2009-02-28 Diskussionsfäden miriam mlecek

Apologies for cross-postings -- Please forward to interested parties...

Electrofringe is now calling for proposals for the 2009 festival. We are
looking for creative expressions from artists, sound artists, performers,
media makers, digital filmmakers, researchers, cross-artform practitioners,
curators, producers, writers, experimenters, enthusiasts and anyone who
doesn't fit these boxes.

Electrofringe is a five-day festival of electronic arts and culture held from
the 1st - 5th October 2009 in Newcastle, Australia. Electrofringe is part of a
group of festivals collected together under the This Is Not Art umbrella.
Electrofringe is committed to fostering creative and innovative use and re-use
of technology and electronic artforms, while focusing on artistic development
and skills exchange.

Electrofringe seeks proposals in the following program areas:
Artist and project presentations, workshops and demonstrations, panels,
interventions, live art, performance (Electro-Performance), residencies
(Electro-Residencies), mobile works (Electro-Manoeuvre), online artworks
(Electro-Online) and single-channel video works (Electro-Projections 
Electro-Être) plus special events (something you want to propose).

All presentations, panels, workshops, demonstrations, panels, performance,
residency, intervention, live and mobile works submission proposals are due by
TUESDAY 31st MARCH 2009.

Only online artworks (Electro-Online) and single-channel video works
(Electro-Projections  Electro-Être) submission proposals are due by SUNDAY
31st MAY 2009.

See the Electrofringe website for submission details: www.electrofringe.net

Somaya Langley

Sound and Media Artist

Director : Electrofringe Festival 2008 - 2009
Guest Curator : TransitLounge 2009
Online Project Officer : Australian Music Centre
Media Correspondent : Australian Network for Art and Technology

PO Box 5113 Kingston
Canberra ACT 2604 Australia

+61 401 025 224 (Australia)
+49 1522 4656 151 (Germany)


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[rohrpost] TRANSIT LOUNGE 09

2009-01-24 Diskussionsfäden miriam mlecek


An ongoing, experimental
project the TRANSIT LOUNGE has,
since 2006, evolved through many different formats to continually explore the
potentials of interdisciplinary collaboration. 

TRANSIT LOUNGE returns to Berlin
in 2009 as a partner event of transmediale.09 DEEP NORTH, in the unique 
position, as artists from the south, to
comment on the festival’s themes. Inspired by these theme, the curators
question what has been the underlying theme of the project since its inception
– transit – asking:


What happens when movement becomes difficult? When
escape from (or to) home becomes impossible? 

The limitations on
global travel that will come about due to the change in availability of
resources, subsequent shifts in the political and social environment and rising
costs become the inspiration for a transnational residency project where
everyone stays home, an intense exploration of local contexts directed through
communication with distant collaborators. 


TRANSIT LOUNGE 09 is a series of 3 parallel
online conversations, between artists in Berlin and others from cities in
Australia, the South. Here, dialogue is not restricted to verbal communication
but includes the exchange of images, sounds and video media. With participants
drawn diverse backgrounds issues of translation and mistranslation obviously
emerge, magnified by the nature of digital communication, as the nuances of
body language are lost, and time differences undermine the utopia of instant
global communication. 

The exchange will
eventually be traced and translated via installations, presentations and
performances into the space and at the K1 Salon at the HKW.


Curators: Miriam Mlecek and Somaya Langley

Anna Tautfest. Debbie White, Lady Gaby, GraciaLouise, Jordana Maisie,
Miriam Mlecek, Muse-Me, Nick Mariette, Steve Smart
Haus der Kulturen Der Welt , John-Foster-Dulles Allee 10 10557 
BerlinPresentation: 1st of February 2009 2pm K1
Wonderbar studio, Wienerstrasse 45 Berlin-KreuzbergExhibition Opening: 28th of 
January 2009, 6pmExhibition: 29th of January-  3rd of February 3-6pm

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2008-11-30 Diskussionsfäden miriam mlecek

TRANSIT LOUNGE is pleased to announce the online project website for the 2009
edition: Moving While Standing Still


TRANSIT LOUNGE 2009 is a series of multiple overlapping online conversations,
between artists located in Berlin and artists based in Australia. Dialogue
includes textual conversation, while focusing on the exchange of audiovisual
media in its variety of forms. With participants drawn from diverse
backgrounds, issues of translation and miscommunication naturally emerge.
Magnified by the nature of digital communication, nuances of gesture and body
language are lost, while time differences undermine the utopia of instant
global communication.

