On May 29, 2022, at 01:27, Timothy Elwell <telw...@pilotproductions.net> wrote:

> Finally getting some time to play with RD again. Had built a box with a 6122 
> card a while back and had to just leave it alone for a while because of my 
> real job. I'm running CentOS7 via Fred's awesome install scripts. Everything 
> works except the 6122 card doesn't show anywhere. If I do asihpitest on the 
> command line, it finds the card, runs the tests and finishes up. However, the 
> card doesn't show in RDalsaconfig (and my brain may be way outdated as to 
> whether it should) nor anywhere else in RD. In RDAdmin, under "Audio 
> Resources" for the correct machine, the "Supported Audio Drivers" sections 
> shows "AudioScience HPI [not active]". I've googled everything I can think of 
> as well as trying to search the wiki, but seem to be at a dead end.

The ASI6122 was officially ‘end of lifed’ by AudioScience a number of years 
ago, which means that support for it is not included in their current driver. 
However, all is not lost! You can downgrade the driver that was installed by 
default to a version that will recognize that card. The procedure is:

1) Download an RPM for the replacement driver. Available at:


2) Open a Terminal and do ’su -‘ to get a shell with root permissions.

3) Remove the old driver by doing ‘yum remove hpklinux’. This will want to 
remove some additional packages, including Rivendell itself. Go ahead and let 
it do it.

4) Install the replacement driver by doing ‘yum install 

5) Reinstall the Rivendell RPMs by doing ‘yum install rivendell’.

6) Reboot.

Your ASI6122 card should now be recognized and usable in Rivendell.

NOTE: Uninstalling the Rivendell RPMs will not touch your *data* —i.e. the 
Rivendell database and audio store— at all. We remove those RPMs and then put 
them right back in the above procedure because they list the ‘hpklinux’ package 
(the AudioScience driver) as a dependency and yum(8) has no direct method for 
‘downgrading’ a package in place.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |

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