[rohrpost] Anton Tantner, Die Hausnummer, 2007

2016-01-09 Diskussionsfäden Karl Dietz
Anton Tantner, Die Hausnummer, 2007
#openaccess #ebook

in lang:

> Beitrag: Tantner, Die Hausnummer, 2007, nun online
> URL: http://www.univie.ac.at/voeb/blog/?p=39110
> Verfasst   : Januar 8, 2016 um 3:19 nachmittags
> Verfasser  : JP
> Kategorien : Literaturhinweis
> Anton Tantner hat auf seinem Blog berichtet, dass sein 2007 beim Jonas Verlag 
> erschienenes und nunmehr vergriffenes Hausnummernbuch Open Access im 
> Institutional Repository der Uni Wien zur Verfügung steht: 
> http://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:422099 Tantner, Anton: Die Hausnummer. Eine 
> Geschichte von Ordnung und Unordnung. Marburg: Jonas Verlag, 2007 Quelle: 
> http://adresscomptoir.twoday.net/stories/1022533719/


 Verlag Klaus Wagenbach
 Der unabhängige Verlag für wilde Leser
 Liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser,
 Wir laden Sie ein, neue Bücher und Welten zu entdecken:

 Der Wiener Historiker Anton Tantner reist quer durch Europa und beleuchtet 
 unterhaltsam in seinem Buch „Die ersten Suchmaschinen“ ein kurioses 
 historisches Phänomen: im 17. Jahrhundert, bevor im großen Stil gedruckt 
 und vervielfältigt und auch die ‚Kleinanzeige‘ erfunden wurde, suchten und 
 fanden die Bürger einander mit Hilfe sogenannter „Adressbüros“ oder 
 „Fragämter“. – Ein fundamentaler Beitrag zur Geschichte der Information in 
 Europa, so Peter Burke in seinem Gutachten.

 Wir wünschen gute Lektüren und grüßen sehr –
 Ihr Verlag Klaus Wagenbach
 Verlag Klaus Wagenbach • Emser Straße 40/41 • 10719 Berlin • 


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[rohrpost] CFP: conference "TABOO - TRANSGRESSION - TRANSCENDENCE in Art & Science", 20-21 May 2016, Ionian University, Corfu

2016-01-09 Diskussionsfäden Ingeborg Reichle
Call for papers and artwork presentations for the
International Conference:


Friday 20th & Saturday 21th May 2016, Ionian University, Corfu

Audiovisual Arts Festival Official Website: avarts.ionio.gr/festival

Audiovisual Arts Festival 2016 Call for Papers:

Online Submissions to the 2016 Conference:

Deadline CFP: February 29, 2016

The Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University
organizes a two-day interdisciplinary conference with theoretical and
artwork presentations under the theme of “Taboo - Transgression -
Transcendence”, focusing on questions about the nature of the
forbidden and the liminal as expressed in science and art.

Since the beginning of time, taboo has traced the edges of experience.
As with Icarus, whose excitement made him forget the restrictions of
his man-made wings leading to his fall towards death, humans have
always been regulated by a set of rules defining the borders of
knowledge and experimentation. What constitutes the limits of the
accepted, however, has to be read within the ethical horizons of a
specific time frame. It is not uncommon that what seems outrageously
transgressive in one moment, can eventually transcend to a commonplace

Limits are continuously put to test as contemporary scientific
experimentation pushes forward our idea of the world, in quest for
answers but also for solutions allowing us to overcome the problems
present in our lives. Progress in fields such as the human genome
editing, the creation of cyborgs and any human-like artificial
intelligence, are only few examples presently generating double-edged
questions on the nature of humanity. One could easily recall Dr.
Frankenstein, whose ambition to solve the mystery of life and death
ends up revealing the threshold of control between creator and
creation. As we experience a gradual, but substantial, de-centering
from the humanistic values, scientific experimentation bears potential
turmoil; its advances are essentially stretching the borders of our
experience of the world and ourselves, mostly revealing the fragility
of social values.

However, isn’t this also the essential role of Art? More than ever
before, isn’t this the point where science intrinsically meet with the
arts? Arts apply critical questions to our certainties, and it is not
a coincidence that in the last decades so many artists have focused on
the human body as their primary medium for investigation. In the
merging of science and art opens a space for creative transformation.
Art’s playfully transgressive nature offers creative bypasses to the
scientific grammar and expands the dialogue with its openness to a
multiplicity towards the new. Nevertheless, art – albeit its originary
affinity with the taboo – is never completely liberated from moral
considerations. Deeply involved into this lively discourse on the
nature of the taboo, art becomes the very domain of contemporary
experimentation with transgression, in order to provoke and sparkle
discourse, catalyzing possible forms of transcendence. Can this
relation bear a force of liberating? Is there such a thing as
incentive prohibitions and who/what defines the borders of accepted
identities and ideologies? Immersing into the impure realm of limits
and liminalities, one might trace the mental structures filtering our
experience of the world, ultimately opening space for creative
transformations through the mixing of art and science.

Submissions are welcome both from scientific fields acquainted to
audio & visual technology and/or new media theory as well as from the
diverse fields of artistic expression related with scientific issues.
Suggested, but not exclusive topics, are those associated, from an
artistic, scientific or ethical perspective, with:

Art as subversion and art as transcendence

Dirt, disgust and the polluted

The body machine and the animal body

Animal rights in Art and Science

Taboos in technological applications and transcendence in art creation

Tradition, experimental use of technology and contemporary aesthetics

Internet, new dimensions of “touching” and control

Post gender, transgressive identities and social models

Transgression, subculture and ritual

Trance culture, psychotropic substances and socialization

Attraction, eroticism and techno-reproduction

Dogmas’ transformations and dissolutions in present times

Educational environments and new practices of space transcendence

Plastic surgery and bοdy modification-body alteration

Gene editing, mutation and eugenics

Psycho-pharmacology, somatechnology and post-humanism

Human-like machines, uncanny valley and sex technology

Nanotechnology, skin and other dimensions of the body

Neurophysiology and cybernetic art

Art and neuroscience

Abstract submission
Proposals are submitted for consideration by the members of the
scientific &