> I recently replaced a piece of Belden 9913 coax between the 
> repeater TX and the duplexer with a piece of RG-214. All of 
> our noise problems went away. 


> Unfortunately I am out of RG-214. I have some Belden 9888 
> Triax and need to know if anyone has experience using it for 
> repeater applications.

9888 has bare copper braid.  It will likely get noisy as it ages.  The
advantage RG-214 has is that the shield is that it is silver; it doesn't get
nearly as noisy because silver oxide is still a fairly good conductor.

If you'll pick up the shipping I'll send you as much RG-214 as I can cram
into a USPS flat-rate priority mail shipping box.  Email direct.

                                                --- Jeff  WN3A

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