On Sun, 17 Jul 2016 20:08:04 -0400
"D. Michael McIntyre" <rosegarden.trumpe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 07/16/2016 04:22 PM, Abrolag wrote:
> > I put a report about this on the bug list some time ago. Is there any 
> > chance of
> > this getting some love?  
> I have no idea how to help you man.  It's that simple.

I thought I'd see if I could work anything out myself, but after 3-4 hours of
looking over the code, I still didn't have any idea how all the bits link
together :(

Once again, I'm hoping to run a workshop at this year's LAC, and using
Rosegarden for demo work is *much* easier for me than any of the alternatives.
I would very much like to get through an entire session without any Xruns at
all - adds a touch of class.

Is it possible to discover who wrote the original code, and maybe gently tweak
their nose? Failing that, are there any other devs who might take a look at it?

Very many moons ago we had the same problem with Yoshimi, which turned out to
be two threads not being propperly joined when exiting, so maybe this is a
similar issue.


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