TRANSITLOUNGE.09 artists address these two considerations:

* What happens when inter-continental movement becomes difficult?
* What then, when escape from (or to) home becomes impossible?

Taking the form of three conversations, concerns of isolation, dislocation and
longing are facilitated by a two-dimensional online (audiovisual) blog
environment. Begin to explore with our artists: see through their eyes and
ears, via their mediated modes of communication, miscommunication and distance…

TRANSIT LOUNGE is a partner event of transmediale.09, supported by the
Australian Embassy in Berlin.

For more information see: www.transitlounge.org

+49 - (0)151 12964404
+61 - (0)401 025 224

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[rohrpost] TRANSIT LOUNGE 2008- Partnerevent tm 08

2008-01-29 Diskussionsfäden miriam mlecek

TRANSIT LOUNGE 2008 BERLIN – MELBOURNE - SYDNEY  Im Jahr 2008 beginnt die  
TRANSIT LOUNGE an einem Ort namens TRUDE, Calvinos allgegenwärtiger Stadt des 
Tourismus. Vom 16.  Januar an ist TRUDE zwischen Berlin, Melbourne und Sydney 
zu finden wenn 13 Künstler über Kontinente hinweg kollaborativ eine komplexe, 
emergente Struktur entwickeln.
Program Gallery Invalidienstr 11510115 Berlin Vernissage: 19:00 Uhr, 
31.01.08Öffnungszeiten: 14-19:00 Uhr,01.02.08-06.02.08Performance Bianca 
Calandra 18-19 Uhr, 02.02.08
 TRANSIT LOUNGE ist ein Partnereventder transmediale.08 CONSPIRE… TRANSIT 
LOUNGE dankt dem AustraliaCouncil für die Unterstützung. Weitere Informationen 
unter www.transitlounge.org  Medien Kontakt: [EMAIL PROTECTED] für den 
transdisziplinären Austausch bildet die TRANSIT
LOUNGE Internetpräsenz, betrieben durch eine frei zugängliche
Wiki-Software. Die Website ähnelt einer organischen Struktur und
wächst,verändert und verformt sich ständig in verschiedenste
Richtungen. Unterschiedlichste Schichten der Seite sind untereinander  und
miteinander verbunden um die Interaktionen und lokalen Interventionen
zwischen den Künstlern nachzuvollziehen und zu verfolgen.Die
Latenz dieser Dialoge über Zeitzonen und Orte hinweg erzeugt eine
Rückkopplung (lokale Intervention – Web– lokale Intervention) und
öffnet Raum für Fehlübersetzungen und deren Nachwirkungen zwischen den 
verschiedenenOrten.  Die Vielzahl an Beiträgen, Austauschen und Störungen  
sich in einer Ausstellung in der PROGRAM GALERIE BERLIN am 31. Januar
2008 wieder, als Partnerevent der transmediale.08. Hier werden
Variationen vor Ort fortgesetztund multipliziert während der Prozess
durch die Anwesenheit und Einwirkung vonBesuchern erweitert wird.  TRANSIT 
LOUNGE ist ein Projekt von KATIE HEPWORTH und MIRIAM MLECEK mit folgenden 
Calandra (Berlin), Robert Curgenven (Berlin), Tanja Kimme(Melbourne),
Somaya Langley (Berlin), Silvia Marzall(Berlin), Ben Milbourne
(Melbourne), Michael Prior (Melbourne), Lynda Roberts(Melbourne), Jodi
Rose (Berlin), Sumugan Sivanesan (Sydney), Anna Tautfest(Berlin)

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[rohrpost] Transit Lounge Talk at DAZ Tuesday and Exhibition Wednesday

2007-05-21 Diskussionsfäden miriam mlecek

transitlounge: Informal Design

22. Mai 2007 19 Uhr
Deutsches Architektur Zentrum, Taut Saal, Köpenicker Straße 48/49 , 10179 

(in English)
Introduction: Katie Hepworth(AUS)
Speakers: Hugo Moline(AUS), Ben Milbourne(AUS)

Are infrastructures of informality possible? Can the informalism of the 3rd 
world mega-city be applied to the 1st world city?Ben Milbourne and Hugo 
Moline are young, up and coming Australian architects, working in a global 
context. While their approach to architecture differs significantly, dealing 
with First world desires and Third world needs respectively, they share an 
approach to urbanism which embraces the informal and the chaotic in order to 
create and maintain dynamic, vibrant and changing communities and urbanisms. 
This focus marks a dramatic shift from that traditionally associated with 
Australian architecture and urban design, as represented in the DAZ 
exhibition in September. Ben and Hugo will discuss their own work in the 
context of contemporary Australian architecture and a wider global context.


