[rohrpost] Opening TODAY, Friday, at 7pm: Sergio Cruz ACI curates Transmediale Show in Beijing (commissioned by Goethe Institut Beijing)

2010-07-08 Diskussionsfäden Gallery Art Claims Impulse
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are looking forward to welcoming you at the opening starting today, Friday 
09.07.2010 from 7pm.
Best wishes, Melanie and Pierre

Art Claims Impulse
Video Art - Performance - Installation

Sergio Cruz
Video Art

Opening: Friday, 09.07.2010, 7pm

Sergio Cruz creates video art that is unique in the way it unites elements of 
cinematography, dance, urban performance, and music. The works develop a 
powerful pull, they are striking, at times highly energetic, at other times 
contemplative and quiet, revealing a great sense of skill in terms of using 
beautiful image arrangements, a certain pace and rhythm, and a subtle sense of 
humour to communicate both a positive perspective on life and social criticism. 
A highly enjoyable and thought provoking show.

(To see the Trailer please copy the link into your Browser)

Opening: 09.07.2010, 7 pm, Exibition: 10.07.2010 – 14.08.2010
Opening times: Wed - Sat 4pm - 9pm, Art Claims Impulse, Lübbener Str. 5, 10997 
U1(Görlitzer Bahnhof, Schlesisches Tor)


Sergio Cruz

Eröffnung: 09.07.2010, 19:00Uhr

Sergio Cruz schafft Videokunstwerke mit einzigartigen Esprit geschaffen durch 
meisterhaften Umgang von Kinematographie, Urbane Performance und Musik. Die 
Arbeiten entwickeln einen Sog, sind eindrucksvoll, von überschäumender Kraft 
und manchmal von einnehmender Ruhe. Sergio Cruz's Arbeiten zeichnen sich durch 
wunderschöne Bildarrangements aus, die gespickt mit sozialkritischen Untertönen 
den Betrachter in einen teilweise humoresken, nachdenklichen und dennoch im 
höchsten Grade unterhaltsamen Genuss entführen.

(Um den Trailer zu sehen, kopieren Sie bitte diesen Link in Ihren Browser)

Eröffnung: 09.07.2010, 19:00Uhr, Ausstellung: 10.07.2010 – 14.08.2010
Öffnungszeiten: Mittwoch - Samstag 16:00 Uhr - 21:00 Uhr, Art Claims Impulse, 
Lübbener Str. 5, 10997 Berlin
U1(Görlitzer Bahnhof, Schlesisches Tor)


Transmediale in Beijing: August 2010


Pierre Wolter and Melanie Zagrean have been commissioned by Transmediale and 
Goethe Institut Beijing to curate a Transmediale Show which will open on 
15.08.2010 at Today Art Museum. The exhibition explores the topic of urban 
topology focussing particularly on the art discourse taking place in Berlin on 
this subject. The exhibition will be accompanied by panels and interviews. 
Information on artists and panels will be announced in the August Newsletter.
We are looking forward to welcoming you.

Melanie and Pierre

Am 15.08.2010 eröffnet im Today Art Museum Beijing  'Stadt am Rande', eine vom 
Goethe Institut Peking beauftragte Transmediale Austellung kuratiert von Pierre 
Wolter und Melanie Zagrean. Die Ausstellung (15-29.08.10) beleuchtet das Thema 
'Urbane Topologie' auf ungewöhnliche Weise und konzentriert sich besonders auf 
Arbeiten, die den in Berlin statt findenden künstlerischen Diskurs darüber 
widerspiegeln. Informationen über Künstler und Panels werden im August 
Newsletter veröffentlicht. Wir freuen uns darauf Euch/Sie bei der Eröffnung 
begrüßen zu dürfen.

Melanie und Pierre

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[rohrpost] ACI Surfing with... Wolfgang Spahn (07.02.2020, 7:00 PM)

2020-02-06 Diskussionsfäden Gallery Art Claims Impulse

*Surfing with... Wolfgang Spahn*

*Friday, 07.02.2020, 7:00 PM*

Art Claims Impulse
Markgrafenstraße 86
10969 Berlin


Art Claims Impulse invites you to a personal informal evening. Get to 
know people from art, philosophy, urbanism and other inspiring fields. 
Spend an evening with the invited people, during which you are taken 
along on a surfing trip and introduced to aspects of their internet 
world. Which trends, ideas or projects caught their attention lately? 
What do they find interesting to share with other people?

Come along on a 2h trip, both inspiring and entertaining.

Short Bio: Wolfgang Spahn is an Austrian-German visual artist based in 
Berlin. His work includes interactive installations, 
miniature-slide-paintings and performances of light & sound. His art 
explores the field of analogue and digital media and focusses on both 
their contradiction and their correlation. That's why he is also 
specialized in re-appropriated and re-purposed electronic technologies.

Spahn is member of faculty at the University of the Arts, Department 
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, Berlin. His artworks and performances are 
shown international at museums, biennales, and festivals.

