, Server Side Includes (SSI),  
 ASP.NET (on Windows), custom error pages, password protection, URL  
 rewriting, IP address control, aliases, custom MIME types, index  
 files, custom directory listings, anti-leeching, and bandwidth  
 It features also an automatic anti-hacking system and an intuitive  
 multilingual remote Web management interface.

 With Abyss Web Server X1, hosting your site and your PHP, Perl,  
 Python, ASP, Ruby on Rails, or ASP.NET Web applications is a matter  
 of a few minutes.



   never tryed it but i thought i read something so went looking again
search on 'rebol Abyss Web Server'

   given the date of this post perhaps things have changed but thought
   id mention it anyway


   Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 8:37 pmPost subject: Configuring Abyss With 
REBOL as a CGI Interpreter

Configuring Abyss With REBOL as a CGI Interpreter 

What is REBOL? 
The REBOL website (www.rebol.com) describes REBOL as a dialected programming 
language with a tiny footprint (~280 KB). It runs on dozens of different 
OS/hardware combinations. No installation is required and it has 100's of 
built-in functions and datatypes as well as built-in support for FTP, HTTP, 
SMTP, and other Internet protocols. REBOL/Core is free for personal, commercial 
and educational uses. 

You will need: 
1) Abyss version 1.1.6 or higher 
2) REBOL/Core (configuration was tested with Windows build This can 
be found here: http://www.rebol.com/download.html 

Note: REBOL/Core is free for any use, although the commercial version
(REBOL/Command) offers Fast CGI, database access, SSL and other functionality 
for US$349. If you'd like to use the free REBOL/Core version with MySQL, there 
is a scheme here: http://rebol.softinnov.org/mysql/  

Best regards,
 davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[REBOL] Re: So I am back ....

2007-09-12 Thread david may

Hello Petr,

Wednesday, September 12, 2007, 3:08:51 PM, you wrote:

 Hello to all ppl on REBOL ml. Some few months I signed-off from the 
 REBOL ml. The reason was simple - after 12 years I decided to switch 
 jobs. Now it seems to me my boss is satisfied, my strategy was accepted,
 and it seems to me they want me to stay :-)

 Well, I never really disappeared from REBOL, being mainly on AltME 
 darknet, as some ppl call it. I just thought, that now it might be 
 good time to resubscribe to ml, as we might be somehow close to R3 
 testing in more extended way.

 btw - someone mentioned some OS4 Amiga part of the OS could be used as
 HAL for Wildman. What you say to following announcement then? :-)



funny enough Petr,today so is QNX RTP see

im waiting for the http://community.qnx.com/sf/sfmain/do/home reg code
so browsed your post to pass the time.

i wonder if rebol can get on the CD this time, carl missed out the
first time around...

 i also wonder what carl makes of Dan's microkernel code, and also,will R3 make 
it to the
 new release of RTP

Best regards,
 davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[REBOL] Re: Sytem informations

2006-05-26 Thread david may

Hello Alessandro,

Thursday, May 25, 2006, 8:38:50 PM, you wrote:

 I think  Volker is on the right way. If we can get which OS is
 running, then it is possible to recall shell command (e.g.: Ms Windows
 can use ipconfig  to get info about network; net let you get info
 about folder sharing, route about routing, etc...).

 Furthermore, don't forget Rebol has very good functions about parse
 (to parse command-shell results).


 On 5/25/06, Volker Nitsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 5/25/06, Ronald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Rebolers,
  I'd like to know if Rebol can extract system informations ?
   like processor type and speed, ram size, mac adress, netbios names,
  hostnames, installed softwares ... and so on
  One software does it under windows : gtv, but I'd like to make a full
  rebol application, with html access and mysql database, and working als=
  under linux ...

 Is using 'call an options? At least in linux you can get such things
 by shell-commands.

  (I know, it's a big project, but only beginning)
  Ronald GRUSS
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  lists at rebol.com with unsubscribe as the subject.


 Any problem in computer science can be solved with another layer of
 indirection. But that usually will create another problem. David
 To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to
 lists at rebol.com with unsubscribe as the subject.

do a combination of both yours and Volker's thinking, for each
platform that has shell commands that do the same thing but in a
different way, make a generic mapping to be decided.

 write a rebol mini sub script for each command/platform, then call them from 
the main rebol script
that never needs changing on whatever platform its running, only the
mini sub scripts internals change and parse the output back to the main app
to do whatever it likes.

the main script does call directory
on each platform theres a script/exe called directory
but the windows one calls dir, while the linux one calls ls type

the generic mapping/name calling just needs to be consistent across
all platforms, perhaps a list already exists? a bit like the old
autoconfig lists of amiga days :) .
Best regards,
 davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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lists at rebol.com with unsubscribe as the subject.