Tanja Kimme-Photography
Ben Milbourne-Architecture
Hugo Moline-Installation

Mittwoch 23.05.07 19-22Uhr

transit lounge gallery
Josetti Höfe Rungestr. 22-24 10179 Berlin-Mitte
Entry via riverside path!!!

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[rohrpost] transit lounge unguided tours exhibition THIS WEDNESDAY

2007-05-07 Diskussionsfäden miriam mlecek

!!!WEDNESDAY!!! 09.05.2007
transit lounge Josetti Höfe Rungestr. 22-24 Berlin-Mitte, Entry via 
riverside path


an exhibition in transit by

Isabel Cordeiro
Hugo Moline
Kenzee Patterson


Trained both as an architect (graduated from Architecture University of 
Lisbon, 2000) and as an artist (finished MA Fine Arts, Piet Zwart Institute 
in Rotterdam, 2006) the works Isabel produces are investigations on the 
possibility of enhancing hidden dimensions of space.

This means to acknowledge the relation between the potential embedded in 
physical space to arouse different/multiple/infinite perceptions of the same 
space, and our inbuilt mechanisms of perception and assessment of reality; 
the intricate interaction between both is, in her view, responsible for the 
emergence of those recondite territories. In other words, Isabel works with 
the principles of intuition and discourses, which act upon the body in 
actual space.

Within this framework Isabel has developed the notion of constructive 
paintings to investigate the potential of painterly representations to 
challenge architecture, by mobilizing its strength to construct and 
deconstruct space, both physical space and represented space. Painting has 
the power to alter/subvert the properties of the built environment: a wall, 
which is known to be a solid element can be liquefied by means of painting. 
Isabel works with both painting and constructive materials as media that 
allow from embodied, to fluid, to barely visible existences; from explicit 
presence to invisibility.


Hugo Moline is a recent architecture graduate who lives in Sydney. In 2003 
Hugo went to the Philippines to work with the Tabaco City Urban and Rural 
Poor Federation on two collaboratively designed community plans. In 2005 
Hugo was awarded the Ethel M Chettle Prize in Architecture from the 
University of Sydney and went to Istanbul on a Global Studio scholarship to 
participate in a conference on how designers and the urban poor can work 
together more effectively. On the way back home he worked with the Homeless 
People's Federation of the Philippines on the collaborative design of some 
prototype housing for a community of railway squatters in Manila.
In Australia Hugo has worked together with others on a number of projects 
that patch together, make good and celebrate the thrown away objects and 
unwanted spaces of Australian cities. This includes 'what happened to my 
friends' (Wedding Circle, Sydney), 'All my eye and Biddy Martin' (ChangeX 
design exhibition, Sydney), and 'warren' (NextWave container village, 


Kenzee Patterson is a 22-year-old artist from Sydney, Australia. He works in 
an interdisciplinary manner, often incorporating sculpture, photography, 
video, performance, and installation in his art practice. He has exhibited 
extensively in Sydney’s artist-run galleries, as well as regional galleries. 
He has also had work shown in various galleries and festivals in Melbourne, 
Japan, Iceland, and Paris.
Currently in his first year of a Master of Visual Arts at Sydney College of 
the Arts, The University of Sydney, in the first half of 2006, Kenzee also 
undertook an International Exchange at L’École nationale supérieure des 
beaux-arts, in Paris.

