Re: The Bedford pool exemption--a collection of reactions

2016-06-08 Thread Roger Severino
Eugene and Marty (and others who have raised Equal Protection concerns),

Japan and several other countries have for years designated some train and 
subway cars (during peak travel times) as women-only in response to rampant 
sexual assault of women by men in those confined spaces.  Presume that 
Wikipedia is correct and 2/3 of all female subway riders in Japan have been 
sexually assaulted, many repeatedly, but only a tiny number of men have faced 
similar abuse.  Presume also that increased capacity, education, penalties, and 
law enforcement have failed to appreciably reduce the problem. And presume 
finally that a non-trivial number of women use public transportation only 
because they feel safe in women-only cars but would avoid public transportation 
otherwise because of the threat. (In other words presume that rejecting or 
abandoning women-only accommodations has, at the very least, a real negative 
impact on women).

If these presumptions held in the U.S., would you say women-only subway cars 
would violate the Equal Protection clause? Would your answer depend on the 
comparative level of harm faced by men who might have to ride in somewhat more 
crowded cars? Or would it be a per se violation in your estimation? If so, 
would an equal number of male-only trains make the policy ok even if there is 
no demand for them and it would exacerbate the overcrowding problems, thereby 
putting more women at risk of abuse?


Roger Severino

On Jun 7, 2016, at 18:18, Volokh, Eugene 
> wrote:

   I agree entirely with Marty’s astute analysis in items 1 and 2, 
and with Marty’s conclusion that women-only swimming hours without 
corresponding men-only hours are unconstitutional; more shortly on the 
“gerrymander” question.

I should say, though, that I’m not sure whether the Equal Protection Clause 
would allow single-sex swimming hours both for men and women; I think that’s a 
hard question, which turns on whether the tolerance for same-sex shower rooms, 
restrooms, dorm room assignments, etc. should also extend to other situations 
that are relatively similar, but different enough that the national majority 
doesn’t see a sufficient privacy/modesty interest there.  Livingwell suggests 
that sex is a permissible bona fide qualification in such cases, where state 
laws that apply to private businesses are involved.  I’m not sure whether the 
Equal Protection Clause should likewise allow single-sex exercise programs, 
swimming pools, etc. when it comes to government organizations.


[] On Behalf Of Marty Lederman
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 5:34 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics 
Subject: The Bedford pool exemption--a collection of reactions

Well, I'm sure glad I asked about this case -- this has been a wonderfully 
provocative and informative thread, thanks!

A few reactions and further questions:

1.  I'll start with the Establishment Clause.  First, let's assume for the sake 
of argument (and to clarify our analysis) a counterfactual, namely, that this 
were a classic religious exemption:  On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 
9:15 to 11 a.m., and on Sunday afternoons from 2:45 to 4:45, the Bedford pool 
is open only to women who have religious objections to co-ed swimming.  Would 
that violate the Establishment Clause?

Most of the discussion here has focused on harm to those who would not be able 
to use the pool during those eight hours of the week.  But that's putting the 
cart before the horse.  Under governing doctrine, a religion-only accommodation 
is ok only if it alleviates a significant state-imposed burden on religious 
exercise.  Are the orthodox women significantly burdened by the city's general 
rule that its pools are open to the public at large?

Of course, that's a classic baselines dilemma.  On the one hand, one might say: 
 Yes, because their access to a very valuable and universally available public 
benefit is conditioned on their willingness to violate a religious injunction.  
Cf. Sherbert.  On the other hand, a city does not have to offer free swimming 
pools in the first instance, and such a gratuitous "benefit" is a whole lot 
less important than the unemployment benefits at issue in Sherbert.  Many 
people can and do fail to take advantage of public pools, and their lives are 
not dramatically diminished as a result.  Unlike in Sherbert, the offer of this 
benefit is very unlikely to induce anyone to violate religious injunctions.  
Or, to put it slightly differently, the "benefit" itself is access to a public 
pool (akin to a public park or other place of public accommodation); orthodox 
women simply wish that the city were also offering a different benefit, i.e., 
access to women-only 

RE: The Bedford pool exemption--a collection of reactions

2016-06-07 Thread Kwall, Roberta
Ira invited Hillel to say a bit more about the relevant assumptions underlying 
Jewish law's views of women's bodies.  As a Jewish female with "Conservadox" 
leanings, I would like to add my two cents on this particular issue.

