[rohrpost] White Canvas

2014-05-19 Diskussionsfäden Oliver Grau
Video Art Event, V-th edition 
White Canvas



Canvas: video art project that will be held within the halls of the
military garrison of  Oradea;
at present, the building is to be rearranged to shelter the collections
of the TariiCrisurilorMuseum. The venue was
chosen due to its neutrality as a basis for the curatorial concept: the
the fundament and the context where the artistic act sets and develops
In its attempt to move from the pictural
canvas to the profecting screen, the concept of White Canvas aims at
applying a new frame: the idea of
-  The sequential and temporal dimension of the film image
will be borrowed from the static feature of the painting ( and vice
-The support issue brings along the problem of
intensifying the virtual artistic content that will populate the screen
as a
consequence to the assumed artistic decision; this will endow the
artistic act
with an apparently unlimited freedom but will lso appeal to both
abstract and
sensorial reasoning. 
 -Video art as art manifesto explores the real mostly in a
critical way,
with its own means; it has  as basic
static support the place of the artist as related to the artistic
-Thus, the support issue brings into discussion the
issue of the context of the artist’s perspective, a fact that leads
to the
introspective aspect of questioning the creative act. The virtual
space, the
white space of innocence, perfection, honesty, purity, neutrality,
light and
exactness will be contaminated by the personal aesthetic experiences
through his perspective.
The reason for discussing the concept of White Canvas is to propose
video images
that will open a whole new interrogative horizon for the viewer and
where he
stands in relation with the video art and the world to which this art
 Curator׃Univ. Prof.
Assoc.Dr. Gabriela-Diana Bohnstedt Gavrilas
Video Art Event, V-th edition
White Canvasvideo art
event will be presented from 15
th to 16 th May 2014from
18-21 PM within the days of Ţǎrii Crişurilor Museum in
Oradea,University of Oradea – Departmentof Visual
Arts, Faculty of Arts, Romania
and on June in Italy at  Visual Container,  box Videoart Project Space
visualcontainerorg, visualcontainertv, dotboxit
Organizers:   University din Oradea Faculty
of Arts– Departmentof Visual Arts, (Romania)
  Visual Container, Milano (Italia),  
Conflux Oradea(Romania) http://videoartevent.wordpress.com/.
 The Museum of MuzeulŢării Crişurilor .
Oradea(Romania) http://www.mtariicrisurilor.ro/ 

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[rohrpost] Conf: All About Imaging: Transactions (London, 22-23 May 14)

2014-05-19 Diskussionsfäden Oliver Grau
All About Imaging: Transactions (London, 22-23 May 14)

University of Westminster, Harrow Campus, London, HA1 3TP, May 22 - 23,

All About Imaging: Transactions

Co-Chairs: Sophie Triantaphillidou, Heather Barnett

Transactions is an interdisciplinary symposium exploring new directions
in contemporary imaging from the perspectives of art, science and
technology. The symposium will bring together academics, artists,
students and professionals working in contemporary imaging, to create
opportunities for knowledge exchange, demonstration and discussion.
Transactions aims to traverse discursive boundaries between disciplines,
to build shared vocabularies, mutual understanding and new synergies.


Thursday 22 May

9:25 Symposium Opening
Sophie Triantaphillidou (Transactions Co-Chair, Faculty of Media, Arts
and Design) Derek Birch (President, RPS), Kerstin Mey (Dean, Faculty of
Media Arts and Design)

9:40-11:00 Session 1 Chair: Eugenie Shinkle
Oliver Grau, Danube University: Complex expressions in digital arts
imagery (keynote)
Kerstin Mey, University of Westminster: Vision and visuality: On the
work of AES+F

11:30-1:00 Session 2 Chair: Heather Barnett Susan Aldworth, Artist:
Andrew Carnie, Artist: Data embodiment Howard Boland, C-LAB: Living

1:00-2.00 Lunch + demos + imagery

2:00-3:30 Session 3 Chair: Aleka Psarrou
Carrina Parraman, University of the West of England: 2.5D printing
Vicente Morell, University of Alicante: Contributions to 3D data
processing Matthieu Chavent, University of Oxford: Under the scientific

