It sounds like you ran into the same problem I did.  Here's the speculation
I posted on:

on 8/24/00 7:36 AM, Phil Geller at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I guess I'll answer my own question.  The problem was accompanied by error
> 206 (drive reported a failure: dirty heads, bad media, etc).  So it must be
> that when Retrospect thinks a tape or disk is bad, it stops the backup and
> waits for another media.
> Phil Geller
> WorkingMacs
> voice: 650 493-8689
> fax:   650 493-8587
> on 8/22/00 8:54 AM, Phil Geller at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> In the last couple of days I've seen two installation where backups fail
>> because Retrospect wants another media.  Even though the tape or disk
>> weren't full, the Summary window for the Backup Set said "Appending requires
>> another member".  In one case we were backing up to Onstream ADR tapes.  The
>> tape only had about 3.5GB on it, and it holds about 15 GB.  The other was a
>> Orb Disk using Retrospect Express.  It also was _way_ below capacity.  In at
>> least one case I know the media wasn't marked missing.  I'm not sure about
>> the second case.
>> Any ideas what's happening?

on 8/25/00 10:34 AM, Matt Barkdull at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> My new system has worked great for the past 4 months.  No flaws at all.
> PowerMac 9600/G4 (upgrade)
> Asante 10/100 card
> 192MB RAM
> OS 9.0.4
> Retrospect 4.3
> Quantum 4000 DLT
> Every night it backs up about 10 machines.  The other night it gave
> me a sense code error that related to dirty heads, so I cleaned the
> heads and put the tape back in to continue the incremental backup.
> I use a backup server and have a single active script.  It suppose to
> start at 8:30pm and wrap up at 6:30am.
> Here is what the log said:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> 8/21/2000 8:38:17 PM: Connected to ADMINPC
> Trouble writing: "1-IARC Server August 2000" (4242810240), error 206
> (drive reported a failure: dirty heads, bad media, etc.).
> Additional error information for device "DLT 20.0 DC" [1:6],
> Sense > f0 00 03 00 00 00 40 15 00 18 e0 27 11 00 00 00 00 00 80 00
> (Quantum |DLT4000         |D991)
> 8/22/2000 7:00:01 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.
> 8/22/2000 7:00:01 AM: Execution incomplete
> Remaining: 93 files, 13.9 MB
> Completed: 9 files, 981 KB
> Performance: 0.1 MB/minute
> Duration: 10:21:44 (00:00:51 idle/loading/preparing)
> -    8/22/2000 9:52 AM: Backup Server stopped
> Quit at 8/22/2000 9:54 AM
> ------  I cleaned the heads at this point. -------------
>     Retrospect version 4.3
> launch at 8/22/2000 9:55 AM
> +    Advanced Driver Kit, version 1.8
> +    8/22/2000 9:59 AM: Backup Server started
> -    8/24/2000 10:06 AM: Backup Server stopped
> Quit at 8/24/2000 10:18 AM
>     Retrospect version 4.3
> launch at 8/24/2000 4:40 PM
> +    Advanced Driver Kit, version 1.8
> +    8/24/2000 4:41 PM: Backup Server started
> -    8/24/2000 4:42 PM: Backup Server stopped
> +    8/24/2000 4:43 PM: Backup Server started
> -    8/25/2000 9:24 AM: Backup Server stopped
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> As you can see, it's not saying that it is even trying to execute the
> script.  The script is active during the specified time.
> When I look in 'CONFIGURE->BACKUP SET->Current Backup Set' it tells
> me under Available "appending requires another member".
> So I'm sure that the tape is full, but my question is, why doesn't
> the log tell me this?  Or at least that the script failed to execute
> because of an error.  Looking at the log gave me no clue of what was
> going on after I cleaned the head.

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