Re: Release policy and coordination

2006-06-01 Thread Christi Alice Scarborough
Paul Louden wrote:
 Most completely casual users won't even complain though. They'll try it,
 dislike it, and then switch back.
 I still very strongly feel that a known bug of that degree should not
 simply be a noted issue in the comments. What *strong* reson is there
 to include H300 in this release? The code will be there, people can use
 3.0 on H300, but since it's not officially released there will be no
 misconception that it's fully functioning the way it should.

It's a fair point.  I take back my earlier statement.


Ladies and Gentlemen, we have frozen!

2006-04-03 Thread Christi Alice Scarborough
I'm pleased to announce that we've reached a milestone on the road to a
release of Rockbox 3.0.  As of this morning, CVS is now officially in
feature freeze.  This means that until the release of Rockbox 3.0, the
only patches accepted into CVS will be those which fix an existing bug
in the proposed release platforms (Archos and Iriver).

The freeze is expected to last a month with the proposed release date
for Rockbox 3.0 being 1st May 2006.  After the release, we will be
accepting new features into CVS again.  In the mean time, please feel
free to use the patch tracker to keep track of potential new
functionality for Rockbox.

Commiters, it would be very helpful if you can include a bug database
reference in CVS commits during this period so we can track progress
towards release.

In the mean time, we need volunteers to test Rockbox on Archos Players,
Recorders, Ondios and Iriver H1xx and H3xx.  Please report missing
functionality and bugs at  The list of things
that ought to work in Rockbox on these platforms is at  Please help us
to make the best Rockbox we can.



Roxkbox Release Schedule (exciting news from Devcon!)

2006-03-18 Thread Christi Alice Scarborough

Rockbox 3.0 - codename Mayday

Feature freeze: 0:00 CET, Mon 3rd April 2006

   * No new features will be accepted into CVS for a period of four 
weeks from this date.
   * Commits limited to bugfixes related to the functionality detailed 

Proposed Release date: 1st May 2006

Supported Platforms

The functionality below should work (or be unimplementable) on all 
targets below.

   * Archos Player, Recorder, Recorder v2, Recorder FM, Ondio
   * iRiver H1xx, H3xx

Release critical features

The freeze will be extended if necessary until the following are fully 

   * Core functionality (everything that worked in Rockbox 2.5) (Please 
report missing functionality for supported platforms in the bug tracker.)

   * iRiver power consumption issues
   * Disable Tag DB / runtime DB and replace with tagcache (runtime DB 
/ song ratings not included in this release)

   * Software codec / EQ
   * Remote support for iRiver
   * All WPS/UI functionality currently in CVS
   * Voice Support

Other goals for release

   * No open bugs on supported platforms
   * Manual 3.0
   * Bootloader release
   * Doom plugin
   * Light (striped down themes, fonts, WPSes. etc) and full zip files 
available for download

   * Support for platform specific versions of themes

Rockbox 3.1 - codename Fireworks

Approximate release date: November 2006

Supported Platforms

   * Archos Player, Recorder, Recorder v2, Recorder FM, Ondio
   * iRiver H1xx, H3xx
   * iPod 4g, 5g, Nano
   * iAudio X5

Proposed new features:

   * Runtime DB
   * Album art
   * Viewports in WPS
   * One image file WPSes (using tar files)
   * Platform independent architecture improvements to facilitate 
porting to new platforms
 o New /platform directory containing heirarchical structure of 
platform specific code to reduce #ifdef usage and code duplication
 o Platform specific #defines in /firmware replaced by inline 
functions included from the /platform heirarchy
 o Keymappings for applications to be based upon platform 
independent functions (eg next item, last item, up in heirarchy etc.) 
which are defined in a single platform specific file. No #ifdef KEYPAD_* 
statements to remain.
 o All #ifdefs in /apps to be function specific (eg HAS_RTC, 
HAS_RECORD, HAS_MENU_BAR) rather than hardware specific

Re: What has happened with our beloved RomBox? (binary size on Archos targets)

2006-02-14 Thread Christi Alice Scarborough
[IDC]Dragon wrote:
 It works! uuuh! only 1,666 MB buffer, i think its better for daily use to
 go back to an older build with 1,8 MB buffer...
 What happened to our buffer, who sliced that chunk away?
 I'm not really following latest developments, was it unicode, was it
 graphical wps, or what?

gwps buffer is way too large on Archos.  (It allocates too much memory
by a factor of 16, I believe.)  That does need fixing.


Re: Hi Wavpack broken?

