[Ring] Stalled generating pin code

2017-07-29 Thread Mario Agustin Sgro
Hi guys,

I have just installed Ring on my android phone and on my linux laptop. I
have registered my ring account from my cell phone. Then, when I tried to
generate the pin number in order to log on my laptop the app stalled for a
long time, and the code never came out.
Is there another way to generate that pin code?

Thank you in advance.


[Ring] Name Server

2017-07-29 Thread Can Göçmen
In initial setup after installation I skipped registration username dialog
- wasn't aware it was based on etherium and may take long - and later tried
to get one but it doesn't figure out its availability just keep says
"Looking for username availability...". I wanted to know if something wrong
name server.

[Ring] Name Server

2017-07-29 Thread Can Göçmen
In initial setup after installation I skipped registration username dialog
- wasn't aware it was based on etherium and may take long - and later tried
to get one but it doesn't figure out its availability just keep says
"Looking for username availability...". I wanted to know if something wrong
name server.

[Ring] Name Server

2017-07-29 Thread Can Göçmen
In initial setup after installation I skipped registration username dialog
- wasn't aware it was based on etherium and may take long - and later tried
to get one but it doesn't figure out its availability just keep says
"Looking for username availability...". I wanted to know if something wrong
name server.

[Ring] Android Crash After Creation Or Device Link

2017-07-29 Thread Nathan Royce
Android app crashes after successful creation of an account or
successfully linking a device.
After that initial crash, every attempt to open the app results in a
crash until I clear the app data.

F/libc( 2629): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x (code=1),
thread 4125 (pool-1-thread-1)
I/Vold(  300): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()]
subsys:cpu, action:0
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** ***
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): Build fingerprint:
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): Revision: '6'
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): pid: 2629, tid: 4125, name: pool-1-thread-1  >>> cx.ring <<<
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault
I/ActivityManager( 2431): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id:
ActivityRecord{42f1afd8 u0 cx.ring/.client.HomeActivity t31}
V/ActivityManager( 2431): Moving to FINISHING: ActivityRecord{41eb89f0
u0 cx.ring/.client.AccountWizard t31 f}
V/ActivityManager( 2431): Moving to DESTROYING:
ActivityRecord{41eb89f0 u0 cx.ring/.client.AccountWizard t31 f}
(destroy requested)
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): r0   r1   r2   r3 
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): r4   r5 64e6fac8  r6   r7 64e6fb08
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): r8 62a1dc50  r9 64e6fc40  sl 64e6fac8  fp 64e6fd10
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): ip 6123fb7c  sp 64e6fa30  lr 40130719  pc
40128520  cpsr 40070030
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d0    d1  
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d2    d3  
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d4  4a416f74654d484b  d5  594b537043556d30
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d6  42393072496a6b64  d7  5676785a4c783277
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d8    d9  
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d10   d11 
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d12   d13 
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d14   d15 
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d16 607bfe335002  d17 
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d18   d19 
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d20   d21 634e8088000a
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d22   d23 
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d24 3f53535a49481831  d25 3fc2f112df3e5244
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d26 40026bb1bbb55516  d27 4000
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d28 40008df2d49d41f1  d29 3fb0f4a31edab38b
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): d30 3ff0  d31 3f4de16b9c24a98f
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): scr 6010
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): backtrace:
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): #00  pc 00023520  /system/lib/libc.so (strlen+83)
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): #01  pc 0002b715  /system/lib/libc.so (strdup+4)
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): #02  pc 006d4a07
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): stack:
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6f9f0  633c081f
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6f9f4  613a8500
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6f9f8  633c07e0
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6f9fc  633c07e0
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa00  64e6fac8  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa04  64e6fac8  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa08  64e6fd10  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa0c  60830105
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa10  0001
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa14  633c07e0
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa18  64e6fc40  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa1c  62a1dc50
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa20  64e6fc40  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa24  64e6fac8  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa28  64e6fd10  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa2c  64e6fac8  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): #00  64e6fa30  
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):    
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): #01  64e6fa30  
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa34  64e6fac8  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa38  64e6faa0  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa3c  60839a0b
I/DEBUG   ( 1806): #02  64e6fa40  64e6fa68  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa44  62a1ed18
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa48  613a2bf8
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa4c  604c3fe0
(std::__ndk1::char_traits::copy(char*, char const*, unsigned
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa50  64e6fb68  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa54  613a2bf8
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa58  64e6fb64  [stack:4125]
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa5c  61cfff70
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):  64e6fa60  629a78b0
I/DEBUG   ( 1806):