As a general matter, the entire area of modesty (which applies to both men and 
women according to Jewish law but in different ways) is part of a larger 
question of appropriate sexual conduct.  Earlier this year, there was an 
incident on an El Al flight in which a flight attendant requested that an 
elderly woman change her seat in response to a request by an ultra-Orthodox man 
who was seated next to her.  I wrote an OpEd on this issue that was published 
in The Forward that provides both my reaction to this particular incident and 
some general education on Jewish law in this area  (caveat: the Forward picked 
the title of my piece--I would not have used that one)

To me, the issue of segregated swimming has a different feel from the airline 
incident. Although I appreciate the perspective of those who find some of the 
modesty laws to contain negative assumptions (see, e.g., the modern Orthodox 
scholar Tova Hartman's chapter on modesty in her book Feminism Encounters 
Traditional Judaism), I have great sympathy for the value of a reasonable 
application of the laws of modesty.  As you can see, I do not think the seat 
switching is such an application; the pool issue may be different (I am 
speaking here about Jewish law and not US constitutional law).

Finally,  I believe cultural assumptions are definitely embedded in Jewish law 
(both concerning gender and otherwise).  With respect to sexual conduct, the 
rabbis in the early Talmudic period were clearly familiar with the sexual 
excesses in their environments and tried to channel sexual activity into what 
they saw as appropriate venues (as I discuss in my Oped).  This summer I toured 
the ruins of Pompeii and got quite an education as to the nature of some of 
these excesses~!

Whether these socio-legal factors should be taken into account in the 
application of Jewish law is hotly debated by Jewish lawmakers from different 
movements (those who are Orthodox tend not to consider these factors in their 
decisional processes whereas lawmakers in the Conservative movement do).  In 
fact, in this regard, the Conservative movement was heavily influenced by 
Benjamin Cardozo's work, The Nature of the Judicial Process.

One final comment concerning the swimming issue.  In many communities, 
segregated swimming hours are offered by the local Jewish community centers.  
Without knowing more about this particular community, I was curious whether 
this is an option open to women in this area.

Of course, others on this list may see Jewish law differently, and wish to 
provide the list with their own perspectives here.


Roberta Rosenthal Kwall
Raymond P. Niro Professor
Founding Director, DePaul University College of Law
Center for Intellectual Property Law & Information Technology

Author of The Myth of the Cultural Jew: Culture and Law in Jewish Tradition

 You can view my papers on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) at the 

From: [] 
on behalf of Ira Lupu []
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 10:17 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: The Bedford pool exemption--a collection of reactions

A few more thoughts:

1.  Are there any women participating on this listserv?  It seems remarkable 
that we have talking about this gender based policy for days and (unless I 
missed something, and please forgive me if that is the case) all the 
participants are men.

2.  The Kiryas Joel problem is not about third party harms; it's about 
sectarian discrimination.  Would any other religious minority in NYC (Muslims, 
for example) be able to get women only pool hours in their neighborhood?  I 
understand there may be problems of proof if they have never tried, and the 
case may turn on the role of the City in tolerating a sex-based policy, in this 
neighborhood, that the City would not tolerate elsewhere.  But there are 
questions here, to which Alan Brownstein alluded when he asked if this were 
Lukumi reversed -- an intentionally sect-based benefit, not available to others.

3.  The endorsement test, FWIW, applies only to government acknowledgments of 
religion (e.g., publicly supported Christmas Creches and Chanukah Menorahs; 
Crosses at war memorials; Ten Commandments displays).  The endorsement does not 
apply to accommodations -- relief of government-imposed burdens on religious 
practice.  The U.S. government does not endorse the content of religious 
symbols that members of the Armed Forces put on jewelry; or on their 

RE: The Bedford pool exemption--a collection of reactions

2016-06-07 Thread Volokh, Eugene
   I agree entirely with Marty’s astute analysis in items 1 and 2, 
and with Marty’s conclusion that women-only swimming hours without 
corresponding men-only hours are unconstitutional; more shortly on the 
“gerrymander” question.

