On Wed, Apr 18, 2018, at 15:43, Gould, James wrote:
> This particular thread was started Martin Casanova, who brings up an 
> excellent point that needs to be considered.  Martin, you may want to 
> weigh on this.

You can probably admit that, based on the amount of time the problem exists 
(basically since registries started to use EPP), and the number since then on 
mailing-lists about this problem, that it is not an hot topic.
That does not mean it can not be addressed, but it may mean that 
registries/registrars already found out solutions to this.

> I have the following questions and related thoughts:
>   1.  Do you believe that it is protocol compliant for the server to 
> return something that the client did not explicitly include in the login 
> services?

It is certainly not ideal, but not a big problem either (in this specific case 
for the specific reasons I gave and will give below), and certainly to my eyes 
less a problem than putting format into a <msg> element that is defined for 
human consumption (even more so when you mix both text and XML elements in the 
same <msg> element, which is a peril waiting to happen)

>   2.  What is the purpose of the server’s greeting services and the 
> client’s login services?
>      *   I believe that the server and client services are used to 
> negotiate the common set of supporting services.  The client should not 
> pass services that the server does not support and vice-versa.

It is not a full negotiation since there is only one exchange and only a binary 
result possible (accepting the login or not).

Text says:
"A <svcs> element that contains one or more <objURI> elements that
      contain namespace URIs representing the objects to be managed
      during the session."

Note that it says objects, not messages or commands.
For me it is more tailored to let the client advertise which objects he wants 
to manipulate at the registry, that is which namespaces will appear in its 
Imagine a registry handling both domain names and let's say AS number or IP 
blocks, within the same EPP server.
Upon login, some clients may have rights to only manage domains or only manage 
AS numbers. So they advertise what they would like to do, based on server 
greeting. And then the server can act on that.

For me the <svcs> definition in RFC5730 does not restrict the notifications 
messages namespaces. So I think from this disagreement, we go then on separate 

>   3.  What do you do with validating clients?
>      *   The Verisign EPP SDK is one implementation of a validating 
> client, but there can be others.  A validating client would either need 
> to be updated to support the extension or turn off validation and be 
> capable of processing a message that it doesn’t support.  If the 
> protocol is followed, there should be no issue with validating the XML 
> per the supported XML schemas in either the server or the client based 
> on #2.

Again, the validating client can recognize it can not validate the notification 
message (if it does it synchronously which you suppose and for which I already 
said that there are ways to do it differently), and just dump it aside for 
further/later processing and before being updated if you insist on in-session 
immediate validation.

I think you are missing some use cases. Let me share things I have seen in 
various places.

First, from my experience, many registries (I can not give precise numbers I 
would say in the ballpark of 1 among 2) define their own namespace extension 
for notification messages, with more or less format.
I doubt that a validating client such as Verisign EPP SDK would work great in 
this case if it wants to be used for many ccTLDs especially and validate all 
notifications messages. It just does not fit what is happening.
Note that you do not have this problem in gTLDs where far less extensions are 

Of course it would be so much simpler if they were not so many extensions doing 
the same things, but the situation is like it is for now and I doubt this will 
change soon, or anytime in fact.

Another important point: I know multiple EPP clients (mine included for part of 
the following, but I know others too) that exhibit, on purpose, one or more of 
the following traits:

1) not validating incoming EPP messages and even more often not validating 
outgoing ones.
Why? Because when you try to support many registries you tend to observe that 
not all registries are strictly conforming to their own EPP schemas; so it 
happens that you get as client some EPP messages that do not validate at all, 
even if given  by the registry. Of course you will say that this is the server 
fault and that it should be fixed (or the schema amended) and it is of course 
the true technical explanation but then when you have to conduct your business 
you can not wait on the registry to be fixed, your client should not be halted 
by some bogus format, it should find workarounds.

Note that it also happened for core schema. I know one registry particularly 
that re-used the <domain:reason> element in a <domain:check> command for more 
that it was designed to (which also illustrates the peril of shoehorning a 
formatted structure inside a free text element), and just forgetting that its 
schema forces it to be less 32 characters or less... and some messages did have 
a reason larger than that. Some registrars were not happy about that when they 
started to receive such messages...

So how a validating client is supposed to handle that? Just refuse the message 
and make it impossible to do any domain:check?
Again, certainly possible technically, but not realistic business-wise.

