[Repoze-dev] chameleon.formish and formish i18n

2010-01-17 Thread Tom Gross

Hi all,

  what is the preferred form generation tool for repoze.bfg? I tried 
chameleon.formish, which seems a nice solution.

I found the fileupload-widget is broken, attached is a patch to fix it.

This is probably the wrong list to ask about i18n support of formish, 
but since chameleon is involved the key is maybe there. I solved the 
localization issue of the form labels with the following monkey patch, 
but I'm not really happy to use monkey patches in general. does anyone 
know of a better solution?


from formish.forms import Field
from zope.i18nmessageid.message import Message
from zope.i18n import translate

def title(self):
title = self._orig_title
if isinstance(title, Message):
lang = getattr(self.form, 'target_language', 'en')
return translate(title, target_language=lang)
return title

Field._orig_title = Field.title
Field.title = title

def description(self):
description = self._orig_description
if isinstance(description, Message):
lang = getattr(self.form, 'target_language', 'en')
return translate(description, target_language=lang)
return description

Field._orig_description = Field.description
Field.description = description
(Revision 7981)
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
-div class=preview
- tal:define=star ('*' in field.name);
+tal:var define=star ('*' in field.name);
  value_name (not star) and field.value['name'][0] or '';
  value_default (not star) and field.value['default'][0] or '';
- mimetype (not star) and field.value['mimetype'][0] or '';
- mimetype mimetype or '';
+ mimetype (not star) and field.value['mimetype'][0] or '';
+div class=preview
   div tal:condition=field.widget.show_file_preview
class=icon ${mimetype.replace('/','_')}
-img tal:condition=field.widget.show_image_thumbnail and value name != '' 
and mimetype.startswith('image')
+img tal:condition=field.widget.show_image_thumbnail and value_name != '' 
and mimetype.startswith('image')
-img tal:condition=not (field.widget.show_image_thumbnail and value name 
!= '' and mimetype.startswith('image')) and field.widget_thumbnail_default is 
not None
- src=${field.widget.image_thumbnail_default/
+ img tal:condition=not (field.widget.show_image_thumbnail and 
value_name != '' and mimetype.startswith('image')) and 
field.widget.image_thumbnail_default is not None
   a tal:condition=field.widget.show_download_link
- href=${field.widget.urlfactory(value_name)download/a
+  href=${field.widget.urlfactory(value_name)}download/a
 input id=${field.cssname}-remove type=checkbox 
name=${field.name}.remove value=true /
@@ -21,3 +19,4 @@
 input id=${field.cssname}-mimetype type=hidden 
name=${field.name}.mimetype value=${mimetype} /
 input id=${field.cssname}-default type=hidden 
name=${field.name}.default value=${value_default} /
 input id=${field.cssname} type=file name=${field.name}.file /
Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] chameleon.formish and formish i18n

2010-01-17 Thread Darryl Cousins
Hi Tom,

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 6:17 AM, Tom Gross itconse...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

  what is the preferred form generation tool for repoze.bfg? I tried
 chameleon.formish, which seems a nice solution.
 I found the fileupload-widget is broken, attached is a patch to fix it.

 This is probably the wrong list to ask about i18n support of formish, but
 since chameleon is involved the key is maybe there. I solved the
 localization issue of the form labels with the following monkey patch, but
 I'm not really happy to use monkey patches in general. does anyone know of a
 better solution?

I wouldn't argue that it's better ...

I've been using formencode which has i18n support,
formencode.validators is easy to work with, the package has minimal
html generation (formencode.htmlfill) which was a design decision.




 from formish.forms import Field
 from zope.i18nmessageid.message import Message
 from zope.i18n import translate

 def title(self):
    title = self._orig_title
    if isinstance(title, Message):
        lang = getattr(self.form, 'target_language', 'en')
        return translate(title, target_language=lang)
    return title

 Field._orig_title = Field.title
 Field.title = title

 def description(self):
    description = self._orig_description
    if isinstance(description, Message):
        lang = getattr(self.form, 'target_language', 'en')
        return translate(description, target_language=lang)
    return description

 Field._orig_description = Field.description
 Field.description = description

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