I should say, though, that I’m not sure whether the Equal Protection Clause 
would allow single-sex swimming hours both for men and women; I think that’s a 
hard question, which turns on whether the tolerance for same-sex shower rooms, 
restrooms, dorm room assignments, etc. should also extend to other situations 
that are relatively similar, but different enough that the national majority 
doesn’t see a sufficient privacy/modesty interest there.  Livingwell suggests 
that sex is a permissible bona fide qualification in such cases, where state 
laws that apply to private businesses are involved.  I’m not sure whether the 
Equal Protection Clause should likewise allow single-sex exercise programs, 
swimming pools, etc. when it comes to government organizations.


[] On Behalf Of Marty Lederman
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 5:34 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics 
Subject: The Bedford pool exemption--a collection of reactions

Well, I'm sure glad I asked about this case -- this has been a wonderfully 
provocative and informative thread, thanks!

A few reactions and further questions:

1.  I'll start with the Establishment Clause.  First, let's assume for the sake 
of argument (and to clarify our analysis) a counterfactual, namely, that this 
were a classic religious exemption:  On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 
9:15 to 11 a.m., and on Sunday afternoons from 2:45 to 4:45, the Bedford pool 
is open only to women who have religious objections to co-ed swimming.  Would 
that violate the Establishment Clause?

Most of the discussion here has focused on harm to those who would not be able 
to use the pool during those eight hours of the week.  But that's putting the 
cart before the horse.  Under governing doctrine, a religion-only accommodation 
is ok only if it alleviates a significant state-imposed burden on religious 
exercise.  Are the orthodox women significantly burdened by the city's general 
rule that its pools are open to the public at large?

Of course, that's a classic baselines dilemma.  On the one hand, one might say: 
 Yes, because their access to a very valuable and universally available public 
benefit is conditioned on their willingness to violate a religious injunction.  
Cf. Sherbert.  On the other hand, a city does not have to offer free swimming 
pools in the first instance, and such a gratuitous "benefit" is a whole lot 
less important than the unemployment benefits at issue in Sherbert.  Many 
people can and do fail to take advantage of public pools, and their lives are 
not dramatically diminished as a result.  Unlike in Sherbert, the offer of this 
benefit is very unlikely to induce anyone to violate religious injunctions.  
Or, to put it slightly differently, the "benefit" itself is access to a public 
pool (akin to a public park or other place of public accommodation); orthodox 
women simply wish that the city were also offering a different benefit, i.e., 
access to women-only pools; and the failure of the state to offer that 
alternative benefit cannot be viewed as a significant state-imposed burden on 
religious exercise.

If the "correct" answer is "yes, opening the pool to the public at large does 
significantly burden orthodox women's religion," then we would need to 
address--to weigh--the harm to the other NYC residents who are excluded during 
the eight hours.  But here's the interesting point (to me, anyway):  It's 
difficult to disaggregate the two assessments of "harm" on either side of the 
balance.  If you think that there is no significant harm to the orthodox women 
in not being able to use the pool at all, then, almost by definition, there 
wouldn't be any significant harm to the excluded residents in being closed off 
from swimming for eight hours a week.  The exemption might still be 
unconstitutional in such a case, because of the absence of state-imposed harm 
to religion; but that wouldn't be because of harm to third parties.  If, by 
contrast, you think that the rest of the Bedford residents are materially 
harmed by being excluded for eight hours, then wouldn't you have to concede 
that the state has harmed the orthodox women by imposing a condition that makes 
them unable to enjoy the pool at all?  In the latter case, with harm on both 
sides, the harm to the women if the exemption is denied would appear to be 
greater.  And therefore if a "balance" of harms were relevant to the EC 
equation (concededly a contested, and complicated, assumption, and one I am not 
necessarily endorsing here), the harm to the women presumably would outweigh 
the harm to other residents.