One could also paste here the Postel law, or its half: be liberal in what you 
(which breaks horribly when applied in security contexts but that is another 

2) not processing notifications at all in-session, just acking all messages 
immediately, after having stored them locally in a DB or something which will 
get consumed by some asynchronous processes.
To me this looks very efficient and solve multiple problems at once. Including 
the validation problem or even for message 100% validated the problem of 
parsing them.
Take for example the transfer case and registries sending notifications about 
transfers being started, refused, accepted, etc.
Not all of them, again specifically in ccTLDs, are using the standard panData 
element. Many of them are putting all the information (domain name, status of 
transfer, other registrar ID, etc...) as free text in the <msg> part of the 
notification. You have to parse that. You can not build a client that will have 
this knowledge even before connecting to the EPP server for the simple reason 
that often there is not even a comprehensive documentation from the registry 
with all the messages. So you will have to pick them up during your life. You 
either try to parse them immediately, or you store them for later. If you want 
to validate and parse them immediately what will you do for all unknown cases? 
Just throwing a fatal exception will again not help the registrar to do its 

So I applaud the Verisign SDK to be strict and to stick to the technical rules 
and do validation always, I just do not think it could be used as is to connect 
to many ccTLDs registries because you will then be hit by many new namespaces, 
specific to one registry, that are not necessarily fully documented nor always 
respected by the registry itself.

To put things in perspective, extracted from my client, here are some 
namespaces related to registry notification messages a client can receive:


and this is certainly not exhaustive...

How many open or closed EPP clients do you know that are capable of both 
parsing all these extensions and validating them (putting aside the problem of 
receiving an EPP frame not even respecting the schema associated to the 
namespace)? I bet you can count them on one hand...

> You are correct that there are a set of existing EPP extensions that do 
> include poll messages (e.g., RGP Poll Mapping, Low Balance Mapping, 
> Launch Phase Extension, and object mappings that support transfer poll 
> messages like Email Forwarding and Defensive Registration).  This is 
> based on the extensions registered in the EPP Extension Registry 
> (https://www.iana.org/assignments/epp-extensions/epp-extensions.xhtml).  

There are unfortunately a very small percentage of all extensions that exist...
Current version of my client knows about 145 different EPP namespaces...
And I am willing to bet that there are in fact more than 200 in the wild.

As written above, I have no idea how to do an EPP client capable of
validating all of them.

> With the exception of the RGP Poll Mapping and the Low Balance Mapping, 
> the poll messages are associated with actions that the client previously 
> took, so it’s reasonable to assume that the client supports it.

This assumptions fail completely for all the cases outlined above, specially
in ccTLDs.
There are many other exceptions in the wild besides the two you list.

One example: the registry notifing the registrar that it just deleted one of 
its contact or host because it became unlinked and obsolete after some policy 

> Since it looks like Patrick and I are most likely at an impasse, I ask 
> the list to weigh in on the two options that include:

I disagree. We are not at an impasse. You see a problem and wish to resolve it 
by some solution. If you are motivated to defend it, write a draft and let the 
WG consensus build itself on it, if it reaches other interests.
I am certainly not here to say not to do it.

I have no counter proposal to yours since my solution is basically "do 
nothing", as the status quo, while not perfect, seems good enough to me or at 
least best than the solution we speak here about. But of course it would help 
if registrars specially come and share their experiences and "wishlist".

So, feel free to go forward with a draft if you like. 

>   2.  Server considers the login services and filters non-supported 
> extensions (object and command / response) from the poll message 
> response with an encoded <msgQ><msg> indicating the extension namepaces 
> not supported.  

This also raises an another important problem, partially depending on policy.
Let us imagine the registry starts some new notification messages under a new 
namespace (or, less radical: just changes some namespace version).
At the exact moment this happens all currently logged in clients, as well as 
all future clients not having been updated will know nothing about this 
namespace hence, per your proposal, the server will filter out these messages.

Where will these messages go? If they are lost for good it is bad as the 
registrar will have no way to know that (except parsing in a new way the msg 
element, which involves updates), at all. Even maybe no way to know it needs to 
be updated (whereas if it started to receive new messages it would just see the 
new namespace and could act or error on it, but at least decide itself what it 
wants to do). Maybe the client will just get updated hours or days later, but 
even in any tiny timeframe some messages may come like that and be lost 
forever... (the registrar can not necessarily wait on the first of such message 
by not acknowledging it until it gets updated, because this will block it from 
retrieveing the following ones, that may contain even more important 
information for its business). I think this is taxing registrars too much.

You suppose also that the registrars will get updated to parse the new <msg> 
format: this is an assumption that can break.

Filtering messages at the server side seems creating more problems than 
solutions to me.
This is tied to the problem of sitting messages not being acknowledged by the 
registrar. Some registries are then sending them by email for example after a 
certain delay to be able to purge the queues.
I know others where there is no purge and you can find messages almost 10 years 
(the usefulness of such messages now is seriously debattable...)
But at least not just filtering some out and making them disappear definitively.

  Patrick Mevzek

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