4:00-5:30 Session 4 Chair: John Smith
Francis Ring, University of South Wales: Imaging the invisible in
Gary Evans, Science Photo Library: A chemical adventure in high-speed
imaging Afzal Ansary, The Royal Photographic Society: Scientific imaging
- an essential tool

5:30 PRS International Images for Science 2103 exhibition opening
Heather Barnett, (Transactions Co-Chair, Faculty of Media, Arts and
Design) London Gallery West, University of Westminster, Harrow Campus

Friday 23 May

9:25 Opening
Sophie Triantaphillidou (Transactions Co-Chair, Faculty of Media, Arts
and Design)

9:30-11:00 Session 1 Chair: Ralph Jacobson
Lindsay MacDonald, UCL: Perceptual transactions: simulating real
John Jarvis, University of Westminster: Sensitivity to shape and detail
in complex images
Sabine Susstrunk, Polytechnic of Lauzanne: Computational aesthetics

11:30-12:30 Session 2 Chair: Sophie Triantaphillidou
Chaker Larabi, University of Poitier: Is today's cinema different from
yesterday's one
Karsten Hacker, Framestore: The making of 'Gravity' - colour

12:30-2:00 Lunch + demos + workshop

2:00-3:30 Session 3 Chair: Silke Lange
David Bate, University of Westminster: The technologies of the selfie
Jacqueline Butler, University of Manchester: The photograph as haptic
and virtual object
Joanna Zylinska, Goldsmiths: Curating / Open / Images

4:00-5:00 Session 4 Chair: Liz Allen
Rainer Usselman, Happy Finish: Photography Vanishes
Jonathon Shaw, Coventry School of Art & Design: NewFotoScapes

5:00-5:45 Panel discussion, Whatever happened to photography? Chair:
John Smith

5:45 Symposium Close
Heather Barnett (Transactions Co-Chair, Faculty of Media, Arts and
Demos: Anabelle King (Fractals in nature), Howard Boland (Living
mirror), Workshop: Fotis Begklis (Wishing tree interactive story
telling), Imagery: Andre Pinkowski

Symposium Fee (2 days including lunch)
General: £65. Students, Concessions, RPS members: £45

Registration & info
Email Helen Cohen (h.cohe...@westminster.ac.uk), subject All About

Related exhibitions (All About Imaging delegates are invited)
RPS International Images for Science 2013 exhibition
London Gallery West, University of Westminster, Harrow Campus, HA1 3TP
23 May-16 June
Private View 22 May, 5:30-8pm
Broad Vision - Future Human
GV Art gallery, 49 Chiltern Street, London W1U 6LY 6-28 June
Private View Thursday 5 June, 6-9pm

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[rohrpost] Announcing > DATA STUDIES - New low-residency MSc program

2014-05-19 Diskussionsfäden Image Science
Dear Colleagues, 

With great enthusiasm we share our most currently developed excellence,
low-residency, master’s program answering the continual evolving needs
of the field.


DATA STUDIES Masters of Science focuses on the critical juncture
between the birth of new research paradigms, methods & tools, and the
increasingly complex politics of social media as contested global
platforms and data repositories.

==> POST-GRADUATE - (Masters of Science, 120 ECTS, 5-semester)
(Academic Expert, 60 ECTS, 3-semester (Certified Program, 30 ECTS, 2-3

==> MODULARIZED – Created to accommodate the needs of working
professionals, the modularized and low-residency program "Data Studies"
conveys the core skills of contemporary digital science over seven
intensive 4-6 day modules held in Austria.   

==> START – 18. November 2014

==> BRAIN TRUST - Data Studies brings together the best experts in the
field - excerpt from the international faculty: David M. BERRY (London),
Axel BRUNS (Sidney), Carolin GERLITZ (Amsterdam), Lev MANOVICH (New
York), Warren SACK (Santa Cruz), Regine BUSCHAUER (Basel), Theo Röhle
(Braunschweig), Annika RICHTERICH (Maastricht), Shintaro MIYAZAKI
(BASEL), Ramón REICHERT (Vienna) and Oliver GRAU (DanubeU).

