>>> z <zhan...@namoc.org> 11/17/2009 4:20 pm >>>
  For immediate release

The National Art Museum of China is pleased to announce the opening of 

the exhibition Timelapse curated by Zhang Ga. The first installment of 

this Chinese and Swiss media art exhibition will open on November 25, 

2009, in Beijing and will travel to Biel, Switzerland, in March 2010.

In the summer of 2008, the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC)  
successfully staged Synthetic Times: Media Art China 2008,  
International New Media Art Exhibition. The exhibition showcased the  
latest trends in global media art development, establishing Beijing as 

a platform for international dialogue in the field of new media art  
and providing an opportunity for a Chinese audience to recognize and  
appreciate rich and multifaceted artistic visions of the twenty-first 

century. Timelapse is the result of NAMOC*s continued commitment to 

exhibit media art.

Time-lapse describes a cinematographic technique in which pictures are 

taken with long intervals between each frame. Time-lapse as a process 

of delaying or prolongation constructs an obviously accelerated  
artificial effect when synchronized at a twenty-four-frame-per-second 

playback speed, which typically creates the illusion of real-time  
movement in human visual perception. Time-lapse therefore manipulates 

an illusionary reality to achieve yet another level of syntheticity *
a virtual reality as opposed to the *reality* arrived at by

Time represents itself by movement, which is the continuous covering  
of space. In space where movement unfolds, abound the actions and  
happenings of distinct progression, that of heterogeneity. In time- 
lapse, through the drastic slowing down of speed in space, in between 

the delays and elongation for the finale of speediness and continuity, 

elasticity metamorphoses into virtuality, transcending ordinary  
perception of the temporal and the spatial, creating memory in a  
succession of variations.

By metaphorically invoking photographic terminology in the spirit of  
Bergsonian / Deleuzian time-movement interpretation as inspiration,  
the exhibition Timelapse in which a dozen artists from both  
Switzerland and China will participate, attempts to examine the  
fundamental constituent of digital media: the concept of time and its 

embodiment in space, its evocation of passage and memory, its movement 

of differentiation and its state of representation in diverse formal  
grammars to reveal the social implications of the fast in the disguise 

of the slow, the multiplicity in temporality, and disparity in  
spatiality, both psychologically and geographically. The exhibition  
scrutinizes the nuances and ramifications of cultural being within the 

disparate frameworks of time in distance and space in locality, and  
the potential collapse of a time-space duality.

Participating artists:
Peter Aerschmann, Cao Fei, Chen Shaoxiong, Arthur Clay, Hervé
Alexander Hahn, Hu Jieming, Jin Jiangbo, Timo Loosli, Qiu Zhijie,  
Valentina Vuksic, Zhang Peili, Daniel Werder

The exhibition is a project of NAMOC*s Media Art China 2009, co- 
organized by the National Art Museum of China and CentrePasquArt (Biel 

Contemporary Art Museum) in Switzerland, and in partnership with Pro  
Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council, as part of the exchange and  
cooperation program "Swiss Chinese Cultural Explorations" , which aims 

to support a rapprochement between the two countries on a cultural  
level, placing importance on establishing long-term relationships  
between artists and institutions from Switzerland and China. The  
exhibition is also supported by Presence Switzerland and Swissnex  
Shanghai, Switzerlands*s Outpost for Science, Technology and Culture 

in China.

National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
November 25, 2009 * December 19, 2009

CentrePasquArt, Biel, Switzerland
March 28, 2010 * May 30, 2010

Catalogue designed by: Project Projects, New York


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