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[rohrpost] Transit Lounge Talk at DAZ

2007-04-20 Diskussionsfäden miriam mlecek

24.04.2007 DAZ Berlin Köpenicker Straße 48/49 Aufgang A, 10179 Berlin-Mitte
19 Uhr in Englischer Sprache

Title: 'Adaptive Reuse' and Transit in Australian Art + Architecture

Introduction:Katie Hepworth(AUS)

Speakers:Miriam Mlecek(DE/AUS) , Isabelle Toland(AUS) and 
Jasper Knight(AUS)

The Transit Lounge is an artist-in-residence program for Australian + 
Berlin-based artists and architects, which aims to blur the boundaries 
between the disciplines through a focus on short, process-focused, 
interdisciplinary collaborations. The program challenges artists to rethink 
their approach to art-making by encouraging them to adapt, reuse, evolve and 
even destroy the work of previous artists in the space.

Isabelle Toland, Jasper Knight and Miriam Mlecek are all 
artists-in-residence at the Transit Lounge. They will discuss their own work 
in reference to the process of the Transit Lounge, and to the broader 
context of contemporary Australian art and architecture.

Titel: 'Adaptive Reuse' und Transit in Australischer Kunst + Architektur
Einführung:Katie Hepworth(AUS)
Sprecher:Miriam Mlecek(DE/AUS), Isabelle Toland(AUS) and 
Jasper Knight(AUS)

Die transit lounge ist ein artist-in-residence Programm für Australische und 
Berliner Künstler und Architekten mit dem Ziel durch intensive, kurze und 
prozesshafte  internationale Kollaborationen interdisziplinäre Grenzen 
aufzulösen. Das Projektprogramm fordert von den Teilnehmern neue 
Herangehensweisen und fördert Formen von Adaption, Recycling, Verwandlung 
und Verwertung inclusive Weiterverwendung, Umformung oder gar Zerstörung der 
im Projektkontext entstandenen Arbeiten der vorherigen Teilnehmer. Isabelle 
Toland, Jasper Knight und Miriam Mlecek sind Partizipanten der transit 
lounge. Sie werden ihre eigenen Arbeiten im Zusammenhang mit den Prozessen 
der transit lounge aber auch im weiteren Kontext moderner australischer 
Architektur und Kunst vorstellen und diskutieren.

transit lounge
Josetti Höfe
10179 Berlin-Mitte
0049 - (0)151 12964404
0049 - (0)151 59223945


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[rohrpost] transit lounge

2007-03-26 Diskussionsfäden miriam mlecek

Donnerstag 29 März . 20.00 – 22.00uhr
Transit Lounge . Josetti Höfe . Rungestraße 22 – 24 . Jannowitzbrücke
Eingang spreeseitig!

Auf das Thema Raum bezogen ist Zwischenraum der Ursprungsort neuer 
Er ist die `Nische´aus der neue Räume wachsen. Der Zwischenraum ist auch 
etwas Erstes und Drittes zugleich.

Franz Xaver Baier

Räumliche Interventionen im Aussenraum der 
Josetti-Gewerbehöfe;Transformation der Durchgänge als Raumsequenz;

Grenzfindung von Außen und Innen – Schwelle und Durchlass – Bild und Abbild.

Installation: Kathrin Zöller (D), Thomas Brüggemann (D),Detlef Junkers (D), 
Kristina Matovic (Aus)

Sound: Robert Curgenven (Aus)
Perfomance: Angelika Hofstetter (D)

Weiteres Programm:

03.04.2007 Transit Lounge im DAZ
Vortrag: Place and Memory  19Uhr
Introduction: Miriam Mlecek(DE/AUS)
Speakers: Katie Hepworth (AUS), Detlef Junkers(DE), Kathrin Zöller(DE) and 
Thomas Brüggemann(DE)
Location: Deutsches Architektur Zentrum, Köpenicker Straße 48/49 Aufgang A, 
10179 Berlin-Mitte

Challenging the accepted paradigm that defines transit places as non-places, 
Australian curator and architect Katie Hepworth will discuss nomadic 
trajectories and the temporary creation of place in marginal spaces, with 
Berlin-based Detlef Junkers and Kathrin Zöller from Junkers+Partner and 
artist Thomas Brüggemann. The conversation will focus on collective memory 
and the city, and the way in which associations are layered, imprinted and 
erased from its spaces.

