Deadline: Submissions until 1 August 2020 ongoing
Call for entries

"Gandhi! - PPNRCD" - Open Call

PPNRCD - stands for
Peaceful Protest
Nonviolent Resistance
Civil Disobedience

These three methods are representing in short the essence of Mahatma
Gandhi's fight for the independence of India from the British Empire (15
August 1947)
150 years ago - on 2 October 1869, Mahatma Gandhi was born, he was
assassinated on 10 January 1948. What can Gandhi's methods tell us today?
They haven't lost anything of their explosive force, think of the current
movements of climate change, social equality etc, when "war" and enforcing
conflicts are again an option.

The Wake Up! Memorial curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne is invited
for preparing a program of artvideos to be screened in Kolkata at Birla
Academy of Art and Culture on 2 October 2020 - Gandhi's birthday, its a
National Holiday in India and The International Day of Nonviolence.

The open call is addressed to audio-visual artists to submit one video
dealing thematically with PPNRCD -  Peaceful Protest - Nonviolent
Resistance - Civil Disobedience.
While Gandhis achievements are representing  the historical roots for later
nonviolent political and social movements, the open call would like to
spotlight incidents taking place after Gandhi's death driven by the spirit
of non-violence and humanity, think of Martin Luther King's equal rights
movement, the peaceful revolution of the German Re-unification or the
liberation from the Apartheit in SouthAafrica, for instance, or current
movements of climate change, or all the daily situations when people
overcome conflicts via nonviolence.

The selected videos will form a collection as a basis for a new
commemorative context in the framework of The Wake Up! Memorial online, as
well as for screenings.
The event in Kolkata on 2 October 2020 is part of NewMediaFest2020 in
collaboration with  The Birla Academy of Art and Culture Kolkata,  The Wake
Up! Memorial, A Virtual Memorial Foundation, The New Museum of Networked
Art and Culture Monks India.

The Wake Up! Memorial


Please find the regulations and entry form on
netEX - call & deadlines
rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze

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