==> WHY - There has been a data rush in the past decade – one brought
about by companies producing big amounts of data, another by the
ubiquity of online communication, social media in particular (YouTube,
Google Earth, Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, FeedBurner and Facebook), and
by the adoption within the social sciences and digital humanities of
analytical software-based tools. Big Data is the big challenge of our
time in computing and humanities. It generates value from very large
data sets, which cannot be analyzed with traditional computing

==> CONTENT - The new post-graduate course DATA STUDIES starting this
November responds to the increasing demand for competencies bridged
between cultural and computer sciences. It conveys to students
comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge about the systematic
application of computer-assisted and data-based processes with digital
resources. The transdisciplinary aligned spectrum of the curriculum
brings various methodological approaches together and offers an overview
HUMANITIES & CULTURAL SCIENCES. In the fields of intermediation,
collections and marketing of data, the LEGAL and ECONOMIC aspects are
specifically tailored to play important roles. 


==> DANUBE UNIVERSITY - located 70km from Vienna in the UNESCO world
heritage Wachau region, Danube University is the only public university
in Europe specializing in advanced continuing education by developing
low-residency degree programs for working professionals and life-long
learners.  The University’s Center for Image Science is housed in the
Göttweig Monastery, a 14th century building remodeled to fit the needs
of modern media arts research in singular surroundings and in the newly
designed Campus Krems.   


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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
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[rohrpost] DEKONSTRUKT in der AUSSTELLUNG „REVOLUTION“, Videoinstallation von Thomas Scheffer

2014-05-19 Diskussionsfäden Thomas Scheffer
Herzliche Einladung zur

in der Galerie Nord, 23.05. bis 14.06.2014
Kunstverein Tiergarten | Galerie Nord, Turmstr. 75, 10551 Berlin

Vor dem Hintergrund des 25-jährigen Jubiläums der Friedlichen Revolution von 
1989, des Ausbruchs des 1. Weltkriegs vor 100 Jahren und der politischen 
Umwälzungen in Osteuropa und der arabischen Welt hat der Kunstverein Tiergarten 
Künstlerinnen und Künstler zu thematischen Beiträgen eingeladen und stellte die 
Frage nach einem persönlichen Bezug zum Thema Revolution.

In diesem Zusammenhang wird eine Videoinstallation von Thomas Scheffer mit dem 
Titel DEKONSTRUKT gezeigt.

Die Eröffnung ist am Freitag, 23.05. um 18 Uhr vor der Galerie Nord, Turmstraße 
75, 10551 Berlin. 


Das Fragmentarische der SYSTEMFRAGE2011+ inspirierte Thomas Scheffer. Er 
kreierte mit Johannes Sienknecht aus der SYSTEMFRAGE2011+ die 
computergesteuerte, zufallsgenerierte Videoinstallation DEKONSTRUKT.
In DEKONSTRUKT werden zufällig vom Computer ausgewählte, kurze Interview- 
Passagen sämtlicher Videointerviews von SYSTEMFRAGE2011+ aneinandergereiht. Der 
Computer bestimmt Ausschnitt und Reihenfolge. So bleibt die Neutralität der 
Auswahl und die Gleichbehandlung der Interviews erhalten. Es entstehen in 
DEKONSTRUKT zwar zwischenzeitig auch Kakophonien und zusammenhangslose 
Gedankensprünge, es schliessen sich aber die Interview- Fetzen in weiten Teilen 
aufgrund des Zufalls zusammen und bilden eine ganz eigene Melodie und 
Metaebene. Infolge dessen entsteht ein erweiterter Sinnzusammenhang und Kontext.

DEKONSTRUKT basiert auf der SYSTEMFRAGE2011+.
Unter dem Pseudonym 'videoatonale' entstand zwischen 26.08.2011 und 25.09.2013 
das Online Projekt SYSTEMFRAGE2011+ mit 140 Videos und einer Lauflänge von 46 
Stunden. Menschen unterschiedlicher Herkunft und verschiedenen Alters sowie 
Aktivisten in bewusst ungeschnittenen Videointerviews und -statements kommen zu 
Wort. Die Interviewten kommen bzw. kamen teilweise aus sozialen wie auch 
politischen Bewegungen oder sind bzw. waren Einzelkämpfer, die sich ein 
Spezialgebiet gesellschaftlicher Relevanz erarbeitet haben.
Thomas Scheffer, Karina Lejeune

Mit besten Grüssen

Thomas Scheffer

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