Re: [Repeater-Builder] OFF TOPIC - DOD Ends Sale of Expended Military Brass to Remanuctures

2009-03-18 Thread Mike Morris WA6ILQ

At 08:11 PM 03/16/09, you wrote:
This post is OFF TOPIC, but if you value your 2nd Amendment rights 
you should read and act on this as you see fit.  I recieved this 
from a friend and thought it was important enough to make an 
exception to the rule.  Please let this be the only post on this 
subject on this site as the owner has granted me permission to post 
this item. I apologize for the length of the post and thank Kevin 
for his permission.

DOD Ends Sale of Expended Military Brass to Remanufacturers*

(rest deleted - go see the original message)

Supposedly Senator Tester (D-MT) and Senator Baucus (D-MT)
did some serious arm twisting and the decision is reversed.
Go see 

If this is true then I think that everyone who values
the right to be an armed citizen should send a
thank-you email to those two Senators.

"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when
one may have to back up his acts with his life." - Robert A. Heinlein

Worth reading: 


[Repeater-Builder] OFF TOPIC - DOD Ends Sale of Expended Military Brass to Remanuctures

2009-03-16 Thread n3dab
This post is OFF TOPIC, but if you value your 2nd Amendment rights you should 
read and act on this as you see fit.  I recieved this from a friend and thought 
it was important enough to make an exception to the rule.  Please let this be 
the only post on this subject on this site as the owner has granted me 
permission to post this item. I apologize for the length of the post and thank 
Kevin for his permission.

DOD Ends Sale of Expended Military Brass to Remanufacturers*

Sunday, March 15, 2009


We all wondered when it was going to start.

When the new administration would make their move against us as gun owners. Oh, 
everyone got upset about HR45--I'll bet I got over 100  e-mails warning me 
about this draconian gun registration bill that had been introduced in Congress.

I was really glad to see Tom Gresham, host of "Gun Talk Radio," an editor, 
writer, television host on "Self-Defense TV," and one of the foremost gun 
spokespersons, come out and tell everyone to stop worrying about legislation so 
absolutely over-the-top--it would never get out of committee.

Tom said save your energy for when we really need it--don't expend it trying to 
warn everyone in your e-mail list about legislation that would go nowhere.

Now, Tom just interviewed me, and Larry Haynie, owner of Georgia Arms 
( ), on Gun Talk 
( )--and Tom agrees, now is the time to 
"...unleash the hounds..." by which he means start e-mailing and writing your 
senators and congressmen.

Now it has come we know what they intend to do.

It is an end-run around Congress. They don't need to try to ban guns--they 
don't need to fight a massive battle to attempt gun registration, or limit 
"assault" weapon sales.

Nope. All they have to do is limit the amount of ammunition available to the 
civilian market, and when bullets dry up, guns will be useless.

Think we jest?

Here are copies of two letters sent to Georgia Arms just Thursday 
evening--effectively cancelling a contract he had to purchase 30,000 pounds of 
expended military brass in .223, 7.62mm, and .50caliber:

/Dear Valued Customer:

Please take a moment to note important changes set forth by the Defense 
Logistics Agency:

Recently it has been determined that fired munitions of all calibers, shapes 
and sizes have been designated to be Demil code B.As a result and in
conjunction with DLA's current Demil code B policy, this notice will serve as 
official notification which requires Scrap Venture (SV) to implement mutilation 
as a condition of sale for all sales of fired munitions effective immediately. 
This notice also requires SV to immediately cease delivery of any fired 
munitions that have been recently sold or on active term contracts, unless the 
material has been mutilated prior to sale or SV personnel can attest to the 
mutilation after delivery. A certificate of destruction is required in either 

Thank you,

DOD Surplus
15051 N Kierland Blvd # 300
Scottsdale, AZ 85254



/March 12, 2009

Larry Haynie
Georgia Arms
PO Box 238
Villa Rica, GA 30180

Re: Event 7084-6200:

Dear Larry Haynie,

Effective immediately DOD Surplus, LLC, will be implementing new requirements 
for mutilation of fired shell casings. The new DRMS requirement calls for DOD 
Surplus personnel to witness the mutilation of the property and sign the 
Certificate of Destruction.  Mutilation of the property can be done at the 
DRMO, if permitted by the Government, or it may be mutilated at a site chosen 
by the buyer. Mutilation means that the property will be destroyed to the 
extent prevents its reuse or reconstruction. DOD Surplus personnel will 
determine when property has been sufficiently mutilated to meet the 
requirements of the Government.

If you do not agree with the new conditions of your spot sale, please sign the 
appropriate box provided below stating that you do not agree to the new terms 
and would like to cancel your purchase effective immediately. If you do agree 
to the new terms please sign in the appropriate box provided below to 
acknowledge your understanding and agreement with the new requirements relating 
to your purchase. Fax the signed document back to (480) 367-1450, emailed 
responses are not acceptable.

Please respond to this request no later than close of business Monday, March 
16th, 2009.


Government Liquidation.


Got that? From now on, remanufacturers of military brass will not be able to 
buy surplus brass from DOD--actually from Government Liquidators, llc.--the 
corporation that sells surplus materials for the U.S. government. At least, not 
in any form recognizable as once-fired brass ammunition.

Now all brass ammunition will have to be shredded, and sold as scrap