[REBOL] Re: New Poll to get a feedback from the community

2006-05-24 Thread david may

Hello Alessandro,

Saturday, May 20, 2006, 1:33:04 PM, you wrote:

 I red the poll you suggested me (XMLTV).
 No answer? Boh

 We need to find out the problem why Rebol is not famous, and Python
 yes, Ruby yes, etc...

 Is it only a marketing problem?


 put simply,its a tools problem, has been for years.

 the fact is , you can tell the average person how good rebol is and
 can be a great asset to their tool kits, but if there  are no basic
 GUI tools you can point them too, to try, they will not give it a
 second look, never mind for instance, take the basic GUI front-end
 and use that as the basis for thier next great tool and expand it.

for example from the requestchoice and requestfile GUI amiga days
my friend made some base scripts that were expanded over time
infact id like to use this format/style of scripting again with rebol
once someone makes a good working base.
fully working amiga cli command requestchoice example

this form of self contained scripting worked great for linking
shell/cli apps together once we had a good base to work from
shame no ones done something like this a a full working package
for rebol GUI front ends etc, perhaps one day, although iv been
waiting a very long time so far..
.key file

;- Setup Programs  paths
Set Read=Run SYS:Utilities/AmigaGuide
Set HedEd=Run work:Editors/Heddley
Set GoCed=work:editors/ceded
;- End Setups

if exists env:edosguide
 set req=$edosguide
 skip skipreq

Lab start
set req=`RequestChoice SID_VIEW_Guide GUI Select type to read*Nfile 
Exit Read HEDDLEY Edit`

if $req eq 1
 Skip Exit

lab skipreq
if $req eq 2
 $Read file

if $req eq 3
 $HedED file

If $req eq 0
 $goced file -s

if exists env:edosguide
 skip exit

;optionally ask and store a variable so as not to keep asking
;set storeq=`RequestChoice SID_Guide GUI Use as default for this session 
Yes No`
;if $storeq eq 1
; setenv edosguide=$req
; skip exit

;skip back start
Lab Exit
Best regards,
 davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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lists at rebol.com with unsubscribe as the subject.

[REBOL] Re: New Poll to get a feedback from the community

2006-05-20 Thread david may

Hello Alessandro,

Saturday, May 20, 2006, 9:55:54 AM, you wrote:

 Dear all,

 I created a small poll just to get a feedback about community-needs.
 You are kindly invited to submit your opinion about the following question:

 Do think Rebol community needs more intruments? Tools? Docs?

 Thank you!


to put it simply YES it does, iv been asking for simple ordinary
everyday GUI front-ends for the likes of shell/cli based video
encoders, vlc rebol/core rebol/view based client/server apps to show
the masses out there that insist on using the likes of java, Delphi7 
 .net, etc http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=829293#post829293

 even just today i was pointing the developer of a  basic XMLTV gui grabber if 
he had
 looked at rebol  http://www.birtles.org.uk/xmltv/
  and added a poll on my message there  
  this guys part of the group that makes showshifter and yet again it
  appears that these devs dont really care about rebol or its
  capabilitys (no response to my post/poll above yet) as they cant see
  any ready made scripts i can point them too to show just how good
  and inovative rebol /view can be.

  my pet thing right now is the DVB-T  Yuan PD300 mini USB stick and
  the many working but sub-standard apps and associated front-ends and
  controlling software that exists today, it could be so much better
  if i could only point these developers to some fullt working scripts
  on say rebol.org so they can finally understand rebols a good thing
  and they should make some time to try it at the very least.

  we need many simple but expandable rebol /view GUI front ends ,
  no one (here)seems interested in making them though  so the average
  bloke can see and perhaps use them as a base to expand the rebol
  client/server/whatever you like, control interfaces. [/rant]

  thanks for reading this far, ill be quiet now, and go back to my
  non rebol coding land, laters


Best regards,
 davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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lists at rebol.com with unsubscribe as the subject.

[REBOL] Re: The Insularity and the REBOL mailing list

2006-05-10 Thread david may

Hello Alessandro,

Wednesday, May 10, 2006, 11:03:36 PM, you wrote:

 Bye Pierre.

Hmm , i thought every list likes a tim rue
Best regards,
 davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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lists at rebol.com with unsubscribe as the subject.