Re:Can't install; FTP blocked

2012-01-29 Thread 深圳手机(王)
It is really a problem.
  I think about this question for weeks, and down  load all the packages 
(tar.gz files) into my computer.
 then setup these packages one by one by the command: python install.
 I think it is a best way to get all the files's name with command(under win 
XP) : tree > 1.txt, opened the 1.txt you will know all the modules you should 
install.   you shoul find a person who setuped it successfully and run this 
command under the directory python25\sitepackages.
  -- Original --
  From:  "Laurent";
 Date:  Sat, Jan 21, 2012 02:32 AM
 To:  "reviewboard"; 
 Subject:  Can't install; FTP blocked


I'm trying to install ReviewBoard on a new server here (at work). We
must go through a proxy to access the outside, and direct FTP is

I've been able to install most components by supplying an HTTP proxy
to various tools, but I've hit a wall with P4PythonInstaller.

>From looking at the code, it seems to connect via FTP to to grab some files. This is blocked in our network,
but could be possible through the HTTP proxy.

I believe there's two solutions, both of which I would like an answer
- Which files are actually needed? I might manage to grab the files
from another computer and move them to the linux box hosting this, so
that the file doesn't try to download them.
- How to tell the script to use our proxy instead? Or maybe grab the
files from HTTP directly? I assume perforce publishes those on the
website too.


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Re:review board access error: 500 Inrernal server error | reviewboard------with log

2012-01-29 Thread 深圳手机(王)
With Christian's suggestion, I try to setup the review board on Ubuntu OS 
instead of win XP, resolved the problem. It seems worked well.
 And I wrote a detail user manual for it.  
 thanks a lot.
 -- Original --
   From:  "zhibin wang";
 Date:  Tue, Jan 17, 2012 11:15 AM
 To:  "reviewboard"; 
 Subject:  review board access error: 500 Inrernal server error | 
reviewboard--with log

Hello everyone, It's Chinese spring festival, hope you all earn more
and more money in the next year!
When I installed the review board, It can't be accessed. Input "http://
localhost"  in the IE explorer, The UI displays:
Something broke!(Error 500)
On the title bar of the explorer, it displays: 500 Inrernal server
error | review board.
My system config is:
SW list:

easy_install in cmd line is:
easy_install ReviewBoard
rb-site install C:\reviews

and added the python, GnuWin32\bin path to the system varibal path.
then added the config in reviews to the appach's config.

I tryed for more times but can't get the key.
Who can tell me the reson?
thank you very very much!

I get the logs today, as following:



Request Method: GET

Request URL: http://localhost/

Django Version: 1.3.1

Python Version: 2.5.5

Installed Applications:


























Installed Middleware:















File "d:\python25\lib\site-packages\django-1.3.1-py2.5.egg\django\core
\handlers\" in get_response

  89.response = middleware_method(request)

File "d:\python25\lib\site-packages\ReviewBoard-1.6.3-py2.5.egg
\reviewboard\admin\" in process_request

  31. load_site_config()

File "d:\python25\lib\site-packages\ReviewBoard-1.6.3-py2.5.egg
\reviewboard\admin\" in load_site_config

  224.auth_backend_map = dict(get_registered_auth_backends())

File "d:\python25\lib\site-packages\ReviewBoard-1.6.3-py2.5.egg
\reviewboard\accounts\" in get_registered_auth_backends

  521. for entry in

File "D:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\" in

  476.entries = dist.get_entry_map(group)

File "D:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\" in get_entry_map

  2229.self._get_metadata('entry_points.txt'), self

File "D:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\" in parse_map

  2038.raise ValueError("Entry points must be listed
in groups")

Exception Type: ValueError at /

Exception Value: Entry points must be listed in groups

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Re: Reviewboard installation help

2012-01-29 Thread 深圳手机(王)
My config is diffrent with  you:
 >(1) mysql
>>(2) sqlite3 (not supported for production use)
>> Database Type: 1
>>(1) wsgi (recommended)
>>(2) fastcgi
>>(3) modpython (no longer supported)
>> Python Loader: 1

 Database Type: 2
  Python Loader: 3

  -- Original --
  From:  "chella moneycome";
 Date:  Tue, Jan 24, 2012 01:29 AM
 To:  "reviewboard"; 
 Subject:  Re: Reviewboard installation help

The domain name I accessed was like -XXX, I changed it to
, rerun the rb-site install and now I am getting the same
error in the command line and a 'Something broke! (Error 500)'. Please
take a look and advise, thanks.

