Re: [Repeater-Builder] Duplexers

2007-09-26 Thread Mark Miller
At 11:12 AM 9/26/2007, Steve wrote:
>A transmitter may have broadband noise with considerable noise content
>at the receive frequency. The notch in the transmit side removes
>transmitter noise that may impair your receiver's capability.

In my day job 99% of the problems I have with noise floor is related 
to transmitter noise that is in band on my RX freq.  Usually it is 
another transmitter at the site and we ask them to install a 
bandpass/notch filter to lower the noise floor on our receiver.  The 
notch is tuned to our receiver frequency.  That happened two weeks 
ago in Hawaii.

Mark N5RFX

Re: [Repeater-Builder] Duplexers

2007-09-25 Thread Mark Miller
The 10dBd Yagi I mentioned is for 900MHz, something smaller would 
have to be used for VHF :)

Mark N5RFX

Re: [Repeater-Builder] Duplexers

2007-09-25 Thread Mark Miller

>The noise floor is really decreasing the utility of the new 
>repeater.  The noise source seems to come and go as a quiet signal 
>on the repeater input can become suddenly noisey, and vice versa - a 
>noisey signal can become suddenly quiet.

It looks like you have a 10dB degradation.  Many times this is from 
phase noise from other transmitters, but intermod can give you the 
same problems.  I would look for a VHF paging transmitter if phase 
noise is suspected. This type of troubleshooting requires a good 
spectrum analyzer in most cases.  I typically use the RX part of a 
duplexer on the front end of an ANRITSU 2721B to keep the first mixer 
in the spectrum analyzer happy.  I hook up a 10dBd Yagi to the 
duplexer and start looking for the noise floor to rise.  Once I have 
found the site that is causing the increase in noise floor, then the 
hard part comes, getting the other site to cooperate in further 
testing.  What we ultimately want is for the other site to completely 
shut down for the time it takes to test the sensitivity of the 
receiver that is experiencing the degradation.

Since you mention that the degradation is intermittent, you may be 
able to monitor other signals and see a correlation between when the 
suspect transmitter keys, and an increase in the noise floor in your 
bandpass.  If the problem is because of intermod, then it becomes a 
little more difficult as you have multiple culprits.

The spectrum analyzer you use should have a noise floor of around 
-120 dBm @10 KHz bandwidth.

Mark N5RFX