The trimmer caps should be easy to find at Jameco, Hamtronics, 
Digikey and Mouser. If you have nothing to lose, try a small 
amount of Caig Labs DeOxit first. 


> Joe <k1ike_m...@...> wrote:
>   I've been working on a clubs 223.96Mhz repeater that the receiver lost 
> sensitivity.  It went deaf, so much that the squelch would not even 
> work.  It appears that the plastic variable capacitors in the front end 
> have gone bad.  It was in a very damp water tank environment and this 
> summer was just too much for it.
> Anyway, has anyone found a good ceramic replacement for the plastic caps 
> that are a drop-in replacement for the plastic caps in a Spectrum 
> receiver?  I think I'm just going to change them all and be done with 
> it.  The caps in the 220 version of the receiver are 20 picofarads.  The 
> club has 5 more Spectrum receivers that will probably need cap 
> replacement too, some on 2 meters, 440 and 220.  I only want to do this 
> once and make it an easy repair.  If I found a good replacement part 
> I'll buy a load of them in various sizes.
> It seems that there is a very low interest in repeater repair over the 
> years.  I get many requests for fixing repeaters, and I'm surprised that 
> it is so hard get someone to even hold the flashlight.  It's 
> discouraging.....I would like to see some interest for the future of 
> repeaters and ham radio.  Others experiencing this?  The younger hams 
> just don't seem to have the curiosity that I had years ago.
> 73, Joe, k1ike

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