*We show the event also via Live-Streaming on our website (Start 6:45pm):


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[rohrpost] ACI surfing with - Wolfgang Spahn

2020-02-06 Diskussionsfäden Gallery Art Claims Impulse

Art Claims Impulse lädt Sie zu einem persönlichen informellen Abend ein.
Lernen Sie Menschen aus Kunst, Philosophie, Urbanismus und anderen 
inspirierenden Bereichen kennen.
Verbringen Sie einen Abend mit den eingeladenen Personen, bei dem Sie 
auf einen Internet Surftrip
mitgenommen und in Aspekte ihrer Internetwelt eingeführt werden. Welche 
Trends, Ideen oder Projekte sind ihnen in letzter Zeit aufgefallen?
Was finden sie so interessant, dass sie es mit anderen Menschen teilen 

Kommen Sie mit auf eine 2-stündige Reise, die sowohl inspirierend als 
auch unterhaltsam sein wird.

*Wir zeigen die Veranstaltung  per Live-Streaming auf unserer Website:

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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
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[rohrpost] ACI-Surfing with... Saskia Wilson-Brown 24.03.2021 6pm (CET) / 10 pm (PST)

2021-03-24 Diskussionsfäden Gallery Art Claims Impulse

Dear All.

We would like to invite you to our *ACI-Surfing with... Saskia 
Wilson-Brown  -  24.03.2021 6pm (CET) / 10 pm (PST).


*Link for Live-Stream* 


*Saskia Wilson-Brown

French and American by upbringing, Cuban and English by blood, Saskia 
received her BA (fine art) from UC Berkeley and her MA (fine art) from 
Central Saint Martins.

A producer and curator for visual art and film, Saskia co-directed the 
seminal Silver Lake Film Festival, ran international outreach and 
development for Al Gore’s Current TV, and has consulted on a number of 
arts, film and transmedia projects, including the P2P distribution 
platform VODO, DIY Days, TEDActive and Slamdance Film Festival. In 2012, 
her interest in unorthodox practices led her to create The Institute for 
Art and Olfaction (IAO), a non-profit arts organization devoted to 
experimentation, access, and education in perfumery. Through the IAO, 
she has launched partnerships with institutions such as Goethe Institut, 
Hammer Museum, Getty Institute, Danish Film Institute and National Media 
Museum UK (with Tammy Burnstock), Standard Hotel, Atlas Obscura, 
Huntington Library, Wallace Collection, Silent Green Kulturquartier, 
Watts Gallery, LACMA, and many more. In 2013, she launched the Art and 
Olfaction Awards, an awards mechanism for independent, artisan and 
experimental perfumers, which she has produced in Los Angeles, Berlin, 
London and Amsterdam. In addition to countless art installations and 
events, she has also produced large public-facing experimental programs 
relating to olfaction including the Biennial Scent Fair LA (with Darin 
Klein) and the annual Experimental Scent Summit (with Klara Ravat). 
Recent projects include a multi-year exploration of open source 
strategies in scent-making called Open Sourcing Smell Culture, building 
and maintaining a perfume garden servicing the Bell Homeless Shelter in 
Los Angeles in partnership with GrowGood.

In 2019 and 2020, Saskia was a visiting lecturer at the Royal College of 
Art in London, teaching about scent-making as a creative practice in the 
MA Fashion program. In March of 2020, when Covid-19 made travel and 
in-person events impossible, she spearheaded a quick launch of an online 
division of the Institute for Art and Olfaction. Through 
artandolfaction.online, the Institute for Art and Olfaction (IAO) team 
and collaborating teachers served just over 600 people from diverse 
locations around the world, within the first 30 days. This allowed the 
IAO to continue its mission to facilitate access to the tools and 
information of perfumery, while reaching an even wider audience through 
increasingly affordable, well-researched and authentic online education.

Current projects include producing a semi-monthly radio show called 
Perfume on the Radio and finishing a documentary about ownership and 
historic reconstruction in the field of perfumery while pursuing a PhD 
about the relationship between perfume, access and power.

Kind regards,

Pierre Wolter
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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
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[rohrpost] Opening Dani Ploeger, tonight 5-9pm

2021-11-20 Diskussionsfäden Gallery Art Claims Impulse

*Cordial invitation to the exhibition, opening.

A Space War Monument, Dani Ploeger

20.11.2021, 17:00 - 21:00
Location: Markgrafenstraße 86, 10969 Berlin

Dani Ploeger's A Space War Monument explores the role of the Gulf War 
(1990-91) - also known as the "First Space War" - in the technological 
imaginaries of everyday digital culture over the past three decades. In 
his first solo exhibition at Art Claims Impulse, Dani will show objects 
and prints made with desert sand, post-Gulf War GPS systems, and 
magnetic levitation technology, as well as documentation of a 
large-scale land art performance in the Kuwaiti desert realized for the 
Kuwaiti Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale to mark the 30th 
anniversary of the end of the war in 2021.

We serve Glühwein and Sand Cake.

*Note. The 2G rules of the state of Berlin apply.*

Art Claims Impulse*
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