Review Board Ticket #4576: RB crashes when trying to create new review request from a subversion repository

2017-08-17 Thread Sebastian Unger
To reply, visit

New ticket #4576 by seb
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board

Status: New
Tags: Priority:Medium, Type:Defect

File attachments:

 * trace.txt

RB crashes when trying to create new review request from a subversion repository

# What version are you running?

# What's the URL of the page containing the problem?

# What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Select a subversion repository
2. Select one of the recent commits in the list

# What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I expected a new review request to be created.
Instead a message box opened saying that there was an "Internal server error 

# What operating system are you using? What browser?
Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
Chrome 60.0.3112.101-1

# Please provide any additional information below.
I get the attached stack trace emailed.


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Re: Review Board Ticket #4575: RB crash when trying to raise new review request on small mercurial repository

2017-08-17 Thread Sebastian Unger
To reply, visit

New update by seb
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board > Ticket #4575


Blimey, I forgot to mention the most important bit: The repository has only 
3 commits in it. That is the only thing that sets it apart from a number of 
others we have on the same server that all work fine.

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Review Board Ticket #4575: RB crash when trying to raise new review request on small mercurial repository

2017-08-17 Thread Sebastian Unger
To reply, visit

New ticket #4575 by seb
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board

Status: New
Tags: Priority:Medium, Type:Defect

File attachments:

 * trace.txt

RB crash when trying to raise new review request on small mercurial repository

# What version are you running?

# What's the URL of the page containing the problem?

# What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Go to the above URL
2. Select repository

# What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I expect to be presented with a list of recent commits in that repository.
Instead I get the following message where normally the list is displayed:

> There was an error loading information from this repository:
> HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
> This may be a temporary failure. Try again

# What operating system are you using? What browser?
Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
Chrome 60.0.3112.101-1

# Please provide any additional information below.
I also get the attached stack trace sent via email.


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