12.04.2007 Transit Lounge Exhibition 19 Uhr
Jodi Rose(AUS), Isabelle Toland(AUS), Jasper Knight(AUS)
Juno Galerie Josetti Höfe Rungestr 22-24 Berlin-Mitte Eingang spreeseitig

24.04.2007 Transit Lounge im DAZ
Vortrag: Adaptive Reuse 19Uhr
Introduction: Katie Hepworth(AUS)
Speakers: Miriam Mlecek(DE/AUS), Isabelle Toland(AUS) and Jasper Knight(AUS) 
Location: Deutsches Architektur Zentrum, Köpenicker Straße 48/49 Aufgang A, 
10179 Berlin-Mitte

The Transit Lounge is an artist-in-residence program for Australian + 
Berlin-based artists and architects, which aims to blur the boundaries 
between the disciplines through a focus on short, process-focused, 
interdisciplinary collaborations. The program challenges artists to rethink 
their approach to art-making by encouraging them to adapt, reuse, evolve and 
even destroy the work of previous artists in the space. Isabelle Toland, 
Jasper Knight and Miriam Mlecek are all artists-in-residence at the Transit 
Lounge. They will discuss their own work in reference to the process of the 
Transit Lounge, and to the broader context of contemporary Australian art 
and architecture.

26.04.2007 Transit Lounge Exhibition 19 Uhr
Isabelle Toland(AUS), Jasper Knight(AUS),Isabel Cordeiro(POR), Kenzee 

Juno Galerie Josetti Höfe Rungestr 22-24 Berlin-Mitte Eingang spreeseitig

10.05.2007 Transit Lounge Exhibition 19 Uhr
Isabel Cordeiro(POR), Kenzee Patterson(AUS), Hugo Moline(AUS), Miriam 

Juno Galerie Josetti Höfe Rungestr 22-24 Berlin-Mitte Eingang spreeseitig

22.05.2007 Transit Lounge im DAZ
Vortrag:  Informal Design 19Uhr
Introduction: Katie Hepworth(AUS)
Speakers: Hugo Moline(AUS), Ben Milbourne(AUS)
Location: Deutsches Architektur Zentrum, Köpenicker Straße 48/49 Aufgang A, 
10179 Berlin-Mitte

Are infrastructures of informality possible? Can the informalism of the 3rd 
world mega-city be applied to the 1st world city?
Ben Milbourne and Hugo Moline are young, up and coming Australian 
architects, working in a global context. While their approach to 
architecture differs significantly, dealing with First world desires and 
Third world needs respectively, they share an approach to urbanism which 
embraces the informal and the chaotic in order to create and maintain 
dynamic, vibrant and changing communities and urbanisms. This focus marks a 
dramatic shift from that traditionally associated with Australian 
architecture and urban design, as represented in the DAZ exhibition in 
September. Ben and Hugo will discuss their own work in the context of 
contemporary Australian architecture and a wider global context.

24.05.2007 Transit Lounge Exhibition 19 Uhr
Hugo Moline(AUS), Miriam Mlecek(AUS/DE), Tanja Kimme (AUS/DE), Ben Milbourne 

Juno Galerie Josetti Höfe Rungestr 22-24 Berlin-Mitte Eingang spreeseitig

07.06.2007 Transit Lounge Exhibition 19 Uhr
Tanja Kimme (AUS/DE), Ben Milbourne (AUS)
Juno Galerie Josetti Höfe Rungestr 22-24 Berlin-Mitte Eingang spreeseitig

09.2007 Transit Lounge und Australian Modernism
Kooperation mit DAZ Ausstellung
Deutsches Architektur Zentrum, Köpenicker Straße 48/49 Aufgang A, 10179 

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[rohrpost] transit lounge event

2007-02-26 Diskussionsfäden miriam mlecek

19H 01.03.07 - 02.03.07

Movement reveals a layered and unfolding passage. Landscapes overlap, 
intersect and diverge. Formations emerge; clarity is exposed. With a 
destination in mind the in between is certain; the transit compulsory.

Rob Curgenven(AUS),Govinda Lange(AUS),Silvia Marzall(DE/BRA) and Kristina 
Matovic(AUS) transform the spaces of the transit lounge into an immersive 
landscape. A 5-channel soundscape leads you along the path, changing in 
response to the movement of the audience.

