> From: Chris McDonough <chr...@plope.com>
> To: Sam Brauer <sampbra...@yahoo.com>
> Cc: repoze-dev@lists.repoze.org
> Sent: Mon, May 3, 2010 11:37:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [Repoze-dev] Folder event subscriber not called
> On Mon, 2010-05-03 at 23:33 -0400, Chris McDonough wrote:
> > Hi Sam,
> >
> > The events sent by repoze.folder are "object events", which are events
> > dispatched based on *two* interfaces (the context interface and the
> > event interface).  Here's an example from KARL:
> >
> >  <subscriber
> >      for="repoze.lemonade.interfaces.IContent
> >            repoze.folder.interfaces.IObjectAddedEvent"
> >      handler=".subscribers.index_content"/>
> >
> > Hopefully this helps,
> Sorry, I should have also provided the "subscribers.index_content"
> function so you could see its argument list:
> def index_content(obj, event):
>     """ Index content (an IObjectAddedEvent subscriber) """
>     catalog = find_catalog(obj)
>     if catalog is not None:
>         for node in postorder(obj):
>             if is_content(obj):
>                 path = model_path(node)
>                 docid = getattr(node, 'docid', None)
>                 if docid is None:
>                     docid = node.docid = catalog.document_map.add(path)
>                 else:
>                     catalog.document_map.add(path, docid)
>                 catalog.index_doc(docid, node)

Thanks for clarifying the "object event" style of subscribers.  I saw them in 
some example code and tried that approach too without success.
If I modify my example such that my Content class implements an IContent 
interface and my subscriber_test function takes object and event arguments, 
models.py contains:
import repoze.folder
import persistent
import zope.interface

class IContent(zope.interface.Interface): pass

class Content(persistent.Persistent):

class Site(repoze.folder.Folder): pass

def appmaker(zodb_root):
    if not 'app_root' in zodb_root:
        app_root = Site()
        zodb_root['app_root'] = app_root
        import transaction
    return zodb_root['app_root']

def subscriber_test(obj, event):
        print "subscriber_test object=%s event=%s" % (repr(obj), repr(event))

And configure.zcml contains:
<configure xmlns="http://namespaces.repoze.org/bfg";>
  <include package="repoze.bfg.includes" />



Then I run bfgshell and add a Content object to the app root like so:

$ ../bin/paster  --plugin=repoze.bfg bfgshell foo.ini zodb
Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Jan 20 2010, 21:45:54) 
[GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
Type "help" for more information. "root" is the BFG app root object.
>>> import foo.models
>>> root['test'] = foo.models.Content()

Nothing is printed to stdout, so it appears that again subscriber_test() isn't 
being called.
I'm stumped.  Maybe I'm missing some required code or configuration 
somewhere... I've been going in circles trying to figure it out.

Thanks for your time,

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