2.  OK, 

RE: The Bedford pool exemption--a collection of reactions

2016-06-07 Thread Conkle, Daniel O.
As a conceptual matter, I would describe Chip’s point about justification in 
slightly different terms:  if the government is indeed accommodating in a 
permissible way, by removing a significant or substantial burden on religious 
exercise, it is acting to promote or protect *religious freedom*, not religion 
as such, and this should be treated as a secular justification.  In other 
words, the government in these circumstances is endorsing *religious freedom*, 
not religion.  The endorsement test is not inapplicable; instead, the test is 
satisfied.  If the accommodation goes too far, e.g., by ignoring third-party 
harms, that might suggest a constitutionally improper justification, one of 
promoting or endorsing religion as such, rather than the religious freedom of 
those who are being accommodated.


Daniel O. Conkle
Robert H. McKinney Professor of Law
Indiana University Maurer School of Law
Bloomington, Indiana  47405
(812) 855-4331
fax (812) 855-0555

[] On Behalf Of Ira Lupu
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 11:18 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: The Bedford pool exemption--a collection of reactions

A few more thoughts:

1.  Are there any women participating on this listserv?  It seems remarkable 
that we have talking about this gender based policy for days and (unless I 
missed something, and please forgive me if that is the case) all the 
participants are men.

2.  The Kiryas Joel problem is not about third party harms; it's about 
sectarian discrimination.  Would any other religious minority in NYC (Muslims, 
for example) be able to get women only pool hours in their neighborhood?  I 
understand there may be problems of proof if they have never tried, and the 
case may turn on the role of the City in tolerating a sex-based policy, in this 
neighborhood, that the City would not tolerate elsewhere.  But there are 
questions here, to which Alan Brownstein alluded when he asked if this were 
Lukumi reversed -- an intentionally sect-based benefit, not available to others.

3.  The endorsement test, FWIW, applies only to government acknowledgments of 
religion (e.g., publicly supported Christmas Creches and Chanukah Menorahs; 
Crosses at war memorials; Ten Commandments displays).  The endorsement does not 
apply to accommodations -- relief of government-imposed burdens on religious 
practice.  The U.S. government does not endorse the content of religious 
symbols that members of the Armed Forces put on jewelry; or on their 
gravestones when they are buried in a military cemetery; or the meaning of 
religious headgear, like yarmulkes or turbans, that soldiers or even prison 
inmates, may be allowed to wear.

If Hillel wants to say more about the relevant Jewish law assumptions that "
relate to women's bodies being sexual,
 and therefore
​that they ​
 be covered when men are present
​ (except in the case of a spouse, and then only sometimes)," we all might 
learn something about the Orthodox Jewish treatment of women.  I would welcome 
that lesson.  But what we learn can't possibly determine the outcome of a 
constitutional challenge to the accommodation.  Suppose, pre-Yoder, a state 
agreed voluntarily (and contrary to state compulsory education law) to permit 
Amish parents to home school beginning at age 14.  The state authorities know 
that the Amish will rear their boys to be farmers and their girls to be 
housewives.  Is the accommodation now suspect because the religious community, 
left to its own norms, will act in sexist ways? Similarly, the ministerial 
exception involves effective permission for an all-male (or all female) 
priesthood, and everyone knows that.  Endorsement has nothing to do with this 
set of problems.

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 8:34 AM, Marty Lederman 
> wrote:
Well, I'm sure glad I asked about this case -- this has been a wonderfully 
provocative and informative thread, thanks!

A few reactions and further questions:

1.  I'll start with the Establishment Clause.  First, let's assume for the sake 
of argument (and to clarify our analysis) a counterfactual, namely, that this 
were a classic religious exemption:  On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 
9:15 to 11 a.m., and on Sunday afternoons from 2:45 to 4:45, the Bedford pool 
is open only to women who have religious objections to co-ed swimming.  Would 
that violate the Establishment Clause?

Most of the discussion here has focused on harm to those who would not be able 
to use the pool during those eight hours of the week.  But that's putting the 
cart before the horse.  Under governing doctrine, a religion-only accommodation 
is ok only if it alleviates a significant state-imposed burden on religious 

Re: The Bedford pool exemption--a collection of reactions

2016-06-07 Thread Ira Lupu
Some national attention now --

Note the references to Seattle and a Minneapolis suburb, and the ambiguous
position of city wide authorities in NYC (relevant in light of Kiryas Joel,
where the state legislature was the relevant accommodating actor).

