Latest code isn't building on FreeBSD.  I has no idea how to fix this one.  So, here's a quick guide to set up a FreeBSD VM.

I'm going to assume you already have VM softwares and know how to use it.


CPU: 1 or 2

Memory: 8GB minimum for ZFS, if you do a UFS2 install you can get away with 2GB.

Disk: 50GB is moar than sufficient, use a SATA drive

Network: Just make sure it has webternet access, depending on how you do things it should also be able to access stuffs on your local network (like your VM host).  vtnet works, so use that as the network device

UEFI firmware: enable this if your VM software supports it

CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive: use a SATA drive, this is where you'll attach the install image.

First, download the install image.  You'll want the memstick image for your hardware.  For most of you this will be FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE-amd64-mini-memstick.img.xz

Unpack the image and attach it as an optical media drive to your VM and boot.

Install should be self-explanatory.  This is not linux so there's no GUI installer.  Use auto-defaults for disk.

When creating your user account, you can do what I do and set the home folder inside /usr/home, this is where it's gonna go anyway due to a compatibility symlink.


Booting into your freshly installed system:

Log in as root.  I'm not even joking.

edit /etc/rc.conf and make sure the following lines are indeed present:


If you had to add this, save the file and then: service sshd start

Now for your first installs: pkg install doas vim git git-extras gitty gitui

edit /usr/local/etc/doas.conf and make sure it has the following:

permit :wheel

permit nopass keepenv <your username> as root

If you wanna use ZSH, do this: pkg install zsh zsh-{antigen,autosuggestions,completions,navigation-tools,syntax-highlighting} git-prompt.zsh


Use the pw command to make ZSH the default shell for you user account (only if you wanna use zsh):

pw usermod -n <your username> -s zsh

Now you can logout, and then like a psychopath log in again, this time using your normal user account.  TEST TO MAKE SURE DOAS WORKS.  Should work with the above config, but just to test: doas cat /var/log/auth.log

Configure everything else as you would normally, keeping in mind everything will be installed under /usr/local instead of wherever the fuck linux installs stuff.  FreeBSD likes to keep softwares separate from base.

Now install Citadel's deps:

doas pkg install gmake gcc auto{conf,make} binutils, gsed, {lib,intl}tool openssl curl expat lib{ical,iconv,nghttp2,ssh2} icu gettext gettext-runtime openldap24-client readline shared-mime-info pkgconf

Whew, that was a long one.  It's okay if you decided to SSH into the VM to copy-paste that one.  Congrats, you now have a development VM to play with.

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