[RDD] Audio switcher adventures

2017-09-20 Thread Rob Landry

I recently found myself tasked with getting Rivendell 2.16.0 to talk to a 
Broadcast Tools 16x2 switcher.

The 16x2 is a passive switcher lacking the mix mode of some other BT 
switchers. An input can be switched to one or both outputs, but no more 
than one input at a time can go to any output. Switching input 0 to an 
output mutes that output.

According to SWITCHERS.txt, this unit should respond to the ST (switch 
take) and GO (GPIO output) commands. I was able to get the ST command 
working but not the GO; however, I can set the GPIO outputs successfully 
using the SO (serial output) command.

I found that in order to use SO, I had to first delete the switcher 
definition in the Hosts screen under rdadmin. If the switcher is defined 
to use the serial port, SO commands to that port do not get through.

This is no big deal; I'm posting it primarily for the benefit of others 
who may find themselves having to interface with a 16x2.


Я там, где ребята толковые,
Я там, где плакаты "Вперёд",
Где песни рабочие новые
Страна трудовая поёт.___
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Audio Switcher

2015-03-27 Thread Lorne Tyndale

Both audio cards need to be showing up under rdadmin --> Manage Hosts
--> Audio Resources.

Then set up another audio adapter in your switcher matrix: RDAdmin -->
Manage Hosts --> Switchers GPIO

Set up Local Audio Adapter, select the new card number, the number of
inputs and outputs it has, you can even give the inputs / outputs
different names if you wish.

Once set up you can control it through macros as you would any switcher.

I'm not entirely sure, but once the card is set up as a switcher you
might have to restart the Rivendell daemons.

Hope this helps.

Lorne Tyndale

> Hi, I am trying to use the audio switcher now that I have two audio cards. 
> I had it working when I was using one audio card (routing input to output 
> on that card), but now I have two audio cards and want to route the input 
> of one card to the output of another.  Without using jack, is there a way 
> to set this up in "GPIO/Switchers" in RDAdmin?  
> Until I get this working, I am routing my external feed into a channel on 
> the mixer, but then there is no way to hard time the input on or off, or 
> add spots without possible overlap.
> --
> jh
> ___
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[RDD] Audio Switcher

2015-03-27 Thread Jim Hartranft
Hi, I am trying to use the audio switcher now that I have two audio cards. 
I had it working when I was using one audio card (routing input to output 
on that card), but now I have two audio cards and want to route the input 
of one card to the output of another.  Without using jack, is there a way 
to set this up in "GPIO/Switchers" in RDAdmin?  

Until I get this working, I am routing my external feed into a channel on 
the mixer, but then there is no way to hard time the input on or off, or 
add spots without possible overlap.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Audio Switcher Problem

2014-11-01 Thread Jim Hartranft
I recently set up Rivendell with the 
'local audio' switcher to play a live 
internet broadcast.  The issue is, when 
the switcher is enabled/configured, 
rdAirplay crashes every time a change 
is made in rdLogedit.  Please help?  
Sometimes it's signal 11, other times 
it just shuts down. 

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Audio switcher follies

2014-01-18 Thread Rob Landry

On Sat, 18 Jan 2014, Fred Gleason wrote:

I’ve seen this happen at other sites with that particular model.  The 
work-around was to reduce the baud rate of the serial connection, which 
seemed to settle things down.

What baud rate do you recommend?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Audio switcher follies

2014-01-18 Thread Fred Gleason
On Jan 18, 2014, at 09:13 15, Rob Landry <41001...@interpring.com> wrote:

> My question is this: how does the rmlsend mechanism handle a situation where 
> two commands arrive at the same time? Is the execution of one delayed until 
> the other has completed? Or is it possible that the two may run at the same 
> time, garbling the serial port output?

This shouldn’t (heh, heh) happen in the Rivendell code, as the routines to 
process RML as well as the switcher drivers themselves are single-threaded.  I 
suspect that what may be happening is that the serial command buffer in the 
16.4 itself is overflowing when two commands are sent in quick succession.

I’ve seen this happen at other sites with that particular model.  The 
work-around was to reduce the baud rate of the serial connection, which seemed 
to settle things down.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
|   |   Paravel Systems   |
|  A room without books is like a body without a soul.|
| -- Cicero   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Audio switcher follies

2014-01-18 Thread Rob Landry

I have a client who has a station, WSRO, serving the local Brazilian 
community. He sells one-hour blocks of time to programmers, some of whom 
come to the station to do their shows live while others do their shows 
from other locations via Barix boxes.

A Rivendell system (named "nerodia") is used to control a Broadcast Tools 
SS 16.4 audio switcher to select among the various program sources. Until 
recently, this has worked well.

My client recently bought a second radio station, WZBR. I built another 
Rivendell system ("storeria") to control it. I ran into the problem that 
only one Rivendell system can control the audio switcher, so storeria is 
using rmlsend commands to signal nerodia to control the switcher.

I wrote a number of shell scripts containing the rml commands; for 
instance, to switch input #1 to output #1, the script 0101.sh is used:

rmlsend --to-host=nerodia 'SA 0 1 1!'
sleep 0.01

These commands are referenced in macros defined in the Rivendell database:

RN /home/scott/rml/0101.sh !
LB (Studio A -> WSRO) !

Again, this is necessary because the audio switcher serial interface is 
connectd to nerodia not storeria. The only way for storeria to control the 
switcher is to tell nerodia to do it.

Most of the time this works, but twice in the last two days it hasn't. My 
suspicion is that the two machines may be trying to command the switcher 
at the same time.

My question is this: how does the rmlsend mechanism handle a situation 
where two commands arrive at the same time? Is the execution of one 
delayed until the other has completed? Or is it possible that the two may 
run at the same time, garbling the serial port output?

This is Rivendell version 2.5.5 running under Debian 6 ("Squeeze").

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