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 8:34 AM, Marty Lederman 

> Well, I'm sure glad I asked about this case -- this has been a wonderfully
> provocative and informative thread, thanks!
> A few reactions and further questions:
> 1.  I'll start with the Establishment Clause.  First, let's assume for the
> sake of argument (and to clarify our analysis) a counterfactual, namely,
> that this were a classic religious exemption:  On Mondays, Wednesdays and
> Fridays from 9:15 to 11 a.m., and on Sunday afternoons from 2:45 to 4:45,
> the Bedford pool is open only to women who have *religious *objections to
> co-ed swimming.  Would that violate the Establishment Clause?
> Most of the discussion here has focused on harm to those who would not be
> able to use the pool during those eight hours of the week.  But that's
> putting the cart before the horse.  Under governing doctrine, a
> religion-only accommodation is ok only if it alleviates a significant
> state-imposed burden on religious exercise.  Are the orthodox women
> significantly burdened by the city's general rule that its pools are open
> to the public at large?
> Of course, that's a classic baselines dilemma.  On the one hand, one might
> say:  Yes, because their access to a very valuable and universally
> available public benefit is conditioned on their willingness to violate a
> religious injunction.  Cf. *Sherbert*.  On the other hand, a city does
> not *have to *offer free swimming pools in the first instance, and such a
> gratuitous "benefit" is a whole lot less important than the unemployment
> benefits at issue in *Sherbert*.  Many people can and do fail to take
> advantage of public pools, and their lives are not dramatically diminished
> as a result.  Unlike in *Sherbert*, the offer of this benefit is very
> unlikely to induce anyone to violate religious injunctions.  Or, to put
> it slightly differently, the "benefit" itself is access to a *public *pool
> (akin to a public park or other place of public accommodation); orthodox
> women simply wish that the city were also offering a *different *benefit,
> i.e., access to *women-only *pools; and the failure of the state to offer
> that alternative benefit cannot be viewed as a significant state-imposed 
> *burden
> *on religious exercise.
> *If *the "correct" answer is "yes, opening the pool to the public at
> large does significantly burden orthodox women's religion," *then *we
> would need to address--to weigh--the harm to the other NYC residents who
> are excluded during the eight hours.  But here's the interesting point (to
> me, anyway):  It's difficult to disaggregate the two assessments of "harm"
> on either side of the balance.  If you think that there is no significant
> harm to the orthodox women in not being able to use the pool *at all*,
> then, almost by definition, there wouldn't be any significant harm to the
> excluded residents in being closed off from swimming for eight hours a
> week.  The exemption might still be unconstitutional in such a case,
> because of the absence of state-imposed harm to religion; but that wouldn't
> be because of harm to third parties.  If, by contrast, you think that the
> rest of the Bedford residents are materially harmed by being excluded for
> eight hours, then wouldn't you have to concede that the state has harmed
> the orthodox women by imposing a condition that makes them unable to enjoy
> the pool at all?  In the latter case, with harm on both sides, the harm to
> the women if the exemption is denied would appear to be greater.  And
> therefore *if *a "balance" of harms were relevant to the EC equation
> (concededly a contested, and complicated, assumption, and one I am not
> necessarily endorsing here), the harm to the women presumably would
> outweigh the harm to other residents.
> 2.  OK, but, as several of you have noted, Bedford isn't the classic
> accommodation case.  The exemption in question is not religion-specific --
> on its face it benefits all women, whether they have a religious objection
> or not.  Because of this, I agree there's a strong presumption that there's
> no Establishment Clause problem, regardless of third-party harms.  Indeed,
> expanding exemptions so that they are not religion-specific has long been
> viewed as a way to *avoid *EC problems, even though such expansions
> increase the harm to third parties.  Think of Justice Harlan's explanation
> of the tax exemption in *Walz*; or the Court's expansion of the
> conscientious exemption law in *Welsh *to avoid EC concerns.  The most
> common example of this in recent 

Re: The Bedford pool exemption--a collection of reactions

2016-06-07 Thread Ira Lupu
A few more thoughts:

1.  Are there any women participating on this listserv?  It seems
remarkable that we have talking about this gender based policy for days and
(unless I missed something, and please forgive me if that is the case) all
the participants are men.