On 1/21/12, Christian Hammond  wrote:
> The memcached error is concerning. Does your domain have any non-ASCII
> characters in it?
> Christian
> On Jan 19, 2012, at 14:07, iamagui  wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Please pardon me, if I am using the wrong group and guide me to the
>> appropriate group, thanks.
>> I installed the reviewboard on a VM. Below are the steps:
>> -
>> sudo -s
>> mkdir reviewBoard
>> cd reviewBoard/
>> apt-get update
>> apt-get install python-setuptools
>> apt-get install python-dev
>> apt-get install memcached
>> apt-get install patch
>> apt-get install python-mysqldb
>> wget
>> tar -xzvf pycrypto-2.4.tar.gz
>> cd pycrypto-2.4
>> ./configure
>> python install
>> easy_install ReviewBoard
>> Had trouble with the optional pylucene, so skipped it.
>> -
>> After running rb-site install /var/www/, while trying
>> to access XX.XX.XX.XX, I am getting ‘Review Board is taking a nap’.
>> Please help.
>> Below is the output of rb-install:
>> * Welcome to the Review Board site installation wizard
>>This will prepare a Review Board site installation in:
>>We need to know a few things before we can prepare your site for
>>installation. This will only take a few minutes.
>> * Make sure you have the modules you need
>>Depending on your installation, you may need certain Python
>>modules and servers that are missing.
>>If you need support for any of the following, you will need to
>>install the necessary modules and restart the install.
>>Databases (optional):
>>* PostgreSQL (psycopg2)
>> * What's the host name for this site?
>>This should be the fully-qualified host name without the http://,
>>port or path.
>> Domain Name: X
>> * What URL path points to Review Board?
>>Typically, Review Board exists at the root of a URL. For example,
>> In this case, you would specify "/".
>>However, if you want to listen to, say,
>>, you can specify "/reviews/".
>>Note that this is the path relative to the domain and should not
>>include the domain name.
>>The default is /
>> Root Path [/]:
>> * What URL will point to the media files?
>>While most installations distribute media files on the same server
>>as the rest of Review Board, some custom installs may instead have
>>a separate server for this purpose.
>>The default is media/
>> Media URL [media/]:
>> * What database type will you be using?
>>You can type either the name or the number from the list below.
>>(1) mysql
>>(2) sqlite3 (not supported for production use)
>> Database Type: 1
>> * What database name should Review Board use?
>>NOTE: You need to create this database and grant user modification
>>rights before continuing. See your database documentation for more
>>The default is reviewboard
>> Database Name [reviewboard]:
>> * What is the database server's address?
>>This should be specified in hostname:port form. The port is
>>optional if you're using a standard port for the database type.
>>The default is localhost
>> Database Server [localhost]: XX.XX.XX.XX
>> * What is the login and password for this database?
>>This must be a user that has table creation and modification
>>rights on the database you already specified.
>> Database Username: X
>> Database Password:
>> * What cache mechanism should be used?
>>memcached is strongly recommended.

Re:RB 1.6.3 New Review Request Fails: Something broke, "No validseparator after the filename..."

2012-01-29 Thread 深圳手机(王)
The file name is so strange.
 suggest you to have a change the name with a short one and try again.
  -- Original --
  From:  "heffe";
 Date:  Fri, Jan 27, 2012 08:30 AM
 To:  "reviewboard"; 
 Subject:  RB 1.6.3 New Review Request Fails: Something broke, "No 
validseparator after the filename..."

I recently ran into a problem in my organization where a user attempted to 
upload what appeared to be a perfectly normal diff file in a new review request 
but received the dreaded "Oops something broke" message.  After looking at the 
logs I found:

ERROR:root:Exception thrown for user abc at

No valid separator after the filename was found in the diff header
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 100, in get_response
response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
 line 46, in _checklogin
return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
 line 253, in new_review_request
 line 234, in create
 line 286, in create
 line 63, in create
diff_file, basedir, check_existance=(not parent_diff_file)))
 line 136, in _process_files
for f in tool.get_parser(
 line 49, in parse
next_linenum, new_file = self.parse_change_header(i)
 line 75, in parse_change_header
linenum = self.parse_diff_header(linenum, info)
 line 151, in parse_diff_header
 line 180, in parse_filename_header
DiffParserError: No valid separator after the filename was found in the diff 

The problem turned out to be caused by a section header in the diff file that 
looked something like this:

