Finding folks (was Bug 52633)

2012-02-13 Thread Clif Flynt
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 02:46:29PM +0100, David Welton wrote:
 I think it'd actually be healthy for the project to have someone else
 fill that role... it'd shake things up a bit.
 In terms of finding people, the place to recruit is the Tcl community at 

  On the near-term horizon is the 2012 Google Summer of Code.  This
won't be a good place to look for the Apache interface, but it's a
good place to find someone willing to do relatively simple gruntwork.
  Something like taking Harald's list of fixes, applying them and
testing is a decent summer task for an undergrad.

  The wiki pages for the 2012 GSoC are

  The requirements are that there be an ostensible adult to  mentor the
student.  You don't need to be physically co-located. I mentored a guy
from Poland for a couple years.  Email, chats or skype are adequate

  We've assembled some easy-to-swallow Tcl introductions at the Tcl
Community Association website to make it (relatively) easy for a
student to come to the project unable to spell Tcl and do useful work.

I don't know if Rivet has a comprehensive regression test.  That
might be a good place for a GSoC student.

Extending/reworking some of the older code to new standards might
also be suitable for an undergrad.

One problem we have in the Tcl community with GSoC is too many PhD type
projects and too few Sophomore/Junior level projects.

The low-hanging fruit in the Tcl Core development was picked in the
20'th century.

Happy Tcl'ing,

... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (3'd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
 19'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2012, Chicago, IL  USA 

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Re: form -defaults

2012-02-10 Thread Clif Flynt
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 05:28:33PM +0100, Harald Oehlmann wrote:
 I also tried Clif Flints tclOO-version.
 It complains on the call
   form form_request -method get -name request -defaults response
 about: wrong method: use new, create or delete

I'm not sure about defaults, but here's a code snippet using the
TclOO form command.  The big caveat on this code is that it works
for the features I needed, but I didn't have time to run it through
complete testing.

  form create spForm -method post -name create
  spForm start

  foreach {fld txt size} {
  name  Unit Name 50} {
if {![var exists $fld]} {set $fld } else {set $fld $vals($fld)}
html $txt b
spForm text $fld -size $size -value [set $fld]
html br

  html Type of Unit b
  html (Private is controlled access. Public are groups anyone can join)
  html  br
  spForm radiobuttons payInfo -values paid free -labels Private Public

  spForm hidden displayed -value 1
  html  br
  spForm submit submit -value Create
  spForm end

Hope this helps,

... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (3'd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
 19'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2012, Chicago, IL  USA 

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Re: namespace command lookup vs lsearch

2011-11-08 Thread Clif Flynt
  Name matches are done through the hash tables, so you get hash
speeds.  Lsearch is big-O linear.

  When I last did a lsearch vs hash comparison (for a speed discussion
in my book), the difference between lsearch and hash didn't matter
until around 500 elements.

  There are XML parsing libraries for Tcl.  I tested them a few years
ago, and they all worked.  The compiled ones (TclExpat) were the
fastest, but not by so much that I cared.
  For trivial XML parsing, I write my own parser with a simple stack
class.  I've never seen the need for a tree in any XML pages I've seen.

  Hope this helps,

... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
 18'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2011, Manassas, VA USA 

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Web Tech panel at Tcl-2011 US

2011-08-25 Thread Clif Flynt
  I'd like to assemble a compare and contrast panel at the
Tcl Conference to discuss tclhttpd, Rivet, AOLServer and Wub.

  Would anyone from the list be attending and willing to be the
advocate for Rivet?  My plan is for me to to be moderator.  I've
used all of these packages, but am expert at none.

  Here's the proposed question list for the panelists.  Other
suggestions are gleefully accepted.

  Please let me know if anyone can do this. If we can assemble the
experts, I'll get it onto the schedule.


What distinguishes your package from other tcl http engines?

What's the best reason for using your package?

What's your packages weakest feature?

Why should someone *not* use this package?

Is your package in commercial use?  Many sites?  Large sites?

Are there performance issues with your package?  Scaling issues?

Are there resource requirements to use your system?

Are there other required packages (non-Tcl) to use your system?

Is your system:
  In Development?
  In Flux?

What level of user support is available for your system.  Mailing list,
books, articles, web-sites, YouTube, etc?

What are your concluding remarks about your package (or others)?

... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
 18'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2011, Manassas, VA USA 

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Re: Google Summer of Code 2011

2011-03-27 Thread Clif Flynt
On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 01:24:43AM +0100, Massimo Manghi wrote:
 For those who are not subscribe to TCLCORE:
 Andreas Kupries has filled a page on the wiki with
 project proposals for the GSoC 2011.

  I don't see any Rivet specific ideas (yet).
  I'd like to see the wub-tk package ported to Rivet (or better yet,
made server neutral).

  I don't think I have enough knowledge of the internals and might not
have the bandwidth to mentor this myself, but I could assistant or
co-mentor if someone else is interested.

  If anyone is interested, let me know, and I'll take lead on proposing
the project and seeing if we can attract any students.

... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
 18'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2011, Manassas, VA USA 

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Re: Rivet namespace and Rivet package

2011-01-27 Thread Clif Flynt
  The Tcl paper will be online realSoonNow (tm).  We've got the hotel
for Tcl2011 chosen and I put last year's proceedings online as part of
the first look the new conference is happening publicity.

  I'll announce to this list when the site (and papers) are live.  There
were a couple of web things at last year's conference.

  If anyone wants to consider this as a solicitation for a paper
proposal, well, they can do that... :) 


On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 03:12:39PM +0100, Massimo Manghi wrote:
 Arnulf's work is the only serious attempt I know to endow Tcl 
 programming with a consistent framework for web development. Still, the 
 SF site has no download to offer. Do you know if Arnulf moved it on to 
 some other resource?
  -- Massimo
 On 01/27/2011 02:31 PM, Harald Oehlmann wrote:
 Maybe ATWF, the port of the zend framework to Rivet by Arnulf Wiedemann
 may be interesting?
 or the presentation at TC2010.

... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
 18'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2011, Manassas, VA USA 

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Speaking of Tcl-US 2011

2011-01-27 Thread Clif Flynt
It seems to me that there's more web activity now than there's
been in several years.  This might just be because I've got a contract
doing some web-work for a change, but...

In the Tcl arena, we've got:

tclhttpd - old, reliable, stable and obsolete (but I use it).
wub - new, snazzy, up-to-date and fluid (I use this one, too).
rivet - stable, integrated with the most-used server (yeah, I use this one).
?others? - I probably missed a dozen or two that I don't use.

Would it be reasonable to do a compare-and-contrast panel at the Tcl
conference?  Would anyone be willing to step up and defend their turf?


I use tclhttpd when I've got a fairly simple task that doesn't
need anything fancy.  I used tclhttpd to set up sample exams for my students
when I taught Tcl at EMU - a separate tclhttpd (and port) for each exam,
was trivial.

I use wub for the Tcl Community Association pages mostly because 
the pages are co-hosted with the, and that's wub.  It's nice
in that it supports lots of new stuff.  Less nice because it changes
and grows.

I'm using rivet for a commercial task because Apache is solid and
nobody questions using it.  Rivet isn't moribund like Tclhttpd, but
it's not so fluid that I worry about my code breaking with the next

  Happy Tcl'ing,

... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
 18'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2011, Manassas, VA USA 

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Apple Push Notification Service - existing code?

2011-01-06 Thread Clif Flynt
  The thing I'm doing with rivet delivers info via html to a browser
or via xml to an iPhone app.

  The next step is sending Apple Push Notifications when something new
pops up.

  Has anyone played with APNS and Rivet?

  I'm finding plenty of info about PHP support, so I can certainly
retro-engineer something, but I'll be happy to steal code rather than
re-write it.

... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
 18'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2011, Manassas, VA USA 

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jQuery query

2010-11-11 Thread Clif Flynt
  Steve Landers did a presentation at the US Tcl Conference about
using jQuery with wub to map a 'wish' script onto a web page.

  Has anyone looked into merging the jQuery stuff into rivet?
... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
.. 17'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2010,   Oak Brook, IL  USA ..

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Re: Apache new website is missing to list Rivet

2010-11-04 Thread Clif Flynt

Congrats on making rivet 'real' again, and thanks for making it happen.

... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
.. 17'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2010,   Oak Brook, IL  USA ..

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Persistent DB connection

2010-10-28 Thread Clif Flynt
  I think I'm missing something simple.
  I may be getting bit by threads.
  The system I'm building is a database backed web application. 
Nothing particularly complex.

  I open a connection to the database using tdbc - this creates
a new command that I put in the global scope as '::db1'.

  A few minutes later, I hit a web page, and the command is gone.
  It's simple enough to re-create it, but I'm getting bored with
adding the 'is it still here' check to my code.