Vernissage: Thursday 1st of march 2007, 19 H
entry via the river side of the building from Brueckenstrasse
Open: 02.03.07  16 - 19H

for more information check www.transitlounge.org

transit lounge
Josetti Höfe Rungestr.22-24 10179 Berlin-Mitte
0049-30-(0)151 12964404

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2006-06-21 Diskussionsfäden miriam mlecek



Das TRANSIT LOUNGE Konzept bietet einen deutsch-australischen, 
interdisziplinären Kulturaustausch zum Thema „Transitgesellschaften“ in 
Berlin für (vornehmlich junge) australische und deutsche Architekt/inn/en 
und Künstler/innen aller Sparten, die ein Projekt unter bestimmten 
Rahmenbedingungen und dem Thema „Transit“ während ihres Aufenthaltes 
entwickeln. Je zwei australischen Architekt/inn/en und Künstler/innen 
residieren während ihres Projektes im Studio mit zwei Berliner 
Kooperationsteilnehmer, die sich über reale, disziplinäre und lokale Grenzen 
hinweg an einem gemeinsamen Projekt  beteiligen, oder eine je eigene Arbeit 
erstellen, über welche sich ausgetauscht wird. Hierbei sollte es sich um je 
eine/n Architekten/in und eine/n künstlerisch tätigen Partizipanten/in 
handeln. Wir planen Workshops, Vorträge, Ausstellungen und Video-screenings.

Die Transitlounge wird von Februar-Juni 2007 stattfinden, dabei werden jeden 
Monat vier neue Teilnehmer in der Lounge arbeiten. Jeder Aufenthalt dauert 
einen Monat.

Wir rufen interessierte Berliner Architekt/inn/en und Künstler/innen auf, 
sich mit Lebenslauf, Portfolio und kurzem Statement, warum die Thematik 
„Transit“ für ihre Arbeit in Frage kommt, zu bewerben. Die TRANSIT LOUNGE 
bietet Atelier, Ausstellungsräume, Unterkunft und technische 
Grundausstattung, nicht aber Anreisekosten, Taschengeld oder Honorare. Die 
Partizipanten werden in ein internationales Netzwerk eingebunden sein, eine 
rege Teilnahme an Foren, Diskussionen und Austausch mit den 
Kooperationspartnern ist erwünscht. Zudem werden im Vorfeld via Website und 
Live Journal Kommunikation und Kontakte zu den australischen Partner/inn/n 
geknüpft und erste thematische Ansätze diskutiert.
Erwartet wird die Arbeit an einem neuen Werk, die Bereitschaft Vorträge oder 
Workshops anzubieten und die Teilnahme an regelmäßigen Treffen. Am Ende des 
jeweiligen Residenzaufenthaltes der deutschen und internationalen Teilnehmer 
wird eine Ausstellung stattfinden.

Die TRANSIT LOUNGE wurde schon einmal erfolgreich von Februar bis Mai 2006 
von Katie Hepworth und Miram Mlecek durchgeführt, war offizieller 
Partnerevent der transmediale 06, kooperiert mit der 
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, dem MCA Sydney, dem electrofringe Festival 
Newcastle und der Perth University.

Weitere Informationen unter www.transitlounge.org
Kontak: Miriam Mlecek/ Katherine Hepworth [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TRANSIT LOUNGE  An evolving intervention in the heart of Berlin
Feb-April 2007

For 4 months from February 2007, a space in Berlin will be given over to the 
TRANSIT LOUNGE – a continuous installation-intervention on the topic of 
transit. The work will provide a platform for Australian and German 
architects and artists from across all disciplines, to collaborate on a 
single project and explore issues including disorientation, displacement, 
anonymity globalisation and non-places.

We are calling for expressions of interest from artists, musicians, 
architects and writers wanting to participate in the creation and 
destruction of this new-media ‘merzbau’. The residency will cover a 1-month 
period for each artist We expect participating artists to create a new work, 
take part in meetings, talks and workshops and write statements on the 
website journal to discuss themes and concepts with overseas peers.

Whilst artists will have to provide their own travel to Berlin, basic 
accommodation and a studio space will be supplied.The curators will organise 
“Open Studio Exhibitions”, talks and workshops. We are currently in the 
process of applying for funding from a variety of sources, and it is hoped 
that a small living allowance will be able to be given to participating 
artists. All possible assistance will be given to artists for funding 

For more information visit www.transitlounge.org, or please contact
Katie Hepworth  or Miriam Mlecek at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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