Index: mydir0001/dir02/filename1.c
--- mydir0001/dir02/filename1.c (revision 14811)
+++ mydir0001/dir02/filename1.c (working copy)

The specific problem was caused by there being only one space character between 
the file/path and the revision information for the base and sandbox files 
above.  When I changed the header for this file to look like this:

Index: mydir0001/dir02/filename1.c
--- mydir0001/dir02/filename1.c (revision 14811)
+++ mydir0001/dir02/filename1.c (working copy)

The new review request was created just fine.  Is this a known issue?  Is there 
some reason it was not valid to have only one space there?  This output was 
generated by 'svn diff', so I would expect it should work.  If it matters, the 
number of characters in the paths above are exactly the same as those that 
caused the error, and fixed the error, I just changed the characters themselves 
to obscure names.


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Want to help the Review Board project? Donate today at
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Re: Reviewboard installation help

2012-01-29 Thread 深圳手机(王)
For me. all the packages are the folloiwing:
  But failed in one desk PC, and sucess in one notebook PC. they are same with 
win XP.
 I think the difference for the two PC is the network. 
 My system config is:
SW list:

easy_install in cmd line is:
easy_install ReviewBoard
rb-site install C:\reviews

  -- Original --
  From:  "chella moneycome";
 Date:  Tue, Jan 24, 2012 01:29 AM
 To:  "reviewboard"; 
 Subject:  Re: Reviewboard installation help

The domain name I accessed was like -XXX, I changed it to
, rerun the rb-site install and now I am getting the same
error in the command line and a 'Something broke! (Error 500)'. Please
take a look and advise, thanks.

On 1/21/12, Christian Hammond  wrote:
> The memcached error is concerning. Does your domain have any non-ASCII
> characters in it?
> Christian
> On Jan 19, 2012, at 14:07, iamagui  wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Please pardon me, if I am using the wrong group and guide me to the
>> appropriate group, thanks.
>> I installed the reviewboard on a VM. Below are the steps:
>> -
>> sudo -s
>> mkdir reviewBoard
>> cd reviewBoard/
>> apt-get update
>> apt-get install python-setuptools
>> apt-get install python-dev
>> apt-get install memcached
>> apt-get install patch
>> apt-get install python-mysqldb
>> wget
>> tar -xzvf pycrypto-2.4.tar.gz
>> cd pycrypto-2.4
>> ./configure
>> python install
>> easy_install ReviewBoard
>> Had trouble with the optional pylucene, so skipped it.
>> -
>> After running rb-site install /var/www/, while trying
>> to access XX.XX.XX.XX, I am getting ‘Review Board is taking a nap’.
>> Please help.
>> Below is the output of rb-install:
>> * Welcome to the Review Board site installation wizard
>>This will prepare a Review Board site installation in:
>>We need to know a few things before we can prepare your site for
>>installation. This will only take a few minutes.
>> * Make sure you have the modules you need
>>Depending on your installation, you may need certain Python
>>modules and servers that are missing.
>>If you need support for any of the following, you will need to
>>install the necessary modules and restart the install.
>>Databases (optional):
>>* PostgreSQL (psycopg2)
>> * What's the host name for this site?
>>This should be the fully-qualified host name without the http://,
>>port or path.
>> Domain Name: X
>> * What URL path points to Review Board?
>>Typically, Review Board exists at the root of a URL. For example,
>> In this case, you would specify "/".
>>However, if you want to listen to, say,
>>, you can specify "/reviews/".
>>Note that this is the path relative to the domain and should not
>>include the domain name.
>>The default is /
>> Root Path [/]:
>> * What URL will point to the media files?
>>While most installations distribute media files on the same server
>>as the rest of Review Board, some custom installs may instead have
>>a separate server for this purpose.
>>The default is media/
>> Media URL [media/]:
>> * What database type will you be using?
>>You can type either the name or the number from the list below.
>>(1) mysql
>>(2) sqlite3 (not supported for production use)
>> Database Type: 1
>> * What database name should Review Board use?
>>NOTE: You need to create this database and grant user modification
>>rights before continuing. See your database documentation for more
>>The default is reviewboard
>> Database Name [reviewboard]:
>> * What is the database server's address?
>>This should be specified in hostname:port form. The port is
>>optional if you're using a standard port for the database type.
>>The default is localhost
>> Database Server [localhost]: XX.XX.XX.XX
>> * What is the login and passw