Various other points while re-reading the draft.

*) Non-optional attributes should have
in the schema, especially for those not being a string.

*) nitpick
"(e.g. not accepting registrations or applications)the server MUST"

space missing after the parenthesis

*) grammar
"All returned failed
       <fee:command> elements that MUST have a <fee:reason> element
       detailing the reason for failure, "

"that" should probably be removed there

" When the <transfer> query command has been processed successfully,
   the client included the extension in the <login> command service
   extensions, and the client is authorized by the server to view
   information about the transfer, the server MAY include in the
   <extension> section of the EPP response a <fee:trnData> element,"

the part "the client included the extension in the <login> command service 
reads strange to me on two grounds, this sentence itself and its place in the 
I suggest:
" When the <transfer> query command has been processed successfully,
   if the client has included this extension in the <login> command service
   <svcExtension> element, and if the client is authorized by the server to view
   information about the transfer, then the server MAY include in the
   <extension> section of the EPP response a <fee:trnData> element,"

  Patrick Mevzek

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