Re: [Repoze-dev] Model-based vs. view-based security

2010-07-29 Thread Free Ekanayaka
Hi Tim,

|--== On Thu, 29 Jul 2010 07:36:57 +0800, Tim Hoffman 

  TH Hi
  2) With the security proxy machinery I can have a view that
  conditionally displays certain HTML elements (like form fields)
  depending on the permissions that the accessing user has on the context
  TH I too came to bfg from zope2 and zope 3 and was used to model based
  TH security,
  TH however the complete disconnection of forms from models in bfg is just
  TH fantastic ;-)

Yeah, I'm fascinated by that as well, and I'm trying to understand how
it could fit the requirements I need to meet.

  TH I always found that whilst forms tied to the model was nice for simple
  TH things (ala basic crud) the minute
  TH you had complex forms (aggregate forms, forms with no model etc) that the
  TH tight binding of model and form was
  TH a big pain.  Separating form from model has been a real godsend for some 
  TH my latest projects.

I agree that model objects and forms are not generally tight together,
even though I'd argue that virtually every web application will need
basic CRUD for the core entities.

  TH I use a UML modeling tool to generate all my models and form schemas so I
  TH tend not to write much code in these entities.

That's interesting, any pointer/link for this specific tool?

  TH I personally think the form schema is much more about the view than the
  TH model.

Sure, however I believe the issue I was raising is orthogonal to this
one. Regardless how tight or loosely the form schema is bound to the
model, the authorization for a view in Repoze.bfg can effectively be
only True or False, which is simple and nice, but sometimes doesn't fit
what you need to do.

Let's make an example. You have a web application for sharing drawings,
you can upload drawings and for each drawing decide which other users
you want to share that drawing with. If you share a drawing with another
person, that other person can perform the same operations as you on it,
like tagging it or removing it.

Now let's say that you have views that act on collections of drawings,
like you could have a view for handling an HTTP request for tagging a
certain group of drawings or deleting them. The HTTP request for those
views would typically have a parameter holding a list for drawing IDs to
act on. How do you define the permission on those views? With a
model-based permissions system, you would simply make the view public
and let the model raise Unauthorized if you attempt to do something on a
drawing you don't have access too. However with a view-based permission
system you need to use some other pattern, and I'm not sure what would
be best.


Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] Model-based vs. view-based security

2010-07-29 Thread Free Ekanayaka
Hi Chris,

|--== On Wed, 28 Jul 2010 12:38:30 -0400, Chris McDonough 

  CM Thanks for asking this question, by the way, I have added it (and a
  CM variation on my answer) to the design defense documentation that is
  CM present in BFG:


  CM (The rendered version, which doesn't yet include the above addition is
  CM available at

That's great to have it there, I hope others will benefit from that
reading. As a side node, I really appreciate the documentation effort in


Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] Model-based vs. view-based security

2010-07-28 Thread Free Ekanayaka

I'm starting to explore Repoze.bfg and I find it great.

Reading the documentation I gather that the default security model is
view-based, that means the authorization policy is basically defined
and checked at the view level.

If I understand it correctly, an __acl__ attribute on a context object
is used to determine which permissions does a certain user or principal
have on the object itself, and then a view for that context can define a
permission which the user needs to have on the context object in order
to access the view itself.

I find it nice to have the authorization policy defined and checked at
the view level. However comparing this approach with the model-based one
of Zope 3 (that wraps context objects with a security proxy) I can see a
few shortcomings that I'm not sure how to deal with:

1) Let's say that I want to also expose my model via a REST API, and I
want to use Twisted Web for that. Though I can probably reuse the
__acl__ attributes on the model objects, I have to implement a new set
of view-level authorization definitions for the API. On the other side
using Zope3's security proxy, I would enforce my authorization policy
both on Repoze.bfg's views and in the Twisted-based API transparently
and in the same way.

2) With the security proxy machinery I can have a view that
conditionally displays certain HTML elements (like form fields)
depending on the permissions that the accessing user has on the context

3) Similarly to 2) I can also have a single view that processes a
request with parameters for performing a set of modifications on certain
context object. It might be that the accessing user doesn't have all the
necessary permissions to perform the requested modifications, and the
security proxy machinery would raise an Unauthorized, however if the
accessing user is effectively requesting only modifications for which he
has permissions, the request would succeed.

Now, what would be the recommended approach to deal with such use-cases
in Repoze.bfg?

Would it possibly make sense to implement some repoze.what plugin for
supporting Zope 3's security proxies?

Grok seems to have opted for a view-based security model as well, by
default, an interesting reading that touches some of the concerns
expressed above can be found here:


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