2.  The Kiryas Joel problem is not about third party harms; it's about
sectarian discrimination.  Would any other religious minority in NYC
(Muslims, for example) be able to get women only pool hours in their
neighborhood?  I understand there may be problems of proof if they have
never tried, and the case may turn on the role of the City in tolerating a
sex-based policy, in this neighborhood, that the City would not tolerate
elsewhere.  But there are questions here, to which Alan Brownstein alluded
when he asked if this were Lukumi reversed -- an intentionally sect-based
benefit, not available to others.

3.  The endorsement test, FWIW, applies only to government acknowledgments
of religion (e.g., publicly supported Christmas Creches and Chanukah
Menorahs; Crosses at war memorials; Ten Commandments displays).  The
endorsement does not apply to accommodations -- relief of
government-imposed burdens on religious practice.  The U.S. government does
not endorse the content of religious symbols that members of the Armed
Forces put on jewelry; or on their gravestones when they are buried in a
military cemetery; or the meaning of religious headgear, like yarmulkes or
turbans, that soldiers or even prison inmates, may be allowed to wear.

If Hillel wants to say more about the relevant Jewish law assumptions that "
relate to women's bodies being sexual,
 and therefore
​that they ​
 be covered when men are present
​ (except in the case of a spouse, and then only sometimes)," we all might
learn something about the Orthodox Jewish treatment of women.  I would
welcome that lesson.  But what we learn can't possibly determine the
outcome of a constitutional challenge to the accommodation.  Suppose,
pre-Yoder, a state agreed voluntarily (and contrary to state compulsory
education law) to permit Amish parents to home school beginning at age 14.
The state authorities know that the Amish will rear their boys to be
farmers and their girls to be housewives.  Is the accommodation now suspect
because the religious community, left to its own norms, will act in sexist
ways? Similarly, the ministerial exception involves effective permission
for an all-male (or all female) priesthood, and everyone knows that.
Endorsement has nothing to do with this set of problems.

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 8:34 AM, Marty Lederman 

> Well, I'm sure glad I asked about this case -- this has been a wonderfully
> provocative and informative thread, thanks!
> A few reactions and further questions:
> 1.  I'll start with the Establishment Clause.  First, let's assume for the
> sake of argument (and to clarify our analysis) a counterfactual, namely,
> that this were a classic religious exemption:  On Mondays, Wednesdays and
> Fridays from 9:15 to 11 a.m., and on Sunday afternoons from 2:45 to 4:45,
> the Bedford pool is open only to women who have *religious *objections to
> co-ed swimming.  Would that violate the Establishment Clause?
> Most of the discussion here has focused on harm to those who would not be
> able to use the pool during those eight hours of the week.  But that's
> putting the cart before the horse.  Under governing doctrine, a
> religion-only accommodation is ok only if it alleviates a significant
> state-imposed burden on religious exercise.  Are the orthodox women
> significantly burdened by the city's general rule that its pools are open
> to the public at large?
> Of course, that's a classic baselines dilemma.  On the one hand, one might
> say:  Yes, because their access to a very valuable and universally
> available public benefit is conditioned on their willingness to violate a
> religious injunction.  Cf. *Sherbert*.  On the other hand, a city does
> not *have to *offer free swimming pools in the first instance, and such a
> gratuitous "benefit" is a whole lot less important than the unemployment
> benefits at issue in *Sherbert*.  Many people can and do fail to take
> advantage of public pools, and their lives are not dramatically diminished
> as a result.  Unlike in *Sherbert*, the offer of this benefit is very
> unlikely to induce anyone to violate religious injunctions.  Or, to put
> it slightly differently, the "benefit" itself is access to a *public *pool
> (akin to a public park or other place of public accommodation); orthodox
> women simply wish that the city were also offering a *different *benefit,
> i.e., access to *women-only *pools; and the failure of the state to offer
> that alternative benefit cannot be viewed as a significant state-imposed 
> *burden
> *on religious exercise.
> *If *the "correct" answer is "yes, opening the pool to the public at
> large does significantly burden orthodox women's