[Resin-interest] passing debugger parameters to resin

2007-02-12 Thread Mike Pretti
I have successfully attached the java debugger via eclipse against Resin 
2.1.17, but am running into some problems trying to do the same via 3.1

I believe the problem has something to do with the WatchDog process..

Has anybody run into this and solved it ?
I'm trying to pass the following parameters to the JVM that resin runs in:

-Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1045

I tried ./httpd.sh start -Xnoagent 


resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Recommended ThreadStackSize for worker mpm/mod_caucho

2007-02-12 Thread Caleb Richardson
Are there any recommended values for this Apache2 directive when using 
Apache2 on Linux (worker mpm). The default is 8MB, and 1MB seems to 
work, but I'd like to set it as low as possible if mod_caucho guarantees 
to operate within a fixed memory footprint.


Caleb Richardson

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Using Saxon

2007-02-12 Thread John Steel

http://www.caucho.com/resin-3.0/xml/jaxp.xtp shows whats needed for a 
few alternate parsers - can anyone spell out how to wire in Saxon please?

-- John

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[Resin-interest] Connection to MySQL / Connection Pool with PHP

2007-02-12 Thread Gregory Stewart

I am just getting started on Resin/Quercus and have a question about
setting up a connection to MySQL.

We set up a connection pool for our MySQL database. How would I
connect to this connection pool in PHP?

Right now I am trying to connect to the database using PHP's built-in
mysql functions and I am getting this error message:

"500 Servlet Exception com.caucho.quercus.QuercusException: no
matching class CI_DB_mysql_driver

Thanks for any guidance on this topic.

Gregory Stewart

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] SSL and user-name binding error

2007-02-12 Thread Kuntz, Tim
Wondering if anyone might any insight into the following problem...

I've been trying to setup Resin Pro 3.1.0 to run the web server as
non-root and run into an error when I attempt to bind to port 443 with
the "user-name" and "group-name" set. 

In all cases I run "bin/httpd.sh start" directly as root with the
following resin.conf's...

user-name: root  port: 80 ok
user-name: root  port: 443ok
user-name: web   port: 80 ok
user-name: web   port: 443error


Here is a SUCCESSFUL startup for informational purposes...

Resin Professional 3.1.0 (built Fri, 22 Dec 2006 07:11:14 PST)
Copyright(c) 1998-2006 Caucho Technology.  All rights reserved.

  1006350.license -- 2 Resin servers Pampered Chef

Starting Resin on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:55:00 -0600 (CST)

[12:55:05.411] Server[id=,cluster=app-tier] starting [12:55:05.412]
[12:55:05.413] SunOS 5.8 sparc [12:55:05.413] Java 1.5.0_06-b05, 32,
mixed mode, ISO646-US, en, Sun Microsystems Inc.
[12:55:05.414] user.name: root
[12:55:05.414] resin.home = /webapp/resin-pro-3.1.0/ [12:55:05.415]
root.directory = /webapp/resin-pro-3.1.0/ [12:55:05.415] resin.conf =
[12:55:05.442] Loaded Socket JNI library.
[12:55:05.445] hmux listening to localhost:6800 [12:55:05.447] http
listening to sundweb02:80 [12:55:07.231] https listening to
sundweb02:443 [12:55:08.412] Host[] starting [12:55:09.279]
WebApp[] starting [12:55:10.725]
WebApp[] starting [12:55:11.142]
WebApp[] starting


Here is my FAILED startup...

Resin Professional 3.1.0 (built Fri, 22 Dec 2006 07:11:14 PST)
Copyright(c) 1998-2006 Caucho Technology.  All rights reserved.

  1006350.license -- 2 Resin servers Pampered Chef

Starting Resin on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:47:01 -0600 (CST)

at com.caucho.server.port.Port.bind(Port.java:794)
at com.caucho.server.resin.Resin.initMain(Resin.java:1067)
at com.caucho.server.resin.Resin.main(Resin.java:1259)
Resin Professional 3.1.0 (built Fri, 22 Dec 2006 07:11:14 PST)
Copyright(c) 1998-2006 Caucho Technology.  All rights reserved.