  Is there a way to open a persistent link?  Or am I getting caught by
a new thread being assigned to a session and the new thread has never
heard of any ::db1 command.

  Maybe I should drop the tdbc idea and move to dio...  My primary 
reason for using tdbc is that I'm not convinced that we won't be 
switching backends before we get out of prototype mode and tdbc seemed
like the simplest way to be server-neutral.

  Thanks for insights,
... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
.. 17'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2010,   Oak Brook, IL  USA ..

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Re: Persistent DB connection

2010-10-28 Thread Clif Flynt
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 10:57:20PM -0500, Damon Courtney wrote:

 You need to write a helper function to create the DB connection if it
 doesn't already exist and then return it if it does.  The reason you're
 hitting this is because every time you request a page, you get a random
 child process from Apache.  You don't know which one you're going to
 get, and it's unlikely you'll get the same one over and over again. 
 Once you create the DB handle the first time in the global scope, it
 will remain in that Apache child, but you may get a different child
 next time.

  Thanks.  I was suspecting something like this.
  Eventually, all of the children will have a ::db1 procedure, and
all will be happy.

  I was afraid that I was causing some unnecessary thrashing, but I
guess it's necessary after all.

  Happy Tcl'ing,

... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
.. 17'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2010,   Oak Brook, IL  USA ..

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form.tcl -method get|post?

2010-10-27 Thread Clif Flynt
  I'm using rivet 2.0.1.
  The form package docco says:

-method ?post|get?

 The http method for sending the form data back to the server. Possible
values are get or post 

 At the time of writing only the 'get' method is implemented
  My test indicates that putting -method post results in a 'get'

  Is this likely to be updated/modified?  Is there a variant of
form.tcl (cvs tip?) that supports post?

  I grabbed the CVS tip of Tcl8.6 (yeah, living on the edge) in order
to get the newest tdbc.  For reasons unobvious to me, the itcl that
builds out of the box doesn't quite support pure itcl syntax.  In
particular, it requires a [self] methodName to invoke internal object
methods from within a method.

  I've got a kludged version of form.tcl that works (to the extent
that I've tested it) with the new 8.6.

  Is anyone interested in this code?  

  I'm not sure that my kludge has long term use, though it might
provide a start on a port from itcl to TclOO.

... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
.. 17'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2010,   Oak Brook, IL  USA ..

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Re: form.tcl -method get|post?

2010-10-27 Thread Clif Flynt
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 12:38:29AM +0100, Massimo Manghi wrote:
 wouldn't '$this methodName' work out a solution?

  I won't swear to it, but I think I tried that first, and 'my cmd',
and neither of them was happy with me.

I've got a kludged version of form.tcl that works (to the extent
  that I've tested it) with the new 8.6.
Is anyone interested in this code?
 yes, I am. 

  I've attached it to this email.  If attachments get scrubbed, let
me know, and I'll mail it direct.

 It's something we should talk about. Tcl 8.6 is getting momentum among the
 Tcl'ers and its new introductions will probably set new standards in the
 language history.

  I'm pretty bullish on TclOO.  I think it's a nice mix of providing
structure while still giving the developer the freedom to rework 
things as his understanding of the problem matures.  (How's that for
buzz-word compliance?)

  I worked in C++ for 5 or 6 years and did a little with itcl.  I ended
up unthrilled with OO.  TclOO has revived my excitement.

  This construct in the form.tcl code was the only one that caused
me some dismay at a quick-N-dirty translation to TclOO:

public variable defaults  {
upvar 1 $defaults array
array set DefaultValues [array get array]

  I think this can be implemented in TclOO with a variable trace and a
new object method, but I didn't have time right then to play with it.


... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
.. 17'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2010,   Oak Brook, IL  USA ..

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New member

2010-10-26 Thread Clif Flynt
  I'm starting a fairly major project and intending to use Apache2,
Rivet and the 8.6 tdbc and TclOO.  We're anticipating 1000+
simultaneous users once the system goes live.

  I'll be beating on the form.tcl package fairly hard (already
had one go-to with it).  I've got a version of form.tcl that's 
happy (partly) with the 8.6 out-of-the-box version of Itcl.  This
seemed to want a few more of the TclOO constructs (using [self] to
call object internal methods.)

  Suggestions and comments are welcome.
... Clif Flynt ... ... ...
.. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide (2nd edition) - Morgan Kauffman ..
.. 17'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference:  2010,   Oak Brook, IL  USA ..

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