2006-02-11 Thread Christi Alice Scarborough
David Bryant wrote:
 I agree that handling the correction files would be great. Unfortunately, in
 this case the problem is resources. Handling the correction files takes
 about an additional 40% CPU cycles on the PC, and that doesn't take into
 account the extra disk reading. In WavPack's high mode that would put us
 at 100% boost ratio (without any dsp functions on), and even the default
 mode would be pretty boosty.

Ah well, I figured it'd probably be impractical.  Still, if you ever
develop a sudden bout of masochism... ;)


Re: My vote for BMP cache removal

2006-01-31 Thread Christi Alice Scarborough

Thom Johansen wrote:

I think it should be taken out as soon as possible. It's flawed in the
sense that it can't possibly detect whether the cache is invalid
without destroying the entire purpose of the cache in the first
place. We've already had a user coming in asking questions
about why his WPS wasn't updating when it should, and more
will come.

It certainly is confusing.

While wee on the subject, the image tag method currently used is deeply 
unsatisfactory, since it arbitrarily limits the number of images.  I'm 
vaguely in favour of moving to a top left/bottom right co-ordinate based 
syntax for specifying which part of the image to display once we have 
single image.  Thoughts?


Re: About Rockbox utility, for Christi

2006-01-31 Thread Christi Alice Scarborough

Alessio Lenzi wrote:

I am a Rockbox blind user , i found your post dealing with your 
utility to simplify Rockbox installation and upgrade reading this list.
I immediately installed the program, i think it's really useful. Since 
last december have you released any other version?

Im afraid the project's been on hold as I'm rather busy preparing to 
move house at the moment.  Things should calm down in a month and a half 
or so, and then I can hopefully devote more time to it. 

As i already translate Rockbox for italian, i'd like, if possible, do 
the same with yours. What do you think about that? Waiting for your 

Certainly the infrastructure for translations is built into wxWidgets.  
Its probably better to wait until rbutil is a bit more stable though, 
when I porpose to implement full localisation support.


Re: Announcing the Rockbox Utility

2005-12-19 Thread Christi Alice Scarborough
Linus Nielsen Feltzing wrote:
 Christi Alice Scarborough wrote:
 - Only download the installer once.  It then grabs Rockbox from the
 Can it install offline? I want to be able to download the build and
 install later.

Shouldn't be too difficult to add this.  At the moment it's possible by
installing to a location on your hard drive, then immediately removing
the install.  Since it caches the zip files, it won't attempt to
download it the next time you install.  Making it work less clumsily
should be fairly trivial.


Announcing the Rockbox Utility

2005-12-18 Thread Christi Alice Scarborough
I've been beavering away for the past few weeks, and I'm happy to say
that I'm finally in a state where I'm ready to show the fruits of my
efforts to others.

The Rockbox Utility is a new installer for Rockbox.  Don't we already
have one of those, I hear you cry?  Yes, but Rockbox Utility is much
better.  Here's why:

- Only download the installer once.  It then grabs Rockbox from the website.
- No need to download lots of files you don't need for other platforms
- Support for installing daily builds and bleeding edge builds in
addition to released versions of Rockbox.
- Uninstall info is stored on your audio device.  You can uninstall from
a completely different computer to the one you installed on.
- A full uninstall for when you're sending your device back under warranty.
- Since it works from the zip files made by the build system, changes to
Rockbox are much less likely to break it.
- Support for Rockbox platforms like iRiver, for which no release
version of Rockbox is available.

Also, it lays the groundwork for many cool things in the future:

- Rockbox Utility is written in wxWidgets, a portable GUI library.  This
means that a Linux version and hopefully also a Mac version will be on
the way soon.
- The installer will be able to support multiple languages.
- Other functions like patching and downloading firmware, downloading
voice files and database generation can be incorporated into the featureset.
- Automatic update features.  Rockbox Utility will eventually be able to
support new platforms as and when they become available by downloading
an updated configuration file.

Naturally you are all dying to give it a try, but a few words of warning

This is ALPHA software.  This means I've tried it, and I'm happy it
works, but do expect a few rough edges, and the possibility of data loss.

Please give me feedback on any problems you experience - this will help
to make the program more reliable.

You can download Rockbox Utility for Windows from

Hope you like it,


Submitting WPS files to Rockbox

2005-11-16 Thread Christi Alice Scarborough
If you'd like to submit your custom WPS for inclusion in Rockbox, please
consult the guidelines available at

Following these guidelines will help us to quickly incorporate your work
into the Rockbox project.