Lastly, if I enable SSL for user-name "web", I get the following runtime
error (in case it provides some insight).

[12:41:48.473] Server[id=,cluster=app-tier] starting [12:41:48.474]
[12:41:48.474] SunOS 5.8 sparc [12:41:48.475] Java 1.5.0_06-b05, 32,
mixed mode, ISO646-US, en, Sun Microsystems Inc.
[12:41:48.475] user.name: web
[12:41:48.475] resin.home = /webapp/resin-pro-3.1.0/ [12:41:48.476]
root.directory = /webapp/resin-pro-3.1.0/ [12:41:48.476] resin.conf =
[12:41:48.481] hmux listening to localhost:6800 [12:41:48.740]
java.net.BindException: Permission denied [12:41:48.740]  at
java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method) [12:41:48.740]  at
[12:41:48.740]  at java.net.ServerSocket.bind(ServerSocket.java:319)
[12:41:48.740]  at java.net.ServerSocket.(ServerSocket.java:185)
[12:41:48.740]  at
[12:41:48.740]  at
[12:41:48.740]  at
[12:41:48.740]  at
[12:41:48.740]  at com.caucho.server.port.Port.bind(Port.java:733)
[12:41:48.740]  at
[12:41:48.740]  at
[12:41:48.740]  at
[12:41:48.740]  at
[12:41:48.740]  at com.caucho.server.resin.Resin.start(Resin.java:622)
[12:41:48.740]  at
[12:41:48.740]  at com.caucho.server.resin.Resin.main(Resin.java:1259)

Hopefully, someone out there has seen this before?


resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Quercus and file uploads

2007-02-12 Thread Markus Bopp

are there special things to set to make file-uploads possible?

I ask because move_uploaded_file() always returns false due to missing 
uploaded file.
But the print_r($_FILES) definetly turns out, that there was a 
successful upload.

And, what also looks a bit funny is, that there will be a 
"WEB-INF/upload" dir created that is NOT in the
root of my webapp. e.g. I try to upload from let's say 
"/mywebapp/subdir/upload.php", in "subdir" there is a 
created without the expected uploadfile.

Any help for my problem?


resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] handling site updates / redeployments

2007-02-12 Thread atomi

Thank you sir.

I was hoping to find an inherent solution.
Reloading apache's mod_proxy to a temporary page certainly works though.
Anyone else have another solution?


On 2/11/07, Daniel López <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


It might not be a very helpful hint, but one thing we have done is
avoiding war files altogether, at least for our internal apps. We just
use the exploded form and then we can update all the non-critical
content without even a restart, but even if a restart has to occur, it
is usually not that bad as they were when we used .war files.

Moreover, what we also do is mod_proxy all our applications through
Apache (yes, with a slight performance price) and when we need to do an
upgrade that might be troublesome, like what you are describing, we
simply redirect mod_proxy to a bogus location, which makes a nice Apache
error page (that we can configure) to be displayed to the user; we
upgrade; wait until it is fully up and then redirect mod_proxy again to
the right host.

If we had a cluster, we could handle it more gracefully, but we don't
have that luxury :).


atomi escribió:
> During a redeployment, there is certainly a period of downtime. In my
> testing, while the application archive is being uploaded and expanded a
> user will receive error code 500 java stack traces when trying to access
> that virtual host or web app.
> My question is this: how are you guys handling redeployment downtimes
> and 500 errors?
> A simple downtime.html page will do, but how would I set that globally -
> meaning outside any virtual host and web app? Obviously any error-page
> set inside a virtual host or web app will not work. My resin.conf is
> very simple.
> http://host.name>}"
> path="/srv/www/resin">
> Thanks for any advice - I've been trying to solve this for days,
> atomi

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Re: [Resin-interest] Error

2007-02-12 Thread Sam
> 500 Servlet Exception
> javax.servlet.ServletException: too many servlet includesI use tomcat
> and I like to change to resin.But the jsp return this mensseger.

Debug logging will be very helpful here, you can enable it by adding
the following line in resin.conf:


A level of "finer" will give even more information.

The debug log will show the urls that are being used in the forward, and
will help to trace down the source of the problem.

-- Sam

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